MTL - My 26-year-old Female Tenant-Chapter 718 : Pick a wedding dress

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This new year was spent in a calm and warm atmosphere. Some relatives and friends who came back left Xuzhou one after another to be busy with this year’s life. At the age of 28, Mi Cai and I also lived a two-person life step by step. Waiting for the day of the wedding, in fact, there are only five days left.

Because Mi Cai and I were busy with our own work, the preparations before the wedding were handed over to my mother and father. They were very efficient and finished the complicated tasks including hotel reservations and wedding supplies early on. As for choosing wedding dresses and dresses, which have to be done by Mi Cai and I, we are also planning to finish them after get off work today. The reason why we are so many days ahead of schedule is because we don’t want our wedding to be hasty. Get married in the best mood.

Soon, after a busy morning, I habitually sat near the window and thought about my future business plan after lunch. At this time, I already had a clear direction. The Internet is the platform for my second venture, and the handheld game is my entrepreneurial project, because the initial cost of this project is very small, and the boy who is proud of the spring breeze recently has many classmates and friends who are engaged in this industry at home and abroad. With the help of his network resources, I can easily recruit a group of high-end talents; moreover, planning and marketing is what I have been doing for so many years. The link that burns the most money. Under the premise that the development level reaches the industry standard, the efficiency of publicity is the key to the success of the entire project. At this stage, I really like this kind of challenge to face myself.

As for the initial investment, I plan to find Zhou Zhaokun, because he is in the transition period of his career, and he is also optimistic about the domestic Internet industry, so he has such investment needs. If this investment can be successful, we are on the premise of gaining confidence Under this circumstance, I can completely enter the Internet industry in a carpet style, and even open up new Internet fields. In short, I am very optimistic about the prospects of this entrepreneurial venture. However, the motivation for this entrepreneurial venture is my only regret, because it is no longer linked to dreams. It is the savage motivation generated by chasing profits in the capital market...but this is what I have to do when I am approaching the age of 30, because I feel the deep pressure from the incident of Yan Zhuomei's return to China .


The sky was getting dark, and the customers and staff of the photography shop who came to take pictures left one after another, but there were still some of our own customers in the coffee shop enjoying the coffee time at dusk. Qin Yan refilled the coffee for one of the customers. , and brought me another cup of goji berry tea that he made secretly. He put the cup in front of me, and sat down opposite me. It seemed that he wanted to chat with me for a while in his free time.

  He asked me: "Brother Yang, what have you been up to all day? I didn't see you looking up!"

   "I'm planning my future life... Do you think I should spend my golden age just running this coffee shop?"

Qin Yan thought for a while and replied: "Uh... If you only have the ability to run a coffee shop, then you should, but if your ability is far beyond this, then you should definitely pursue more coffee shops. Vast spaces, otherwise they are social parasites craving enjoyment!"

   "That makes sense, so you're telling me that your ability can only be a barista?...or you're just a social parasite who wants to enjoy itself!"

Qin Yan looked embarrassed, then shook his head, and replied: "Everyone has his own aspirations, and being a barista is a vast space for me to pursue..." After a pause, his thinking suddenly jumped , and said with a red face: "Brother Yang! From this point of view, Yan Yan and I are such a suitable couple. I have no intention of taking care of the family business, but she is a strong woman. With her help, I can settle down." Quietly be a barista with a dream, to pursue the highest point of dreams, and she is to pursue the highest point of material, one day, we will join hands and become the big winners in life!  … Haha!"

   "Stop fantasizing, did Yan Yan agree to be your girlfriend?"

"Although not yet, it will happen sooner or later... You probably don't know yet?... She is now willing to let me go shopping with her, and every glass I make for her She drinks the coffee very carefully, and can basically say what I want to express in the coffee. This is a kind of spiritual communication, so I think: this meaning is far greater than whether she agrees to be my girlfriend Already!"

I looked at him, speechless for a while, his ability to conceive life seamlessly is really amazing, but I don't deny one thing, according to the current progress, Yan Yan will start a sister-brother relationship with him sooner or later, and When the news is confirmed, I'm afraid I will inevitably think of yesterday again, and feel infinitely emotional, because Fang Yuan and Yan Yan, who once seemed indestructible, have finally started another life in the river of time... ..and Yan Yan, who was hurt to the core by him, will one day conceive and give birth to another man. I don't know how he, who is only greedy for glory, will feel at that time!

  Maybe, he won't think about anything, because he is a man who can forget the past in a vicious way. For him, having a career and a wealthy wife are enough!

