MTL - Horror Game Escape Guide-Chapter 43 Soul Bus (6) Devil is ...

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"Don't you know who the devil is? Hurry up!" Dong Xiu was sweating more than Xin Meng, and time passed by little by little. Even if they were lucky to be able to leave five lives, when the time came, they Still considered a failure, and the remaining time is only five minutes!

five minutes!

"Don't worry, I have to make sure of one thing," Xin Meng took two steps forward, came to Li Yougen, and whispered something in his ear. The others saw that Li Yougen's face changed and became red. , Very embarrassed, but didn't speak, but Xin Meng's eyes stared at him so straightly, "If you don't tell the truth, we will all die soon."

Li Yougen moved his lower lip, and finally nodded reluctantly, and then murmured angrily: "What does this have to do with solving mysteries! I just do n’t just look at it, I even care about this? I do n’t want to find a demon, just think To dig for privacy, you are not disgusting! "

"What the **** is it? Can't ask loudly, but still sneakily?" Dong Xiu asked unpleasantly, "Don't let me remind you again, time is not enough!"

"It's okay, I've basically determined the answer. Five minutes is enough for me to finish it." Xin Meng said, "There is a passenger here who is different from everyone else, but we ignored it, which led to the death of Li Yougen and me. . "

"Brother Xin, at this time you don't have to COS Conan, and if you have any reasoning at the critical moment, just tell us the correct answer!" Xiong Jiabao was so anxious that he couldn't wait to say his name immediately.

"I want to, too," Xin Meng said helplessly, "but I don't know the reason, you can't completely believe in your heart, it's the same as Xiong Jiabao's fingerlessness, and it has no effect at all."

"Then you say quickly, what is wrong?" Dong Xiu asked.

"It's clothes," Xin Meng said. "Her clothes are different from others."


Everyone looked at these passengers. Everyone's clothes are different. Women's skirts are the main thing, and men's pants are long trousers. Is there any problem?

"It's not obvious in this way, because we are all limited by our inertia. We always think that this is just a game. NPCs are only important for dialogue. It doesn't matter what they are dressed in, so they ignore a lot of obvious details. In fact The game gave us a lot of tips. The most important thing is time, or season. First, from the conversation, the conversation between the couple in the back tells us that the girl wants the boy to buy her chocolate and says' today 'No weight loss, so on what day is the girl going to eat chocolate from her boyfriend, and' this day 'does not need to consider weight loss? Besides that middle-aged man, he has been mumbling about buying flowers, so One day, you will be scolded without buying flowers for your wife? "Xin Meng analyzed one by one.

"Valentine's Day!" The first answer this time turned out to be Li Yougen!

Among the people present, apart from the married Li Yougen, other groups of single dogs were obviously not very sensitive to this festival.

"Yes, it's Valentine's Day!" Xin Meng pointed to the pink sticker on the car window. "That sticker is particularly new, indicating that it was just pasted today. With double hearts and red roses, it is telling us that today is Valentine's Day! Valentine's Day is February 14th, and it's cold time before and after, and I even saw snow from the window just now! "

Yes, they ignored the scene outside the car, and if you noticed the snow in the dark distance early, you might be able to guess it earlier.

"Even if you aren't afraid of the cold, you can never go out in only one skirt!" Xin Mengjingliang stared at the enchanting woman. She did not throw a kiss at them at this moment, but lowered her head. , Half of the face is trapped in the shadows, can not see the expression.

"Others are long-sleeved trousers, and even wearing cotton clothes. How could a normal person go out wearing a summer dress?" Xin Meng looked firm and said word by word, "When Li Yougen passed by her just now, Keep an eye on her and peek into her thigh. She will be dead if she stays with her for too long, and I was just because I was too close to her when I lay next to the window! "

"So, the devil is," Xin Meng pointed, facing the woman, "she!"

Others looked at the silent woman and took a step backwards. The lights on their heads flickered like a bad contact, and the light inside the car turned on and off. When they turned on again, everyone found that except for that Everyone except the woman who still sat down with her head suddenly disappeared without a trace, as if she had never appeared before!

"What, what happened?" Xiong Jiabao was frightened. He grabbed the sleeve of Xin Meng next to him, hid behind him, and was taken out by You Yi, thrown aside, he yelled, Even more scared, "No, didn't you find out! Why haven't you cleared it!"

"Oops!" Dong Xiu shouted. Between the electric light and the flint, he suddenly figured out the hidden trap in the prompt. "The card only said that let's find out, but what will happen when we find out, nothing written!"

"Sit down! Papa! Do you want to kill this demon before you can pass it?" Xiong Jiabao wanted to cry without tears, and stepped back, Li Yougen screamed back to the cab, Dong After seeing it, he also got into the copilot.

Xin Meng, You Yi, and Qi Xiaokui stood in front of the car, facing the blackened demon, and the woman slowly raised her head and exposed her face.

Xin Meng had been prepared for a long time, thinking that she would see a **** ghost, and maybe have terrible eyes, cracked mouth corners, and long tongues, but ... nothing.

That's right, there is really nothing.

