MTL - I Can Actually Bring Out Game Items (I Can Bring In-game Items Out)-Chapter 405 Wan Gui Banner

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

, I was able to bring out game items

4.05 million ghost flags

Motian's most powerful is the bone way, the blood way, and the soul way, these three, the others are not far behind, such as the corpse refining way in the corpse way.

As the master of the world, Xiaodao understands that a small world does not have such superb craftsmanship, it should be because of the characteristics of the world.

So here is very close to the pole of the leylines.

The more you go in that direction, the more active Yin Qi becomes, and the closer you are to the pole of the earth veins.

It is estimated that the pole of the leylines is within a thousand meters. This is the judgment of the master of the world, and it is basically correct.

However, even if he controlled the surrounding corpses that had turned into zombies, Xiao Dao didn't use him.

Instead, the corpse aura formed by using the magic weapon of the corpse control bell spread to that side.

Don't underestimate this corpse aura, it is a magic weapon, a treasure that most Nascent Soul cultivators would covet.

Even if one of the Golden Core cultivators of the Four Realms is unguarded and is swept into his body by the corpse aura, he will turn into a zombie in no time.

Not to mention this active corpse gas, the effect is even more terrifying.

The pole of the earth veins not far away, as Xiaodao guessed, what emanates from here is not the vitality of the heavens and the earth, nor the spiritual energy, but the active yin energy.

This place is surrounded by billowing active Yin Qi, like a large cloud of black mist.

The black shadow that wriggles can be seen vaguely like a living thing.

Xiao Dao has discovered this place through the active corpse energy.

If he didn't dare to use the domain of the master of the world, even his spiritual consciousness would be hidden with living corpse energy.

Just because as the master of the world, he is very familiar with the authority of the world. Although it is convenient, it is too easy to be discovered.

So be careful, and only now have you discovered the abnormality of the poles of the earth veins that are not far away.

This place is shrouded in rich active Yin Qi, and black clouds have formed, which shows how high the density is.

And with this place as the center, all the corpses are buried underground, and it is estimated that the time will continue, because some of the people with good qualifications have already turned into zombies.

Knife was in no hurry to act.

If it was Motian's corpse path, he would have left his mark on the corpse long ago, and it would not be easy to **** it, but he would be discovered instead.

But there are obviously not so many methods here. These corpses contain rich active Yin Qi, which are excellent materials, but there is no corresponding imprint, which means that whoever takes it is his.

If it was before, Xiaodao would have stole all of them unceremoniously.

With personal space, he is the best thief in the world.

But in this way, Xiaodao's vision has long been different.

It didn't steal a corpse, it just let the living corpse energy infiltrate, nourishing the corpse, and at the same time forming a seal of recognition, binding the magic weapon to control the corpse bell.

Soon, with this cloud of black mist as the center, the surrounding corpses were occupied by the knife's corpse-controlling bell, and with the help of the active corpse energy, they basically became zombies.

Among them, the ones with the best quality have reached the level of copper corpses and even three-level iron corpses.

Well, also because it is a zombie itself.

Xiaodao also observed for a while, and the core of the pole of the earth veins covering a radius of one kilometer here was completely shrouded in black mist, and there were a lot of living things inside.

Without the ghost fog of the body, this active Yin Qi is extremely suitable for them.

There is something similar to the effect of blood mist on vampires.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

It can be said that within this dense ghost fog, these ghosts are almost immortal.

The Motian of the four-day world also has many means of exorcising ghosts, and the soul way is the ancestor of playing ghosts.

But to form ghosts, Yin Qi is one aspect, and the most important thing is resentment, obsession and so on.

Otherwise, the souls of life and death dissipate and return to the world, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

Such a ghost has too much negative emotion, and it is easy to lose its mind, leaving only bloodthirsty instincts.

That is to say, in the four-day world, the spirit of the devil is more driven. Unless there is a treasure, there are not many people who transform themselves into ghosts.

Because after a long time, it will be controlled by negative emotions.

Problems that even the Motian of the Four Heavens Great World cannot solve, do not seem to exist here.

This pure yin qi is full of vitality, but there is no resentment, but the knife cannot feel it.

And observe, those ghosts and ghosts inside maintain enough rationality.

That's all there is to see now.

Look no further.

Occupy the pole of this leyline, and then occupy this world.

Facing a small world today, Xiaodao doesn't plan to waste too long, naturally because he has confidence and confidence.

