MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 899 Medical background (below)

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Little Fatty adheres to the principle of not bad money, and the medical cabins purchased are the most advanced.

Such a medical cabin has no disadvantages except that it is expensive, and even the AI ​​system inside can control the robotic arm alone to complete most of the operations.

For some difficult operations, although the AI ​​system in the medical cabin cannot perform it autonomously, they can assist the chief surgeon.

Moreover, among the logistics personnel brought by Little Fatty this time, there are quite a lot of doctors, there are nearly 50 people, plus the medical team formed by Liu Miaomiao, the number of doctors has reached 100.

Although there are only half of the doctors who are qualified to be the chief surgeons, they can take care of those who are dying.

The rest of the doctors have the assistance of the medical cabin and can also complete most of the operations.

Even many patients are pulled over and the surgery is performed directly by the AI ​​system.

Of course, in this process, Liu Miaomiao's ability played a crucial role.

Generally speaking, if an emergency operation is required, it must be an injury to the internal organs.

As long as those doctors complete the operation, Liu Miaomiao can make the other party's wounds recover within a few minutes.

At this time, Liu Miaomiao's cultivation had reached the peak of the quenching body, and her abilities were much stronger than when she was in Changshi City.

And this time, she treated ordinary soldiers, and the power consumption was not much. In addition, she was only responsible for treating wounds in the internal organs, and the consumption was even less.

You can easily take care of a whole medical camp.

Under these circumstances, something unbelievable happened to Matt.

The seriously wounded and dying soldiers were carried into the medical camp and came out within 20 minutes, and they came out on foot.

Although these soldiers are still wounded, they already have a certain fighting ability, and they can even be sent to the battlefield again if necessary.

"This... how is this done?" Ma Tai's eyes were straight.

"My girlfriend has the ability to control life, which can help them recover quickly. You can understand that they have a zombie-like recovery ability for a short time." Lin Xinghai said with a smile.

"I really envy you! It's just that your Thunder Legion is powerful, and even the medical ability is so perverted." Ma Tai felt that his saliva was about to flow out.

Whether a combat division has sustained combat capability, logistical support, especially medical care, is extremely important.

A good logistics and medical team can even extend the continuous combat capability of a combat division by two or three times, or even three or four times.

Lin Xinghai smiled and didn't answer. In fact, this is not the limit. If a soldier of the Thunder Legion is injured, in addition to the above treatment, he can also enjoy the highest level of repair fluid.

The soldiers who come out at that time will not only recover from the internal injuries, but even the external injuries will be better than half, at least to the extent that they will not affect the battle.

With the help of the Thunder Corps, none of the seriously wounded people pulled from the front line died of serious injuries.

After being treated, the seriously wounded can walk down the ground immediately. As for those with less serious injuries, they can really be sent back to the battlefield after the treatment is completed.

Ma Tai did a little calculation, and at this rate, in 6 hours at most, they could have at least 5,000 more people here who could fight.

This is directly the power of half a division!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little excited.

But thinking that after the Thunder Legion left, these medical forces would also leave, and he felt inexplicably distressed.

The corpse tide was quiet for a long time, and after an hour, there was no movement.

Of course, the corpse tide has accumulated power for an hour, and it is naturally more terrifying when it erupts at this time.

If the scale of the last corpse wave reached about 100,000, this time it doubled directly to 200,000.

You must know that these fish zombies are huge, and they seem to be worth 40,000 to 500,000 human zombies.

And this time, the fish zombies are not only large in quantity, but also of high quality. There are quite a lot of troublesome zombies such as turtle zombies, crocodile zombies, frog zombies and so on.

In addition, there are some varieties that have not appeared before.

Cancer zombies like armored tanks.

The body is twenty or thirty meters long, and the scales of the body reflect the glossy sea snake zombie.

At this time, Ma Tai looked at the swarming fish zombies through the big screen with a solemn expression.

"The Cancer Zombie and the Sea Snake Zombie have never appeared before. When they are brought into play at this time, they are really going to be real!" Ma Tai said, the corners of his eyes and light secretly aimed at Lin Xinghai.

Then he found out that Lin Xinghai's expression was very strange, there were amazement, emotion, and some relief.

Ma Tai thought that Lin Xinghai would answer, but Lin Xinghai just watched silently.

He finally couldn't help but ask, "Brother Lin, what do you think?"

"I suddenly feel that a catastrophe is not necessarily a bad thing." Lin Xinghai said.

Matt: ? ? ?

Lin Xinghai pointed to the screen, "If it weren't for a catastrophe that killed most of the wild species, how terrifying the scene will be when we come out of the sanctuary after they become zombies?"

"It's a pity that the ocean protects these fish zombies. The skyscrapers and various buildings in our cities have also become the best shelter for human zombies."

"Otherwise, after these zombies are dead, we will directly come out and rebuild our homeland, how easy it will be."

Hearing this, Ma Tai first nodded, then shook his head again, "You are not entirely right, although the catastrophe has wiped out those birds and beasts on land, it has saved us a lot of trouble, But they also limited us for 10 years."

"If there is no catastrophe, we came out of the shelter 10 years ago, and we can develop 10 more years. It's hard to say what the situation is now."

Lin Xinghai didn't feel it made sense after hearing it. This is a very interesting topic. Lin Xinghai originally wanted to continue discussing it with Ma Tai.

But Ma Tai only said a few words, and immediately brought the topic back to how to deal with this corpse tide.

Because with the appearance of these fish those abyss creatures are also close behind.

And in the rear of the corpse tide, mutant zombies also appeared one after another from the sea, approaching the defense line in an orderly manner.

"Brother Lin, do you need to make any arrangements here? I will fully cooperate here." Just when Lin Xinghai changed the subject, Ma Tai could only ask again.

Although Lin Xinghai said from the beginning that there were no level 4 mutant zombies, he did not intend to take action, but if Lin Xinghai did not take action, the Thunder Legion must make certain arrangements!

"The arrangements that should be made were arranged before they set off. Don't worry, they can handle it." Lin Xinghai said with little concern.

Ma Tai opened his mouth, he wanted to remind Lin Xinghai not to be careless, but thinking of the Thunder Legion, the ability to treat the corpse tide like chopping melons and vegetables, he didn't know what to say for a while.

And he also knew that what was shown before was not all the combat power of the Thunder Legion, but the other party had a mecha group that was not dispatched.