MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 16 : two shameless thieves

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  When I came to the company, I turned on the computer and watched the social news for a while as usual, and then went to my friends’ Weibo, trying to find some funny jokes to make myself happy.

I accidentally discovered that Yan Yan posted a Weibo two days ago. The main content of the Weibo was the wedding photo of her and Fang Yuan. This Weibo Yan Yan Aite has a circle of people, but there is no Aite me. Of course I I know, she is afraid that Fang Yuan and her cultivation will make me think of the bleak end of myself and Jian Wei, but in fact, she doesn't have to be like this, and Zhaoyang can give her blessings with pain.

There are many themes in their wedding photos, among which is a group of photos named "Happy in Silence". In this group of photos, Fang Yuan and Yan Yan are holding each other's hands but expressionless, looking very silent, while the background of the photos It is a smiling sunflower, pointing out the theme of "Happiness in Silence".

This is a very good theme, but it doesn’t belong to them. This theme was suggested by Jian Wei more than 3 years ago when she asked me how to take a wedding photo of me and her. ...I think the joy in silence is the most able to withstand the scrutiny of time and the erosion of the years, and it will last forever.

  I sighed softly, but my heart ached from the ruthless changes of the years. After a long silence, I smiled and left a message under Yan Yan's Weibo: "Two shameless thieves, I wish you happiness forever!"

I lit a cigarette, took a puff vigorously, and exhaled long, but the diffuse smoke was instantly dispelled by the wind blowing in, so I also saw a picture full of cracks. Wei is still lying in my arms as she loved me three years ago, and praised me for the theme of "Happiness in Silence". We are very happy together and decided that when we get married one day, we will definitely use this theme to shoot a set of wedding dresses According to.

But after all, we didn’t have any use for this theme, so we were plagiarized by Fang Yuan and Yan Yan, two bad friends who had no sense of innovation... Hehe, I’m not sad about it at all, I’m really not sad... I just think of that evening We are so happy because we look forward to getting married.


  At noon, Fang Yuan and I had dinner in the company's restaurant. From this afternoon, Fang Yuan will take two weeks of marriage leave. He needs to transfer some work to me temporarily.

   It took ten minutes to chat with Fang Yuan about work matters, and we chatted about his and Yan Yan's upcoming wedding.

  I asked Fang Yuan: "Have you found Yan Yan's bridesmaid?"

   Fang Yuan nodded, and said: "Originally, Yan Yan planned to find a female colleague in their company to be a bridesmaid. Isn't this Jian Wei's return? She must have found Jian Wei."

  I didn't realize it for a moment, and after a long while, I asked Fang Yuan: "Is your best man?"

   "What's the matter, are you trying to run away?" Fang Yuan asked with a serious face.

   "What are you two thinking? Don't you and Yan Yan consider how embarrassing it will be for me and Jian Wei to arrange this?"

   After a while, Fang Yuan came to his senses and said, "Yes, Yan Yan and I really didn't think of this point. It's quite embarrassing to arrange you this way."

   "As long as you know, and Jian Wei and I have already broken up, it is unlucky for us to be your best man and bridesmaid!" I added.

   "I'm really scared when you say that!" After a pause, he asked, "Then who will quit, you or Jian Wei?"

   "You're on your wedding leave, and work matters are all on my head. I don't have that much time to be the best man, so I should quit." I thought for a while and said.

   "That's fine, there really is no way to have the best of both worlds." Fang Yuan said with some regret in his words.

  Of course I also feel sorry, but according to the customs of marriage, it is not auspicious for a married couple to have a man and a woman who have broken up as best man and bridesmaid.

   After being silent for a while, I asked Fang Yuan: "Have you thought of any other best man?"

   Fangyuan made a reassuring expression and said: "Don't think about it, it's ready-made, just find Xiangchen."

Not to mention, Xiang Chen is a perfect candidate to be Fangyuan's best man. When we were in college, the three of us had the closest relationship in one class. However, Xiang Chen is from Nanjing. After graduation, he returned to Nanjing and did not stay with us in Suzhou. , but the friendship of the revolutionary class is still there.

  I nodded and asked Fang Yuan: "I haven't contacted him for a few days, what is this kid up to recently?"

Fangyuan sighed: "Their Nayan Hotel has done well in the past two years. I heard that they have opened several branches in Nanjing. Recently, they are preparing to operate as a company and have set up an 800-square-meter flagship store. The image design fee of the flagship store alone It cost more than 300,000 yuan, and the work is quite high-end!"

  I also sighed: "His father is so awesome! When he is old, he still made this kid into a rich second generation!"

   Fangyuan shrugged and said, "This matter really has nothing to do with his father. You don't know that his third uncle works in the Bureau of Commerce and is still in power. Isn't it a matter of time before their tobacco shop becomes big!"

  I agree with Fang Yuan's point of view. In this society, there is a difference between people with connections and people without connections. For example, Xiang Chen and I are two stark contrasts.


Fang Yuan left the company in the afternoon, and my work became busy. I didn’t leave work until 8:00 pm. The next day, even though it was Saturday, I was still busy with an extra day’s work, mainly to replace Fang Yuan’s work there. The investigation team of the company is docking, and the project plan is revised according to their requirements.

  In just two days, I already felt overwhelmed and then bored, which made me understand: Compared with Fang Yuan, my work ability is still a bit weaker, at least he has been handling these incidents with ease.

