MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 394 392. The second project

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  Chapter 394 392. The second project

  After Jon got up every day, he routinely aimed his wand at his heart and used an Animagus transformation spell.

   For half a year, he did this almost every day without stopping. After finishing these, he got up to wash and then had breakfast.

  When he came to the restaurant, Lee, George and Hermione were already sitting here.

"I read the Daily Prophet, and he was the only one who was still talking about the ball and decided that we stole something precious from the castle, and it was only because of the generosity of the Dark Lord that he didn't treat us well." Instead, continue with today's competition. Oh, yes, they also published the photos of the portraits and armor fragments you destroyed, Hermione."

  George said triumphantly while holding a glass of pumpkin juice.

   "Looks like Fred and I got a great effect on the Weasley Ball!"

  Hermione used the alchemy ball to successfully blow up the armor in the principal's office. Of course, it was the research success of the Weasley twins discovered by Jon during the summer vacation.

The most perfect thing they have made so far is this small bomb, which is stable in triggering and powerful. At the end of the first game, George showed Dumbledore what they had accomplished. The finished product, and all the refining skills and materials are shared, hoping that it can reduce some casualties for the wizards of Wupingxian.

Just like what the twins and Jon said during the summer vacation, they will not hide their research results from Dumbledore. With Durmstrang's funding, they don't have to worry about the experiment, and at the same time they can share the research results for free. Give Wu Pingxian a blood transfusion.

   But they wanted free gifts, and Dumbledore certainly saw the value in these things.

The ideas of the Weasley twins are very ingenious, and they are extremely talented in alchemy. It is not uncommon for previous wizards to think of embedding the blasting spell in a sphere and mass-producing this advanced black magic, but this technology is the biggest The most difficult problem is the instability of the blasting spell. When the finished product will explode and under what circumstances it will explode even if the person who made it is unknown.

However, the Weasley twins have overcome this difficulty. Jon doesn't know how they did it, but it seems that they used a rune handed down from the Weasley family, and after the technology of the alchemy ball is fully matured , They gave away all the research for nothing. Of course, Grindelwald paid for it, and they also got such a technology.

After Dumbledore learned of the research results of the Weasley twins, he did not accept their gift. Instead, after careful consideration, he proposed to establish a patent for George and their invention, and then gave George a gift for each Weasley ball produced. They are paid in the form of a lump sum.

   But this kind of remuneration was also rejected by the twins. They still insisted on their original idea of ​​giving free gifts without taking any money.

In the end, Dumbledore didn't insist anymore, he just left a trophy in the names of the Weasley twins in the trophy room that had been kept on the carriage, and at the same time sent a sum to the Weasleys in the Wuping Line Generous bonuses, on the grounds that George and Fred have done absolutely fine and therefore rewarded their parents.

   In this regard, George and the others did not refuse after learning about it. Although Arthur and Molly didn't know what they did, they were both happy and proud of it.

   The Weasley ball that Hermione used in the principal's office this time was given to her by Dumbledore, and it was made by Wu Pingxian using the technology provided by the Weasley twins.

   Now the first time it is used in actual combat, it has achieved remarkable results.

   "It's very useful, and powerful." Hermione affirmed.

  Although they were the ones who actually sneaked into Hogwarts Castle on the day of the ball, the public opinion from the outside world had no effect on Jon and the others.

   It can even be said that except for the Daily Prophet, which was still reporting on this matter, other magic newspapers have long since ignored it, and instead began to focus on the second item of today's Triwizard Tournament.

  In fact, Jon already knew what the second project was after the first project was over.

  The three events of the Triwizard Tournament were proposed by Voldemort and Dumbledore, and the final event was decided by Matthew and the others.

   Snatching the Golden Snitch from the Forbidden Forest was the competition project proposed by Voldemort's side. The second project was naturally chosen by Dumbledore and the others, so Jon and Daisy asked Draco and the others to take a lot of opportunities.

  Of course, such an advantage is allowed by the rules, just like Draco and Emil knew about it before the start of the first event.

  So since the end of the first event, Jon has been staying by the Black Lake to prepare for the second event.

   That's right, the venue for the second event is in the Black Lake.

  The only difference from the game in the original book is that this time, instead of Jon and the others going to the lake to rescue someone from the obstruction of the mermaid, they need them to search for pearls from the bottom of the lake.

  The difference from the first game is that there are only ten pearls in total. The scope of the Black Lake and the time the students can stay underwater are far from being as long as they were in the Forbidden Forest.

  According to Jon's estimation, the game will end in as little as one morning at the earliest.

The most critical problem that the contestants have to face is not only how to move underwater, but the key point is that it is only January 1st, and the ice layer on the surface of the Black Lake has not only not melted, but is also the thickest time. It is a problem for this layer of ice to enter the lake water, and secondly, how to continue activities in the cold water is also a difficulty.

  Compared with these two, finding pearls is still an easy problem to solve.

  Dumbledore specifically proposed to compete in the Black Lake for a reason. Jon was fishing by the lake every day during this time to prepare for entering the lake.

  As for how to enter the water, of course he and Daisy also have sufficient plans.

   After breakfast, Dumbledore and Rozier led the team to the Black Lake, where many students from Hogwarts Castle had gathered for a long time.

