MTL - Marvel: Become Athena-Chapter 59

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This high posture made Tina, Ella and the others look cold.

The angel's voice was full of magnetism, and he said slowly: "My name is Michael, a human being, and Luther is the spokesperson of heaven. She captured the devil Kazan for heaven, and fought for peace on earth, even if she killed a few people for it." Class, you, are not qualified to judge her."

While speaking, he stretched out his hand.


On the ground, Luther, who had turned into an ice sculpture, began to slowly hang in the air. His body exuded a pure white sacred light, and the ice was slowly melting.

Michael's self-righteous appearance angered Tina Ayla and the others.

The loud and clear voice resounded through the sky like thunder.

"Who allowed you to break into the world unscrupulously? Killing innocent lives must be judged, and whoever dares to stop them will be punished with death."


I saw Tina and Ella rushing towards Michael and Luther, one in front and one behind.

The rest of the Saints also followed behind Tina.

A few beams of light pierced the air, and Ayla shot in front of Luther in the blink of an eye. Before the opponent could dissolve the ice sculpture, she raised her right leg high, and hit the whip leg from top to bottom mixed with boundless terrifying power. Kicked Luther on the shoulder.



Accompanied by a crisp explosion, the ice sculpture fell towards the ground like a meteorite, hitting the ground with a terrifying shock wave.

Meanwhile, Tina and other saint fighters rushed in front of Michael.

Facing the tall and straight figure of Michael Gundam, Tina punched out a Sonic Punch. Within a second, hundreds of punches of the Sonic Punch shone like stars blooming.

This turbulent power shocked even an archangel like Michael.

He held out his palms in front of him.


With strange ripples, a pure white barrier with a huge phantom cross appeared in front of him.

boom! boom! boom!

The storm-like sonic punch crazily slammed into the barrier, each punch could shatter atoms, and the sonic punch fired by Tina, who was close to the seventh sense, could destroy a city with every blow.


Sure enough, raindrops of sonic punches punched the barrier into cracks. Finally, the barrier shattered and turned into fragments of pure white light, which were carried by the sonic dog and continued to blast towards a group of angels such as Michael.

With screams, blood and wings all over the sky bloomed in the sky.

In just an instant, several guardian angels were turned into flesh, and the rest of the guardian angels reacted quickly and dodged, but they were either missing arms or broken legs.

Only Michael, the archangel, turned into a phantom and remained unaffected.

Michael slowly turned his head to look at the tragic situation behind him. His original aloof demeanor no longer existed.

Instead, it was a distorted face.

The pure white light on his body kept flickering, and his eyes were full of coldness and anger.

He, in the human world, was desecrated by a group of ants-like humans!

Even if this group of humans possesses great power, so what? The endless years have long given him a stereotype of human beings. In his mind, human beings are just a group of pigs who dedicate their beliefs and souls to heaven.

The mighty hogs are also just hogs.

The meat pig dared to violate the order of heaven, and even dared to shoot and kill his guardian angel.

This, how can forgive?

"You are looking for death!!" Michael's angry voice rolled and echoed between the sky and the earth. The powerful sound waves shook the ground below, and the strong wind raged and howled, rolling up thousands of miles of yellow sand.

(Ask for a monthly ticket for flowers, thank you sir!) and.

Chapter 104 Dirty Paradise (asking for a monthly ticket for flowers)

The angry Michael burst out with boundless power.

Dazzling sacred light suddenly appeared in the sky, and the majestic pure white light turned into a turbulent torrent to wreak havoc.

The dazzling light made Tony and others who looked up on the ground couldn't help but close their eyes.

Huss and Johnny only felt that their bodies were about to be burned, especially Huss, as a **** hunter, he was essentially a demon.

Facing the divine light erupted by Archangel Michael, the devil's physique was as fragile as a piece of wood burned by flames.

Feeling that his body was going to be melted, Hu Si cursed inwardly, and quickly threw a black stone.

The stone flew in mid-air, turning into a pitch-black curtain that enveloped the surroundings.

Cut off the terrible divine light of Archangel Michael.

Johnny also felt much better, looking at the black stone in the sky that was engraved with dense and mysterious patterns, he asked strangely, "What is this?"

"This thing I dug out of hell, it has existed for billions of years, it has been soaked in the power of **** all the time in the depths of hell, it also has incredible dark power, the energy in this thing is used less and less, It's gone, man, I got the bottom of the box out."

"You have to buy me a drink for whatever you say."

Hus's fat face was full of distress.

He didn't lie about "727". He didn't know how many times this stone had saved him over the years, but all of them were used at the critical moment of life and death. This time, the divine power erupted by the archangel Michael, I'm afraid it will consume all the dark energy in the stone.

Damn Michael~~

Huss cursed inwardly.

He lost a lot of money, even if he caught the devil Kazan this time, so what? It can't even out his loss at all.

He glanced at Tony, who stretched his hands in front of him and put down his mask, and Rogers, who put his shield in front of him. That's what makes humans so good, they won't be affected by the power of the birdmen in heaven, but they are not brainwashed. Surprisingly, these two humans seem a little different from ordinary humans.


