MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 717 : tell

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Mi Cai and I spent the whole morning cleaning the house. In the afternoon, Ban Dae brought us paste and Spring Festival couplets, and told us to go to their place for New Year’s Eve dinner before six o’clock, and then left. After that, Mi Cai and I I got busy again, and pasted all the Spring Festival couplets representing the festival on the doors and windows...

During the short break, we sat on the sofa and looked at the house that had been tidied up all day. For the first time, we felt that the New Year was related to ourselves. We chatted about the gains and losses of this year amidst the intermittent sound of firecrackers. I also talked about those friends who left during the year and lived in foreign lands for the New Year!

The sky was getting dark, and the sound of firecrackers was getting more and more intense. I checked the time, and it was already half past five before nightfall. I finally said to Mi Cai who was still busy: "It's almost time, let's go to Ban Dae's place." Let's have New Year's Eve dinner."

Mi Cai put down the magazines she was sorting out, and replied with a sense of guilt: "You said that we deliberately selected the spots so well, and didn't help uncle and aunt cook the New Year's Eve dinner, is it too detrimental to family harmony? "

"As far as your cooking level is concerned, can you help me? Besides, we are not lazy at home, so we just cleaned up the house...I found that you tend to be overly nervous recently , Do you regard family harmony as your own burden?"

"I'm afraid that I can't do some things well enough... I heard that the relationship between a daughter-in-law and mother-in-law is the most difficult relationship to get along with. I just hope that these rumors don't come true for me and my aunt. I don't want you to be caught between us!"

Mi Cai's words moved me, and I was also sad because she is different from ordinary women. Once there is a family conflict, she has no natal family to rely on. Maybe all she can do is bear it silently, so based on this point I They will not let her be wronged in this family. Dad and mother are more understanding and will only treat her as their own daughter. Even if she really has something that is not good enough, they will choose to take care of it. What's more, Mi Cai is really so good that we have nothing to say... So, I put away those sad and distressed emotions for her, smiled and said: "Don't worry about it... .I really believe that living in this family, we are highly united, and my father and mother are very satisfied with you, because you are really doing a good job..." After a pause, I added : "This is really not my blind affirmation of you. What you are doing now is the standard of a good wife!"

My praise made Mi Cai finally no longer worry about the problems that she imagined and made a big fuss about, she smiled slightly and said, "Then let's change into clean clothes quickly, and then go to uncle and aunt's for a New Year's Eve dinner! "


On the street full of lights, Mi Cai took my arm and walked with me to the residence of my father and mother, and along the way, we were always surrounded by those holding bombs The children who played with each other would throw firecrackers at our feet when they met those who were extremely naughty. They looked at Mi Cai's frightened expression, proud and enjoying, and claimed that they were the emperor, and they could blow up whoever they wanted! It made me wish I could use violence to control violence, and teach these "little tyrants" who made trouble on New Year's Eve a lesson! But in the end, I still chose to outsmart and spent 10 yuan to buy all the bombs in the hands of this group of children. Before the children could buy more bombs with the 10 yuan, I took the rice color I ran all the way into a small path, and then I got rid of the entanglement... Then, the two of them looked at each other and smiled helplessly, as if we were the two soft persimmons on New Year's Eve, who were caught by the group who claimed to be the emperor. The child picked and squeezed all the way.

At some point, all the street lights were turned on, and the fireworks in the distance changed their shapes one after another in the nightfall of the city, and they were gorgeous again and again. Mi Cai looked up from the tall buildings, and she stopped suddenly, feeling a little sad. I said: "Zhaoyang, where do you think cc will celebrate the new year? Has she already returned to her hometown in Chongqing, or went to Hong Kong to accompany her sister?"

  I shook my head and replied with great regret: "I don't know... I even suspect: Now her family is just passively waiting for her to contact, and there is no way to actively contact her!"

"Yeah, she really left too thoroughly. It's been so long. None of the friends around me have heard a little information about her...Maybe, she is already in a strange city now. , married a man who can heal her pain!"

I am infinitely sad, because with cc's despair of love, she will leave love and marry herself soon, and she also expected this when she left, she needs a relationship that can evolve into marriage to save her scarred body Life, maybe, she has succeeded now, because of the charm she exudes, many men are willing to spend their lives to save her... Unfortunately, she is no longer the pure she she used to be, and her The new life is only based on the salvation she seeks out of helplessness. Since it is defined as salvation, how much happiness will she gain? …

I don't know the answer, but I have always firmly believed that what needs to be saved is only the tired body, and the love parasitized in the mind cannot be saved, it must either be reduced to ashes, or be reborn from the ashes.... .

During my silence, Mi Cai spoke again, but this time her voice was very soft, she subconsciously tightened my arm, and said, "Zhaoyang, I hope that cc will come to attend on the day we get married Wedding, help me find her, okay?"

