MTL - Lord of Nine Stars-Chapter 16 Lu Mang

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After Yang Chunxi arranged the dormitory for Rong Taotao and Li Ziyi, he took Sun Xingyu to the girls' dormitory.

The two stood at the door of the dormitory building, looked at each other, made a cold snort almost at the same time, then turned their heads and walked into the dormitory.

The two of them thought very well. The cold hum just now was basically a goodbye, but...

The two still had to go up the stairs together, um, it was embarrassing.

Fortunately, this embarrassment did not last for a long time. It may be that Yang Chunxi was worried that the two would quarrel, so he specially asked them for different dormitory keys.

Rong Taotao turned left on the second floor, Li Ziyi didn't speak, and walked to the third floor on his own.

Rong Taotao looked at the key in his hand, which was covered with white tape with the words 201 written on it.

"201...201..." Rong Taotao walked to the innermost room on the left, and tried to open the door with the key, but found that the light inside was on.


Rong Taotao scratched his head, but just forgot to ask how many people his sister-in-law was in the dormitory.

"Boom~dong~dong~" Rong Taotao knocked on the door, but without waiting for a response, he pushed open the door directly.

Obviously, this knock on the door was just a symbolic courtesy, and Rong Taotao didn't intend to really get the answer from the people in the house, after all, Rong Taotao lived here.

The warm dormitory is brightly lit, and the two beds are arranged around the dormitory.

Bed and table, double room, well, not bad.

Rong Taotao stood at the door and looked curiously at the window sill of the dormitory in front of him. The person standing in front of the window just turned around.

"Hello." The young man was slender, his attitude was flat, and there was not much expression on his face, he just nodded to Rong Taotao.

"Hello." Rong Taotao smiled and waved his hand. Seeing that personal items were already placed on the desk under the bed on the right, Rong Taotao put the schoolbag directly on the desk on the left, "Your last name?"

The teenager leaned back against the window and said, "Miangui, my surname is Lu, my name is Mang."

Rong Taotao nodded thoughtfully: "The road is a long way to go, I will..."

The young man said, "The land of the land, the sharp awn."

"Okay." Rong Taotao put away his schoolbag and looked Lu Mang up and down. Maybe it was because he was still young but his height was too high, so he looked like a "wooden pole".

Of course, for a soul warrior, Lu Mang's figure is indeed a wooden pole, but for a star idol, this is a very standard figure, tsk tsk... How can a milk leg grow so long?

This physical talent is simply visible to the naked eye. With long hands and feet, it is a natural material for learning martial arts!

Those who can come to Songjiang Soul Wu to accept the assessment are indeed talented young people with explosive talents.

It's a pity that he doesn't look very handsome, but it's not ugly. He is white and clean, with a gentle scholar atmosphere, which should be very appealing to girls.

"Where are you from?" Rong Taotao sat down on the chair and tilted his head to look at the boy in front of the window.

The hairstyle added a lot to Lu Mang's appearance. The broken hair on one end was uneven but very layered.

Lu Mang: "Go to Shanghai."

Rong Taotao was stunned for a moment, from the magic capital? Such a nice city, what are you doing in this icy world?

Don't you have the top universities in the country right on your doorstep?

The ocean soul warriors in the Demon City are a unique skill in China. Anyone who wants to become an ocean soul warrior, students from all over the world will flock to the Demon City with a "pilgrimage" mentality.

It seems that this time Songjiang Hunwu has created a precedent for the youth class, so he should have seized the opportunity. Many good seedlings did not go to high school in their hometown step by step, but came directly to the ice and snow to accept the entrance examination of the university.

Lu Mang seemed to understand Rong Taotao's expression, but he didn't explain anything, but said, "What's your name."

My darling, it's amazing, this person not only cherishes words like gold, but also has no accent in his words...

"Rong Taotao." Rong Taotao took out his mobile phone, rummaged through the information of the "Binghunyin" clan, and continued, "Rong of glory, Tao of ceramics."

"ABB, it's very smooth." Lu Mang said casually.

Rong Taotao: "What?"

Lu Mang: "It's okay."

Rong Taotao looked at Lu Mang curiously, but saw that he had turned around, folded his arms, and silently looked out the window.

Rong Taotao smacked his lips in distress, it would be better to let Li Ziyi be his roommate!

At least Rong Tao Tao can fire all the guns!

Rong Taotao still intends to be merciful to this young man he just met.

