MTL - In Search of Love-Chapter 42 repair

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Chapter 42

Su Xiaopei and Yan Feize went back to discuss.

The two people were silent all the time, and Fei Ze did not speak. Su Xiaopei did not know what to say.

In fact, this matter is really a good thing in the sky, but she quickly calmed down, there is a big problem here.

Qin Chuantou said, give her a house, send someone to take care of her life, and give her a monthly payment. But what about the strong man? He did not mention 冉 泽.

This is the problem, she is with the strong man.

Su Xiaopei sneaked a sneak peek at him, he had no expression. Su Xiaopei couldn't guess what he thought.

Back to the inn, Su Xiaopei silently followed the 冉非泽 into the house, he sat down, still did not speak, Su Xiaopei could not help: "strong man, what do you think about this?"

"How does the girl look?"

Su Xiaopei’s mouth is a good thing, if judged objectively and rationally.

"There is a stable place to live, there is a monthly money to take, and you can use the power of the government to find people. This is really good." Su Xiaopei bites her lip, Qin catches her head and leaves her without leaving her, she is more awkward. .

"The girl said that according to the girl's situation, this is indeed the best arrangement at the moment." He followed him everywhere, and he was not strong.

Su Xiaopei looked up at him, and he looked back and smiled at her.

"The strong man." Su Xiaopei's brain was hot and impulsive: "Qin Tiaotou said that there are two rooms. We can live in one room, and silver in May and February. In fact, it is enough for us to spend money..." She said what? Su Xiaopei said that he lived in his mouth. The strong man had his plan. He was a family, and he wanted to find an apprentice.

Su Xiaopei closed her mouth. Although she didn't understand the concept of the rivers and lakes, but Bai Bailang's adoration of the 冉 泽 崇拜 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 崇拜 崇拜 崇拜 崇拜 崇拜 捕 捕 捕 捕 捕 捕 捕 捕. Qin is not trying to keep him, but he must be clear in his heart. Su Xiaopei sighed and lowered his head.

Su Xiaopei didn't see her saying that she had bent her lips. Qin catching his head and setting such a good condition did not allow her to leave him. This really made him happy. She relies on him, she is willing to be with him, which makes him happy. He blinked and said: "The girl is willing to divide me into a room, I thanked him first."

He saw Su Xiaopei look up at him and he had a surprise in his eyes. This made him unable to help but bend his mouth again: "I still want to live more in this Ning'an City. If Qin Daren no longer helps me pay for this inn, I will go to the girl."

"The strong man still has to go?" To say that she is not disappointed, it is a fake.

"Nature is going to go." Yan Feize smiled at her. "But the girl is brought by me. How can I leave the girl like this?"

Su Xiaopei blinked his eyes and went away, saying that he would not leave her alone...

"I will be sure that I will settle the girl."

He smiled, the smile was really handsome, Su Xiaopei looked, but he felt a little blocked at the nose.

It turned out to be the case. Does the old man mean this? The person she met will take her to find Cheng Jiangyan. Yan Fei Ze did not bring her directly to find someone, but she took her to find the best and most powerful force to find people. What would be more convenient than finding someone in the public security system?

However, is it necessary to leave?

Su Xiaopei’s eyes are so sad that the loss of money and silver is far worse than the separation from Yu Fei.

Her look fell in the eyes of 冉非泽, he almost could not resist to caress her head, manually moved, controlled, he called: "Girl."

Su Xiaopei looked up at him.

He continued to smile: "The girl is flustered. Ning'an City is a good place, and the girl will like it."

What can Su Xiaopei say? She could only smile back and nodded.

Things are set.

Zhai Feize always said that he did it, and he set about setting up Su Xiaopei.

First he took Su Xiaopei to see the house. The two small rooms are not big. They can't be said to have a yard, but there are porches in front of the two houses side by side. The drying and activities are barely enough. There is a small kitchen inside, a small stove and a space for two people to turn around. Yan Feize looked and turned to look at Su Xiaopei. Su Xiaopei knew what he meant. He was embarrassed to shake his head and said, "I won't."

She doesn't know how to cook in modern times, not to mention the difficulty of chopping fire in this world.

Yan Feize nodded and said to her: "It's always necessary to burn a hot tea and prepare some hot water." He knows that she is happy, and every night, the light is tossing and washing.

"Oh." Su Xiaopei nodded and gritted his teeth: "I can learn."

The expression made a slap in the face.