  Now that the Christmas holiday is not over yet, and because everyone at the Christmas Ball did not go home for the holidays, these students are in the most boring state without classes in the castle.

  There are no restrictions on them in this competition. The competition venue is on the Black Lake, so they can all come to be spectators.

  In addition to the students, Matthew and two other referees were already waiting here, and Snape and Beauxbaton's vice-principal Boster also brought Draco and Emil by the lake.

  Jon and the others were the last to come, but in fact, there was still half an hour before the game officially started at nine o'clock.

  When he came here, Jon clearly saw something unusual in the hands of Emil and Draco, which looked like a kind of herbal medicine, which made him and Daisy look at each other.

  Daisy obviously also saw what they were holding, and mouthed something to Jon.


   This is a herbal medicine that allows the user to breathe underwater, and the maintenance time can reach one hour.

   What really troubled Jon was not the herb itself, but that Draco and Emil had prepared in advance.

  Who told them the rules of the game in advance?

When Jon thought of this question, he subconsciously raised his head to look at Matthew, but then he also realized that it was not only the American wizard. In fact, compared to him, the other two federation referees were more suspicious. Especially the Asian wizard who had already revealed some problems in the first project.

  After everyone arrived, Matthew announced the rules of the second event in public.

"After passing through the woods, your challenge turned to being underwater. This black lake is the venue for the next event. Even if I am an American, I have heard of this legend. A thousand years ago that When the four great wizards chose this place to build Hogwarts Castle, they rowed across the lake."

"So in this competition to determine the ownership of the castle and the name of Hogwarts, of course you also need to go through the path traveled by the founders of this school. We have hidden ten pearls in the Black Lake in advance , what you have to do today is to collect these underwater pearls as quickly as possible. As for the judging criteria for the final score, it is similar to the first game. Rank according to the number of pearls obtained and get 70 points. , 50, 30, and 10 points, and get 40, 30, 20, and 10 points according to the ranking of the return time. There is no limited game time for this game, as long as you have enough ability, you can stay in the lake for as long as you want, but Likewise, if someone doesn't come back for a long time, we send someone out underwater to check that they still have signs of life."

"You also need to pay attention to one thing, everyone, because of the special underwater environment, no matter what you experience in it, we will not be able to know it in time, so as long as you enter the lake, I can't guarantee your life safety. Because of this, I want to tell you these words in advance, so that you can be mentally prepared."

  Matthew took a serious look at all the warriors present. Of course, when he looked at Jon, he just glanced over, and only focused on Daisy, Draco and Emil.

  Daisy is definitely unwavering, she has already made all the preparations when she signed up from Durmstrang and chose to throw her name into the Goblet of Fire.

Of course, Emil's expression would not change. It's not that he wasn't afraid, but it was doomed the moment Voldemort found their house to replace the Bellas and his wife in the Lestrange house. He could only go forward, not backward.

  Draco was also very calm, but if someone kept staring at him, they would find that his calf was actually trembling slightly all the time.

For him, starting from the second project is the real meaning of participating in this Triwizard Tournament. Thanks to Jon, he escaped the first fire dragon crisis and has not suffered much. Scorn and scold.

  Now, however, how much panic he has inside cannot be revealed on the surface.

In fact, before the start of this game, Jon even contacted Lucius privately once, asking him if he would like to have the same scene as the first event again. He eliminated Draco at the beginning, and it was not necessary Tell Draco himself that as long as Lucius agrees, he can find a chance to fight at the beginning of the game, so that Draco's reaction can be more realistic at that time, anyway, the Malfoy family doesn't care much about the results.

   Well, maybe Draco would care a little, but it doesn't matter how much he cared.

   Lucius apparently thought carefully about this, and finally declined Jon.

He obviously still took into account that some of his sons would have to save some face while studying and living in the castle in the future. It's okay to say that he was directly eliminated by Jon for the first time. En solved in the same way.

  Draco really has no face to stay in Hogwarts Castle in the future, and even Lucius himself may be doubted by other Death Eaters.

  So no matter what, Draco has to go to the competition by himself this time.

   After seeing that no questions were asked, Matthew glanced at the time on his pocket watch, and without delay, officially started the inspection work before the start of the game.

They checked the wands and belongings of the four of Jon in turn as before. It is worth mentioning that the cogi grass held by Draco and Emil is allowed to be held, and Jon Fragments of the Ash Snake Eggshell Trait worn by Diane are also allowed to remain.

  The second item is different from the first item. The contestants can use magic props within an appropriate range, which can only be appropriate with the permission of the referee group.

   After ensuring that there were no other questions, at nine o'clock in the morning, Matthew announced in front of all the students, professors and reporters around that Jon and the others could start the pre-match preparations.

   Soon Jon figured out what the so-called pre-match preparations were. This was a period of time specially reserved for them to find a way to break through the ice of the Black Lake.

  During this period, the four participating warriors cannot attack each other.

  Such rules are restricting Jon in disguise, because if the start of the game is announced directly, then the ice surface of the Black Lake will definitely become a big fight.

   Regardless of whether you can get the pearl or not, you can directly eliminate everyone else, and the person who wins in the end will become the number one in this project.

  In order to avoid such things from happening, there is a period of pre-match preparation work. Only when the players enter the water, the game will officially start.

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  (end of this chapter)