MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 404 Wangui Small World

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

4.04 million to Small World

Of course, because of this fairy talisman, not only the immortals need to take action, but also the immortals of the Four Heavens World.

It's not that you can't make talismans, so don't even think about fairy talismans.

The talisman needed to add a small knife is more special, and it is even more rare.

Therefore, this talisman was not only given face by the immortal, but also because the head of the sect had put a lot of effort into it.

Arrived only recently.

It is said to be a fairy talisman, but it is actually just like a jade pendant. It is a one-time crush, and it can take effect even when worn.

The effect fully meets the requirements of the knife, because there will be a system prompt after taking it for inspection.

Well, this is a fairy talisman that hides the aura.

As for the entrance of the small world link here, the strong players of the Five Elements Sword Sect did not stop these behaviors of the players, but instead researched and tested various means, trying to crack it and enter that small world.

They even quietly captured many natives and even players from Wangui Small World.

However, neither the enemy nor the enemy found out.

Except for Xiaodao, the master of the world.

He didn't intend to stop it, nor did he have the ability.

Under the dragon skin invisibility talisman on his body, the knife easily passed through the space channel without being discovered.

Came to the small world of Wangui.

The world is gloomy and the sun is gray.

In the shadows behind the trees and the stones, there is always something writhing.

It is a ghost unique to this world.

When the knife came over, it confirmed the upper limit of 400 levels in the three realms of the world, the world's characteristics, and Yin transformation.

The small world of the three realms is not a big problem.

Get it as soon as possible.

The invisible knife did not stop, planning to leave the transmission exit.

Suddenly, his feet stopped, and at some time, the black shadow had already wrapped around his feet and spread.

Wisps of black mist surged around, turning into several figures, and the leading man looked at Xiaodao.

"Hehe! Welcome, guest of Shuilanxing Small World.

I can't see it, a small second-level small world, the effect of invisibility can't even be seen by me.

"You, how did you find out?" Xiaodao said with an expression of disbelief.

"Haha, we are a small world in the four realms. How can you understand the means of the small world in the two realms? Now I will give you a chance."

"Surrender! Send all the information about the small world of the water blue star. If you successfully occupy that world, you will have the opportunity to live forever in this small world."

Xiaodao immediately heard the system prompt, and said with an expression of disbelief: "You, you are the master of the world."

"Not bad! Haha!"

The other party laughed.

How could he, the lord of the world, be careless about the passage linking to another world, while trying his best to capture that world, while guarding here, he did not underestimate the small world with only two realms.

For any enemy, he will not be careless.

What's more, it's still a small world.

Having mastered a lot of information about that world, and occupying the teleportation exit, the door to victory has been opened.

After the preparations here are complete, it will be a large-scale invasion.

"Impossible!" Xiaodao said without hesitation, with an expression of resignation to death.

He used the body of an aborigine in this world, was still invisible, restrained his breath, and was still caught, but Xiaodao didn't know what the other party was doing.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

But being discovered is also a helpless thing.

The only good thing is.

Under this fairy talisman, even the world master of this small world has not discovered his identity. This is the only good news.

However, it was obvious that the Lord of the World was interested in the knife, and he smiled and said: "Being discovered and not committing suicide proves that your heart is moved. Let me tell you what I can do for you. It will do nothing to you." loss."

Xiao Dao froze for a moment, although his body softened, he fell directly to the ground.

Dead, yes, dead.

It wasn't the knife that died, because he was just a spiritual bone, and it was the native who died.

"Damn it!" The World Master of Wangui Small World was stunned.

Is it because this person is born dull? Because I reminded myself, I thought of committing suicide?

Then waved.

The men took the body down.

Then his figure disappeared.

The number of players in the hostile world has been wiped out, but no one is willing to surrender.

So I didn't pay much attention to this episode.

Of course, the corpses would not be wasted, and were sent directly to the yin veins.

The ditches were dug, and the corpses were buried in the ground, nourished by the yin veins, and the corpses would become yin corpses.

Ready to use.

And the longer it is buried, the stronger it will be.

Being invulnerable all over the body is just waiting.

One of the best Dao soldiers.

This belongs to the background of Wangui Small World, and has not been dispatched to another world at present. It is intended to be used as a trump card in the decisive battle later.

