MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 898 Medical Foundation (Part 1)

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"How did they do that?"

This is the first thought that came to almost everyone's mind after seeing the water ghost being killed quickly.

And such thoughts do not only appear in ordinary soldiers.

Even at the rear of the position, in the temporary station of the Thunder Legion, Ma Tai, one of the commanders of this A5 line of defense, was stunned at this time.

"How did the assault teams you sent out do it?" Ma Tai looked at the screen in front of him. The red light spots representing the water ghosts were disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. He looked aside. Lin Xinghai's face was incredulous.

"The members of these 10 assault teams are all the people with the best marksmanship in my Thunder Corps." Lin Xinghai replied.

"And then?" Matt continued to ask.

Water ghosts can't be killed with good marksmanship. They need to hit the core of their bodies, but the core is transparent and cannot be identified with the naked eye.

"You know, the core of these water ghosts, although they can't be observed with the naked eye, can also be captured with perception."

This was something he discovered shortly after his arrival. After all, with his current perception, he could detect places as far as 5 kilometers away, and naturally he also detected some water ghosts in the coastal area.

Ma Tai was a little confused, but he didn't say a word, waiting for the other party to speak.

"That's why I organized these 10 assault teams. By the way, I forgot to mention one more thing. When I was at Donghai Academy, I created a secret technique of perception, called exploration."

"The function of this secret technique is to release specific fluctuations in perception to achieve the purpose of accurate exploration. In other words, even if a genetic optimizer learns the exploration technique, within his perception range, he can The powerhouses in the realm of gods and demons are average, and they can accurately detect objects." Lin Xinghai explained.

Members of the Xinghai Squad can learn exploration techniques for free, and naturally all of them will.

In addition, some high-level leaders of the two mercenary groups were also taught exploration techniques by him, and Lin Xinghai authorized them to teach exploration techniques to other core members.

Therefore, the Xinghai Squad and the two major mercenary groups finally pulled out 100 people to form these 10 assault squads, which were specially used to deal with these water ghosts.

From the results, the effect of this arrangement is also surprisingly good.

After listening to the story, Ma Tai didn't know what to say for a while.

He really can only sigh with emotion, he really deserves to be a genius.

After all, it is the secret method of perception, how many people can create it if you look at the magic realm, and even if you can, it will take a long time.

Of course, with emotion, Ma Tai quickly grasped another core question: "Brother Lin, what conditions do you need to learn this exploration technique?"

As a strong man in the realm of gods and demons, how could he not understand the benefits of perception and accurate detection? Before reaching the realm of gods and demons, whether it is fighting, using spears, or other things, this is a very important skill. good aids.

And since Lin Xinghai has taught this secret method to so many people, it is obvious that he will not be the one who cherishes the broom.

"It's very simple, just spend merit points to study at our Donghai Academy. I have authorized the school to help sell this exercise, and the price is not expensive. You can learn it with 10,000 merit points." Lin Xinghai said.

Ma Tai nodded, he had already started to think.

With 10,000 merit points, as long as they perform their tasks normally, they can earn at least five or six million merit points in a month.

He is already considering whether to take out 1 million merit points, buy 100 exploration techniques, and train a powerful special-level team for his personal guards.

After all, perception is very important for the improvement of marksmanship. It can assist in aiming. After 100 veterans learn, I am afraid that 100 sharpshooters will be directly added.

Of course, these are all things to say later. Looking at the water ghost who was quickly eliminated, he said, "Then it is estimated that those mutant zombies can't help but take action. How are you going to deal with it?"

When he asked this, he had some expectations in his heart, because he also wanted to see how Lin Xinghai created that legend.

After driving the legendary mecha, can Lin Xinghai really kill mutant zombies like slaughtering dogs?

"Unless the mutant zombies of the fourth level appear, let them deal with it." Lin Xinghai said directly.

Ma Tai looked at Lin Xinghai with undisguised surprise on his face.

The mutant zombies of the first and second levels are fine, but the mutant zombies of the third level can only be dealt with by the body shaper.

Therefore, in the face of such a situation, it is difficult for ordinary soldiers to cope, even with the assistance of mechas.

After all, ordinary mechas can only fight first- and second-level mutant zombies, and third-level mutant zombies can directly target rare-level mechas.

When they were defending this line of defense before, if there were three-level mutant zombies, it would be fine if there were only two or three, but once the number exceeded five, they, the gods and demons, had to take action and deal with it in person.

Now he looked at Lin Xinghai, wondering where the other party's confidence came from.

But he didn't ask more, and then he would know the actual situation.

However, the mutant zombies did not immediately launch an attack. When this batch of abyss creatures were wiped out, the frequency of even the fish zombies attacking dropped significantly.

But this situation, instead of letting people relax, makes people more vigilant.

It's like the calm before the storm.

Of course, no matter how vigilant it is, there is definitely a lot of rest that should be given.

And taking advantage of this empty window period, those logistics personnel, who are also fighting on the front line, quickly replenished various resources.

Whether it is food or ammunition, these are all pulled to the position by the whole vehicle.

In addition, many positions have been supplemented by personnel, such as position 113, where a 10-person combat team was added, bringing the number to 25.

In addition, a large amount of ammunition was added They also took this opportunity to repair the position, and soon the defensive power of this position was almost restored to the best state.

Of course, compared to the idle time on the front line, the back of the base camp was much busier.

Resource scheduling is one aspect, and more importantly, taking advantage of this opportunity, many wounded were withdrawn from the front line, which led to a sudden increase in medical pressure.

If it weren't for the Thunder Legion, willing to take over a large number of seriously wounded people, I'm afraid the medical system in the A5 defense zone would collapse.

But with the assistance of the Thunder Legion, the situation is completely different.

As we all know, dealing with a seriously wounded person can be as troublesome as 10 lightly wounded people.

After all, the seriously injured need immediate surgical treatment, while the lightly injured only need to be sterile and bandaged.

In this case, the effect of the 300 medical cabins carried by the Thunder Legion came into play.