MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 443 Killing Feast

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Some people just don't deserve to live in this world.

Bullying a few women to get pleasure and find a sense of existence, what kind of **** could it be?

This time, Shinji didn't let Sasuke do it, but walked in himself.

At this time, there are well-meaning people beside him who are persuading him not to go, and be careful to get into trouble.

"I can understand that you stand by and watch because you are afraid and you are worried about implicated yourself. But when you encounter such disgusting things, someone has to come forward. Otherwise, if the next person to suffer is you, who can you ask for help?"

After speaking, ignoring the stunned guests, Shinji walked directly behind one of them.

This guy seems to be too excited, his face is extremely contorted with excitement, like a demon, kicking the girl lying on the ground desperately.

Shensi expressionlessly stretched out a hand, pinched his head, and slammed into the wall beside him.

Just hear the bang!

Something crumbled like a watermelon.

When the people outside saw this scene, their eyes widened and they were quite frightened.

But no one thought Shinji's actions were too cruel.

Fear is instinct, but emotionally, they all support Shinji!

If they have this ability, they will never let these scumbags go.

The scumbags who have been killed by one person still don't know anything, and at this moment they only want to be violent to these women.

Shinji's clenched right fist had begun to flicker with black sparks.


One punch smashed a scum's head, and all the red and white splashed on the face of the person next to him. When he realized what it was, he immediately bent down and started vomiting.

Shensi saw that he was uncomfortable, so he mercifully punched his head and sent him down for a reunion.

After 3 people died in a row, the remaining people finally realized the existence of Shinji.

"Who are you? How dare you take care of our sweet water nine-headed dragon? I'm afraid it's not boring to live!"

The already lawless courage combined with the effect of alcohol made them seem fearless.

When Shinji heard this, he immediately laughed.

"Sweet water nine-headed dragon? Let you become nine dead insects today."

"Boil! Brothers, let's go together and **** him!"

Against a group of hooligans who were not even ninjas, Shinji didn't even bother to move.

There were only 5 sparks in the air, and 5 watermelons exploded from the shoulders.

Only the scumbag who was in the lead seemed to be finally awake.

"I I I I... you you you..."

He even started stammering when he spoke.

After being arrogant for so long, he finally kicked the iron plate.

No, no, where did this iron plate come from? I didn't provoke this one?

"Spare my life, please, I know I was wrong. I have 600,000 taels, all of which are regarded as compensation. If it is not enough, I can still prepare!"

"There is nothing I can't do in this little pigeon lake. I am willing to listen to your orders..."

Shinji thought he could say something, but he was disappointed.

These scumbags are only able to bully some ordinary people, and the people who really can't be provoked are worse than bugs, but why are they allowed to be free for so long?

Shinji didn't want to think about it, so he slapped the other's head off.

Then he looked down at the four women who had fallen to the ground. They were beaten badly. Not only were their faces broken, but they all passed out, and their bodies twitched from time to time.

Even so, the group of beasts had no intention of letting them go.

Shinji didn't hesitate, and immediately used the reverse surgery - heal to help them heal their injuries.

Then, without waiting for them to wake up, they turned and left.

Maybe things like this happen everywhere and every day, and he may not be able to control them, but as long as he meets them, these beasts who can't be called human don't even want to live!

It's that simple!

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

I don't know who took the lead, but everyone around him suddenly applauded him, even though he just killed 9 people with cruel means.

But they don't feel scared at all, they just think it's good to kill!

Very happy!

Maybe that's what people want.

Sasuke looked at the back of Brother Shinji leaving, and gained a lot of insights again.

"Let's go, let's go to another family to eat, I'm starving to death."

Sasuke quickly chased after him.

As for the scum who died, no one took it seriously.

Is it possible that there are still people who dare to come to their troubles?

Don't say it, there really is!

When you see a cockroach in your home, it means that your home is already full of cockroaches.

Those nine people dared to hit people so arrogantly, naturally they had something to rely on.

So it didn't take long for the women to run away, and a group of people began to search for the whereabouts of Shensi and his party.

Because Shinji and the others did not hide in the first place, they were quickly found.

Hundreds of people surrounded the small shop where Shinji and the others were eating, all kinds of knives and sticks in their hands, as if they were going to give their lives for their lives.

The shop owner was frightened and hid under the counter, shivering.

And Shensi and the others were still eating calmly, completely ignoring the hundreds of stinky fish and rotten shrimp outside.

"I want to sacrifice all these people to Lord Heretic God."

Feiduan suddenly threw down his chopsticks, with a cruel and bloodthirsty expression on his face.

If it were the past, Shinji would never agree with him.

But today is different. These scumbags are not worthy of being called human beings. What is the problem with killing some beasts and offering sacrifices to the evil gods?

So he nodded casually, "Don't play too much, the most important thing is don't disturb me to eat."

"Don't worry, Fei, give me the Bloody March Scythe."

As soon as Ah Fei's Shenwei turned, the Bloody March Scythe was taken out from it.

Feiduan picked up the weapon and couldn't help sticking out his tongue and licking his lips twice. It had been a long time since he had vented properly.

He thirsts for blood!

When Feiduan went out, he did not forget to close the door.

So as not to wait for someone to interrupt his ceremony.

"You bastard, you dare to come out and die? Kneel down to Lao Tzu!"


A certain indomitable yellow-haired gangster was directly cut in half by Feiduan.

No one would have imagined that, facing so many of them, this guy would dare to make a move, and he would still kill him.

This undoubtedly angered them instantly!

"Kill me! I'm responsible if something goes wrong!"


Hundreds of people rushed towards Feiduan immediately showed a look of extreme excitement, and the morbid pleasure instantly drowned him.

Kill kill kill kill!

Feiduan waved the **** March sickle through the crowd, and every time he waved, a large number of stumps and broken arms flew around.

Soon the ground was covered with a red carpet...

Under the blessing of the Bloody March, the flying section became more and more fierce, and no one could stop him.

The strong **** smell spread far and wide all of a sudden.

------off topic-----

ps: The stories made up, if there are any similarities, are purely coincidental.
