MTL - Horror Game Escape Guide-Chapter 42 Soul Bus (5) Xin Meng's Death

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The crowd was helpless for a while, and they didn't know where to start. Without Qi Xiaokui's card, they might start from those passengers again. Anyway, they were always one of them, but they only saw the card. Know that on this bus, whether it is a person, or other objects, even if it is just a chair leg, it may be the incarnation of a devil, it may be lurking somewhere, and it may change at any time.

Even Dong Xiu was caught in confusion, squinting, and constantly glanced inside the compartment with sharp eyes.

Xin Meng, however, had some vague thoughts. Since everyone got on the bus, apart from those weird NPCs who kept repeating the same conversation, the only thing that happened was the death of Li Yougen.

In fact, Xin Meng received a lot of inspiration from the previous game, and his thinking was more open. He understood that sometimes the death of his teammates, for others, represents more than just fear, more is prompt.

You may find your entry point here.

He glanced at Li Yougen and was about to speak, and saw You Yi walk to him and whispered to him, "Look for it among the passengers."

Xin Meng hesitated. He felt that You Yi's words were very meaningful. The affirmative tone was not like guessing, but as if he really knew who the devil was.

"Do you know who the demon is?" Xin Meng thought, and just asked.

You Yi didn't answer. He glanced peacefully at the car, his eyes were not fluctuating.

"Can't you tell me?" Seeing him with such an attitude, Xin Meng was inexplicably uncomfortable. He always felt that You Yi had a kind of isolated gas field around him, which was incompatible with everyone in the team, although he didn't know why. He will look at him differently and enjoy different treatments, but Xin Meng still feels that he is still far from this man and not close enough, which makes him occasionally very anxious.

Does You Yi not trust yourself?

He couldn't help thinking, and his expression on his face became tangled. You Yi glanced at him and said quietly: "Every time you clear the level, the game will become more difficult and the player's situation will become more dangerous. I cannot guarantee Will always be assigned to you, there is always a time when you need to face yourself, and while I am here, it is your best opportunity to exercise yourself. Even when you have more games, you will start to enjoy your own puzzle solving. fun of."

Can you persist until that time? Xin Meng never thought about it, but You Yi's words made him feel a lot more comfortable. At least the other party didn't consider himself as an outsider, and he was willing to be his strongest backing and umbrella, and he said Yes, this is indeed the best opportunity for him to exercise himself. If you make a mistake and have You Yi guard him, he will still have the opportunity to make corrections.

Thinking about this, Xin Meng tried to walk to the direction where Li Yougen had just died. He stood in that position, standing slightly sideways like Li Yougen. In front of him was the back of a chair with a rabbit doll, and looked to the left. It's a rag doll. Looking to the right is a coquettish woman who always winks at him. The woman is wearing a mini skirt, her two white and long thighs overlap, and she sticks out from the side. The white flowers can shake people's eyes. Xin Meng is still small and thin-skinned, after one glance, she turned her head and stopped looking.

Raised his head, facing the window of the bus, the outside was dark, and no light could be seen. The light from the roof reflected Xin Meng's shadow on the glass, round eyes, troubled expression, all looked It's very clear.

Looking up, above the glass, there is a pink sticker. It looks like it has just been pasted. It is very new. There are two hearts on it, and a rose, looks like the old car. Does not contrast.

Heart to heart? rose?

Any thoughts flashed in his mind, he was thinking about it, and accidentally dropped his gaze at the window, but suddenly found something appeared in the bottomless darkness outside the window!

Xin Meng's eyes widened and she wanted to see more clearly. Her body unconsciously leaned forward towards the window, leaned on the back of the doll chair, leaned forward, her face was about to be affixed to glass, and her pants were not accidentally rubbed Coquettish woman's legs.

It's white, fuzzy, little by little ...

At this moment, Xin Meng suddenly felt a kind of cold bone, the body instantly lost weight, and the solid touch at the foot disappeared. He seemed to fall down from the abyss of a thousand feet, and the cold sweat suddenly soaked his forehead. , After a flash of darkness flashed in front of me, Xin Meng's heart throbbed!

Like Li Yougen said, it was pulled into another space in an instant, but what he saw was not a corpse mountain and a tentacle monster, but a worm everywhere!

The worms have long earthworm-like bodies, but all have python-like thick, brown skin covered with disgusting slime, creeping on the ground, and this is not the most terrible, the most terrible is those earthworm-like The worm has a human face!

Those faces were sloppy and twisted, with shaved hair, black-and-white eyes, eyebrows and noses, but Zhang Da ’s mouth was full of sharp teeth, and they roared silently, like hungry beasts suddenly found delicious prey. They all stared at Xin Meng and slowly crawled towards him ...

Xin Meng wanted to step back, but was terrified to find that her body was out of control!

He tried to lift his legs hard, but it seemed that he had lost all control, and no longer listened to his instructions in every part, he even couldn't breathe!