The dazzling white light faded slowly, and Hus quickly put away the black stone, seeing the faded lines, he almost didn't shed tears of distress.

Sure enough, there was not a drop left, and it was completely useless.

Damn Michael.

Huss cursed again.

In the sky, the pair of huge wings behind Michael stretched out, the sacred breath made him like a god, and the surging breath shook the surrounding space.

Those guardian angels who were supposed to die did not know when they recovered.

Tina and the others were floating in the sky, seeing this, they couldn't help but let out a cold snort.

Michael's face was cold, and he stretched out his fingers only to Tina and the others: "Blame the angels, blaspheme the gods, hinder the mission of heaven, your souls have fallen, judge them."


The guardian angels received the order without any hesitation, their wings fluttered behind them, and they rushed towards Tina and the others with a big sword in their hands.

A stream of pure white light beams instantly tore through the sky.

It's really beautiful.

However, Tina and the others showed no fear at all. Tina's eyes glowed red, "No one is qualified to judge us except Athena."


The air wave exploded violently, and the sound of the sonic boom resounded. The figures of Tina and the others instantly disappeared in place. There was a danger coming from behind.

A long index finger with brightly colored nails touched the back of his heart.

The angel's expression was stiff, and his eyes moved back involuntarily. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a beautiful eye shining with red light.


In the next second, a pink-purple halo exploded from the index finger, and a needle-like light beam shot out instantly. The angel's back was immediately shattered by this force, and the whole person fell obliquely towards the ground like a cannonball.

The sky is splashed with countless feathers and blood.

It also allowed Tony and Rogers under the ground to see the real so-called angel with broken wings.

boom! boom! boom!

The guardian angel fell into the yellow sand, splashing the yellow sand all over the sky, the ground was cracked and sunken, and the air waves raged violently.

Lying in the pit, a huge blood hole was pierced on the angel's chest, back, and blood spurted from the corner of his mouth. His eyes were full of pain and despair. He felt death, and stretched out his hand to the archangel Michael, hoping Can get the mercy and salvation of the Archangel.

However, when Michael wanted to heal, it was too late.

The power of a saint fighter is enough to smash atoms, and can essentially shatter the core. The short contact between Tina and the others has already recognized the particularity of the angel race, so the power is not only aimed at the physical body, but also against the body. soul.

The guardian angel's eyes lost their brilliance, and he completely lost his voice as he lay in the pit of the yellow sand.

In the next second, yellow sand blew past and buried his body.

Seeing their companions die so easily, the rest of the guardian angels were shocked. The original anger and pride immediately dissipated, and turned into silent fear.

It's not that angels can't die, it's just that for countless years, heaven is no longer the original heaven.

Those noble qualities have long been corrupted, and some only have selfishness, interests, lies and deceit.

In this environment, the angels are already decayed, no different from the fallen angels.

Enjoying extravagance and **** will naturally fear death.

The angels glanced at their companion who was buried in yellow sand on the ground, then turned to look at Tina, as if they were looking at a **** of death.

Tina smiled contemptuously, and didn't pay any attention to these trash. The so-called angels are advertised on the earth as the most beautiful creatures in the world, and they are also creatures that symbolize purity and holiness. It is decay and darkness.

"You also know to be afraid?"

Tina said so superiorly.

That condescending attitude was just like what these angels had before.

As the Archangel of Heaven, Michael is also a battle angel. Seeing the appearance of the guardian angels, the anger in his heart is beyond words.

But he remained expressionless, just watching.

In his heart, these guardian angels are no longer qualified to enter heaven.

They should die in this place.


The few saints who had disappeared had already launched an attack


The Saint of Arrows did not use the tactics of Arrows to deal with these useless angels. His figure was so fast that he came behind a guardian angel almost instantly, and he stretched out his hands to grab the guard angel's body. Pure white wings.

In the latter's horrified eyes.

The Sagittarius Saint Seiya worked hard.



The Arrow Saint Seiya tore off the wings of the guardian angel with great force, blood splashed all over the sky, and the guardian angel wailed in pain. This shrill scream seemed to symbolize the bell of death.

"Monsters, they are monsters."

"Run, run~~"

The faces of the guardian angels who were spreading fear were distorted, and their wings fluttered in an attempt to escape and return to heaven through the gate of the Golden House.

However, before they flew far, they saw the rest of the saint fighters "booming" flying at high speed, and they caught up with the angels first, and their figures came to Tina in an instant and stood still.

The figures of the angels behind them were frozen in mid-air, and in the next second, the figures finally turned into a rain of blood, accompanied by densely packed blood-stained feathers falling down...

Tony and Rogers below, looking up at the blood rain and falling blood-stained feathers, looked cruel and beautiful.

And those fearless and heroic figures faced the archangel full of holy light and shadow a long time ago.

Time seems to be frozen at this moment.

This poignant and strange picture is deeply imprinted in everyone's mind, and people will never forget it.

In the sky, Tina looked at the seemingly holy Michael with disgust.

The latter seemed to have seen through Tina's mind. He had already recovered his composure, and shook his head with a regretful expression on his right hand: "The hearts of angels are pure and fearless. Since they know what fear is, it proves that they His soul has fallen."