MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 443 Erase from bamboo slips

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"Human Race." The captain showed contempt in his eyes, raised his slender gray right hand, and pressed Qingqiu across the air.

With this press, the emptiness around Qingqiu distorted and collapsed in an instant, directly suppressing her.

"Heitian Clan!"

Qingqiu's eyes contracted suddenly, and his body backed up, but it was still a step too late.

Following the captain's attack, the battle spirit attracted by her body was directly distorted, as if it was about to collapse.

And Qingqiu is also good, the red glow in the leader's eyes at the critical moment, he directly swung the sickle in his hand at the captain.

The scythe made a sharp piercing sound, like a wheel spinning at high speed, cutting through nothingness and heading straight for the captain with an astonishing speed.

Even at this moment, the backing Qingqiu made a tactic with both hands, with madness in his eyes, and made a sharp sound towards the captain. The battle spirit that was about to collapse behind her immediately broke away from his body, rushed towards the captain, opened his mouth and devoured it .

The captain squinted his eyes, but he didn't dodge. He let the evil ghost's sickle approach, and cut it directly between his eyebrows. Black blood spurted out, and his body was cut in half.

But in the next moment, as the scythe pierced through the captain's body and slashed at the four-legged beast, the captain's body, which had been cut in half, merged with each other strangely.

He even opened his mouth wide, biting fiercely at the battle spirit that was about to devour him.

With a click, a 100-foot-sized Heitian Clan's big mouth transformed in front of the captain. Compared with this big mouth, the incoming battle spirit was like a piece of fat, swallowed by the captain in one gulp.

While chewing, his body stepped out, and he came directly to Qingqiu whose expression changed rapidly and backed away. With a wave of his right hand, hundreds of spears shot out of thin air, and he was about to kill Qingqiu.

At this moment, Xu Qing's voice came.

"To live."

"Respect the decree of the law!" The captain said loudly, this was what he had discussed with Xu Qing before making the move. At this moment, the hundreds of spears twisted and turned into long hairs, and instantly wrapped around Qingqiu's body, binding him up.

Qingqiu struggled, showing unwillingness in her eyes, just about to start the secret technique, but was punched by the captain on the mask, knocked unconscious.

The punch was strong and the mask was torn apart, revealing a pretty face.

Not paying attention to his appearance, the captain raised his hand and grabbed the rope on Qingqiu's body, turned his head and looked coldly at the surrounding Shenglan clan, with displeasure on his face.

The young man of the Shenglan tribe hurried forward with a grateful expression on his face, and immediately bowed down.

"Thank you for your help."

"Leave immediately, we will leave Fenghai County within three days!" The captain said coldly, and after speaking, he carried Qingqiu back to the ninth four-legged beast, shrinking his body and leaving.

The young man of the Shenglan tribe watched the captain leave, and after standing up, the gratitude and enthusiasm in his expression dissipated, and he shouted orders to the panic-stricken clansmen around him.

Soon their convoy moved forward again, and obviously at a much faster speed.

And on the skin of the four-legged beast at this moment, when the captain returned, he threw aside the unconscious Qingqiu in his hand. When he landed on the ground, some fragments of the mask left on Qingqiu's face fell off again, making the little face hidden underneath more exposed. many.

"Since you don't like her, I'll send you off." The captain smiled and transmitted the voice, sitting aside and playing with the scythe in his hand. The scythe was trembling at the moment, and the evil spirit above showed a fawning expression.

Xu Qing nodded, his cold eyes swept over Qingqiu, and then looked at Qingqiu's face.

It was an extremely beautiful pretty face, with fair skin, a small bridge of nose, and a small cherry mouth. She looked about sixteen or seventeen years old.

It gives people a sense of Xiaojiabiyu, especially when the eyes are closed at this moment, there is a sense of immaturity.

Such an appearance, without any malicious intentions, with a natural weakness, just like a little girl next door, very different from Qingqiu's usual words and deeds.

And in this cruel world, this kind of weakness, without any constraints, makes people instinctively bully.

Xu Qing took a look, and was about to look away, but he suddenly felt that the other person looked familiar, so he looked at him carefully, gradually frowned, and suddenly got up and walked over.

Captain Si Xiaofei

Laughing, with a playful look on his face, he watched the excitement, and flicked the sickle, the evil ghost on it screamed and passed out.

Xu Qing didn't pay attention to the captain, he quickly walked up to Qingqiu, after careful scrutiny, his eyes showed a daze, but he was not very sure, so he raised his hand and took off Qingqiu's storage bag, and searched again , took out from Qingqiu's chest

a small rock.

Looking at this small stone, Xu Qing's mind was turbulent, and he was a little absent-minded.

Some pictures buried in memory are now emerging in the waves.

It was a wooden house, and squatting in the corner was a little girl with a huge scar on her face. She was trembling and vigilant for anyone who approached.

The picture changed, and it appeared in the Colosseum. The little girl held the bamboo stick in her hand, on which was the word Giant Horn Python. At this moment, the despair in the little girl's eyes was very clear.

The picture changed again. Under the moonlight, outside the gate, the little girl’s stubborn voice came. She said that she would repay her, and then staggered away in the moonlit night.

There are many follow-up scenes, whether it is Bai Dan in the grocery store, or the figure sweeping the floor in the snow, or the eyes of the other party when he catches up to give him candy.

Until the end, the picture of memory was frozen in the setting sun, the figure of the little girl in the hands of her brother, step by step, slowly going away.

Along with the picture, there are some sounds

The sound came from time and echoed in Xu Qing's ears.

"Big brother, every time I am unhappy, my mother will give me sweets, and I will be happy after eating."

"This is my last piece of candy, for you."

"Big brother, be happy!"