At 9 o'clock on Saturday night, I dragged my tired body and boarded the last train home, but my mood was not relaxed because of tomorrow's rest. All I could think about was the wedding of Fang Yuan and Yan Yan tomorrow. They are happy to have a happy marriage, but they are unwilling to meet Jian Wei on such an occasion full of happy words, and this unwillingness becomes stronger and stronger as time goes by. In my opinion, Fang Yuan and Yan Yan's wedding was a cruel whipping and torture for Jian Wei and me.

  Maybe Jian Wei wouldn't care about this kind of torture, but I really do!


It was already 9:30 when I got back to the residence. I didn’t wash up and rest immediately. I just sat on the sofa in the living room and habitually lit a cigarette. Then I was immersed in anxiety and couldn’t extricate myself. I even forgot to play a song with the guitar Take it easy on yourself.

I drank a glass of cold water and just lay on the sofa staring at the ceiling in a daze. After a while, I heard the sound of the door opening. I knew it was Mi Cai who came back. She came back later than me in the past two days. Maybe she also has her own nightlife. , but that has little to do with me.

  The smell of cigarettes in the room made Mi Cai frowned, she came to me and said to me: "Can you stop smoking in the living room?"

  I didn't care about Mi Cai's questioning, and said indifferently: "What's wrong with smoking in the living room, and I didn't go to your room to smoke."

   "The living room is not good either, I don't want to come back every day, and the room will be full of smoke when I first enter the room." Mi Cai said sternly.

   "Then next time I smoke, just open the window. The wind will disperse after a while." I patiently said to Mi Cai in anxiety.

   "That doesn't work either. You can only go out to smoke in the future, which is not allowed in this room."

I sat up from the sofa, and said with a frown: "This is not allowed, and that is not allowed, you treat me as a grandson, right? ... I have lived in this room for more than two years, and I smoke in every corner." Smoking, including the room you live in now and... the toilet in the bathroom."

  After I got angry, Mi Cai suddenly said to me very calmly: "If you want to be so dissatisfied, then you can find a house to live in by yourself. Even if you climb on the roof to smoke, no one will care about you."

  I didn’t say a word, but I was tired of the feeling of being pinched by someone, but I couldn’t resist. I wished I could become a rich man to buy this house, and then climbed up to the roof to smoke a cigarette.

   After a long while, I crumpled the cigarette case into a ball, threw it into the trash basket viciously, stared at Mi Cai and said rudely, "Master, I won't smoke anymore, are you satisfied?"

  Mi Cai looked at me calmly and asked, "Master? Didn't you just say that you belong to your grandson?"

  I said angrily: "Nonsense, you think of me as a grandson, when did I say that I am a grandson?"

  Mi Cai smiled, shrugged again, turned and walked towards her own room.

I was stunned for a long time before I realized that she was setting a trap for me, making me admit that I was her grandson without realizing it... I suddenly had an urge to spit blood into her room, it was so **** bullying and honest people!


  After washing up, I went back to my room, closed the door firmly, found another pack of cigarettes, opened it and lit one, then opened the window and lay on the bed to smoke.

  The phone that didn't ring for a long time, rang without any warning. I was stunned for a long time, and when the ringing was about to end, I picked up the phone from the bedside cabinet and connected it.

  Yan Yan's familiar voice came from the phone: "Zhaoyang, are you asleep?"

   "Lie down, haven't slept yet."

  Yan Yan sighed: "Are you thinking about something else? Single men are so pitiful!"

   "Call back later, I'll go to the bathroom and cry for a while." I said angrily, Yan Yan and Fang Yuan have the same virtue, and every time they comfort people, they want to die.

  Yan Yan smiled and said, "Okay, let's talk business with you."

   "Say it quickly." I took another puff of cigarette and said.

   "... Where am I with Jian Wei now? She's staying at my house tonight." Yan Yan said to me in a low voice.

  I restrained my heartbeat, pretending to be calm and asked: "Aren't you with Fangyuan?"

   "You are stupid! I must be at my own home now." After speaking, she added sweetly: "Wait for my husband to marry me tomorrow!"


   "Well... Do you want to say a few words to Jian Wei, she is chatting with my parents in the living room." Yan Yan's voice was lowered.

  I am speechless...

  Suddenly another voice came from the other end of the phone: "Yan Yan, what are you doing?"

   Then there was a "beep" sound that the phone was hung up suddenly, but I didn't hang up the phone for a long time. I could tell that it was Jian Wei's voice.

Finally the phone hung up automatically, and after a while Yan Yan sent me a text message: "You heard Jian Wei's voice just now... I was scared to death, I called you behind her back, it's up to you The parties agree to communicate, so I can help you set up a line, or it will appear that I am quite inappropriate!"

  I didn't reply to the message, but just snuffed out the cigarette **** in my hand in silence, but her voice still lingered in my ears, reminding me of us who were happy in the rainy evening.

  Actually, whether we communicate tonight is not of much practical significance to us. After all, we will meet tomorrow with our real bodies, and three years have passed. Do you still care about staying through another anxious night?


   Today is still the fourth update. I will work hard, and everyone will continue to work hard. Our realistic writing style is so slow, and the new book issue is always the most painful! Yesterday evening, it finally slowly climbed into the new book list, and it is currently tenth.

   Flowers, collections, check-ins, VIPs if you have the financial means, send them all, and get through the most difficult new book issue.