As the world master of Wangui Small World, guarding the entrance to another world, it can be seen that he is more vigilant about these things.

It is recommended that chasing books is really easy to use, download it here.. everyone can try it soon. 】

With him in command, none of the enemies from another world survived.

But he still ignored a suicide corpse.

If he observes carefully through the authority of the master of the world, he can also find it carefully, which is a pity.

He didn't.

After all, there were not a few enemy players who came in, such as natives and Taoist soldiers, and batch after batch were found to have committed suicide.

Who cares about a suicide corpse?

The knife was buried.

He can also sense the corpses around him.

The corpses that can enjoy being buried here are relatively complete.

Yin Qi from the surrounding earth veins seeped into the corpse, nourishing and transforming the corpse.

The means are much worse than those of the Four Heavens Great World Motian.

This is nourishing with yin qi.

However, this yin energy is relatively moist and full of vitality. It can naturally nourish the corpse, and the effect is against the heavens. Even Motian's corpse breeding ground is also in this regard, which is a bit worse. ,

There is no doubt that this should be the effect of the characteristics of this world.

Xiaodao was not surprised, he was a little excited because he could clearly feel that this yin vein must be generated from the pole of the world's earth veins.

If I didn't guess wrong, this place is very close to the pole of the leylines.

As long as he occupies a few points of the ground veins, he will have a foundation.

But don't rush.

Xiaodao lay peacefully in the soil, enjoying the nourishment of Yin Qi.

The body stiffened a little bit, and the Yin Qi condensed in the body.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

There are collected methods about refining corpses in my mind.

Personal space, running at high speed in the mode of heaven.

The fingers of the knives that were all over the ground moved slightly, and quickly pushed and pressed to form a small space.

Immediately, bone meal and blood appeared.

Just nourishing with this active yin qi, the method of spawning zombie holes is too low, brother will give you some food.

After the material that the knife took out from the personal space.

The active Yin Qi was immediately attracted, and immediately penetrated into it.

Then the original material disappeared.

Soon a special talisman was created in the personal space.

The quality is not high but the utility is not weak.

It appeared in the hand again, and with a shake, it turned into fly ash.

A trace of black air emerged from it, ignoring the surrounding soil.

As if attracted, he passed through the soil and entered the bodies of the surrounding corpses.

This thing is one of Motian's cultivation of zombie soldiers.

The value is not very high, because zombie cultivation is not easy.

Not to mention the special environment, but also need too bad time.

The price/performance ratio is relatively low.

Therefore, in Motian, there are very few devil cubs who rely on zombies to wreak havoc.

But here, this active yin energy can quickly nourish the corpse and form a zombie.

Zombies can be formed without the cultivation of other magical techniques.

If Motian's disciples knew about it, they would definitely go crazy. Even those who didn't like raising corpses would change their hobbies because of it.

Dao soldiers naturally want to recognize the master.

This corpse raising talisman contains the blood and breath of recognizing the Lord.

But it is not a knife, but a magic weapon.

Belongs to one of the trophies.

The quality is average, and the age is far away, and the preservation is not very good.

For various purposes, the pocket knife is properly disposed of and kept as a collection.

There are two commonly used methods to control zombies. One is to use one's own breath, blood essence, runes, handprints, etc. to plant means on zombies to control zombies.

The other is to refine special magic weapons to control zombies.

The advantage of this is that magic weapon control can be passed down from generation to generation.

Originally, there was only one space in this magic weapon, and there were many zombies.

It's a pity that the knife is not broken, but the zombies inside have long been consumed.

I don't like this thing with a knife, but now.

The yin qi with traces of black material penetrated into the bodies of the surrounding corpses as if instinctively.

Frantically absorbing the active Yin Qi inside.

This itself is a slow process, but because of the unique activity of Yin Qi, the characteristics of this world.

This process has been accelerated countless times.

Soon, the Yin Qi condensed in the corpse seeped out of the corpse as if alive, and black lines appeared on the surface of the corpse.

Accelerating the evolution of zombies, and deepening the magic weapon's control over zombie holes.

The knife was still lying there, and this body also evolved into a zombie in a short period of time.

It takes at least ten years for a dead body to be buried in the shade to form a low-level zombie.