"My brother is here to pick me up, little brother, do you want to leave with me?"

"It's okay, when I grow up, we can still see each other, little brother, I said I will repay your life-saving grace, I will definitely do it!"

"I'm leaving... Brother Kid."

The pictures and sounds in the memory kept reverberating in Xu Qing's mind for a long time...Xu Qing sighed softly, and this sigh carried the memories of the past, with emotion and embarrassment.

He lowered his head and looked at Qingqiu's face, the other's pretty face gradually overlapped with the little girl in his memory.

"That's right, she's from the Departure Cult, and she can't recognize me, because I've changed... too much."

Xu Qing sighed softly, whether it was the dirt on his face that had not been cleaned for many years in the scavengers camp, or his own growth over the years, the once thin and small boy had grown up.

In the fluctuating mind, Xu Qing's eyes fell on the small stone in his hand. This scar removal stone has been worn a lot, and it is obvious that people often rub it in his hand.

After a while, Xu Qing put the small stone in his hand back to the original position, took the storage bag back to the original position, and sat down cross-legged.

It is not suitable to disclose the identity of the Heitian Clan now, and since we haven't seen each other for many years, it is unknown whether the other party is still the same as before. All this makes it unnecessary for Xu Qing to reveal his identity for the time being.

Whether or not they recognize each other is not very important to him, just like the three words he said before the little girl left.

"Just be safe." Xu Qing murmured in his heart, took out the bamboo slips, and erased the red girl's name. Then he looked at the captain, recalling the captain's previous actions at this moment, he clearly knew about it.

"The old man told me. I investigated it myself haha. I only found out the answer before I set off. I planned to surprise you." The captain coughed dryly and blinked.

Xu Qing closed his eyes and ignored it.

A day later, Qingqiu woke up.

The moment she woke up, she didn't open her eyes immediately, but controlled her heartbeat and breath, keeping herself in a coma state, trying to sense her surroundings.

She first realized that her cultivation base was sealed and could not be dispersed.

This made her heart sink, and at the same time, there was no sound of the evil spirit in her mind, knowing that the evil spirit's sickle would either be taken away, or it would also be sealed.

These two discoveries made her understand that her current situation was extremely dangerous, and her storage bag was gone.

Fortunately, there was no injury on her body, and she was not tied up. In addition, she felt that the small stone on her chest was still there, which was a blessing in misfortune. "You don't need to pretend when you wake up." Just when Qingqiu was trying to break the seal of her own cultivation, Xu Qing's cold voice came from her ear.

Qingqiu remained calm and more cautious.

Xu Qing glanced at Qingqiu and said nothing.

The captain on the side looked at this scene, cheered up, and looked at the two playfully.

Until the next day, Qingqiu opened her eyes helplessly, and she felt that the seal in her body was extremely astonishing. It was not a method of the human race, but a kind of spiritual branding. It should be the confinement method of the Heitian clan.

With her current ability, she couldn't disperse it. As for the location, she had already judged it, knowing that it was hidden on the skin of a four-legged beast after she was shrunk by a special method.

And it would be too false not to wake up again, so after opening her eyes at this moment, she immediately got up, and looked at the two Heitian clansmen in front of her with ice-cold eyes.

This is the first time she has seen the Heitian clan, and she understands that there are Heitian clan members in the Shenglan clan convoy, which is a big deal.

In the anxiety in her heart, she also saw her evil ghost sickle, in the hands of the Heitian clan who captured her alive, the evil ghost on it closed its eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

"Why can't I be killed?" Qingqiu said suddenly.

The captain glanced at Qingqiu with a half-smile, but didn't speak, Xu Qing was silent for a moment, and then spoke lightly.

"Be quiet during this period, and after three months, I will let you go."

Qingqiu sneered, she didn't believe this.

"I have some contacts with your Litujiao, that's why I didn't kill you." It wasn't Xu Qing who said it, but the captain. Seeing that Xu Qing was about to open his mouth, he spread the words ahead of time.

Xu Qing glanced at the captain and remained silent.

Qingqiu looked at the captain as well, and groaned, she knew that there was no need to be stubborn at the moment, she might as well pretend to cooperate, see what the other party wants, and at the same time look for opportunities to escape.

"The little stone in your arms is something you are very concerned about, so I didn't take it away." The captain looked cold, and said in a cold voice, with some threats.

Xu Qing frowned upon hearing this.

Qingqiu's expression was as usual, but her heart trembled, but she tried her best not to show herself, because once she showed her concern, it was tantamount to telling the other party the answer.

"After three months, I will let you go. At that time, the sickle will be returned to you. Of course, if you play smart, I will crush your little rock first, bit by bit. UUReading wwwww” The captain’s voice was hoarse, his tone was like that of a villain, and he raised his finger and tapped on the sickle.

The unconscious ghost trembled again.

Qingqiu remained silent, staring fixedly at the captain, gritted his teeth after a while, and nodded.

Time passed like this, and another day passed quickly. As the convoy reached the border of Linlan Prefecture, they stepped into the Great Wilderness East County of the Shenglan Clan.

After the range, the young man from the Shenglan tribe was obviously relieved.

All the clansmen in the convoy also relaxed one after another. Here, they will not encounter danger from the human race.

And Xu Qing and the team leader, also invited by the youth of the Shenglan tribe, dissipated and appeared in the outside world.

Looking at everything unfamiliar here, looking in the direction of Fenghai County, Qingqiu's heart was gloomy, and even more desolate, she knew that there was no way for her to escape in a short time.

"When the two upper clansmen are here, we will be safe." With a smile on his face, the young man of the Shenglan clan clasped his fists at Xu Qing and the captain with enthusiasm still in his eyes.