In the quiet room, no one spoke. After a while, Rong Taotao's finger on the screen of the mobile phone stopped slightly. As he read the information on the mobile phone, his expression became solemn.

The soul skill of the Xu Taiping family, that is, the Binghunyin family, turned out to be "Snow Sense"!

telepathy! ?

Of course, there are no soul skills such as mind reading or reading other people's thoughts in this world.

Snow sense soul skills, can connect with specific targets and communicate with each other in their minds.

This kind of soul skill, this...

Not right!

Rong Taotao frowned, puzzled.

This kind of soul orb soul skill, for the only child soul warrior, can connect with the companions on the battlefield, secretly issue orders, and complete the enemy's unexpected tactics and cooperation.

It is especially important to note that for normal soul warriors, snow sense soul skills are limited in scope.

And for brothers like Rong Taotao and Rong Yang, the spirit bead and soul skill of Bing Soul Yin can allow the brothers to achieve barrier-free communication across dimensions!

Even if the other party is at the ends of the earth, they can "talk" at any time.

The most important thing is... this situation is for human brothers and sisters!

For the Soul Beast Ice Soul Yin Clan, in addition to having no scope restrictions, there is no such restriction as brothers of the same generation.

As long as they are immediate relatives with the same blood, then the Binghunyin family can communicate at any time and communicate across dimensions.

The more Rong Taotao looked, the more shocked, and the more confused he looked.

The data also stated that, as a rare and highly intelligent race in the snowy land, the Binghunyin clan would always play the role of military advisors in the snowy army.

For decades, on the northern land, the Human Snow Burning Legion and the Snow Realm Soul Beast Army had fought countless times, and in those large-scale battles, the Ice Soul Yin clan was never lacking in the Soul Beast Army.

They are ambitious, with the same level of wisdom as humans, combined with the right time and place, have been trying to invade the northern land.

What attracts them the most is the resources and the environment. Although the snow spirit beasts can survive in violent snowstorms, who doesn't want a better living environment?

Maybe they can't stand the heat in the south, but in the north, in the icy forests and snowy plains invaded by snow vortexes, where the frequency of wind and snow is not too much, the coldness is moderate, and there are a large number of earth's wild animals as food ingredients. This kind of living environment is not to mention how comfortable it is.


Rong Taotao's heart sank, and he realized a very terrible thing.

Xu Taiping is undoubtedly the enemy of mankind, at least the enemy of the Northern Snow Burning Legion!

If Xu Taiping can grow up peacefully in the human world, or even be accepted by the human world at the very beginning, then...

Then the Xu Taiping family, his parents, brothers and sisters, grandparents, etc., should be dead! ?

It may even be exterminated in front of the Snow Burning Legion.

If he changed his mind and his family was still there, then all his family members should have been brought to Earth. UU reading

Otherwise, Xu Taiping's existence is a particularly terrifying intelligence agent.

Did the sister-in-law not tell the truth at the inn, or did she not tell the whole story?

"Hello." Lu Mang's flat tone came from the window.

"Huh?" Rong Taotao turned his head to look at Lu Mang. Rong Taotao's face didn't look very good because he was thinking about the problem, and his frown looked like he hated being disturbed.

Lu Mang was silent for a while, then said, "Do you know the content of the assessment?"

Rong Taotao shook his head and said, "The teacher said that I will call you tomorrow."

"Well." Lu Mang nodded, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Thank you."

Rong Taotao blinked, although he had just met Lu Mang, but the other party didn't look like the type to say "thank you".

Taking advantage of the words, Rong Taotao asked while looking at his mobile phone, "Why are you here? Your hometown is so good, and Demon City Soul Wu is a first-class college."

Lu Mang opened his mouth, but said nothing.

Rong Taotao: "The path of the Xingye Soul Warrior and the Ocean Soul Warrior is all Sunshine Avenue. The growth environment and cultivation resources are more than a hundred times better than the Snow Realm Soul Warrior."

Rong Taotao continued to say while looking at his phone: "There is a saying in Huaxia: People who choose Lava Soul Warriors and Snow Realm Soul Warriors may not be true warriors, but they must be people of faith."

Hearing this, the corner of Lu Mang's mouth was slightly raised, and his smile was a little weird: "Fifteen or sixteen-year-old children, where did the faith come from, it is nothing more than rushing to the resources of Songjiang Soul Wu."

Hearing this, Rong Taotao nodded in agreement, played with his mobile phone, and didn't speak again.

Lu Mang didn't say anything, the dormitory fell into silence again.