Later, Fei Zeze met the woman who was going to take care of Su Xiaopei. Said to be a woman, but looking at the age of only forty years old, with the husband surnamed Liu. Su Xiaopei yelled at her with Liu Fei.

Liu Wei lived next door, and the man in the family was also in Dangmen. It was a small servant who watched the door. The couple had a son and a daughter, and the daughter married. They lived with their son. Liu Yuping is taking care of his grandson at home, doing some work while he is empty, and often helping the Tuen Mun to make some meals and wash clothes. She took care of Su Xiaopei's work, but she was also happy. She met Su Xiaopei and kissed her. She asked Su Xiaopei what she needed to do on weekdays.

Su Xiaopei wants to wash clothes for a long time. She doesn't want to fake others. She is not particularly clean, but she is relieved. Especially this time, Liu Wei said that she helped the poor man of the Tuen Mun to wash. She was afraid that her clothes would be mixed in the clothes of the men. And I don't know if these ancient people have the concept of washing clothes and socks separately.

"The trouble Liu Wei gave me a meal." I thought about it for a long time.

So simple? Liu Wei smiled happily and promised.

“What else?” Yan Feize slanted her.

Su Xiaopei is a bit stunned, and the laundry stack is done by herself. The hardest thing is to eat. When she met her, she knew that she had no concept. So she asked where the well was, where the latrine was, and Liu Wei led them. Winding around, the lanes turned to a back street, several daughter-in-laws were washing clothes at the well, and then the other side was the latrine.

Su Xiaopei squinted, which is not very convenient.

A few people went back to the house, and Lu Feize began to say that he would support a water tank at the bottom of the gallery, the location of the kitchen mouth, so that Liu Wei would help the tank to fill the water every day. In addition, every morning, Su Xiaopei wants to release the night bucket, and let Liu Wei handle it when he is at home. Wash it and send it back. There is also a kitchen stove that is too small, it is useless, he will be knocked out, and a charcoal stove will be used to boil water. Three meals a day, Liu Wei will be sent home at home, and there will be no fire on this side.

He Lala said a bunch of miscellaneous, buy charcoal clothes, how to arrange food, etc., are some trivial needs of life, Liu Wei listened, nodded and promised. Su Xiaopei sighed and felt more and more that he was a waste of life. In the past, although the wine shop was simple, but the living conditions were convenient. Later, I didn’t have to do it myself in the hotel. The result was that she had been here for so long, not to mention life skills, even the concept of life was scarce.

Su Xiaopei secretly cheered on herself. It doesn't matter. She can learn. She is twenty-seven, and she is not seven years old. It is certainly no problem to take care of herself.

The next day, Zhai Feize and Qin Chuantou said the situation. Qin took the head and nodded. He then found the sorcerer who was in charge of the chores, and received some materials and miscellaneous fees. He also pulled Bai Yulang and others to help Su Xiaopei. The cottage was remodeled. Several men knocked the stove and rebuilt the charcoal stove. Charcoal is simpler than burning wood, which is convenient for Su Xiaopei.

The wall was raised a bit, hit a new bed, got a table and chair rack, and supported a large water tank, a bowl of bowls and bowls, and so on. After Su Xiaopei ran before running, it was cleaned and sent water to send sweat towels. The place where he saw his foot was a little bit neat, and his heart was full of emotion.

Three days later, Su Xiaopei retired from the inn's house and moved into a new home. She invited Sui Fei to live with him, but he refused.

"I know that the girl is kind, but it is not good for the girl to live here. It is not good to swear words. If I leave, those gossips will bring the girl to the right and wrong, so I have to pay attention."

Su Xiaopei came over and nodded, and took her little bag to stay.

Her bedroom is in the room, the room is small, there is only one bed and one table, the outside is the place to eat and write, the bookcase gives her her log book, and the prepared four treasures. The small kitchen was changed into a washroom, and the toilet was placed there. Su Xiaopei sat alone at the bed that night, and her heart suddenly stunned. Suddenly, she seemed to have a wandering alone. She was going to be alone. She was almost lost.

She asked who was the money of the non-zeta, and he said: "Nature is the money to pay. Qin Daren is afraid that I will turn you away and please me."

In fact, he did not think about whether or not to leave her alone. It is said that this arrangement can be more reassuring than sending him to the nunnery, but he can't let it go. Not only can't he put it down, he actually feels reluctant. Well, I don’t know if it’s a reluctance to say it. Anyway, Fei Ze is also a bit confused about his own thoughts. He thought his heart was getting softer and softer. If he had settled in before, he should leave. But he doesn't want to leave now, I really don't want to leave her alone.

