MTL - Legend of the Mythological Genes-Chapter 420 Human victory

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"Hey? How did the mechanical giant's cutting radiation not launch?"

"It stops at the pace!"

"The action is slowing down too! What happened?"


Densely like an ant-like figure scattered in space, surrounded by mechanical giants from all sides, surrounded by air, launched a wave-like attack, drowning.

But the mechanical giant's energy is endless, and its long-lasting combat capability far exceeds humanity.

After a brief episode of sudden attacks, the excessively large power gap has gradually made it difficult for Star Warriors to fall under the hood.

When the crowd gradually felt bad, the difficult situation became more and more relaxed.

The mechanical giant's movements are getting slower and slower, and the energy rays are getting less and less, giving them a valuable breathing space.

In the end what happened?

They are inevitably guessing in their hearts.

Is it that the energy of the mechanical giant seems to be exhausted?

But this is impossible!

Can be admitted to Great Wall University, everyone is an expert in scientific knowledge.

Nuclear fusion technology is already common sense in the interstellar era. It is a primary school student who understands the principle!

Nuclear fusion, also known as nuclear fusion, is the shackle of nuclear extranuclear electrons from the nucleus at very high temperatures and pressures at a microscopic level, allowing two nucleus to attract each other and collide together. Polymerization produces new, heavier nuclei that release a lot of energy.

As long as the matter is not exhausted, the energy is theoretically endless.

It’s impossible to spend so much time!

What happened there?


A pair of binoculars looked away, and suddenly it was a surprise.

I saw a silver light flashing in the cracks of countless metal tentacles, dexterously avoiding.

Once and for all, in the blink of an eye, I found the gap between the tentacles and fled, and it was wonderful to the peak, which revealed a thin figure.

Ion jet!

Manipulating the momentum of the microscopic particles gives them super-high acceleration, and the body adjusts the inertia by constantly rolling, which is similar to the mythical legendary tendon cloud?

Inspired by the wind forest, I can't help but have speculation, and I feel that it is a certain key.

But now that the situation is in crisis, it’s too late to think about it.

The iron rods in the hands kept bombarding the past, and the cracks in the energy shield continued to expand. The energy of the solar furnace continued to pour out, forming an ion storm to completely submerge the void.

The mechanical giant also clearly felt that his energy kept leaking, and he was outraged and violently attacked.

A metal tentacle is like the devil's minions, which are constantly staggered in the air, and the dense mesh is constantly strangled.

The wind forest uses the ion-spraying technique similar to the muscles of the clouds to evade in the air, and it seems to be easy.

But gradually he also felt the pressure was great.

The mechanical giants have become more and more metal tentacles, gradually locking up the space he has avoided.

If there are no gaps, the body is no longer useful.

This is not the way!

Feng Lin’s heart sank.

This is the equivalent of oneself and this mechanical giant, the objective facts of the power alone, the strength of the difference is not only able to make up for it with strong will!

It is necessary to combine the power of all people to have a glimmer of hope for success.

He took the initiative and decided not to hesitate. He had an action in a moment, suddenly screaming, and the soul was transmitted to the heart of everyone on the battlefield.

"This solar furnace is the core of the energy of the mechanical giant. I have found its flaws. As long as the furnace is destroyed, the mechanical giant will blew himself to death. The victory of this war will belong to us all, come help me!... ”

The sound echoed in every corner of the sky, no one missed it.

Everyone knows this and understands why this machine giant suddenly has a big offensive.

It is clear that the attack of the wind forest is already the key to it!

This person dares to dare to destroy the most important energy core of the mechanical giant, and the courage of the far-reaching world!

They are shocking and admirable.

In this case, they are even less able to delay their legs.

Every Star Trek is arrogant in his heart.

At this time, there is no question of competing for inconsistency. Any intrigue is not worth mentioning. As long as it can destroy this mechanical giant, it is worthwhile to pay more.

Everything is for the victory of mankind, everything for humanity!

With this in mind, I was rushed up and down.

Particle blasting!

Material crushing!

Electromagnetic chaos field!


A kind of material mixed with energy attacks bombarded the mechanical giant, crushing it to crush.

A metal tentacle was shattered and smashed, and it was only helpless to retract it.

Zhenwu artillery hammer!


A slam of the emptiness, a huge fist bombarded.

The huge Zhenwu method is in the air, and the blood and blood are bombarded with layers of progress, from Tai Chi to just soft, and even softly gathers strength, and then sends out to the fist of the fist, the most powerful.

Sure enough, a real gun weapon, it is really powerful, there is a great masculine force, as if it can really demon and demon, kill everything completely.

The mechanical giant withstood such a blow to the empty gun, it was the head collapsed, more than one hundred eyeballs were completely blown up, the explosion turned into a fire, the body was shaken again and again, constantly reversing, standing unstable .

With such a lore, Zhao Yuexi also suffered a great blow to his own strength and was defeated.

The real Wufa phase completely recovered the body, leaving only a pale, bloodless figure, but the eyes were brighter than ever, and they stared at the wind forest tightly.

You must succeed!

For the victory of mankind!

in order to……

At this time, Fenglin could not care so much.

After experiencing the previous heavy blocking, now it has been hit again and again. The most deadly thing is that the energy is not leaking out, and the mechanical giant is slowing down.

The wind forest only feels the pressure and the light, it is the dawn of victory is already in sight.

Everything is the effort of the compatriots to work together in disregard of sacrifice. The opportunity to fight for it must not be wasted.

The wind forest suddenly bite, regardless of digestion and digestion, the teeth close a bite, bite three three-turn easy gluten, the heat of the fire to supplement the loss of vitality, both eyes roar, give birth to a lot of strength.

"Give me a break!" The heavy anger and the horror of the horror of the horror rushed out, and slammed into the broken energy shield.


As if the glass was broken, the energy cover piece collapsed and completely shattered. Only a huge sun-like fireball appeared in front of the eyes, emitting violent light and heat, melting all matter.

Such a horrible thing, no creature can get close.

But at this time, in the view of Fenglin, it is like a young woman who has been naked and naked.

"Go! Go! Go!!" Feng Lin thought of a move, a golden star like a star, driven by the idea, mad out.

One piece was inconspicuous in the face of the solar furnace like gravel, but as soon as it fell into it, it seemed to drip into the hot oil and quickly burst and rolled.

In the sun's solution, a bubble suddenly appeared. The magma generally rolled, destroying the dangerous atmosphere and erupting. There was an unknown and violent reaction inside.


The next moment the solar furnace exploded, the endless redness of the fire reflected in everyone's eyes, illuminating the starry sky.

For a time, the stars in the starry sky were eclipsed, leaving only the only dazzling light.