MTL - My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences-Chapter 16 Martial arts treatment, elementary blacksmithing!

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"Thanks to Qin Huai, my Luo family can keep their blood."

Los House.

Luo's father, Luo Huatian, hosted a banquet in honor of Qin Huai at noon.

Luo Huatian sat in the main seat, and on the left was an elegantly dressed beautiful woman.

On the right is Luo Ya, and next to her is Qin Huai who has put on clean clothes.

After washing his face, his hair was cut by the craftsman in Luo's mansion.

His eyebrows are delicate, and they are not as dark as they were when he first arrived more than a year ago.

Even if he is only dressed in plain robes, he still has the demeanor of a young master.

"I really didn't expect that you could really slaughter the Black Eagle Gang on your own."

"I said at the beginning that if you can do it, I will give you the entire Luo Mansion." Luo Huatian laughed.

"It's a pity, the world is too chaotic now, and my Luo Mansion is not worth a lot of money."

Luo Huatian drank wine, and began to wander, "Now the calamity of demons has spread to the sixteen states, the fertile land has been destroyed, and the territory has melted."

"Many people in the villages and towns below have no clothes, let alone food."

Qin Huai remained silent, these are all facts.

The soaring prices in Pingnan City were also caused by the calamity of demons and the turmoil of various forces.

"Recently, there have been rumors from the martial arts hall that demons have been found a hundred miles away from Pingnan City. In the future, ordinary martial artists may not be able to live in peace."

"In this world, the only way to survive is to keep moving to a higher level."

"And in Pingnan City, martial arts represent the eight major martial arts halls."

Luo Huatian looked solemnly, and also looked at Qin Huai with deep meaning.

Qin Huai felt lingering in his heart,

Finding traces of monsters a hundred miles away means that monsters will appear in Pingnan City at any time.

With my current strength, if I face the pig monster in Lei Hong's hands...

The consequences could be disastrous.

"Uncle Bai, why don't you tell the senior brother about the rules of the martial arts school?" Luo Ya shook Bai You's hand, "Anyway, isn't the quota for the small test already available?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I almost forgot about the business, Bai You was an outstanding apprentice who came out of the Benlei Martial Arts Academy in his early years!" Luo Huatian complimented with a smile.

"What high disciples, just abandoned disciples."

Bai You waved his hand, but there was still a flash of arrogance between his brows.

"However, Miss is wrong about one thing. Just because you get the quota, it doesn't mean that little brother Qin Huai has already entered the martial arts hall."

"There are generally two ways to enter the martial arts hall."

"One is a fledgling who has no cultivation, and pays fifty taels of silver to go to the eight major martial arts halls to test his bones, blood, and talent. If you can get started in three months, you will be considered an entry."

"There is another kind, that is, those who have cultivated levels want to enter the martial arts gym, and they also need to take the test."

"We call it a small test."

"Compared to people with no cultivation, there are more small tests that require someone in the martial arts hall to endorse them."

"But no matter what, it all depends on the talent of the root." There was a little nostalgia in Bai You's eyes, as if he had returned to the past.

"The tokens of Changshan Martial Arts and Baquan Gym are also..." Qin Huai suddenly realized.

Bai You nodded, "It's also a kind of endorsement. But according to Miss, this token should allow you to directly enter the martial arts gym and become an apprentice."

"After all, you are in the limelight now, and you can gain a lot of goodwill if you accept it."

"But testing root talent and blood strength should be indispensable..."

after lunch,

Qin Huai was quietly taken to a corner by the beautiful woman Yu Xin.

"Ma'am! This is impossible!"

Qin Huai was stunned, looking at the banknote that Yu Xin stuffed into his hand.

A full two hundred taels.

Even if he is a second martial artist now, it will take a long time to repay the money.

"If there is a problem in the small test, I will give two hundred taels to the examiner, and I will probably pass it." Yu Xin wanted to provide a layer of insurance for Qin Huai.

"It's such a great favor, Qin Huai doesn't know how to repay it."

Qin Huai thought it made sense, so he didn't refuse the money.

Yu Xin smiled with a deep meaning.

As soon as Yu Xin returned to her bedroom, she saw the father and daughter sitting upright, waiting for her.

"Mother, what did you go to see your brother for?"

Luo Ya pretended to be serious, and pretended to hold a small leather whip in his hand.

"Of course I want to tell you how my precious daughter begged her father to save her sweetheart last night." Yu Xin rebelled against the general.

Suddenly, Luo Ya blushed and couldn't say a word.

"Mom!" Luo Ya was anxious.

Yu Xin then explained the ins and outs of the future.

"I only gave my brother two hundred taels? What if it's not enough?!" Luo Ya was worried.

Luo Huatian felt melancholy for a while.

"My girl, you really don't know how expensive Chai Mi is if you are not in charge of the family. Even if your senior brother in the second refining realm earns the two hundred taels of silver day and night, it will take almost a year."