Su Xiaopei’s mood is also very complicated. If she is going to turn her away, maybe she will really go with him.

But he didn't, he didn't even tease her again. Su Xiaopei went to bed and closed her eyes. She and he both understood that staying in Ning'an City was the best arrangement for her.

The best, but not the most joyful.

Suddenly, I felt that there was something between him and her.

Su Xiaopei sighed.

Late at night, Su Xiaopei slept very unsteadily, the bed was a new bed, and the bedding was all new, but she felt uncomfortable. She listened to her heartbeat and felt for the first time that she was alone in the world - restlessness and loneliness.

Su Xiaopei lived in a new home and started working on the Tuen Mun. Yan Fei Ze accompanied her and became familiar with the people in Tuen Mun. Bai Yulang often rushed to join in the fun, and was caught by Yu Fei Ze: After he left, he must take care of Su Xiaopei.

Bai Yulang was smashed straight into his chest: "Uncle Shu is relieved, I will treat my older sister as a sister."

Su Xiaopei did not agree, this pro-brother is as reliable as the 2238 month old, she still depends on herself. Well, there are strong men.

The strong man is indeed reliable.

The location of Su Xiaopei’s office is to sit in the same room as the teachers. She doesn’t understand the official letter. In classical Chinese, she can only understand seven or eight points. Some of them mean guessing, but of course such serious business cannot be guessed by guessing. Yan Feize and several masters drink and pull the relationship, three or two down, actually communicated properly, the letter of the case in the future allows the teachers and the little Pei Duo to dictate, mainly the details, clearly understand. The task of writing a paper is to let them do more. Su Xiaopei’s ugly words are really unspeakable.

Su Xiaopei worked for a period of time, discussed the old case with the masters, and passed the cases of Ma Zhengyuan and Sima Yiqing again. After everyone became familiar with each other, the communication gradually became smoother.

The master also helped Su Xiaopei write a letter of finding a person, and painted a portrait of a short-haired man according to Su Xiaopei's oral quotation. Su Xiaopei saw it and felt that there were six or seven points, but the text described the details. If anyone really saw Cheng Jiangyan I should know immediately that he is. After all, such a weird person, the characteristics are obvious, certainly with her general attention.

Qin Dezheng kept his promise and sent people to copy the letter and sent it to various places.

On the other hand, both Luo Kui and Ma Zhengyuan were sentenced to question after the fall, and the date of execution was set for one day. The official letter of the sentence has been handed over to the superior and is awaiting approval.

Su Xiaopei struggled to adapt to the life of working in the public to earn money and other news. Yan Feize never said when to go. At first, he accompanied her to work every day. Later, he did not accompany him. He only visited her every day, but he did not fall every day, but he came less and less every day. And her residence, he never goes. Su Xiaopei knows that he is kind, and wants to let her get used to being alone, and also wants to avoid suspicion, so that she will not fall into the tongue.

The more thoughtful he is, the more she knows that he is good, how can she live up to his mind? So she concealed her uneasiness in her heart and worked hard every day. In fact, there is no case at all to make her busy, but she can be very busy. She flipped through a large number of old cases, asked if she couldn't understand, and then reorganized the records herself. She explored the state of criminal psychology from these old cases. These are different from modern times. Since she has paid a salary, she should be prepared and ready to deal with it.

Bai Yulang, the young boy, said that he missed his mouth and said that Uncle asked him how his elder sister had been. He said that he looked at it every day. The older sister had a good life.

Su Xiaopei laughed and knew that this bear child could come in handy.

It’s just that Shao Ze is reassuring to her, is the day of separation closer?

Soon after half a month passed, on the day of the monthly payment, Mr. Account gave Su Xiaopei a five-two silver, saying that the adults were embarrassed. Although they did not do full-term this month, they paid according to the full-term silver money. Su Xiaopei was not polite, thank you, Mr. Yang accountant for her to replace one or two silver with broken silver and copper plates. This is what is not taught by her. The people in Qianzhuang are the most obsessed with the face. If they are not good at heart, they don’t understand Su Xiaopei. When they change money, they will hang her, so he told her to go to the account in the door. Now she is doing it.

I took the money. Su Xiaopei went home and placed four or two whole silvers on the corner of the bedroom table. There was a dark space that Xiaofei Ze helped her, and she gave her money and silver. Then she took the broken silver and copper plates, went to the inn, bought a roast chicken and a jug of wine, please take a meal.