Even with Motian's various means of raising corpses, they can only be cultivated into century-old zombies, that is, level 100. They can only bully mortals a little bit, and they can fight against qi-training period, relying on their rough skin and thick flesh or numerical advantages.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Can only be regarded as the lowest level of cannon fodder.

And now, how long?

Relying on active Yin Qi and using a small knife, his suicidal body has become a hundred-year-old zombie?

And that's just the beginning.

Facing the pole of the earth's veins not far away, Xiaodao wanted to do something, test and even occupy it.

But the achievements in a short period of time made him interested in this characteristic of this small world.

With a good start, a precious foundation is laid, which is comparable to the bronze corpse of the second level of foundation building, the iron corpse of the third level of Zifu level, the silver corpse of the fourth level of Jindan, and the golden corpse of the fifth level of Nascent Soul. The corpse seemed not far away.

In particular, this kind of active yin energy greatly increases the success rate, and can shorten the time, which can be called the best world of corpse refining.

Even so, this small world is not the world of refining corpses, but the small world of Wangui, which makes Xiaodao quite curious.

A small space had been dug out where one of his hands was buried in the ground.

With a wave of his hand, a slap-sized, quaint bell appeared.

This is naturally the magic weapon for controlling the corpse.

In the four-day world, the battle in Wu Fengyu not only took away the fairy city, but also harvested no less than ten magic weapons, and naturally countless magic weapons.

They are stored in different categories, or sold on the Internet.

Naturally, it has been analyzed and the data is stored. For example, this corpse control bell has already been analyzed, and the knife can be refined at any time if needed.

Relying on the source of consumption, coupled with the blessing of personal space and heaven, it can be produced quickly, and it does not require a long period of warming to transform quantitatively into qualitatively.

Regardless of the simplicity of the words, Xiaodao paid a lot just to crack the quick manufacturing magic weapon.

This is because the Five Elements Yujianzong itself has a similar technique.

Even the method is simpler.

Of course, that requires the pole of the earth veins and the strength of transforming gods.

For reference, it is not bad that a small knife can do it.

Far away.

Now the knife was buried in the ground, holding the bell in his hand, and when he shook it, it made a bell sound that ordinary people could not hear.

A large number of black lines appeared on the bodies of the surrounding zombies, and traces of black air escaped from the corpses and directly sank into the bell.

This is no longer active yin qi, but active corpse qi.

My own zombie body can be used as a test product, anyway, the deity is the spiritual bone in the body.

But Xiaodao was not in a hurry, but shook the magic weapon bell again.

Immediately, the active corpse energy inside came out, and it was already different.

It seems to be alive, like little snakes, twisting and trying to get around in all directions.

No routine has been transformed into a corpse, but farther afield.

It diffused towards other unreformed corpses and penetrated into them.

As a result, black lines appeared on these The speed of absorbing active Yin Qi was almost a hundred times faster than other corpses.

These corpses quickly evolved into zombies, and a large amount of active yin qi condensed in the body was transformed into active corpse qi. It only needs to be precipitated to further evolve.

However, the bell on the side of the knife swayed, and the activity was sucked into the magic weapon's corpse-controlling bell.

In the corpse control bell, there is a big space in itself, and at this moment, it is already filled with dark and active corpse energy.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

Soon, they all took on the breath of the magic weapon's corpse-controlling bell.

spread out again.

But Xiaodao knew that if he was unscrupulous, he might get the idea of ​​taking the Lord of the World.

Therefore, at this time, these active corpse qi, which resembled the active yin qi, only permeated in one direction.

That's right, there is the pole of the earth's veins, and the distance is not far.

Because this time the corpse raising place is a corpse raising place with the pole of the earth veins as the core energy.

Generally, the poles of the small world leylines assist the world core to transform the energy of chaos into the origin of the world, but the origin of the world is still at the core of the leylines.

When it really dissipates, after a second transformation, it is already the vitality of heaven and earth.

Xiaodao learned from the Five Elements Yujianzong that through some means, transformation, or the use of spiritual veins, the vitality of the world can be transformed into spiritual energy.

Obviously, the poles of the earth veins here emit this special active Yin Qi.

This kind of method, even the Motian of the Four Heavens Great World cannot do it, it should be, otherwise corpse refining will not be just one of the Motian trails.

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