   "I also really hope... But, coming back also means that her departure will become a failure, and she may live the life she used to..."

   "So you never made an effort to find out about her, did you?"

I nodded and replied after a long time: "Yes... This year, I have experienced too much and made too many choices. I no longer dare to easily do things that are not clear about right and wrong! "

Mi Cai looked at me, a little absent-minded, and said after a long time: "Zhaoyang, try to find it, I still hope she will come to our wedding... Recently, I always think of a picture : At our wedding, CC will be my bridesmaid, and Robben will be your best man. Not only that, they will also play guitar and bass, and sing for us affectionately, singing the songs we want to sing the most in our hearts ..."

I know that Mi Cai has already told me implicitly that she hopes that Robben can be with CC, and in her opinion, at least this is not a wrong thing, and I have no reason not to believe her, so I finally nodded and said : "Okay, I'll find a way to get in touch with her family first, and let them tell cc about my marriage with you, I hope there is still time!"

   "Well... If cc can come that day and turn the picture I imagined into reality, it will be the best gift you can give me!"

I nodded heavily, and made a promise to this matter, and deep in my heart, I also hope that CC can replace Wei Manwen and become the woman Robben loves the most. Let me ask, who doesn't like this lover who will eventually become What about the happy ending of the dependents?


On this New Year's Eve, Mi Cai and I forgot all the recent troubles, and finished the New Year's Eve dinner with Ban Dae and Mom in the most relaxed mood, and received red envelopes from the elders. Of course, we did not drink less wine, especially After I got off the dining table, I felt like I was floating, and the rice color was not much better. We didn't even go back to our residence. After a simple wash, we ignored all the entertainment activities on New Year's Eve. Lying on the bed to rest, this behavior made my mother very dissatisfied with those elders of the uncle generation. I felt that it was their booing that made me and Mi Cai drink too much. In fact, it was a favor to us. No need to wait for yourself to be a year older in waking... For us, this year is about to pass, it really makes us feel tired from the depths of our souls, and it passes silently in our sleep After this year, there is no need to be sentimental or reminisce, it is the greatest gift this New Year's Eve has given us!

It's a pity that I, who is sensitive to nerves, was awakened by the overwhelming sound of firecrackers outside the house at 12 o'clock, and then felt dry mouth after drinking, so I got out of bed and poured myself a cup of hot water while drinking. While waiting for the world outside the window to die down...

After drinking a glass of water, the world is still noisy. I subconsciously picked up the phone to check the time. According to past experience, the sound of firecrackers will last at least 20 minutes, and I was so upset that I even ignored it. At this time I have reached the age of 28, and so is the rice color around me... It was not until the sound of firecrackers gradually faded away that I suddenly realized that time has once again left its mark on us!

I will never forget that we met in the autumn when I was 26 years old, and I had the cheek to call her "the tenant". Now, we are 28 years old, but she has become my fiancée... It seems that fate has used it by magic Such skills have created this relationship between us. I can really feel how lucky I am in this relationship, so I cherish it all the more! Can't help but stare at her sleeping appearance, fell deeply in love again, lowered his head and kissed her hair, her cheek...

Outside the house, there was no more sound of firecrackers at last. I picked up my phone and wanted to check the time, but I saw the message from Yan Yan so eye-catching under the clock, because it was not a message of blessing, but Question: "Zhaoyang, did you put Weiwei in the blacklist of contacts?"

  I don't deny it: "Yes, does she want to tell you this too?"

   "Don't you think this is just a trivial matter?"

I didn't know how to answer, so I was in a daze. At this time, Yan Yan sent another message, saying: "Don't get me wrong, I am not asking you, and I understand why you did this, I just want to tell you... ...Jian Wei will not wait for the result of her parents' trial in China, she will go to the United States first, on the 20th day of the first lunar month, it is up to you to decide whether to meet for the last time in the middle."

  My emotions were turbulent, but I didn't think about it. Dang even sent a message back to Yan Yan: "Please tell her, I wish her all the best."

Yan Yan also quickly responded to the message: "Got it, I will tell her. In addition, I wish you and Mi Cai a happy wedding in advance. However, I have to help Jian Wei with some affairs before going abroad, so I can't go to the wedding site to send her a message." Blessings, I hope you can understand!"


"Happy New Year......"

"Happy New Year......"

Looking at the last two symmetrical lines of blessings, I finally felt a sense of complete relief... Jian Wei is really going to leave, the distance in space will eventually tear up those entangled yesterdays. Break into pieces, drifting in the river of time!

  I sincerely hope that her future can be happy! ...just like me, let go of the past and find another life partner in the United States who can love for the rest of my life!