MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 15 : tease rice color

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  Sitting back on the sofa, I smoked all the cigarettes in my hand, then pressed them into the ashtray, looked at the guitar beside me, but I was in no mood to sing a song again.

I lay on the sofa on my back and died of boredom again. I looked at Mi Cai's room and felt a little unhappy. If she hadn't restrained me, I would have been drinking beer with Robben and watching A catwalk full of beauties, so to a large extent, the current boredom is given to me by her.

  If she hadn't suddenly bought this house, I wouldn't have to make compromises to continue living here, and I wouldn't have to change my living habits to die in the torment of boredom on such a night.

I think she has the responsibility to help me get rid of these endless boredom. No matter how robber this logic looks to others, I take it for granted, because boredom is so terrible in my cognitive world, it The birth of life is entirely derived from loneliness. If alive, who would not be afraid of loneliness?

I came to the door of Mi Cai's room and decided to break out of the lonely cage in this not too late night. I knocked on the door and said to Mi Cai who didn't know what she was doing in the room: "Hey, are you free? Come out and chat."

   "We have no common language." Mi Cai's voice came from inside the house.

  "Everyone speaks Chinese, why is there no common language?...Besides, I am the landlord and you are the tenant. We live under the same roof. In order to live in harmony for a long time, it is necessary to communicate frequently."

  Mi Cai ignored me, only a slightly embarrassing echo was heard in the room.

  I immediately changed my strategy and adopted the Huairou policy. I knocked on her door again and said, "Have you had dinner? How about I cook some supper..."

  Mi Cai didn't appreciate it, and interrupted me annoyedly: "Please do something meaningful."

   "Fuck, I'm making you supper, and you still mock me for being meaningless, right? Then I really don't want to bother you, it's amazing! I'll play with the spoon..."

I sat back on the sofa resentfully, but I was not reconciled. Why did she act like she was too lazy to pay attention to me? I am poor and not very promising, but this does not mean that I am willing to use my humbleness to fulfill her high posture. Since I still care about self-esteem in life.

  I really found a spoon from the kitchen, put it on the tea table and fiddled with the handle of the spoon with my fingers, making the spoon spin like a spinning top.


   Half an hour later, the door of Mi Cai's room was opened. She had already changed her clothes and walked to the bathroom in a white coral fleece pajamas with a pullover, as if she was planning to take a shower and rest.

I stared at her, but she didn't look sideways. When she walked to the coffee table, she glanced at the spoon that was still turning, then stopped and looked at me, while I looked at her with a blank face, ruthless as if venting. He flicked the handle of the spoon with his fingers, and the spoon turned faster.

  My boring actions finally brought a smile to Mi Cai's face, but I couldn't tell whether it was simply amused or ridiculed.

   "What are you laughing at! Didn't I just tell you I was going to play with the spoon handle?" I said as I turned the spoon faster.

  Mi Cai nodded, and said: "You really keep your word and make progress." After speaking, he walked to the bathroom without further words.

  I looked sideways at Mi Cai's back, and slapped the turning handle of the spoon to a stop.


A moment later, Mi Cai came out of the bathroom. Her hair had fallen down, and there were some water stains on the ends of her hair. Although she had completely removed her makeup, her skin was still fair and could be broken by a blow. It also showed her natural beauty, at least among the countless women I know, there is really no one who is still so beautiful after removing her makeup.

  She continued to walk toward her room, ignoring me.

  I shouted at her cheekily again: " stop."

   "What are you doing?" Mi Cai asked me not only with cold words, but also with an even colder expression.

  I was a little guilty, so I said bravely: "I...I'm quite boring, you can chat with me for a while!"

   "Find someone as boring as you, I'm going to rest."

  I seem to have received an amnesty order, and my voice is a little higher: "You said that, I'm going out to have fun now."

   "You can go out, but you have to take your luggage with you, and then there is no need to come back."

"I knew that you would grab my weakness and use me for entertainment... To be honest, I have lived in renting for more than 3 years. I have seen everyone, but I have never seen a tenant like you. To my landlord Can't you be more polite?" With dissatisfaction, I forced the title of tenant on Mi Cai again.

  Mi Cai retorted: "I have never seen such a thick-skinned person like you!"

   "If I hadn't been thick-skinned, I would have slept on the street a long time ago. You forced me to do this." I stared at Mi Cai, thinking about what happened to me in the past few days, and I felt uneasy again.

   "Aren't you the landlord? Who dares to force you!" Mi Cai looked at me with a half-smile, but her words were full of sarcasm.

I pointed at Mi Cai, my liver hurt from anger, and I said for a while, "You poisonous woman, I said that I am the landlord, but I just want to find a fig leaf for myself? Can you save some dignity?" After speaking, he sighed a long time: "The life of the poor is miserable...ah! I don't feel happy in life...ah!"

   "A person like you was a rascal in ancient times, and a rascal in today's world!" Mi Cai gave me a glare, and she didn't want to entangle with me any more, then turned and walked to her room.

Looking at the door that was heavily shut, I gave a "bah" and said angrily: "The bourgeoisie is amazing. Comrade Xiaoping has said that the Chinese people will eventually move towards common prosperity. Let you guys get rich ahead of time first." After a few years, in a few more years, just look at me..."