The sunset set in my intermittent silence, and I finally waited for the most anticipated moment of the day. Mi Cai once again greeted Qin Yan and me standing outside the glass window of the coffee shop in her unique way, and because Time was tight, and I didn't have time to let her in to rest, so I took my briefcase and walked out of the coffee shop, ready to accompany her to the bridal shop to choose a wedding dress.

When I came to her side, she held my hand as usual, and she was not in a hurry to pick out the wedding dress, but asked something she had been thinking about recently: "Zhaoyang, have you contacted CC's family? And It's our wedding in five days, I'm really worried that they won't be able to notify cc in time!"

I sighed softly and replied: "I have asked many friends these days, but those friends who could have contacted his family members said that they have even changed the contact information of her family members now. Their analysis: it may be cc She took her family to live in other cities, even emigration is possible!"

My answer made Mi Cai's mood drop immediately, she just nodded, and subconsciously looked at the far north, as if in her intuition, cc was heading north, but I thought she was going The south, because the south always glows with spring vitality earlier than the north, which can satisfy a certain mood of cc, but these are just meaningless speculations after all, none of us have the ability to find her again in this vast crowd news.

In the gusts of evening wind, I held her in my arms, and finally comforted her softly: "I will think of other ways, maybe there is still time...or... ..”

   "Also or what?"

  I replied wildly: "Maybe the current cc is already with Robben, plotting to give us a big surprise on the wedding day!"

   "If only that were the case!"

   "Anything is possible! ... After all, God sometimes gives up on being mean and being generous, doesn't it?"

  Mi Cai nodded, feeling a little better at last, and I didn't dare to mention that I asked her to prepare bridesmaid candidates other than cc, because this would break her last expectation!


On the way to the bridal shop, I remembered something that my mother had told me for several days, and I said to Mi Cai beside me, "By the way, I need to ask for your opinion on something. Dad and Mom hope that we On the wedding day, invite your uncle's family to Xuzhou, after all..."

I didn't find out why, but this sensitive topic made Mi Cai fall into silence, and I felt a little bit of pain in my heart. According to traditional customs, I should go to Suzhou to marry Mi Cai on the wedding day, but now Mi Cai Cai, however, could not regard Mi Zhongde's home as her own, so she could only negotiate with a friend of Ban Dae's to let Mi Cai be their goddaughter and Mi Cai's natal family... In this way, the process of the wedding It has become simpler, but the helplessness in it is hard to let go!

If it wasn't for the sake of taking into account the emotions of our father and mother, we even planned to abandon those red tapes and use a purposeless trip as the starting point and end point of the wedding. Compared with the people coming and going at the wedding, we really hope that : Use photos to record every detail of the wedding in the scenery of various places! "

   After a while, Mi Cai finally spoke out amidst my anxiety. She said, "Even if we don't invite them, most of them will come uninvited, so let's come as uncle and aunt wish."

  I breathed a sigh of relief, nodded and agreed: "Yes, after all, Mi Lan invited us to get married..."

  Mi Cai just looked at me, and didn't say anything after that, and this state of silence lasted until the bridal shop......

This local most high-end bridal shop is another supporting industry besides the photography shop in Daiwenshan. As soon as Mi Cai and I entered the door, the waiter warmly entertained me as if I had been prepared. She handed over the exquisite wedding album to Mi Cai. Cai's hand, and said with a warm smile: "Mr. Zhaoyang, Miss Mi Cai, we ordered on behalf of the boss, you can choose a wedding dress here for free, he has been looking for opportunities, thank you Miss Mi Cai earlier It's time to go to Weihai to help his important clients take wedding photos!"

  I immediately frowned and said, "What do you mean? He wants to give my fiancée a wedding dress?...Do you not understand the meaning of the wedding dress, or does he not understand?"

The waiter felt that my mood had changed, and quickly explained: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhaoyang... this, our boss just did it out of kindness, you know he's a very informal photographer Master, he may just ignore the things you care about, he must have no malicious intentions himself!"

I didn't want to embarrass a waiter who was just doing things for others, so I stopped talking aggressively. Mi Cai handed the wedding dress album back to the waiter, and said apologetically, "Thank you for the kindness of the acting boss, but I still hope that my fiancé will give me the wedding dress... Let's go to another store first, goodbye..." Mi Cai said and took my hand and walked out of the store, but I But there seemed to be a thorn in my heart, and I felt uncomfortable for a while!