MTL - Horror Game Escape Guide-Chapter 41 Soul Bus (3) 15 minutes

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The car's passengers had heard it, and no one had heard it.

"Brother Dong, which problem do you see?" Xiong Jiabao saw Xin Meng unable to show anything, and quietly approached Dong Xiu and asked.

Dong Xiu was relaxed by his respectful tone, and he rarely explained to him patiently: "There are two most suspicious, one is the rabbit doll. It is impossible for him to take the bus by himself. It was the baby the woman was holding. Until now, she didn't cry, and we couldn't see his face. Maybe the devil was hiding in the puppet. "

His analysis almost touched Xiong Jiabao's heart, he nodded violently, at least the weird rabbit doll scared him enough.

However, the problem came again. The card said, "Find it out before you get to the next stop." So how do you figure it out? Is pointing directly at the demon? If it is so simple, what if they point to each other in the past?

Xiong Jiabao's head was rare once this time, and he immediately said, "Then we simply point to the past one by one, it doesn't matter if we point the wrong way!"

These NPCs have no thought or wisdom, and even if they are wrong, no one will jump up and slap them. Don't be too convenient!

Just say it! Xiong Jiabao rushed into the carriage, pointed his fingers at the rabbit puppet and the puppet, and shouted, "I found you! You are a demon! Devil! It is you! It is you!"

The carriage was quiet and nothing happened.

The woman holding the baby raised her head and put her forefinger to Xiong Jiabao's forefinger and put it on her lips: "Shh-don't wake my child."

Xiong Jiabao's head nodded, and the woman lowered her head again, her eyes half closed, and she gently looked at the cricket in her arms.

Rabbit doll: "Coo-coo ... coo-coo ..."

Xiong Jiabao: "..." scared and scared the baby ... QAQ

Dong Xiu supported his glasses and arms around his chest: "It seems not."

Xiong Jiabao pointed at the others in the car, and nothing happened.

"Why not?" Xiong Jiabao scratched his hair in annoyance. "Is it not a person, but something else?"

He tried to point and point to other things. Later, Li Yougen also overcome the obstacles in his heart to help, almost pointing everyone and things in the entire car over and over, the two jumped up and down, followed the sheep's crazy snake Like the illness, he still could not find the "devil" on the card.

"Bottom!" Xiong Jiabao kicked discouragedly to the first row of seats on the right, "how did his grandma find it! None of them were leaked, none of them!"

Qi Xiaokui always watched them hopping around, watching the monkey's expression, leaning against the door at this moment, laughing mockingly, "I have already told you how intelligent this game is, how can it be Just put a few non-thinking NPCs, and there are no restrictions yet that will allow you to pass the level with luck? "

By playing NPC last time, Qi Xiaokui seems to have a deeper understanding of this game than all of them, in other words, he also knows more about the terribleness of this game.

Xin Meng quickly understood her meaning, "Such a smart game cannot return to the era of 2D games. Its intelligence is not reflected in the NPC, it may be reflected in other aspects, such as only we really determine the end Which one is the devil, is it found? "

Qi Xiaokui nodded.

Everyone else looked at each other. If they told them before that they would have such a mind-reading game, they would sneer and scold each other daydreaming, but after so much now, everyone here can't say that coming.

As the crowd fell into silence, suddenly, there was a jarring scream screaming in the cabin without warning. The crowd immediately turned their heads. At that time, Li Yougen was standing in the middle of the left and right rows of seats, but his body was stiff and his skin covered. It turned into teal, and a snoring sound, like a cloud of smoke, disappeared under the eyes of everyone!

"Li Yougen!" The crowd kept backing in horror. Xiong Jiabao, who was closest to him, shouted in shock, hurriedly ran to the front of the car, but before he ran to the crowd, it was just where he disappeared. Li Yougen Suddenly appeared again!

His face was pale, and a luminescent green sign suddenly appeared on his head, flashing the flashing "4".

"You, you have been dead once?" Dong Xiu asked incredulously, staring hard at the number, but that number only appeared for a short time, but six or seven seconds, finally flashed and disappeared. ,

Li Yougen pursed his lips, speechless, sitting on the ground with a soft leg, and the middle of his crotch was wet again.

"What the **** happened?" Dong Xiu chased after him, "how did you suddenly die, what did you just see? Did you see that ghost?"

Thinking of the picture I just saw, Li Yougen was running against his blood, his sweat was soaked in his shirt, and he started screaming like crazy: "Devil, devil ... it's the devil ... it's the devil!"

He yelled, swinging his hands and feet uncontrollably, Xin Meng and Xiong Jiabao tried to calm him down, but it was useless. At last, Qi Xiaokui walked to the front and raised his hand. A "slap" slap fan came On his face!

