MTL - Mission Flow-Chapter 6 This brother Cao

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Baifeng Bar is located on the Bar Street in the downtown area, and it is considered a first-class bar in Shencheng. It is spacious after entering.

The nearly 100 booths are all based on dance floors and DJ booths. In total, it is divided into five areas plus a stand. The best decks are naturally the big ones facing the dance floor and DJ booth.

It has a spacious location and a good view, and you can enjoy the performers on the dance floor, as well as the men and women swaying.

It was after nine o'clock in the evening on Friday, and there was already a trend of fullness in the venue.

The sales took Cao Su to the "<"-shaped big card, and there were two muscular men guarding the entrance and exit of the card seat. This is the bar's in-house insurance.

The salesman smiled and handed the iPad in his hand to Cao Su, and said, "Brother, what would you like to drink first?" Today is Friday, and Kawang's low price is 18,800 yuan. But this need not be said.

"First, bring the drinks according to the low consumption." Cao Su sat comfortably on the sofa in the booth, facing the dance floor. Keep your handbag by your side. Flip through the wine list on the iPad and hand it back to the salesman.

The salesman immediately asked, "Brother, do you like foreign wine or champagne?"


Soon, the salesman brought a few waiters over with drinks and said attentively: "Brother, I matched the Ace of Spades (gold), Dom Pérignon Champagne King (fluorescent version), Dom Pérignon Champagne King, Moet & Chandon. Champagne, Chateaux Champagne combination.

Plus a fruit plate, soft drinks, snacks, and paper towels. Erase the fraction, totaling 19,000 yuan. Over $200. You can see it? "

Cao Su took out the bank card of Shencheng Commercial Bank to him and swiped the card to settle the bill. In the afternoon, the vice president of Shenzhen City Commercial Bank called him and invited him to dinner, but he declined. His plan to buy a house will use the bank. But meeting now is not the right time.

The Art of War says: So if you can, you can show what you can't, and if you use it, you can show what you don't need.

He had other ideas.

The salesman thanked him, poured a glass of beer, toasted Cao Su, and said a few words. Then he said flatteringly: "Brother, I will instruct the internal security guard not to let the messy people outside come to disturb your interest.

With such a big card, you can't play while sitting calmly by yourself. I arrange a few clean beauties to accompany you to drink and dance to ensure a lively atmosphere. "

Cao Su put down the wine glass in his hand, and the famous Ace of Spades tasted just like that. It didn't taste as good as the Flower of Paris in his presidential suite. With a smile, he glanced at the salesman who was half-squatting and talking to him, as if he was serving his master.

The salesman quickly assured: "Brother, I'll add your WeChat. I'll send you a picture. Nod and I'll bring it over."

Cao Su laughed, took out his mobile phone and scanned the code, added Xiao Wang's WeChat account, and instructed, "Six or seven beauties. I'll wait for some guests to come."

At a certain point, he read a book of online literature. The protagonist Ke Shao said a very classic sentence to the great beauty Xu Si. He doesn't remember the original text. roughly means:

Some people in this world don't need to do anything, and someone will help you solve the problem. 100 points to do 120 points with heart. Others, on the other hand, are bound by life with one hand and one foot.

The core reason is: money, power!

Just like him at this time. He was a high roller who came to the bar to spend. He only needs a look, and Xiao Wang understands what he means. That's the magic of money.

If a man wants to live a happy life, he must have money!

Ten minutes later, seven beautiful girls, two groups in total, came to Cao Su's booth. Judging from the appearance with makeup alone, all of them are above 90 points. Dress stylish and sexy. In the hustle and bustle of the bar and the dim lighting, it's extra alluring.

Especially when so many fair-skinned and beautiful girls gather together, it has a bonus effect. They were charming, enthusiastic, elegant, familiar, or cute. They came forward to greet Cao Su and called him in the newspaper, "Hello, Brother Cao. My name is xx."

The extrovert will also add a few nice words.

Cao Su smiled and nodded in response, making a gesture to let them take their seats. Leave the two most beautiful beauties sitting beside him.

The gods who came out to play are most afraid of stepping in two kinds of pits. First, disease. In addition to acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, there are other viruses. Therefore, pre-marital and maternity inspections are extremely necessary, guys.

Second, it is false. It looked very beautiful in the bar, but when I brought it to the hotel, it was either plastic surgery, or the road was walked too frequently, and the experience was not good.

He only completed the random task of the system in the afternoon and bought a health detector in the system mall. Completely fearless to step on the pit.

[Tang Man, age 23 years old, looks 91, stature 90, special 92. 】

[Ma Yixuan, age 26 years old, looks 90, body 92, special 88. 】

Don't ask why it is called a health detector, but it scans out such detailed data? The question is to refine the health data!


And sitting in the second position on Cao Su's right side, the melon-faced beauty with no makeup and makeup, named "Judy", is actually a plastic surgery freak. It shows clearly in the detector. The face has moved, the nose has moved, the ferocity has moved...

In the booth, Yingying and Yanyan were surrounded, making the hormones involuntarily restless. Many men in the bar looked here, either envious or jealous.

"Damn it! How much does one drag? What kind of waist does it take to carry this horse?"

