MTL - Outside Of Time-Chapter 444 Shocking 1 Kneeling

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At noon at this moment, the sun was strong, and the wind was blowing from the north, stirring up everyone's hair.

Standing on this strange land, Xu Qing looked back at Fenghai County just like Qing Qiu, and looked around after a while, looking around calmly.

This is his instinct. When he goes to any strange place, the first thing he needs to do is to get familiar with the environment.

As far as I can see, the dark brown land is full of gravel, and the mountains in the distance are undulating, but there is little green, and occasionally some half-melted white snow can be seen.

In fact, there is no difference between the world here. After all, the Shenglan clan and the human race have very little difference in essence, except that the blood comes from the blood of Heitian.

While Xu Qing was observing the environment, the team leader glanced at the young man from the Shenglan clan and nodded his head in response to his words.

This young man from the Shenglan clan now had more fanaticism in his eyes, and he spoke to Xu Qing and the captain again with sincerity.

"Thanks to the help of the two adults on this journey, otherwise Xiaoxiu's caravan would not be able to return in its entirety. Xiaoxiu implores the two upper clan adults to condescend to come to our Zending Kingdom and let Xiaoxiu show his friendship to the lower clan."

"At the same time, where Xiaoxiu's hometown is, the Dao Fruit of the True Immortal Ten Intestine Tree is about to form there. It will be very lively in the next few months, and there will also be some strange phenomena. Although it is not as good as the Shang clan, it can be regarded as one of the wonders of the Shenglan Domain."

"As for the things that the adults of the upper family need, after looking down on our Zenith Kingdom, the head of our family will definitely raise them for the adults."

After the young man of the Shenglan tribe finished speaking, he took a few steps back and bowed respectfully to Xu Qing and the team leader.

Xu Qing pondered, looking at the captain.

The captain squinted his eyes, with some deep meaning in his eyes, looked at Xu Qing and then spoke lightly to the Shenglan clan.


The young people of the Shenglan ethnic group were delighted and excited when they heard the words, and ordered the convoy to move forward.

Soon as the sound of whips echoed, the convoy galloped forward.

The captain and Xu Qing didn't need to go back to the hiding place. They were sitting on the four-legged beast at the moment. In order to avoid the direct sunlight, they both wore black robes.

And Qingqiu is like a servant, lowering her head behind the two of them, holding back the murderous intent in her heart.

In the human area, the Shenglan tribe is not qualified to use the teleportation array, so it took a long time to travel, but it was different here. Soon their convoy arrived at a public teleportation array of the Shenglan tribe.

Here, the convoy from the Zenith Kingdom quickly stepped into the teleportation formation. With the roar of the formation, all four-legged beasts disappeared. It took half an hour for the convoy to be completely teleported to the west of Great Wilderness East County. area.

This is the place where the ten intestines of the real immortals are located, and it is also the territory of thirty-six small city-states.

As soon as he appeared, Xu Qing's eyes were fixed and he looked to the west.

It was relatively dark there.

In the blur, it seems that there are several giant trees winding like intestines straight into the sky, entangled with each other at the end of the sky, forming a huge canopy like an umbrella.

Spread out half of the sky, extremely vast.

Under the canopy, the shrouded area is dim, and the sunlight is difficult to reflect. Only the countless floating human-shaped lanterns become the light source, enabling normal life here.

This scene is amazing.

And in this Nuoda area filled with lanterns, apart from the dense jungle, there are also small country city-states, which are built in a ring with the giant tree as the center.

Every city has its own color, some monochromatic and some multi-colored.

While all this is full of exotic customs, the astonishing coercion from the giant trees in the distance also spreads in all directions like the sea, causing all the people who come here to experience great waves in their perception and gaze.

"My lords, this is where my Zenith Kingdom is located. The white city in front of me is my Zenith Kingdom."

"I have already informed the lord that they want to come and are preparing to welcome them in surprise, my lord, please."

The youths of the Shenglan tribe are still enthusiastic, and they have not dissipated or changed at all. While leading Xu Qing and the captain forward, they introduce enthusiastically.

"My lords, this True Immortal Ten Gut Tree is said to have been transformed into an immortal by the last pure-blooded member of the Exian Clan. It has existed for a very long time..."

"Every hundred years, this tree will bloom and bear fruit, which is why we transport mica stones."

"These fruits are amazing, they are extremely rare artifacts..."

During this introduction, the convoy moved forward, and gradually a white city appeared in everyone's eyes. Although this city is a small country, its scope is very large, about the same size as the main city of Seven Blood Eyes.

At this moment, outside the city, there are already many monks waiting.

There are hundreds of them, among them there are many golden pills in the high palace, and there are also many Nascent Souls, especially the middle-aged man who is wearing the royal robe first, and the three secret treasures behind him are transformed, emitting astonishing fluctuations in cultivation.

Seeing this scene, Qingqiu's breathing became slightly short of breath, and her mood became even more gloomy. She knew that there was little hope left for her to escape.

Xu Qing and the team leader remained calm, but at this moment, the young man from the Shenglan tribe looked at his hometown with emotion and even more kindness, and continued to speak respectfully as he walked forward.

