MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 14 : you are my new tenant

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  In the evening after work, Fang Yuan and I found a Chinese restaurant near the company, ordered some simple food, and sat opposite each other.

   After a while, the food was ready, Fang Yuan picked up the chopsticks and started eating by himself, seeing that I didn't move the chopsticks, he said, "You guys are eating."

   "Aren't you waiting for Yan Yan?" I questioned.

   "She went to Shanghai to meet Jian Wei, and today we will have this meal." Fang Yuan said calmly.

   "She's going to see Jian Wei? You guys are getting married in a few days, can she go away?" I asked with some "doubts".

  Fang Yuan replied indifferently: "I just left after get off work, and I'll be back tomorrow morning, don't delay things." I nodded and started eating.

  Fangyuan put down his chopsticks, stared at me, and asked after a while, "Zhaoyang, how about some wine?"

   "No drink today."

After a long while, she looked at me again and said, "I think you're a little depressed!" Then she looked at her watch and said, "Yan Yan shouldn't have gone far at this moment, or I'll call her to pick you up, and you can take advantage of it." Looking forward to seeing Jian Wei soberly..."

  I was silent for a while and sighed: "Yan Yan is really marrying a dog and following the dog!"

   "How to say?" Fang Yuan asked in a different sitting position, and didn't mind me cursing him around the corner.

   "Both of you are immoral, please don't comfort a person who wants to die until he really dies, okay?"

   "Did I comfort you?" Fang Yuan asked innocently.

  I was a little annoyed: "Can you tm eat this meal, you can't eat it."

My anger made Fang Yuan sigh, he shook his head and said: "Your boy is still like this, every time you talk about things related to Jian Wei, you turn your face faster than you turn a book, you really can't get through her hurdle ?"

  It was only then that I realized that it was just Fang Yuan's temptation, but I didn't know how to respond, and fell into silence again.

Fangyuan asked the waiter to bring two cans of Tsingtao beer, ripped open one and handed it to me, and drank one himself, then deliberately changed the subject and asked me: "How are you with that graphic model recently? I think she seems to be very mean to you. interesting."

   "Don't talk about it, she and I are at best toys for each other's emptiness."

   "Sex toys?"

   "It doesn't matter how you understand it." I said indifferently, picked up the beer in front of me, and took a sip into my mouth.

  Fang Yuan took a sip with me, and then asked again: "Tell me the truth, since Jian Wei left these years, there is no girl in the world who has made your heart flutter?"

   "No." I replied without thinking.

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: "No matter how you look at it, you don't look like an infatuated kind. In fact, it's your own heart that has been unstable these years. You should calm down and think about it. Is there always a girl who makes your heart lurking by your side? You just didn't notice."

   "I'm not sure?" I asked Fang Yuan suspiciously.

  Fangyuan nodded seriously, and then made a guiding gesture and said to me: "You drink a sip of wine and think about it, right now, there must be something to gain."

I was dubious, but I still followed what Fangyuan said, drank a sip of wine, and then diverted my thinking, took out the girls around me these years from the bottom of my heart, and I didn't realize that I was attracted to anyone for a long time, I would rather Freeze the memory of being with them on a night of sex.

I still remember that every morning after a night's sleep, the sun fell on the quilt held up by the bodies of the two, and it didn't give me a sense of security. It's just the lack of material, how can I still remember the heartbeat and desire at night.

  If a certain woman sits on the same bed with me one morning and discusses marriage based on the house, I will definitely collapse, and based on this collapse, I can’t remember what it feels like to be heartbroken.

   "Is there any?" Fang Yuan picked up a beer and touched one with me, and asked again with concern.

  I just shook my head, picked up the beer and took a sip, but I didn't bother to say another word, and I didn't want to think of any women anymore.

  But people's thinking is very strange. When I didn't want to think about it, suddenly the beautiful and unreal face of my landlady appeared in my mind.

  I stared stupidly at the bonsai behind Fangyuan like a machine, but my thoughts surged like a tsunami—could Mi Cai be the woman Fangyuan talked about that made my heart flutter?

  I hastened to deny it, this is simply absurd idea, I only spend a few days with Mi Cai, even if her beautiful Chang'e descends to earth, I can't be tempted by her, because the fantasies and impulses towards women died early in the mean years.

  Fangyuan was still eagerly waiting for my answer, but I didn't want to entangle him with the meaningless word "heartbeat" to me, so I simply continued to play silent.


   The two drank a can of beer and continued to eat. The sky outside the window also dimmed unconsciously. The street lights on both sides of the road used the same posture to render the city under the night.

Fangyuan and I lighted a cigarette each, and while we had nothing to do after dinner, the two of us continued to chat, chatting, Fangyuan looked at the night outside the window, and asked jokingly: "Zhaoyang, what time is it today?" Something's wrong, it's getting dark, how can you still sit still, don't you have to find some fun?"

   "Don't go anywhere, go home and sleep later."

  Fang Yuan seemed to be shocked by me, and exclaimed: "Who murdered your night?"

  I was questioned by Fang Yuan, I was indeed murdered by a woman who just appeared in my life during the night I was drunk and dreamy.

I am not in a hurry to answer Fang Yuan's question, but I want him to help me analyze a question that has troubled me for many days. I still can't figure out why Mi Cai, who drives a luxury car, lives in that dilapidated house. I don’t want to believe that this is a fate deliberately created by God for us. Fate is also far-fetched, because I threw her quilt a few days ago, and she threw me into the wilderness. It seems that this world does not have this kind of torture. Fate to go.

   After a while, I said to Yuan Yuan, "I'll tell you something very new."

   "Is this new thing directly related to you not going out to fool around?"

  I nodded, and then selectively told Fangyuan about the various things that happened to me and Mi Cai because of that house these days.