After tossing around in the living room for a while, I returned to my room, closed the door, lay down on the bed, and habitually lit a cigarette. I was still thinking about the quarrel with Mi Cai just now. Although I didn’t get any benefits, But thinking of Mi Cai’s pretty face, when she was angrily called me a scoundrel and a hooligan, I felt a sense of relief, and my mood seemed to be less irritable. After a while, I fell asleep in a daze, and finally did not die of the boring torture. middle!


Maybe it was because I went to bed early last night. I woke up at six in the morning, and I couldn’t fall asleep anyway. I just stared at the ceiling in a daze, and unconsciously thought of Fang Yuan and Yan Yan’s upcoming wedding. The mood became anxious, and I understood that this kind of anxiety did not arise out of thin air, it was related to my upcoming meeting with Jian Wei, it was terrible! No matter how I try to comfort myself, I can't seem to take it calmly...

  Furthermore, I am also very curious. Like Jian Wei, I have devoted many years of youth to each other. I am anxious because I am about to meet her, but what about her? Are you the same as me?

I don't have an answer, I can't use myself as the basis for judging Jian Wei, because sometimes women are different from men, and sometimes Jian Wei is not equal to me, maybe three years later, she will face me again, and she will only treat me as an ordinary friend, or even a stranger people!

The genius is bright, and I don’t plan to go back to sleep under the constant anxiety. After getting up and washing up, I’m going to make breakfast for myself. I opened the refrigerator and looked. A pot of porridge and a few fried dough sticks are a good breakfast match.

  I went to the breakfast shop downstairs to buy some deep-fried dough sticks, and went to the convenience store to buy a few bags of pickled mustard. When I came back, the water boiling in the pot was already boiling, so I poured the rice into it, and then got a mop to clean the house.

  A gust of cold wind suddenly blew in from the window on the balcony. Only then did I realize that Mi Cai and I forgot to close the windows last night. No wonder this morning was colder than usual.

At this time, half of the autumn has passed, and the temperature in the morning is very low. I tucked my clothes and went to the balcony to close the window. The first ray of sunlight in the morning also refracted in through the glass, and the colorful leaves swayed lazily under the balcony. On the grass, it seems to tell me: This is a good morning.

  In order to integrate myself into this good morning, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. Gradually, my restless mood calmed down a little.

  When I opened my eyes, I saw Mi Cai walking out of the room. She was still wearing pajamas, and her expression was still in the haze of just waking up.

  I held the mop in my hand, and greeted Mi Cai with a frivolous smile: "Good morning, my female tenant!"

   Mi Cai seemed to be unwilling to worry about the tenant status I imposed on her, so she pinned her messy sideburns behind her ears and asked me, "Do you always get up so early?"

   "Of course not, I woke up so early today to make breakfast for you." I lied quietly.

   "Really? But I plan to sleep a little longer."

"Then what are you doing now?" I looked at Mi Cai and asked knowingly. It was obvious that I got up to pee in the bathroom, but I was curious about the two indecent words "piss" from a beauty like Mi Cai. What happened to her mouth, or she was too embarrassed to say it at all! ...whether she's embarrassed or not, as long as it's fun for me at the beginning of the day.

  Mi Cai looked at me with a frown, but didn't speak. It was really hard for such a temperamental beauty to say the word "piss".

   After a while, Mi Cai said to me, "Get out of the way."

   "No!...Do you understand etiquette? I asked you a question and you didn't answer it. You made me very angry early in the morning!" I said in a raised voice.

   Mi Cai stood there, her face flushed slightly, she might be angry with me, or she might be suppressed... This has been stored all night, can you not hold back!

  My heart blossomed with joy, as if Mi Cai’s vengeance of occupying this house with money has been avenged, and she said in a villainous way: “Say, since you still plan to sleep, what are you doing now?”

   "I'm getting up now because I need to use the bathroom, please get out of the way." Mi Cai said with a very unhappy expression.

I was afraid that my joke had gone too far, and I was even more afraid that Mi Cai would turn against me and ask me to move out, so I hurriedly leaned over to give Mi Cai the space to go in, and suddenly realized that it didn't have to be about peeing, but about using the bathroom It can also be expressed implicitly, and this is the difference between a rough man and a beautiful woman!

After Mi Cai came out of the bathroom, I sincerely invited her to have breakfast together again, but she seemed very disgusted with my teasing behavior, and ignored me and went directly to her room to continue sleeping. As a result, I looked fine here In the morning, I ate a boring breakfast alone, and then started the day that had been programmed like a machine.

Wait, I have to correct myself. Strictly speaking, I am not like a machine, because recently I have always been anxious with human emotions; every time I think: Fang Yuan and Yan Yan's wedding is approaching, I will not avoid it When I met Jian Wei, I was instinctively anxious... At this time, I would rather be an emotionless machine, because another day has passed, and I still don't know how to face myself and Jian Wei after three years See you later!

  At this time, the morning sun just changed its angle and fell into the room, illuminating the black coat in the closet and extinguishing my emotions, while Jian Wei's face became clearer and clearer...


  Today, 4 updates are completed, and many readers are concerned about when the YY party for this book will be held, so wait. Please also tell each other about the new book. When everyone is back, we will hold a new book YY party.