MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 15 bad guy

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  Chapter 15 The Bad Guest Visits

On the twelfth day of the twelfth lunar month, the Liu family welcomed the bride, and most of the families in the village came to join them with presents. Only the six families who were keeping their filial piety at home, and the Ye family who had established a "no relationship between old and dead" with the Liu family, no one appeared in Liu's house. At the wedding banquet at home.

  Listening to the noisy voices coming from a distance, Li Shi was afraid that Ye Anlan would feel bad, so it was the first time she took the initiative to drive her up the mountain.

In fact, Ye Anlan has long been aware of the cautiousness of her adoptive parents. When Li Shi asked Ye Jinkui to take her up the mountain before returning, Ye Anlan couldn't help being amused and helpless. She said to Li Shi: "Mom, you don't have to." Don't worry about me, I really don't mind the divorce at all."

   Isn't she just a minor who can read? In her opinion, it's really nothing but she needs to fight for it with all her strength.

   Not to mention that she and the other party have never lived together, and there is no basis for any relationship. Even if she and the other party have a strong relationship, the moment the other party changes his mind, she will definitely abandon it immediately.

"The snow on the mountain has not yet melted, so don't drive me out at this time." Ye Anlan hugged Li's arm coquettishly, "Not only do I not go out, I also want to eat big bone soup and sauerkraut stuffing Cake, make it for me at noon."

  Ms. Li gently patted Ye Anlan's head, "Okay, mother will make you cakes at noon, and also stew rabbits, scrambled eggs, and boil big bone soup for you."

   The little ones who were also cautiously worried about Ye Anlan's mood couldn't help cheering when they heard the words.

  Ye Anlan smiled and glanced sideways at the very sensible Xiaodouding, "Let me tell you guys, have you finished writing today's new words? You are not allowed to eat at noon if you haven't finished writing."

  The little ones immediately turned bitter. Now their learning tasks are about five times what they were at the beginning. With Ye Anlan's continuous increase, it has become more and more difficult for them to have a good meal.

  Xiao Yetang pitifully pretended to be cute, "Sister."

  Ye Iron-hearted An Lan remained unmoved, "It's less than an hour before noon."

  Xiao Yetang squinted her mouth, and continued to struggle with her brothers and sisters.

  Ye Song comforted her in a low voice, "Hurry up and write, we will definitely finish all the new words by noon."

   After all, they have been writing for almost two hours.


  The Ye family had a good meal, and then completely forgot about the Liu family marrying a bride.

  They never imagined that the bride from the Liu family would come directly to the door of their Ye family on the second day after entering the door.

This legendary father is Juren, more than one member of the family is an official, she is beautiful, virtuous and talented, but in fact she is domineering, and her brain is smaller than mung bean. , close-fitting maid, and dressed in gold and silver came to Ye's house.

  The moment she opened the door of her house, Ye Anlan was stunned when she saw the three people standing at the door. She subconsciously glanced at the rising sun hanging to the east at an angle of 30 degrees to the ground.

  She knows Mrs. Wang, seeing her, Ye Anlan can figure out the identity of the flower peacock next to her with her toes. She was confused because she couldn't figure out why the new daughter-in-law of the Liu family came to her house so early to knock on the door.

   On the first day of their wedding, doesn't this woman need to develop a relationship with her husband? Doesn't it take time to adjust to a new family? Don't you need to meet your in-laws and the elders of the Liu family?

  Run to her house. What kind of brain circuit is this?

  Her face was dull, and she complained crazily in her heart. Wang didn't know how to read minds, so she just thought that she was shocked by her precious daughter-in-law who was inlaid with gold and jade.

  She folded her arms proudly and said to Ye Anlan: "Ye, do you know now that you are not good enough for my son? My son is a master, you."

  After practicing martial arts just now, Ye Anlan, who was steaming all over, gave her a slight glance, "One hundred taels of silver, thank you."

   Wang: .

After a brief silence, Wang, who was blushing with anger, yelled at Ye Anlan, "Why do you ask me for money? You don't think that you can really blackmail our Liu family with such a crappy document. Right? Do you really understand that my son will be an official in the future! Official! My daughter-in-law is even the daughter of a rich family! You are a country bumpkin!"

  Ye Anlan frowned and looked at the crazy-looking Wang family, and then raised her eyes to glance at the next door.

  Country people don’t have so many twists and turns. When they heard the movement outside the door, the villagers living nearby rushed out immediately, and began to watch the excitement in a fair and honest manner.

The rest of the Ye family who heard the movement also ran out. When Li saw that Wang had come to the door with his daughter-in-law, new hatred and old hatred surged in her heart instantly. She rushed over and punched and kicked Wang. , "I let you scold my daughter! I let you come to my house to bully others! I let you be ungrateful and shameless!"

   Not to be outdone, Wang raised her hand to greet Li's face, but before she could reach Li's face, Ye Anlan had already tightly clamped Wang's wrist.

  She turned her head to look at her second brother who was also eager to try, "Go and find Li Zheng."

  Ms. Wang kept struggling, and at the same time she was scolding the Ye family. Occasionally, she would utter nonsense, saying a few arrogant lines like "What is Lizheng! How dare he control us?"

  Ye Anlan was impatient to hear her impotent barking, so she raised her hand and slapped her twice.

   Wang's ears were buzzing when Ye Anlan slapped her, but Ye Anlan calmly reached out and pulled Li behind her.

  She looked at Qian Shi, the bride of the Liu family, who was standing at the door.

   Qian Shi, who was being watched by the crowd, frowned slightly at this time, and looked at Wang Shi with fleeting disgust and contempt in his eyes. Seeing Ye Anlan staring at her, she lifted her chin slightly and took a step forward, "You're that country girl who had an engagement with my husband? I heard that you forced the Liu family to form a relationship with your Ye family Documents? What do you mean, when is it your turn to point fingers in the Liu family's affairs? You"

  Ye Anlan: Well, you are sick. Unfortunately, I have no medicine.

  She held out her hand, "One hundred taels of silver, thank you."

  Qian Shi:? ? ?

   Mrs. Qian heard from Mrs. Wang about the entanglement between the Liu family and the Ye family last night. She was very disgusted with Ye Anlan, the woman who had been her husband's fiancee.

  She didn't think that Ye Anlan and Liu Zhihong had a marriage contract, but that she was afraid of Ye Anlan's flat attitude towards the divorce.

  Liu Zhihong abandoned Ye Anlan and chose her, which made Qian Shi feel superior, but Ye Anlan didn't make any noise, and didn't rack his brains to make it up, which made Qian Shi very uncomfortable.

  Hearing that Wang said that Ye Anlan was not a good person, and forced the Liu family to make such a written statement, Qian suddenly felt as if he had picked up something that Ye Anlan didn't want.

  The sense of superiority was gone, but the feeling of humiliation and anger made her feel stuck in her throat all night.

  She uncontrollably recalled how she was rejected by others in marriage.

  (end of this chapter)