  Fang Yuan looked at me dubiously after listening, paused for a moment before asking me: "Are you sure she's driving a million-dollar luxury car and living in that crappy house of yours?"

   "Of course I'm sure, help me analyze, analyze, and find out what her motivation is?" I said to Fang Yuan seriously.

   "Anyway, it's not murder for money." Fang Yuan said and glanced at me with disdain.

   "I know I have no money and a bad life, but now I'm really telling you something very serious, can you be serious?"

   "Zhaoyang, we live in a very real world. In fact, you really don't expect her to owe you something in the previous life, and come to repay you in this life."

I rubbed my chin and said solemnly: "Don't say it, maybe it is really possible. You said that I have done all kinds of evil in my life, and I stink. It must be because I did too many good things in my previous life. Maybe my daughter The landlord received favors from me in the previous life, and he came to repay the favor and serve me in this life."

   "Serve you? Didn't you say that she tricked you to the junction of Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway between Suzhou and Wuxi at night, and you were so cold that your nose was running out. Is there anyone who serves you like this?"

  I pointed at Fangyuan, and after being speechless for a while, I said, "You f*ck are a bad friend!"

  Fangyuan smiled, got up and patted my shoulder and said, "Zhaoyang, it's actually a good thing for a woman to divert your attention from Jian Wei..."

   Without waiting for my answer, he said again: "It's 7:30 soon, and I have an appointment with the planner of the wedding company at 8:00, so let's break up today."

  Looking at Fang Yuan’s leaving back, I lit another cigarette in a daze, feeling that I didn’t quite understand what he said. Why did the appearance of Mi Cai divert my attention from Jian Wei?


  After coming out of the restaurant, I bought another can of beer. While drinking, I followed the crowd, listened to the laughter of others, and walked towards home thinking about my troubles.

  Go home and open the door, the house is pitch black, turn on the light in the living room, look around, the house is full of deserted, my landlady, Mi Cai seems to have not come back.

I was bored in every possible way, I sat on the sofa and watched TV, without the drunkenness and dreams of going to the nightclub, the night seemed to become endlessly long, I can’t remember when I was like this, at the beginning of the night, Just like a little man at home looking for entertainment in front of the TV...and then feel bored!

It was only 8:30, but I was tortured by boredom, I smoked a cigarette, and I was in a daze for a while, the time only passed ten minutes, I wanted to die a little, it turned out that the night alone was so difficult !

  I found the guitar from the room, found a guitar score, and started to practice singing. If there is anything I like to do every night besides being drunk and dreaming, I am afraid that I can only play the guitar, which is boring.

  After singing one song, when I was about to play the next song, there was finally a movement outside the house, and then the door was opened, and then I saw Mi Cai, who was beautiful and deadly, carrying a handbag.

  Although there is a bit of a festival between us, I am not a narrow-minded person, so to belittle her beauty, this woman seems to be a masterpiece under the impulse of God.

  I put down the guitar in my hand and asked with a smile, "Are you back?"

   "Yes." Mi Cai responded and walked towards her room.

   "Stop." I shouted to her in a deep voice, with a straight face, but it was because of boredom, unwilling to be alone, and wanted to tease her.

  Mi Cai turned around and looked at me: "Is there something wrong?"

  I looked at Mi Cai, and the more I looked, the more I wondered why this woman could be so beautiful? Then he asked without hesitation: "Why do you think you are so beautiful, can't you be transformed by some monster?"

  Mi Cai frowned slightly, and said coldly to me: "Please don't make me feel like I'm being lured into the house, okay?"

  I immediately stood up, pretending to be excited and said: "Girl, you're not mistaken, I lived in this house first, isn't your statement of luring wolves into the house a bit inappropriate?"

  Mi Cai didn't pay attention to my argument that people came first, her tone was still cold: "If you think I was transformed by a monster, you can move out at any time, and I won't have any objections."

"Why should I move? I originally lived in this house. At best, you are a new tenant. Besides, you promised me to live here, and I also abide by the agreement. After work, I squatted at home like a big Buddha. I didn't go, so don't tell me about moving house in the future." I said and stood up from the sofa to show my excitement.

   "I'm your new tenant?" Mi Cai's tone was obviously displeased.

  I didn't care about her displeasure, and said: "Yes, from today onwards, you can consider yourself a female tenant in front of me. In this room, whoever has senior experience is the landlord."

"Don't you think you're boring? Besides, I have to remind you that you don't need to change the concept secretly and force the title of female tenant on me, because I only promise you to live here for one month, and you will bring me soon. Leave here forever as a tenant." Mi Cai looked at me with a reassuring expression and said.

   "What's the matter for a month, even if I'm just a landlord for a month, I'm happy!" I said stiffly, but my mood was depressed because of Mi Cai's sentence "leave here forever".

  Mi Cai didn't want to be serious with me any more, so she said "Who cares about you" and then turned and walked towards her room.


  In a living room alone, I took out a cigarette and lit it. In the pleasure of smoking in and out, I felt amused because of the landlord status I had won by rascals.

Against the background of the lights, the smoke that was exhaled slowly drifted out of the window, I was fascinated by it, a gust of wind came from nowhere and woke me up again, in this gust of wind that seemed to be borrowed, I suddenly Seeing Jian Wei's hazy outline, I suddenly remembered: We will meet at Fang Yuan and Yan Yan's wedding in three days. I seem to have a premonition that the next three days may be more difficult than the three years of separation...

  To this day, I still can’t figure it out. We spent the best time of our lives in managing our love for 4 years. Why didn’t it start and end well? Even if we broke up, at least give me a reason, but…

  I closed my eyes, and the continuous smoke from my fingertips made me want to cry!