The crisp applause echoed in the car. Xiong Jiabao couldn't help covering his cheeks and fangs. Hearing the sound would not be too weak, it must be painful ...

The pain was effective, but Li Yougen was fanned a little, and when he calmed down, he did not continue to yell, but he was still frowning, lacking spirit, and his body was still shaking.

"It's not nonsense, the card has told us long ago that you are looking for a demon. Do you know that you have water in your head now?"

Qi Xiaokui, who had always been taciturn, was very bad at cursing people, and it was an eye-opener for others. Of course, apart from Li Yougen, he was slapped, his cheeks quickly became red and swollen, and the painful mouth corners could not be closed. With the palm of your hand, you slammed the ground and shouted, "You stinky girl knows that fart! You don't know how terrible that thing is! It will kill us, we will die! It will surely die!"

"What the **** did you see?" Dong Xiu frowned.

"That's ... it's a mountain piled with corpses ..." Li Yougen's words were unfavorable, and his fingers nervously tore the hem of the shirt, tearing it into pieces, "A monster, yes! That's right! Monster! Monsters covered with tentacles like octopuses lie on the corpse hill, countless how many, still dripping red tentacles waving like devil's claws, each holding a dead person, the tip from They inserted in their mouths and out of their noses ... "

It seemed to be recalling that picture, Li Yougen couldn't help but tilted his head and retched a few times, his face paled.

Others also followed his description and imagined that it was disgusting, but it was not as scared as seeing Li Yougen. Xiong Jiabao originally covered his cheeks, and now he quickly covered his nose and his mouth, humming: "You do n’t Will he be interrupted? "

"No, no," Li Yougen gasped. "I seemed to be suddenly pulled into that space, and there was a little distance from the monster. I looked at it and stopped, and that monster ate a lot of people, head ... It should be the place where my head is turning around, and once happened to look at me. As soon as I saw his eyes, I came back. "

"So before you die, just before you are pulled into that space, is there anything special?" Xin Meng asked in the past, "such as what you saw, or what did you do?"

Li Yougen paused and shook his head. "I didn't do anything. I just wanted to walk from the back to the front, passing by the ... the rabbit ragdoll ..."

"It really is that thing!" Xiong Jiabao exclaimed, "I said that ragdoll ?! The core prop of the horror movie! Don't say it is a demon, even the demon avatar is possible!"

"But you didn't shout at it, it didn't respond." Xin Meng said, "If it is really, we have already found it from the beginning, so it should not be."

"Maybe it's our sincerity?" Xiong Jiabao whimsically said, cheerfully, "Come, you all think with me in your heart-'The devil is this rabbit ragdoll!' All thinking at the same time will surely make The demon appeared! Let me count one, two, three, one, two ... "

Dong Xiu couldn't bear it, and raised his eyebrows and cursed, "Enough! You, a cottage with simple limbs and a simple mind, kill Matt, shut me up!"

There was no progress. The crowd didn't have any clue. They could only keep asking Li Yougen's situation at the time, but Li Yougen bite and said that he didn't do anything, but he was extremely resistant to other people's proposal to let him go there and try again. His eyes flickered a little, Xin Meng always felt that he was hiding something, but he couldn't ask at all.

However, after this incident, no one dared to go to the middle of the carriage anymore.

"Pay attention to time." Suddenly, You Yi, who had been listening to them silently, opened his mouth. He looked at Xin Meng and said, "After fifteen minutes, he will arrive at the next stop. mission failed."

Xin Meng hesitated, he remembered that the card did say, "Before the next stop", this was a time limit. He noticed it at the time, but was troubled by the weird situation after arriving in the car, and forgot it Pieces.

"How do you know the specific time?"

You Yi stretched out his hand, Xin Meng and others looked along his fingertips, and just above the empty driver's seat, there was a round watch with the size of a bowl that was not eye-catching. There was no second hand and no hour hand. , There is only a black slender minute hand, which is pointing in the direction of "9".

This watch is very inconspicuous and lacks two needles. If you don't pay attention to it, it can easily be ignored or used as an ornament.

"There is still time limit!" Xiong Jiabao yelled, recognized the truth, and yelled, "Hurry up! Read me! Say ragdoll is a demon!"

Maybe his expression was too firm, or maybe everyone didn't have a better idea for a while, and even unconsciously followed Xiong Jiabao's words in his heart, and was identified by Xiong Jiabao, but it was useless. Weird ragdolls are not real demons ...

"Coo coo ... coo coo ..."

The ragdoll is transparent and bright, and the red blood pupils are constantly turning under the refraction of light, full of ridicule.

The author has something to say: Small theater:

Kill Matt and Dominate the Rivers and Lakes: Are You Really Unplugged?

I'm a party member: Get out! My mouth is fine!

Kill Matt and dominate the rivers and lakes: who asked for your mouth.

I am a party member: ...