MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 5 Brother Run (Part 1)

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The setting sun is falling, and the afterglow of golden red infiltrates the sea and sky, beautiful and splendid. When the lanterns first came on, there was still heat in the world. Pedestrians gradually increased in the street outside the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Cao Su sat in front of the Apple laptop he just bought, looking up the "live broadcast" information. After the group buying war, the capital's outlet is basically clear: mobile Internet! Of course, he prefers to stand in the wind.

He watches female anchors drive trains on various live broadcast platforms every day, and is very familiar with the live broadcast industry.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

dong dong.

Cao Su went to open the door, and found that Xia Ya, the hotel's personal butler, was pushing the dining cart to bring him dinner. The dignified and elegant chubby beauty stood pretty at the door, smiling and said, "Mr. Cao, I'll bring it to you. dinner."

He called for dinner a quarter of an hour ago.

In the afternoon, he and Chang Ya, a partner of Jincheng Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. (headhunter), had a detailed discussion about recruitment in the conference room downstairs.

Jincheng needs to help him find several administrative assistants. Women are required to be under the age of 30, have graduated from a university, and have an annual salary of 2 million.

He also needs to help him recruit a general manager who understands live broadcasting. It is required to have worked in the live broadcast industry for more than five years, be under the age of 45, and have an annual salary of 8 million.

Both of these positions require that the sooner you arrive, the better. And he paid Jincheng 25% of the annual salary of each position as a commission for headhunting.

The two parties signed the contract on the spot, and it was already 7:30 pm when things were done. He was going to go to Baifeng Bar to have a casual dinner and talk to Shen Zeming's friend about Yu Ping.

Cao Su smiled and let Ming Ya's plump and beautiful woman Xia Ya in, walked to the sofa and picked up his men's handbag, took out two hundred dollar bills and handed it to her, "Thank you for your hard work."

Xia Ya hesitated for a while, then accepted the tip from the guest again, put the ramen noodles and exquisite dishes for dinner: oysters in sauce on the table, and said intimately, "Mr. Cao, do you eat so simple at night?"

Cao Su sat at the dining table, picked up the ramen with chopsticks, and said with a smile, "I have something to go out. You help arrange a car."

"Okay." Xia Ya agreed neatly, stepped on high heels, walked to the living room outside and used the walkie-talkie to make arrangements.

Cao Su admired her plump and rounded back under her suit and uniform. I heard that this kind of fat beauty is very nice. Ahem, there is a saying that he is full and warm, and he is a little over it.

how to say? He is a single man. After he got the Shenhao system, he clearly knew that he was a layman and wanted a sensual life. The Master said: Food color, nature! Furthermore, in the age of peace, isn't the sense of conquest of men also reflected in beauty?

But in life, he didn't want to make himself very greasy and low.

I have a tiger in my heart, sniff the roses carefully!

Instead of cow chewing peonies.

So, when he met Su Qing, a student intern in the company, a goddess-level beauty, he didn't come forward to say hello. At this time, facing the plump and beautiful woman Xia Ya, she felt agitated in her heart, but she would not directly throw money at her to sleep with her.

You should pay attention to a matter of course, do you want it?

The place where you really want to spend money unscrupulously and have a lot of fun is in bars, clubs and other places!

After dinner, Cao Su drove to Baifeng Bar.

Shen Mingze and his good friend Tang Run arrived at Baifeng Bar just after 8:30pm on Friday night.

It's a bit early to come to the bar at this point. But they didn't come to the bar to drink and watch shows.

I got a table from a bar salesman I knew, ordered a few bottles of beer, and spent 688 yuan to meet the low consumption on Friday. The two sat at the table drinking beer, looked at the women in the bar, and commented together.

On the way here, Shen Mingze mentioned to Brother Run about Cao Su's treat tonight, "Brother Run, you know about Brother Cao..."

Tang Run is a handsome and handsome young man. He is 25 years old this year, the same year as Shen Mingze. He smiled and said, "We should play, we don't need him to treat him."

He and Yu Ping did have a few appointments. And Cao Su wants to open a breakthrough from him, this is too funny! He walks the rivers and lakes, how can he sell the **? Is he still messing around?

