MTL - In This Hogwarts Without a Savior-Chapter 395 393. Under the Black Lake

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   Chapter 395 393. Under the Black Lake

  For a while, the four of Jon were all standing on the ice of the Black Lake.

  Each of them was still wearing a thick robe, surrounded by unmelted snow, and the cold wind was blowing their hair.

  The four of them did not stand together, but stood separately. Jon did not take any action after reaching the ice, but turned his head and glanced at Emil and the others.

   Obviously, Emil and Draco had passed their breath beforehand. Although they were not standing together, their wands cast a spell on the same piece of ice.

   It's just that Emil used the crushing spell, while Draco used the splitting spell.

   In comparison, of course, the Crushing Curse destroys the ice surface the fastest, but it’s not that Draco doesn’t want to use it, but because he’s only in the fourth grade this year, and he doesn’t know the Crushing Curse, an advanced spell that only sixth-grade students can learn.

  Under the joint efforts of the two of them, a pothole appeared on the ice, but the lake hadn't been completely opened up yet.

After observing Emil and the others' spellcasting, Jon didn't stay any longer. He turned his head and looked at Diane, then nodded, then held the magic wand in his hands and pointed it at the five in front of him. meters away from the ice.

  His strange holding posture attracted the attention of many people present, but the next moment, a huge explosion shook everyone's ears!

   "Thunderbolt explosion."


  The dazzling flame suddenly lit up in the direction that Jon's staff was pointing at, and the deafening roar made the students who hadn't reacted for a while scream in fear.

  The ice surface of the entire Black Lake trembled, and countless shattered ice turned into snowflake-like debris in the huge impact explosion, flying around Jon.

   This blasting spell not only directly blasted through the ice layer, but also the icy lake water soared into the sky, leaping up to a height of more than two meters, and finally splashed on the cracked ice again!

  Draco and Emil were the closest to Jon. Before the explosion spell sounded, they were still using spells to destroy the ice layer. The sudden loud noise caught them off guard and almost fell to the ground.

Fortunately, the target of Jon's spell was not aimed at them, otherwise there would be no need for this game to continue, and of course Dumbledore could not be regarded as winning, because Jon seriously damaged Dumbledore's establishment. The content of the blood oath under.

   Soon the surrounding reporters realized that they pressed the shutter extremely fast. Jon's blasting spell like this can make a lot of sense in tomorrow's news.

  After successfully breaking through the ice layer, Jon didn't stay. He immediately used the soaking spell on himself that Rozier had taught him and Daisy.

   Immediately, his whole body was wrapped in a transparent blister. This kind of spell is an enhanced version of the bubble head spell, which is similar to the relationship between all protection and armor body protection, from enveloping the head to enveloping the whole body.

   Daisy also used the same spell as Jon, and then Jon jumped into the icy water of the Black Lake, followed by Daisy.

  The breathing of the two of them underwater can be guaranteed by the body soaking spell, and the fragments of the ash snake eggs prepared at the beginning can ensure that their body temperature will not be affected by the lake water.

   Soon the lake returned to calm, leaving only Draco and Emil with uncertain faces as they watched the big ice hole that Jon blasted.

  Emil stared at the ice hole where Jon returned to calm after jumping into the water, with tangled eyes on his face, but in the end, he continued to use the crushing spell on the ice hole that had not been crushed without hesitation.

  Many students around saw this scene, and Cedric was also watching.

  He was actually thinking that the design of the Triwizard Tournament was complicated. If the three events were directly designed as three duels from the beginning, then the game would end very quickly, and it would not need to span a whole year.

   "Why don't Lestrange and Malfoy go directly into the ice hole that Green blasted out? Why do they have to dig this laborious hole themselves?"

  A student beside him asked this question in confusion.

   Cedric said softly.

"Remember how Malfoy was eliminated in the first match? It wasn't that they didn't want to, but they were afraid that Green and Rozier would be waiting underwater, waiting for them to jump in, and then do it directly. Both of them were eliminated."

   Cedric's answer answered the doubts of many people around, which made these mixed-race students curl their lips. Although they didn't speak out because of the presence of the professor, they still felt ashamed.

  Finally, with the efforts of Draco and Emil, they successfully opened a hole from which they could enter the lake.

  The two of them didn't stop, and immediately ate the fish gill grass, and then cast a spell on their bodies that seemed to keep warm from the cold, and finally jumped into the icy water of the Black Lake.

  When they jumped in, they felt a sense of relief in disguise. Neither of them had thick skins. They had such a sharp contrast with Jon just now under the gaze of so many people, and no one could bear it.

After entering the water, they could clearly feel that the icy lake water was irritating the skin on the surface of their bodies, but soon the anti-cold spell used in advance had an effect, helping them resist the cold and protect the heat in their bodies. Even if they have taken off the thick robes they are wearing, they are still as comfortable as soaking in warm water.

  After entering the water, Emil didn't slack off either. He immediately raised his wand and looked around, in case the despicable and shameless Jon hadn't gone far and was still ambushing near the hole they opened.

  But in fact, Jon has no interest in ambush them at all.

   Entering Black Lake openly and aboveboard, his task is not only to compete, and he has already gained enough advantages in the first event, so he actually didn't want to do anything to Emile and Draco.

   After entering the lake with Diane, he made gestures and the two separated here. Diane mainly went to finish the game, while Jon dived deep and straight towards the bottom of the lake.

  The area of ​​the Black Lake is very large, and the lake is also very deep. The deepest point is about 40 to 50 meters away from the lake surface. It took Jon nearly ten minutes to step on the soft mud at the bottom of the lake.

  He glanced around, determined the southwest direction, and then walked along the bottom of the lake in this direction.

  After entering the lake, his first goal was to check whether there were any mermaids in the lake.

  (end of this chapter)