MTL - Legend of the Mythological Genes-Chapter 421 return with glory

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The boundless fire blasted in the stars, and the mighty ion tide enveloped every corner of the starry sky, and it continued to spread.

Just like a supernova explosion, endless heat bursts out, sweeping out, drowning everything, and turning everything into dust.

The mechanical giant's chest flames rose into the sky, and the solar furnace exploded completely. It became the biggest and most splendid fireworks in the starry sky.

The ions are subjected to trillions of impacts in an instant, and the hard mechanical body is completely decomposed and vaporized!

The huge body of the mechanical giant, like a mountain, is like a domino.

At first it was only a little disintegration, and in the end it had formed a chain reaction and completely collapsed.

But this is not over yet!

The collapsed substances actually fell into the fireball, re-formed a new nuclear fusion fuel, and continued to explode and explode, emerging like a magma-like bubble.

The round of fireballs, like the expanding sun, expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, exploding the giants of the mechanical giants into a huge hole.

The energy is out of control, and its thousands of eyeballs burst into flames and are completely destroyed.

The face of the mechanical giant squatting at this time is full of human fear, so that every interstellar human being inside and outside the battlefield can be seen with great enthusiasm. No matter how he struggles, his face is distorted, and eventually his body collapses and is completely submerged by the fireball.

The vast space is eclipsed by a star, and only one big fireball that keeps expanding expands out of endless light and heat, illuminating the entire starry sky, piercing the eye, but there is a small black spot in front of it. .

A closer look, but a figure standing in the void, facing this huge fireball.

The seemingly small figure is very tall at the moment in the eyes of everyone watching the battle.

"Is it him? One person completely detonated the solar furnace!"


"What is the means he used?"


Numerous eyes inside and outside the Great Wall looked at the figure of the wind forest, and it was shocking. For a time, I couldn’t think of what words I could use to describe what I saw.

Thousands of words gathered in the heart, and finally only gathered into two words.


Yes, that is...


The fragile human body destroyed the mechanical giant who suppressed the starry sky and completed the miracle of weak victory.

In addition to the heroic stories of historical legends, there is no other feat that can be compared to his eyes.

What is a hero?

Turning the tide is overwhelming, and the building will be tilted!

This is the hero!

The more desperate, the only hero can stand up and bring new hope and future in the desperate situation!

Of course, other people on the battlefield are worthy of the reputation of a hero, but at this moment in the eyes of everyone, it is only the one who is alone in the face of the nuclear fusion explosion.

Only one person, no other!

"Is the machine giant eliminated?"

"We have really succeeded!"

“Is this a dream or a reality?”


As the fire illuminates the entire starry sky, many of the interstellar monks on the battlefield are watching this scene, and they are stunned.

For the safety of the Star Great Wall and the preservation of the human race, they can't let the mechanical giant go further and fight.

They don’t know what they are inside, it’s a very difficult and dangerous thing!

But they didn't have to choose, they couldn't retire, they didn't have to retire, only they tried their best.

But now that there is no one in the world, it may happen in front of them. For a time, they all have unrealistic disillusionment.

And just as they stayed still, the fire spread, and a figure plunged back, and the snoring echoed in everyone's ear.

"Come on!" The reaction of the people after this was discovered.

The nuclear fusion furnace explosion is no different from a small supernova explosion. The violent energy particle flow and strong radiation are enough to completely overwhelm everything, let alone the fragile human body.

In fact, nowadays human technology is simply not enough to create a super-strong material that is deep into the core of the star.

The energy radiation scale on the micro-machine armor is rising rapidly at an alarming rate, bursting red, and bursting with a harsh alarm.


The situation was not right, everyone was neat and tidy, and they began to evacuate without saying anything. The micro-machines opened their full load and sprayed bursts of flame.

Those who have the power of special genes are all used regardless of the consumption. I can't wait to escape as fast as possible.

Fighting hard, I managed to kill this mechanical giant. If I finally escaped slowly and was killed, it would be a white death!

How fast they naturally run!

I just started to have a smug look, but now I have escaped like a ghost.

The speed is fast, everyone's mech is ejected out of Mars, and the figure is like a meteor in the air, straight to the Great Wall.

If this is the triumph of victory, the scene is too funny.

But in the Great Wall, there is no ridicule, but a adoring look.

They actually did it!

These Star Warriors and Great Wall students did it and destroyed the mechanical giant!

Save the Star Great Wall!

Humans are safe again!


You are desperate to escape, although you are embarrassed, but your efforts to kill the enemy is really handsome!

At this time, everyone in the war is in the heart of admiration.

Many marshals stood on the Great Wall and saw this scene more gratified and laughed loudly. "Open the beam and bring our hero back!"

The solar furnace is exploding, and the ion rays are rushing out, and they will be completely submerged.

In this way, even if these people can successfully recover, they must be seriously injured. The conventional means of rescue is useless. It is necessary to use emergency rescue methods.

Although the consumption is large, it is no more precious than the heroic warriors who kill human enemies on these battlefields!

"Yes, Marshal!" The war light brain in the Great Wall immediately responded, and the doors were opened, and a special beam of light was sprayed to cover the crowd, as if it were substantial and the space was distorted.

Each figure was taken and disappeared in the air.

When it comes to the next time, it has already crossed the long interstellar distance out of thin air, all appearing in the Great Wall.

hero! hero! hero! ......

Feng Lin and others opened their eyes and had not returned to God. They saw a pair of fanatical faces coming in, all of which came to their attention, and they were admired and admired.

The cheers of the two cheers and the crowds huddled.

The previous defensive positions and the many interstellar warriors of the offensive array appeared together. They stood together with Fenglin and others to enjoy the cheers of everyone, and they unconsciously raised their chests and heart.

At this time, everyone feels that they are completely worthy of their desperate efforts. From the heart, they are proud and happy, and they can participate in this battle at a young age.

It is the brightest spot in the history of the monks.

Among them, the wind forest was surrounded by the most people, and the sound of the bursts came over, not a hero, but...

Heroes of Earth! Heroes of Earth! Heroes of Earth! ......

Cheers for a long time.

As a party, Feng Lin is self-deprecating and laughing, but he does not agree with it.

I am not a supreme treasure, what a hero!