MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 14 a plate of loose sand

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  Chapter 14 A plate of loose sand

  Ye Jinkui frowned, "Did you tell me what's wrong with me?"

   "They say they want to organize a patrol team in the village." Ye Song said to Ye Jinkui while closing the door, "Grandpa Lizheng wants you to take charge of this matter."

   "Then how did you tell this person?"

  Ye Song scratched his head, "I said you went to the town to get medicine for my little sister."

Ye Tang, the youngest daughter of the Ye family, has been a small medicine jar since she was born. Before Ye Anlan decided to improve the food for the family and bring her younger siblings to practice martial arts, Ye Tang spent at least half a year drinking bitter medicine soup. Yes, so when someone asked, Ye Song subconsciously used the common item of "grabbing medicine" as an excuse.

  Ye Jinkui nodded, washed his hands with his daughter, had a meal, and then went to Lao Lizheng's house with the hatchet.


  Ye Jinkui left for a whole morning, until Ye Anlan and the others had lunch, and Ye Jinkui, who was exhausted, was finally released by Lao Lizheng.

   Li asked Ye Jinkui while fetching water to wash his hands and face, "Why have you been here for so long?"

  Ye Jinkui sighed, "Uncle Lizheng is dedicated to the good of the village, but it's a pity that there are too many people in the village who only want to pick up ready-made bargains."

The old man was looking for him and asked him to help the village train the young and middle-aged men. Ye Jinkui agreed without hesitation, but his promise alone was useless. Those young and middle-aged men who the old man was trying to recruit into the patrol team had about three Two out of ten expressed either explicitly or implicitly that they would not "do white labor" for the village.

"We've been arguing for a whole morning, but we can't figure out what's going on. Lizheng and the village elders were so angry that they almost didn't take their anger out on them." Ye Jinkui shook his head and sighed. That's not good for a village like them where many surnames live together. The cohesion will never be comparable to that of villages based on kinship.

   Mrs. Li frowned, and handed a cloth towel to Ye Jinkui, "Then what do they want? Continue as before, waiting for the refugees to come to the door without any precautions?"

  Ye Jinkui wiped his face, "Didn't Uncle Li Zheng and the village elders say they want to set up a patrol team, they want to take advantage of what they have."

  Li Shi: .

   Li Shi felt disgusted, "They will really think about it."

   Don’t you just know how to think? Others endure hardships and spend a lot of time protecting the village, but they wait to eat what is ready-made. There is no one who takes advantage of this advantage.

   "What did Uncle Li Zheng say?"

   "He definitely can't agree." Ye Jinkui couldn't help but sighed again, "Uncle Lizheng and the village elders are almost worn out, and they take turns talking good and bad." It's a pity that it's useless.

"Those people don't play tricks on you. They are crying about the death of their own family, or how many things have been robbed this time. They keep saying that the family is poor and can't get rid of it. Young and middle-aged people have to go to the county or town. I'm looking for a job, but I don't have time for some patrol in the village."

  Ye Anlan frowned, "It seems we have to consider moving."

  Ye Jinkui and the others swiped and turned their heads. Li's expression was blank with a hint of panic. She asked Ye Anlan, "Why did Yuan Niang say this suddenly? Did something bad happen?"

Ye Anlan shook his head, "In the future, the world will only become more and more chaotic. If our village is targeted by bandits or rebels one day, do you think we can protect ourselves from the butcher knives of bandits or rebels with everyone's current state of disunity?" How are you and your family?"

Before Ye Jinkui brought back this bad news, Ye Anlan even considered that she would make money to support the Ye family in the future, while Ye Jinkui only needed to concentrate on training the young and middle-aged men in the patrol team, so as to contribute to the village and their Ye family. The power to protect herself, but now it seems that her little plan is obviously not going to work.

   "But where can we move?" When it came to moving, Li Shi couldn't help being at a loss. She looked at Ye Anlan, "It's so chaotic outside, and we don't have any relatives or friends to go to."

   "We don't need to go to others." Ye Anlan patted Li Shi on the shoulder, "Besides, I'm not asking you to leave now. The current situation is not so bad that we have to move to avoid disaster."

  Li Shi breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good, that's good."

  Although she was hunted down with Ye Jinkui, it was a long time ago after all, and Ye Anlan was the only one they needed to protect at that time, but now they have three other little Doudings who need to protect.

   In addition, she is no longer as energetic as before. She is no longer young, and her body is still weak, and her eyes are not very good.

  She asked Ye Jinkui, "Did many people die in the village?"

  Ye Jinkui shook his head, "A total of six people died. Compared with the number of injured, there are more than 200 injured in the village."

After a pause, Ye Jinkui said again: "Among them are Ermao's family and Liu Feng's family. I heard that Liu Feng's family is fine, but Ermao's family is seriously injured, and her mother-in-law and the man are reluctant to call a doctor for her." , It is estimated that it will only take two days."

  The reason why these two people are singled out is because Liu Feng's mother-in-law, Wang's, and the golden fish-eyed woman, Ermao's family, are both a little festive with their Ye family.

   Li Shi was taken aback, "It's human life anyway, if her mother-in-law and men do this, won't they be afraid that others will poke their backs and call them cold and cruel?"

  Ye Jinkui sighed, "Uncle Lizheng has already scolded, and the old lady took her son to play with her, saying that since Uncle Lizheng is so kind, why don't you see him giving money to Ermao's family?"

  Li Shi: This is really, people are shameless and invincible.

   "It is said that the Liu family was robbed of the most money and food in the whole village. Although there are two males in their family, they are not very important."

  Ms. Li immediately cursed fiercely, "You deserve it!"

   He deserved it, if not for the fact that the Liu family couldn’t wait to divorce the Ye family and the refugees entered the village, Ye Jinkui would never have watched the Liu family suffer.

Their family has Ye Anlan, who suddenly opened up the second channel of Ren and Du, and became very powerful after he recovered from his illness. With Ye Jinkui's temperament, when his wife and children don't need him to worry, he will definitely go over to guard the gate of the Liu family as soon as possible. .

   "How do you know that his family lost the most? Did his family make a noise?"

  Ye Jinkui touched his nose, "Uncle Lizheng wanted his family to send some food to the patrol, but Liu Feng refused, and wept for a while."

  One of the men in the Liu family is the master Juren, and the other is the father of the master Juren. Lao Li just has the nerve to treat them like ordinary villagers.

  In addition, they had a bit of a feud with Ye Jinkui, the patrol captain that Lao Li was in favor of. Lao Li was deliberating and decided to simply ask the Liu family to provide some food supply patrols.

  He had good intentions, but it was a pity that Liu Feng had another purpose. In order not to bring unnecessary trouble to his family, he would rather go into battle and join the patrol team himself than show a rich and powerful appearance at this time.

   In addition, his wife Wang has also acted immediately. The woman cried and told everyone about the huge loss of her family, and occasionally asked the slightly richer families in the village if they had extra money to lend her to marry their daughter-in-law.

  (end of this chapter)