So under the control of the knife, traces of active corpse energy penetrated into the large cloud of Yin energy within a kilometer range.

almost instantly.

Yin Qi rolled up, Xiaodao frowned? was found.

Impossible, it should be that an abnormality has been found.

After hesitating for a moment, he suppressed the thought of making a move.

Since the last time he was cut off in the small world of Xuetian, he warned himself not to be careless, be careful, be careful.

With the pole of the earth veins as the center, the black mist shrouded in twists and turns, like a living thing.

In just a few seconds, a huge yin-qi figure was distorted. The lower body was like the thousand-meter black fog, and the upper body protruded out, like Aladdin's magic lamp.

Xiaodao couldn't see inside, and didn't know that his lower body was not connected to the black mist, but to the center of the black mist, which was also the core of the pole of the earth's veins.

There is a zombie standing here, a four-dimensional zombie that has reached the limit allowed by this world.

A small black chess piece is pierced into the head of the zombie.

His lower body turned into a black thread, which was connected with this little black chess piece.

That's right, he is the lord of this area, and this ley line pole is his.

Relying on sitting here, with the permission of the Lord of the World, he has the authority of part of the world, and at this time he found something is wrong.

At this time, when this one stretched out his hand, the lower body was full of yin, pretending to be a little bit the same, but in fact there was a bit of different yin.

This is the active corpse qi, which is composed of active yin qi.

However, when the yin energy changed within a thousand meters, Xiao Dao gave up the strong attack, felt the power of authority, and cut off the connection with this active corpse energy without hesitation, which was equivalent to giving up these traces of active corpse energy.

The lord grasped the traces of living corpse energy and used his weak world authority without hesitation.

Then there was surprise on his face.

Relying on the authority of the world, he unexpectedly discovered that the effect of these living corpses on raising corpses is simply a hundred times the effect of activated Yin Qi.

And he faintly sensed that this thing was transformed from Yin Qi.

Now with these few strands of corpse energy as an introduction, it will not be a big problem for other Yin energy to transform soon.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

I can do it myself, this is the induction given to me by the authority of the world.

Since then, having a large amount of corpse aura with a hundred times the effect of raising corpses, haha, I have developed myself.

He was excited when he thought of the benefits.

Although I don't know how these strands of living corpse energy were born.

But with the authority of the world, it has been determined that this is the transformation of active yin qi.

The world will always give birth to miracles.

Occasionally, under special circumstances, it is not impossible for the yin qi that warms and nourishes a large number of corpses to be transformed into this kind of corpse qi by coincidence, although the chance is too small.

Now is not the time to think about these things. With these few traces, you have a great opportunity.

The premise is that no one else has it.

So he immediately used the authority and power of his lord.

As for the price, in the face of monstrous benefits, it doesn't matter.

So he discovered that the dead corpses around had all evolved, all of them became zombies, and there were even a few of the best, reaching the four realms, the limit of this world.

These zombies all contain this power.

Checked the system prompt that I ignored because of excitement just now, and sure enough, the mission was issued because of this corpse.

[To be honest, I have been using Yeguo to read and read books recently, change sources and switch, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

The rewards are really rich.

Especially the additional rewards for the world master's outstanding contribution to this world.

Now the system judges that as long as I transform the corpse energy and carry it forward, it will be of great benefit to my own world, and this large sum is all my own.

This made him very excited.

But also tell yourself to be calm.

The task was released, and all other players saw it, and they were probably all moved.

Owning this active corpse aura has an advantage, so we must not delay, who can guarantee that this corpse aura will not grow in other places

So it must be done as soon as possible, every minute and every second is an advantage.

Immediately, he stopped hesitating, and with a thought, a few traces of corpse energy in his hand immediately penetrated into the body below, in the zombie body at the core of the pole of the earth veins, relying on the pole of the earth veins to try to transform other yin qi.

At the same time, the figure composed of yin energy suddenly locked, and directly retracted into the small black flag on the top of the top zombie in the world.

Then it sank into the zombie along the flagpole.

So the zombie opened its eyes.

That's right, he doesn't have his own body, gathering and dispersing is invisible, physical damage is almost ineffective, and he comes and goes like the wind, who can catch up like running for his life.

When needed, these zombies are their own bodies, which is equivalent to having a second life, and it's just a matter of trying to kill them.

And the body can be replaced at any time, this is the essence of Wangui Small World.

And that's not the worst part.