Shen Mingze smiled and nodded, until the end.

To be honest, his relationship with Tang Run is closer. Tang Run is very handsome, the kind that can make his debut as a male star. Every time he went to the bar, a woman would take the initiative to tease him, and he could basically eat seafood by picking up leaks.

"Brother Run, the girl in the white dress in front of you at nine o'clock is the best. Those white legs are really sexy. I'll try it out."

Picking up a conversation with this kind of thing, if you do it too much, you will feel nothing. Not to mention in a place like a bar! His most sturdy achievement was once a successful conversation with Bai Fumei who was driving a Maserati with a bottle of Yibao mineral water.

Tang Run looked over, and about three or five meters away, a tall and beautiful woman in a white dress was sitting quietly at the wine table and brushing her phone. The face is delicate, the makeup is light, and the white dress with suspenders shows her delicate collarbone and fair shoulders.

The curves in front of the murderer are graceful, the waist is slender, and the pair of slender white legs under the short skirt are slanted side by side, thin and straight. With this cool dress and **** style, who can resist the man in the bar?

Tang Run has rich experience and knows that this is a high-ranking beauty. This level of beauty will be given seats and drinks by the store in any bar. The more beauties there are, the more popular the bar will be.

mutual benefit.

And she can sit quietly and play with her mobile phone, which means she has a lot of initiative. It's not something that bar sales and store managers can command.

Shen Mingze would definitely not move. He can't even estimate. Moreover, his style is "waiting for the rabbit".

Ignoring the failure of Jiyou, Tang Run just took a sip of wine when a charming young woman was walking towards him.

Tang Run smiled.

The music in the bar is restless, the laser lights are spinning, youth and hormones are restless.

The silver-gray Bentley slowly stopped at the entrance of Baifeng Bar. Cao Su got out of the car with a newly bought Hermes handbag.

The handbag contains mobile phones, bank cards, ID cards, and cash.

The front of the Baifeng Bar is an arch, and security measures are used to scan the bags carried by the guests when entering the door. It was then greeted by a waiting salesman.

Cao Su has a plain appearance, his hair and beard are neatly groomed, and he looks stable and restrained. A twenty-three or four-year-old salesman greeted him, bent slightly, stretched out his hand and said, "Brother, please come in!"

The guests who come to the bar to play, have money or not, in the eyes of these salesmen, they will know at a glance. Cao Su's casual Connery shirt and Hermes handbag don't explain much. UU reading There are many people who can afford this luxury.

But the Vacheron Constantin on the wrist is not affordable for the average mid-capacity consumer. The thickness of its purse is definitely enough to support the consumption of drinks of up to 100,000 yuan a night.

Can the bar's sales be diligent?

Cao Su nodded, and followed the salesman calmly into the bar full of sound and light effects. He no longer felt the vain and uneasy feeling that he used to enter the bar in the past.

Of course he came to the bar to play at his age. But when he came to the bar and saw with his own eyes the **** and beautiful girls rushing to each other, their eyes were scorching hot to the rich and young people who opened the wine, and the booths of the high-stakes guests, looking like a rush, he was no longer interested in the bar.

I have no money to talk about...

Don't talk about it, let's civilize you and me.

The environment in the bar magnifies the worship of money deep in people's hearts, and the hierarchy is strict. If you have money, you can play freely and comfortably, which is a kind of enjoyment. No money is another experience.

The salesman led the way and said attentively, "Brother, how are you going to play tonight? Is it a box or a deck?"

"Pick the deck with the best position." Cao Su said casually.

When you come to play in a nightclub, if you want to experience and enjoy the happiness of the paper fan, of course, it is the card seat. In the luxurious box with good privacy, there is no such atmosphere.

Besides, he has something to do tonight. Shen Mingze can still do business, and sent him a WeChat message after he arrived at the Baifeng Bar. But Cao Su is not in a hurry to find them now!

Set up the stage and then sing.

The salesman said: "Okay. Brother, please come here. One of our two best booths is vacant tonight."

In a noisy, lively, crowded bar full of alcohol and hormones, Cao Su walked quietly.

No one knows him yet.