When the human face earthworm monsters swarmed around his feet, wrapped his legs with a sticky body full of creamy liquid, lifted up the human face, and almost bit him on his stare stare. At that time, the picture in front of him was dark again, and when it turned on again, he actually returned to the compartment, saw the familiar teammates, and You Yi, who had already walked around him.

Xin Meng saw him, his legs were soft, and he almost knelt to the ground, was pulled up by You Yi, wrapped in his arms, Xin Meng gave him the whole body weight, relying on the man, constantly trembling, his heart beat fast He jumped out of his chest and couldn't say a word for a long time. His lips were always pinched and his face was covered with cold sweat.

"I'll just say, only the people who have met know how terrible, people who haven't met have no right to laugh at me and we are timid."

Vaguely heard Li Yougen's murmuring grunts, Xin Meng wiped the sweat from her face, her ears hummed, and she was a little better for a long time.

"Don't be afraid, are you better?" You Yi took a quick-drying towel out of the backpack with one hand and wiped his sweat, and put the other hand on Xin Meng's waist, which was very hard and gave Xin Meng a very important support. And comfort.

"Well, I ..." Xin Meng was about to speak, but was interrupted by You Yi.

"Don't talk, drink some water."

Kettle's mouth leaned against his lips, Xin Meng drank two sips, and the cool water slid down his throat, making his heart that beats wildly more comfortable.

"No one laughed at him." The conversation over there continued, and Qi Xiaokui laughed at Li Yougen's wet crotch. "At least he wasn't scared."

"You!" Li Yougen's Qiqiao smoked, "Don't think you are a woman and I dare not hit you! I ..."

Qi Xiaokui wasn't afraid of him at all, and was still arranging Qi Liuhai slowly, "Oh? Aren't you a party member? The party member still hit someone?"

"You, you ..." Li Yougen raised his hand and punched him, and finally put it down again. "Of course the party members don't hit people, but you have to remember that party members are leaders, and you dare to speak to leaders like this next time. I'll punish you! "

"Oh? What do you punish me for?" Qi Xiaokui mocked. "Are you wet crotch?"

Li Yougen's face was flushed, but he couldn't speak, and his angry body was stunned.

Qi Xiaokui ignored him, and turned to look at the two men hugging together, his eyes narrowed.

The marriage of a man and a woman is still unreliable. Even if they once fell in love, they will eventually become disgusted and betrayed. What about the two men? In such a game that is not safe and may die at any time, what kind of ambiguous feelings will it eventually become?

The mood was complex and unspeakable. Half a moment, Qi Xiaokui laughed at himself again, thinking about so many things, at least two men would not have children, and would not ... let another innocent life have a tragic life like itself broken and broken.

"Illusion ..." Xin Meng gasped, but did not come out of You Yi's arms. For the time being, he still had to rely on him. The kind of nowhere to escape, struggle, and even lose control of his body was better than seeing a deformed monster Let him feel terrible and painful.

"What did you say?" Dong Xiu looked up at Xin Meng before the number on his head decreased, and frowned when asked.

"Those are hallucinations, I ... and what Li Yougen saw, are hallucinations," Xin Meng calmed her breath, her fingers clenched You Yi's sleeves, and said word by word, "Illusions created by demons, not by The devil itself. "

"You mean, that tentacle monster isn't a demon?" Li Yougen said incredulously.

Xin Meng shook her head. "What I saw was not the same as what you said, and besides being scared, I was not harmed in the same way as you, so I think it ’s just a demon or an illusion created by the game. Triggered at death to increase our fear. "

"Well, what a peculiar metamorphosis!" Xiong Jiabao cursed.

"But it's not no good," he looked up at You Yi, very happy. "I have found a breakthrough, and I probably know who the devil is!"

You Yi's expression seemed more condensed.

"What's wrong ..." Xin Meng's voice couldn't help lowering, how did you feel that You Yi was a little angry?

"You are too reckless." You Yi frowned. "If this game still gives only one life, you have failed."

"I'm sorry ..." Xin Meng also understood that he had some carelessness. It may be that he felt relieved by the feeling of backing from You Yi. In fact, he should definitely not go directly there, and talk a little closer first. Will directly put himself in danger, and finally repeat the death of Li Yougen.

He was very guilty. You Yi just said that he should work hard to exercise himself, but he died recklessly ...

I thought You Yi would teach him, but did not expect that You Yi finally frowned seriously and said: "A bit further away from Xiong Jiabao."

Xin Meng: "Oh!"

Xiong Jiabao: "..."

Xin Meng covered her mouth and laughed. Is this saying that his recklessness was transmitted by Xiong Jiabao?

Xiong Jiabao: "... Would you like to take care of yourself? QAQ"

"I said, a few of you," Dong Xiu said with a black face, pointing at the watch: "There are only five minutes left, do you still have a joke ?!"

Several people looked up, and the black pointer had already pointed to 11!