"My lords, it is precisely because the Dao fruit in my hometown is of great value, so whenever this time comes, many despicable people from other races will sneak into this place in various ways."

"This place is especially dominated by the human race. In the past, they either sneaked in secretly, or dressed up as foreign races to trade here, and sometimes they even turned into our Shenglan clan."

"Our thirty-six city-states have conclusions about each other, among them, those who pretend to be our Shenglan clan,

It appeared more than 900 times, and sneaked in more than 700 times. In order to obtain the fruit, those foreigners used all kinds of methods. "By the way, two adults, do you know that there have been more than 30 people who came to our 36 city-states disguised as the Heitian clan from ancient times to the present."

The young man of the Shenglan tribe smiled and smashed a jade slip, his body disappeared instantly, and when he appeared, he was already in the distant Zenith Abroad, standing in front of the lord of Lingzang.

His smile remained the same, but the fanaticism on his expression was replaced by a strong sarcasm, he stood there smiling and opened his mouth to Xu Qing and Captain Youyou.

"Masters of the upper race, welcome to our Zenith Kingdom, so... are you dressed as a human race, or from other races?"

"The first time I saw you, I knew there was something wrong with you. This incident was too coincidental. I just happened to know that there are Heitian clansmen active in your human race, and I just happened to meet you who were hunted down."

"You want to lie to me and want me to bring you to the Shenglan tribe. As a little repairer, I face the superior tribe, so I naturally agree. Although there were twists and turns along the way, I managed to trick you all over."

"This is also counted as me, the prince of Xiaobang. I didn't go out for nothing. Father, is this going to be credited to me as meritorious service?"

This young man of the Shenglan tribe had a naive smile, and many monks of the Shenglan tribe in the Zending Kingdom around him smiled and looked at Xu Qing and the captain sarcastically.

The lord of Lingzang laughed even more, and looked at his son appreciatively.

This sudden scene made Qingqiu extremely surprised, her eyes narrowed, and she stared at the two Heitian clan in front of her in surprise.

She thought that these two were really the Heitian Clan, but now everything has reversed, which made her unexpected.

But she soon discovered that the expressions of the two Heitian clansmen hadn't changed much, so she was moved.

Qingqiu was right, Xu Qing looked calm at the moment, without any change.

Although the captain looked gloomy, he didn't overreact either. He just looked at the Zenith Kingdom in front of him coldly, and spoke lightly.

"The Shenglan clan is quite courageous, call your national teacher and priest here."

As soon as the captain's words came out, everyone in Zenith Kingdom still sneered. The king's eyes narrowed, and the prince next to him who tricked Xu Qing and the others laughed.

"My lords, you are a little forgetful. Didn't I tell you just now that the thirty-six city-states have recorded more than thirty times of pretending to be the Heitian Clan through the ages? How do you think we noticed it? Now that we are still stubborn ,That

I'll let you show the prototype. "

"Originally, for the sake of our friendship along the way, I wanted to save a little face for you, but now that's all."

The young man looked like he liked to play very much. After he finished speaking, he waved his hand, and the white city behind him suddenly shook, and a huge statue

The black statue of God rose from the city.

This figure is more than thirty feet tall, and its shape is exactly that of the Heitian clan.

Dressed in armor, with arms folded over his chest, and a moon totem carved between his brows, he exudes an astonishing aura.

At this moment, after lifting off from the city, it floated towards the outside of the city in an instant, standing in the sky, and bursts of coercion enveloped all directions.

"I respectfully ask Heitian God Statue to verify the identity of this person!" The Zendold Prince of the Shenglan Clan laughed ferociously and pointed at the captain.

As his fingers fell, the huge Hetian statue exuded dazzling black light from its whole body, and slowly turned its head, looking down at the captain indifferently.

After a glance, the captain's body was shocked, and there was a thunder-like booming sound from the statue's mouth.

"The beliefs are mixed, the race is chaotic, and they are not of the Hetian family."

As soon as the statue's voice came out, all the monks of the Shenglan tribe outside Zenith burst into murderous intent, and the prince of the Shenglan tribe laughed even more proudly, showing contempt in his eyes.

"Are you still stubborn!"

"And you!"

"Regardless of the statue of Heitian, UU Reading check this place!" The prince of the Shenglan clan raised Xu Qing with his right hand in contempt.

In the next moment, the tall Heitian God Statue looked down on Xu Qing in mid-air with supreme majesty and endless indifference, but... after a glance, it actually trembled amid everyone's surprise.

This trembling was so violent that it even affected the black light emitted from its body, making the light fluctuate more intensely at this moment.

Until in an instant, the black light suddenly exploded and exploded in all directions, like a black sea of ​​light crazily enveloped all over the world.

Wherever it goes, the world is distorted.

Immediately afterwards, this incomparably noble statue standing in the sky fell to the ground in an instant.

Surrounded by the stunned and unbelievable Shenglan people, the statue strode excitedly, quickly walked up to Xu Qing, and knelt down with a bang.

Unprecedented frenzy appeared in its eyes, and it made a heaven-shattering sound like a shout.

"See my lord!"