"Is the moon money?" Yan Fei opened the door and saw something in her hand.

Su Xiaopei also laughed: "I burn a chicken, I ask Azer to eat."

He was not laughing at Zehaha. He was not polite with her at all, and he asked Xiao Er to send some drinks to the house.

Two people sat around the table, and they placed two glasses of wine on one side, and one person poured a glass of wine. When he drank it, Su Xiaopei didn't know that she wouldn't drink at this time, so she took a sip of it carefully. The liquor licked her throat and burned her throat. She coughed for a long time and didn't recharge her body.

Yan Fei Ze held her chin and watched her smile. Su Xiaopei coughed up and felt very embarrassed.

"How is the girl?" he asked.

Su Xiaopei answered: "Not bad."

冉非泽笑笑, Su Xiaopei thinks that the meaning behind his smile is that if you are doing well, I will be relieved.

This thought made Su Xiaopei somewhat depressed. But if he didn't say that he wanted to leave, he told her that he had an interesting thing for a jar of wine adventure. Su Xiaopei was teased by that.

Two people were drinking and eating vegetables. Su Xiaopei didn’t know how to sip two hot drinks. She was so excited that she couldn’t help but said something with her in the door. She said that she had been treated by a certain teacher. Praise, she did not know how to deal with it, so she answered "Where is it," but if someone else praises her next time, she will only answer "where," and others will praise her for the second time. She will only "where" Is that quite boring?

When she finished, she squinted her head, how did she feel that she was so stinking?

It’s not a laugh.

"Where is the answer, it is also good. If the girl is missing in the future, when the teachers write a letter, they can write where the girl likes to answer."

Su Xiaopei licked his mouth and thought about it, and then she thought it was funny. Then she seriously asked: "Is it true that I should pick some masters and praise them back, flattering and flattering? Can you praise him?"

Yan Feize seriously answered: "You can praise him after he praises you, or praise him for knowing others."

Su Xiaopei wants to laugh and wants to show his face to him. The strong man, you haven’t been upset for a long time, can’t you stop?

"Does the girl want to praise me?" Yan Fei Ze raised his eyebrows and looked forward to it.

Keke, Su Xiaopei cough, serious face: "In order to avoid the strong man back to me ‘said is very,’ I will not boast.”

The two men smiled and smiled, but Su Xiaopei’s heart increased his sense of sadness.

They said a bunch of nonsense, in fact, where is it so funny?

Su Xiaopei really wants to ask: "A strong man, can't you walk?"

But just as 冉非泽 knows what is best for her, she also knows that this is hard for a strong man. She can only laugh at him, and he finally, caressed her head.

When Wu Zeze was going to go, Su Xiaopei didn’t know, she didn’t dare ask, he didn’t say it. Su Xiaopei did not know that on this night and night, one person knocked on the door of 冉非泽, and reported a trouble with him, urging him to go to Wuzhen.

The next day, Su Xiaopei was rumoring over the case file, frowning and reading hard, remembering a few questions to ask, and suddenly see Bai Yulang running: "Big sister, there is a pile case, the adult calls you past."

Su Xiaopei stunned and quickly got up and followed Bai Yulang.

The case is a small case. A family surnamed Zeng, the daughter-in-law stole the jade pendant of her mother-in-law, and the mother-in-law did not like her. This took the handle and asked her son to abandon her, but the wife did not admit that she had taken it, and she insisted that the jade pendant was Put it in the mother-in-law's jewelry box. The son wanted to be a good person, but he couldn’t be willing to be a mother anyway. If the daughter-in-law refused to leave, she would sue her daughter-in-law.

This kind of chores is the most unwilling to be an official, and the family is all eloquent. Both the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law have turned over the house and have not found the pendant. How is it that someone steals? There were no outsiders in the whole day, only the two were at home.

Su Xiaopei came over and asked, "Is that adult wanting me to recognize the authenticity of their speech?"

"You are also a woman of the woman, and I would persuade the two women to do so. I have to make a noise for this." Fu Yin meant to settle the matter. In the division, only Su Xiaopei is a woman, talking to a woman. The mother-in-law told her daughter-in-law to steal, but she did not find evidence. How to prove it? The daughter-in-law said that she did not steal, but the thing was indeed gone, and how to prove it?

Su Xiaopei nodded and looked down to the side, then remembered that he was not standing next to him. She licked her mouth and nodded again, letting Fu Yin arrange the room. She talked with her mother-in-law alone. 2k novel reading network