Thick eyelashes, eyes with beautiful eyes, **** lips, and eyebrows and noses all disappeared.

The face of the small melon seeds is like the bottom plate of the facial features puzzle, and there is only a bare bevel.

Faceless ghost!

It looks more terrifying than Rip!

Just a dazzling god, the female ghost suddenly disappeared from Xin Meng's sight. Before he could look around, he felt a huge force pulling his arm toward the window, and Xin Meng's hair was whistling. The wind came, and the windows did not know when it was opened!

He glanced out of the window. The dark space was lit up, and it revealed the numerous and tightly meshed metal gears. The golden gears meshed tightly, imperviously, or turned quickly or slowly. Kakaka's writhing sound, like huge meat grinders, will be twisted into meat sauce if it is thrown outside!

Xin Meng was frightened, and resisted madly backward, but shook the tree, he could not resist at all. His physical strength was his weakness, and the other side was very powerful. Seeing that he was about to be pulled out of the window, he had no time to think Shouted: "Yu Yi!"

In fact, it was a little faster than his shouting. He already had a pair of arms around his waist and pulled him back. Xin Meng knew that this was You Yi to save him as soon as he shouted, but backed by strength, but The female ghost and You Yi have too much strength. The gripped arm is about to tear in this tug-of-war behavior. He can't help but want to scream, but is afraid to affect You Yi, he just bites. The teeth were patient, and the gums bit out of blood.

However, You Yi soon realized his situation, because the skin on his arm had been torn, and he started to bleed madly. If he did not let go, his arm would be broken!

You Yi hesitated for less than a second and decisively released him.

Xin Meng screamed, and her body was about to be pulled out of the car window by the force of the front, but she felt a flash of Yuguang Heiying. You Yi stepped over him to the window first, holding a blood-stained saber in her hand, fiercely. Female ghost rowing forward!

The female ghost flickered and disappeared into the air. The strength holding Xin Meng also disappeared. Xin Meng fell to the ground, holding her arm and bent into a shrimp. You Yi ran over in three or two steps and saw him rise. No, in order not to affect the action and not be able to hold him, he simply stood beside him, holding the sharp saber in his hands, and looked around alertly.

Qi Xiaokui originally stood with them, then came to Xin Meng with great wink, took out a handkerchief to stop the bleeding, You Yi glanced at her, and did not drive him out, Qi Xiaokui successfully exchanged for You Yi's extra protection.

The three people on the other side are not so good. Li Yougen was torn directly out of the open driver's seat window and hit the gear set. The blood splashes instantly and the stump fell off. After a while, he was resurrected in the driver's seat, while Dong Xiu on the other side almost completely copied him. The encounter happened only a little later than him, the two were shocked, their pupils were dilated and panting, Xiong Jiabao saw the situation and hurried to run, but it was too late, and people flew out of the window!

In this way, let alone five lives, even fifty or five hundred lives is not enough for this amazing and powerful female ghost to play!

Until now, they can only see a shadow she passed by, and the person is no longer there. The feeling of hitting the meat grinder on the face makes several people stunned. Even if they return to the seat, they still can't help but continue to tear their hearts. Scream of the lungs!

This world-like **** is still going on. In just a few dozen seconds, three people have been alive twice! The number on Li Yougen's head even became "2"!

Xin Meng got up from the ground with the help of Qi Xiaokui, looked at the watch, and was surprised to find that the pointer was about to reach the position of "12"!

"Hold on again! You will be here soon!" Shouted Xin Meng to the three, and Dong Gongqi was dragged by the female ghost. When he heard this, he actually caught the window frame with his backhand, which was not human. Contrast, the face quickly became red and congested, the blue veins on his forehead exploded, and the eyes were bulging! For one more life, in order to survive, he must not let go!

Unlike Xin Meng and You Yi, all four of them have died twice. That is to say, if they die again, they will be "erased" by the game. He cannot just give up, and he wants to return to reality. , Back to his meeting room, back to his five-star hotel!

"Ah, ah!" Dong Xiu shouted wildly, covering the two weak sounds of "click" and "click". In the terrible tug of war, Dong Xiu's arms were torn apart, blood was like splashing ink. He splattered out the window, and the man fell into the car. However, he paid such a heavy price, but the female ghost kept on, and returned very quickly, pulling Dong Xiu's legs and continuing to pull.

Dong Xiu's eyes widened, his eyes burst suddenly, and he watched in horror again towards the edge of death ...

At this moment, a cold electronic female voice suddenly sounded inside the car, echoing throughout the car: "The next stop has arrived, please prepare the passengers to get off. The next stop has arrived, please prepare the passengers to get off . "

Without any feelings and ups and downs, it sounded like sounds of nature in everyone's ears. The speed of the car dropped significantly. Just as Dong Xiu's upper body was about to be pulled out of the window, the bus finally stopped completely and the surrounding scenery changed again All the gears disappeared, and the same platform appeared.

The female ghost also dissipated in the air like a plume of smoke, Dong Xiu lost his balance, and without arms to grasp the surrounding fixed body, he fell out of the car window, hit the platform, blood stained the ground, and he fainted in pain. , But finally saved an extra life.