"I think you really want to give the Luo Mansion to your senior brother for your father, don't you?" Luo Huatian was amused.


Loya language is blocked.

"However, this Qin Huai is not bad-looking, and he is also affectionate and righteous. He dares to take action against the Black Eagle Gang for the sake of Ya'er. He also has the second refinement level. Being Ya'er's husband is enough."

"The most important thing is that Ya'er likes it too."

"Indeed, in the future I will cultivate his business ability... In about three to five years, that kid will be able to take over the Luo family's business..."

Husband and wife, you talk to me.

The words were so shocking that Luo Ya couldn't say a word except blushing.

Is it so obvious that I like my brother?

"Both the Benlei Martial Arts Hall and the Changshan Martial Arts Hall are in charge of the mines. In addition to collecting the stability fees from various families in Pingnan City, their apprentices and apprentices also rely more on mining and blacksmithing to make money."

The next day, Luo Huatian led Qin Huai to stroll around his blacksmith shop.

"Isn't it a waste for warriors to mine ore and forge iron?" Qin Huai wondered.

"Besides, can the warriors have no grievances?"

Luo Huatian chuckled, "Warriors are more efficient, and the refined iron they make is of better quality and more expensive. The thousand wrought iron they hammer out is several times better than the thousand wrought iron in our blacksmith shop, and the price is naturally higher. several times."

"If it weren't for the scarcity of warriors, the blacksmithing business wouldn't fall on our Luo family."

"So if these two martial arts halls recruit apprentices, if they can blacksmith, it will definitely be a bonus."

"As for the resentment you mentioned...these two major martial arts gyms use blacksmithing techniques to delineate the levels. Different levels can receive a lot of Qi and blood soup every month, and even Qi and blood pills!"

Qi and blood soup.

Qin Huai's eyes lit up when he heard these three words.

Qixue Decoction and Qixue Pill can increase the Qi and blood of a warrior, and breaking through a minor skill can also improve Qi and blood.


Drinking a sufficient amount of qi and blood soup is equivalent to completing a skill.

No warrior can refuse such a condition.

In front of the hot stove, there were clangs of hammers falling.

Accompanying it was a white experience ball that only Qin Huai could see.

Qin Huai did not refuse anyone who came, and picked them all up.

"Ding! You have collected a 【Ironsmithing Essence (White)】, 【Ironsmithing】experience value +1"

"Ding! You have collected a [Ironsmithing Essence (White)], [Ironsmithing] EXP +2"

"Ding! You have collected a 【Ironsmithing Essence (White)】, 【Ironsmithing】experience value +1"

The small test in Benlei Martial Arts Hall will start in a few days.

Qin Huai was waiting in Luo Mansion.

Of course, he has not been idle these days.

Go to the blacksmith shop managed by the Luo family all day long to collect experience **** for blacksmithing.

Qin Huai also took the opportunity to see the scale of the Luo family. There are seven middle-sized Luo family blacksmith shops in Pingnan City.

In just a few days, I have raised the blacksmithing skill to the elementary level (43/200).

On this day, Qin Huai finally waited for the notice of the small test at the Ben Lei Martial Arts Hall.

Holding the token given by Luo Huatian, he walked out of the city from the north gate all the way according to the map.

Although the eight major martial arts halls are all built outside the city, they are basically within a few miles.

After all, the daily needs of life, the needs of desires, and the families of many disciples are all in the city of peace. UU Reading

And the Eight Martial Arts Halls can be regarded as the first wall of Pingnan City, and the two complement each other.

Qin Huai found a valley.

look down,

The stretches of wooden buildings are connected vertically and horizontally, paved in the valley of the wilderness.

On the nearby stone tablet, there are four big characters of Ben Lei Martial Arts Hall.

Vigorous and powerful, full of domineering.

"A small town."

Qin Huai was shocked, this martial arts gym was one-tenth as big as Pingnan City.

He walked down quickly and was stopped by someone.

After presenting the token, he was taken into this 'Wooden City'.

Qin Huai was taken to a large hall.

In the hall sat two middle-aged men in waistcoats.

A total of ten people participated in the small test with me, some were dressed as hunters, some were bandit-like, and some wore strange animal skins.

Anyway, apart from Qin Huai, he doesn't look like a city dweller.

Probably this is the so-called loose cultivation.

"Come in one by one." The two middle-aged men didn't talk nonsense, and walked to the two side halls separately.

Qin Huai was the last to come, and the last to enter.

He watched the predecessors come in and out, with disappointment and joy on his face, and some people were expressionless.

At last it was him.

When Qin Huai walked into it, there was only one table and one chair in the side hall.

There are two blood-colored stones on the table.

One was as big as an egg, and the other was about the size of a goose egg.

The one on the chair is the examiner Gu He.

He smiled and waved towards Qin Huai.

Then he pinched Qin Huai's hand bones with both hands, and went all the way up.

Gu He frowned, and shook his head after touching, only a polite smile remained on his face.

"The roots are too poor, and there is almost no talent for cultivation."