MTL - I’m Fighting Back In the Ninja World with Spells-Chapter 444 well prepared

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cha... cha...

Feiduan dragged the Bloody March Scythe backwards, and drew the sacrificial ritual pattern on the ground with the blood dipped in the soles of his shoes.

In the middle of the pattern are hundreds of corpses that are difficult to stitch together.

These scum moths can only bully ordinary people, and they are unlucky when they meet Feiduan.

It's just that after dozens of people were hacked to death, they lost their morale, and they were terrified of being killed.

But after finally venting, Feiduan naturally wouldn't let them go, so he caught up and killed them all.

Anyway, these scumbags are wasting air in life and land in death.

So Shinji didn't mean to stop Feidan at all.

It didn't take long for Shensi to finish the meal, and the ceremony was held on Feiduan's side.

After the ceremony, the flying section is like entering the state of a sage, with no desire or desire, and no interest at all.

Looking at the corpses piled up like a hill, Shinji suddenly turned to look at Sasuke.

"Let me see if your pupil strength has grown recently. Use Amaterasu to purify this filth."

Sasuke is speechless, why are you not afraid that I will become blind this time?

But he didn't say it, he did.

After all, he is far from that.

The kaleidoscope writing wheel opened instantly, and then a black flame immediately ignited the corpses piled up into hills.

Under the raging fire, the filth is being purified.

And under Sasuke's deliberate control, there was no ritual pattern of flying out.

It's like training.

Soon, all the corpses were burnt and completely disappeared from this world.

Although Shensi also knew in his heart, the sins hidden in the small pigeon pool were definitely not just these people.

But he couldn't control any more, he could only hand it over to the next 'butcher' who didn't know when he would come.

. . . . . .

Standing on the mountain, looking at the lively village at the foot of the mountain.

Shanhu said: "The harvest of these days, plus the number of humans in this village, should almost be able to fill this stone."

As soon as he finished speaking, the third eye on his forehead opened immediately, "Don't be careless, the slaughter of humans these days has attracted the attention of those ninjas, until I get a new body, it's best not to be with me. They hit hard."

"I think so too, but I don't have the time to prepare slowly. How can 10,000 human souls be collected so well? To be honest, it's surprising to me that I can persist until now without being blocked by those ninjas. "

Shanhu took out a cigarette stick that he snatched from somewhere, squinted his eyes, and took a sip with enjoyment.

Then thick white smoke came out of the crater above him.

Mr. Di did not refute his words, but rather recognized it, "You are right, it is better to cut through the mess with a quick knife than hesitantly miss the opportunity. No matter if there is a trap ahead, or there is an ambush, this time we will collect it all. Enough human soul. Do it with confidence, even if an accident does happen, my power will be lent to you."

Shanhu continued to take two puffs, and nodded slowly amid the smoke.

The reason why he would do his best to help Mr. Di, in addition to his companionship, is to want the other party to leave his body as soon as possible.

After all, no one likes that there is another soul living in their body, and it is not the golden finger of the old grandfather.

Shanhu is very suspicious that if things don't go well, this guy is likely to take his body away.

After smoking, Shanhu jumped straight down from the top of the mountain, and the high temperature on his body began to distort the surrounding air.


A loud bang caught everyone's attention.

Then I saw a short three-eyed monster with a volcanic head climbed out of the deep pit, and brought out some magma-like things.

"This look really makes me feel uncomfortable."

Shanhu snorted coldly, and then the dozens of people around him who were closest to him were immediately ignited by the high temperature, turning into people who were wailing.

At this time, the people nearby were just waking up from a dream, and they all ran away screaming and screaming.

"Run away, the monster is here!"

"It's really...really here, go and invite the ninjas over here."

"I don't want to die, who will save me!"

" hurts..."

"Fight the fire, go get some water."

. . . . . .

"Water Escape·Water Rush!"

During the riot, several ninjas fell from the sky, and one of them used a skillful water escape to extinguish the fire on everyone.

Although their arrival was considered very timely, many people died on the spot.

The remaining people who are still alive are also severely burned on a large area of ​​the body, and whether they can survive in the end can only depend on the will of God.

"Damn, it's actually invading from the air!"

After landing, the ninja who had just released the water escape looked ugly and couldn't help but curse.

They set traps in all directions to prevent it.

The only thing I didn't expect was that the enemy would fall directly into the village from the air, and all of their previous preparations became useless at once.

But the good news is that after careful intelligence analysis, the bet is finally right.

This damned monster still couldn't stand the temptation and fell into the trap.

"Be careful, this spell should not be easy."

"I know, otherwise it wouldn't be Konoha, Yanyin, and Sandyin. The three major ninja villages joined forces to send people to carry out this mission. There are 4 johnin and 16 chunin in total, I don't believe that this can be done. The monster has run away!"

"Anyway, don't be careless."

"Don't worry, I understand."

During the conversation, other ninjas rushed over from all directions and surrounded Shanhu at the very center.

The villagers have long fled, for fear that the next person to be burned to death by the fire will be themselves.

Faced with such a situation, Shanhu was not surprised. He even counted the number of enemies with great interest.

"1, 2, 3... 19, 20. There are only 20 people here. Are you not taking your uncle Shanhu seriously?"

"I think it's too high to see you, to deal with you, we Sha Yin is enough!"

The four sandy ninjas with oil paint on their faces immediately released their proud puppet works and controlled Qi Qi to attack Shanhu.

"Give me a fire!"

The crater on the head of Shanhu spewed hot air twice The surrounding temperature rose again.

The puppets of the four sandy ninjas started to turn red, as if they were about to be melted at any time.

However, there was only a sneer on their faces, no worries.

"We've been on your guard for a long time. Our puppets are all made of the latest materials that are resistant to high temperature and fire! Even if they are soaked in magma, they can last for a minute or two!"

In other words, since the information has been obtained long ago, of course, corresponding preparations will be made.

This is the advantage!

It attracts the attention of others.