The most frightening thing is whoever became the master of the world, let the treasure be born into the Banner of Ten Thousand Returns, even if the spirit body is destroyed outside, it can be resurrected in the banner, absorbing the active Yin Qi to quickly restore the level.

It can be said to be against the sky.

Once connected through a small world, which was a hundred levels higher than their world, in one realm, but they were unable to kill that small world, forcibly destroying it.

But the lord of the world is careful. Now facing the new small world, he is collecting information and intelligence, and is not in a hurry to make a full-scale attack.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】

But in the minds of these lords, the victory must belong to their own side.

Face defenseless zombies.

Even if it is destroyed, there is still a ghost body.

Escape Wushuang's ghost body, just escaping into the ground is enough to cause headaches for the enemy.

What's more, even if it is destroyed, it can recover quickly by relying on Wanguifan.

So powerful, what kind of enemy can resist it?

As a lord, the pole of the leylines he has mastered, and the large number of corpses buried around him are his background.

Now they have all become zombies, and the best ones have reached the four-level iron corpse, invulnerable.

It seems that it won't be long before other zombies will also improve to this level.

But he can't see the benefits of this.

As the zombie's eyes opened, flashing the unique agility of life, it pulled out the small black flag stuck on its head.

This is the Banner of Ten Thousand Ghosts, the offspring of the Banner of Ten Thousand Returns, which can be fused with the souls of all Taos into it to form a ghost body.

Usually, this thing is stationed at the pole of the earth's veins. Even if it is defending and performing sacrifices, it can also transform the origin of the pole of the earth's veins into a unique ghost energy.

Nature cannot move.

But now, he picked up the Ten Thousand Returns Chess and waved it, urging it with all his strength.

Immediately, the ghost energy around thousands of miles away stirred, and the other players inside were shocked and asked, all of them were sucked into the small flag.

The birth of active corpse aura is very accidental, and it is more likely that it was born only here.

However, such an opportunity must be seized.

Success is to seize such an opportunity. Isn't it because of an opportunity that the Lord of the World invested in the Wangui Banner and came to this step?

Maybe, this time, I can seize this opportunity to stand out and replace him.

This guy doesn't want other players to take advantage of him, so just in case, he should take a rest in Wan Gui Chess obediently.

Immediately after waving the Myriad Ghost Flag again, billowing black mist sprayed out, some of which turned into human figures, and the human figures were mixed with billowing black mist to go in all directions.

These figures have different postures, and they are all players.

Muttering in his mouth, I don't know why the lord suddenly used his authority and issued a mission?

Inexplicable, but the rewards are generous.

But also because of this, they are considered to be hired, and the harvest of this day belongs to which lord.

A series of ghost players fell into the ground.

Damn, what's going on?

They were dumbfounded, because they found that a large number of corpses buried underground had all turned into zombies, many of them were powerful.


Especially players who have traveled a few days ago know that most of the corpses here are ordinary and are being warmed up, and there are not many zombies.

However, at this time, without thinking too much, he rushed towards the chosen target in great joy.

Some of the ghostly players who were still in shock suddenly panicked and rushed forward.

Immediately, a large number of ghost players sank into these zombies mixed with ghost fog.

Zombies come alive one by Damn, something is wrong!

How does the yin in the body suit zombies so well?


The zombies who woke up in a short period of time shouted in a hurry.

This is the urine of players.

"This is definitely not a ghost aura. It is more suitable for zombies. It can quickly turn a corpse into a zombie, and even increase its strength rapidly." A senior player actually recognized it and said in shock.

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【I can actually bring out game items】【】


Immediately someone yelled.

The others fell silent, and all of them reacted with ugly expressions.

Those who didn't react, also understood after there were more system prompts in their ears.

Looking at the task prompted, the rewards are so rich and terrifying, it is like a dream, and it is still too small to save hundreds of years of struggle in the future.

But they accepted the lord's mission first, and got the so-called generous reward from the lord. As a result, all the gains in this day belonged to the damned, black-hearted lord.

All of them cursed immediately.

And this **** system, posting missions now, isn't it just to **** people off?

Corpse gas activates corpse gas.

Transformed from active yin qi, the secret is within a kilometer range, as long as you find it and get it, it will be a terrifying reward.

But this is like a discouraged temper to them.

However, the billowing black mist has already enveloped the area within a radius of 10,000 meters.

A further system prompt has been received.

Is there a secret to the transformation of corpse energy within a kilometer range?