"I stared at that long-legged girl in a white dress with suspenders for a long time. She was very cold, so many people refused to talk to her, but she was taken over by Dog Sales."

"If you have money, you can really do whatever you want. I've learned a lot today. Just wait for the **** to give us benefits."

Cao Su beckoned Xiao Wang, who was waiting by the entrance of the booth, to come over, and asked the two women beside him casually, "What would you like to drink?"

Tang Man was tall and tall, standing at 1.72 meters. He was wearing a slim white dress with suspenders. He was slender and graceful, with exquisite curves. The body is very interesting. A pair of white, tender and straight beautiful legs glowed with ivory-like luster under the white dress, making her **** for no reason. Tonight, I don't know how many animals in the bar paid tribute to her.

She sat on Cao Su's left, but a little farther away. With a slightly arrogant look, he said softly, "I can do it."

In her eyes, the middle-aged man with the magic trick is the same. She wanted to catch a young, rich and single rich boy.

I was bored tonight and was persuaded by a familiar salesman to come and sit. After coming over, of course she was sitting next to the C seat with her appearance.

Ma Yixuan is of medium height, 1.64 meters, with excellent body proportions. Wearing a dark blue one-neck slim-length dress, her collarbones are white. It also appears that his body is convex and concave, graceful and undulating. She has short hair and beautiful earrings. The facial features are beautiful, watery, with an intellectual young woman style.

She hugged Cao Su tightly and didn't mind giving him benefits, so she said softly, "Brother Cao, I can do it too."

Cao Su laughed. Similar words convey two meanings. He stretched his arms around the plump young woman with short hair, and said to Xiao Wang, who was squatting in half, "Bring 10 sets of the dragons from your store."

The music was loud in the bar, but Xiao Wang was sure he could hear the numbers clearly. In an instant, I felt my heart rate soar. Nearly a million orders! His voice was uncontrollable, and he said, "Brother Cao, wait a moment."

Xiao Wang took the tablet computer and ordered the 98888 Dragon Set, and then took out the pos machine.

Cao Su took out the card from his handbag: "Swipe one million, and you can look at the rest."

Xiao Wang hurriedly agreed. After swiping the card, he returned the bank card to Cao Su with respectful hands, took the tablet computer and the pos machine and quickly left the booth, holding the walkie-talkie at the booth and excitedly urging the backstage to serve drinks.

The seven beauties in the booth, including Tang Man and Ma Yixuan, who were also shocked, looked at Cao Su with fiery eyes in an instant.

As beauties who often hang out at top venues like Baifeng Bar, they have experienced a lot of wine games. But the million-level game has only been heard, not played. I don't want to meet you tonight. What level is this brother Cao?

The melon-faced plastic surgery expert Judy picked up the wine glass and gave Cao Su a toast: "Brother Cao, I toast you. You are amazing!"

With Judy's proofing, the other girls sitting outside offered toasts to Cao Su, but the toasts were a bit sloppy. This one said, "Brother Cao, you are amazing." The other said, "Brother Cao, you are so fierce."

But in fact, Cao did not show his weapons.

At this time, the DJ on the DJ stage was shouting, "Thank you Mr. Cao for spending millions in our store! I wish you all the best and all the best."

All kinds of whistles and screams suddenly started! Countless plumes of smoke began to spew from the stage. The music in the bar also changed abruptly at this time. A large group of girls entered the field with colorful ace of spades wine boxes, and there was an endless stream.

Each of the girls in the atmosphere group is still holding a salute, colored paper, and balloons. With great momentum, UU began to circle the dance floor like a tour, and then came to Cao Su's booth.

The audience boiled over, looking at the location of King Ka.

Cao Su sat in the booth, watching this colorful nightclub, listening to the cheers, the audience moved for him, and his heart was very calm.

A person owns one billion and spends one million to buy wine. Does he need to have any thoughts? I don't feel it at all! Just do what you want.

I didn't think about whether my money was worth it or not, and I didn't think about whether my forced pose was handsome or not. I want to spend, I spend.

In this crowd of screams and excitement, the tall and arrogant Tang Man in a white dress with suspenders couldn't help but sit closer and said in Cao Su's ear, "Brother, you are so handsome!" . She wanted to get hold of her eyes.

Cao Su smiled slightly, put his arms around this **** and tall fair-skinned beauty, and lowered his head to kiss her.

At this time, the atmosphere group that was doing the trouble just arrived at the booth. Everyone can see that the sexiest girl tonight, the white-skirted goddess in the eyes of countless men tonight, is falling into the arms of others, restraining her pride and being soft.

On a horse!

Let go of that girl.

The salute of the atmosphere group was fired properly, and colorful colored paper fell. Shen Mingze envied watching the long line parading all over the field. Immediately, he received a WeChat message from Cao Su: Shen Mingze, come have a drink with your friend.

This is a bit of a headless remark. But Shen Mingze instantly understood. He was still thinking about why Cao Su didn't have any news. Both he and Tang Run were soaking up until the girl was ready to go to the hotel.

His position was a little far from the stage, and he couldn't see who the brother Cao who was throwing millions just now was. And Cao Su sent him such a message.

Obviously, this brother Cao is brother Bicao.

Damn it!