MTL - Overturned Tower-Chapter 18 Sword of Damolix

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After the physical examination, Russell lay down on the treatment bed and began to receive treatment.

After the wound on the back was carefully cleaned, its true shape finally appeared.

It was only then that Russell learned that the injury he had suffered was quite serious—only the largest wound was two and a half fingers thick, and the length was even closer to a palm. Besides that time, there were five or six smaller wounds on the back... But if they were small, it was probably equivalent to being lightly scratched by a sharp knife.

"It's a muscular injury."

Doctor Niutau made a deep voice, and warned Russell: "Another centimeter will hurt your spine!"

He first sprayed a light mist of medicine on Russell's wound, and then applied a light yellow cold ointment to the wound.

Except when he was first sprayed with the potion... After that, Russell didn't feel the slightest irritation.

Even rubbing alcohol on the wound after cutting a finger hurts a lot more than that.

It should be a kind of medicine mist for pain relief or paralysis of wounds.

Russell's heart skipped a beat.

It's a good can do it a little bit.

After the ointment was fully applied, the white coats took out a milky white and delicate paste attached to the transparent film, and covered them layer by layer on the ointment very gently, and then peeled off the film. open.

...That skillful technique reminded Russell of the master who put film on the mobile phone in the night market in his previous life.

Each time they applied a layer, they irradiated it with a handheld UV lamp for a brief moment before applying another layer.

This process only lasted less than five minutes.

After the three of them dispersed, they motioned Russell to reach out and touch the wound on his back.

In addition to feeling that the wound was still a little hot, what he reached out and touched was the same delicate touch as his own skin.

Russell couldn't feel the pain at all, and couldn't even detect the existence of the wound.

"This is not to heal your injury immediately, it can only be regarded as a high-end bandage. It can temporarily replace your defective skin tissue and speed up healing... When your injury is almost recovered, it can directly transform into your wound. The base of the new tissue does not need to be removed separately."

Another white coat said: "You can also take a bath, see water, and rain normally without worrying about the wound being contaminated and inflamed. It only takes 48 hours for a wound of this level to heal. If the back is severely injured, the hemostatic material may be contaminated due to bleeding. In that case, remember to come here to change the dressing, otherwise it may cause spondylitis.”

After Russell nodded, the three of them bid farewell to Amirus.

After that, Amyrus took Russell away.

What Russell didn't expect was that... Amyrus didn't have a real home on Happy Island.

He has no house of his own. So he took Russell directly to the most luxurious hotel in Happy Island—the "Taohuayuan" hot spring hotel named after the Taoyuan Firm.

This is a hot spring hotel built on top of the snow-covered mountains, which is far away from the city center of Happy Island.

The forty-nine-story hotel looks more like a minaret or an obelisk than an ordinary hotel. The gate of this hotel is not on the first floor, but on the forty-ninth floor - if you want to go to or leave here, you can only take a floating car. And if you want to enter here, you need to make an appointment some time in advance...or more distinguished guests, you can directly register your car number here.

Because the appointment time does not have to be long, and the floating car must be in his own hands during this time. This means that at least one floating car is required to meet the basic requirements for entering this hot spring hotel.

Russell was brought into the hotel by Amirus.

They passed the elevator and went straight down to the lowest floor—to Russell's surprise, it turned out to be on the bottom of the sea.

They are in a wall with high transparency, and the light is quite dim. And outside this wall is the deep black sea water, and you can also see many strange-shaped fish swimming around that can only be found in the deep sea...

But in theory, it is impossible for him to reach the deep sea.

Even if this hotel is at the lowest level, it is absolutely impossible to reach the bottom of the sea, and it is even impossible to touch the surface of the sea. Because it's not even deep into downtown yet.

Because the gravity of the downtown area is reversed, it is very easy to judge.

As long as you jump from various deep underground wells and exceed a certain height, you can reach the "Shadow City" on the other side of the floating island.

Russell heard from his instructor... Many years ago, when the lower city was first built, it was for the "automatic production mechanism" that produced various living materials, the "regeneration judgment mechanism" responsible for resource regeneration and garbage destruction, and the seawater purification. The three types of necessary factories of the "water source management agency" for sewage discharge should not occupy the living space on the surface of the empty island. Only in recent decades has it become a shadow city where mercenaries, criminal organizations, and illegal psykers are active.

And even the lower city is very far away from the sea. For them, the sea is the sky, and there is no sun above the "sky".

That is to say, the black sea water that is confined by the transparent cover outside is actually an "artificial seabed" made by technological means.

Not only do they imitate the unique color of the dull seabed, but they can even allow the creatures captured from the seabed to live safely-just being able to catch seabed creatures is already incredible. More than 95% of the world's fish, shrimp and shellfish are freshwater fish. Because the cost of fishing from the sea is too great, let alone the deep sea. Even the best university on Chongguang Island has never taught what is deep-sea life and what is the deep-sea environment... Even if you search on the Internet, you can't find this kind of knowledge at all.

Russell could barely recognize that these were deep-sea creatures, and this was a deep-sea environment, thanks to the knowledge of his previous life.

"Here, a deep-sea environment with almost constant temperature below sea level of 500 meters is simulated."

Amirus explained with a chuckle aside: "By the way, the second floor of the hotel is in a shallow sea environment, which is much more beautiful than this side, as if solidified in azure blue amber. I brought you here, it is really Because that experience is pretty rare."


Russell couldn't help but nodded.

Even in his previous life, he had never eaten in such a "deep sea restaurant".

This is indeed a unique and rare experience.

Russell couldn't help but snap a few photos - he doesn't have a prosthetic eye, so he can't take super high-res photos, adjust filters, contrast, etc., but at least normal definition photography is still possible .

As for the taste of the food, there is no need to say much.

Food quality has always been closely related to technology. With the blessing of technology in this era, the most top-notch and high-end restaurants will certainly not be inferior.

The space here is so wide that you can even play football in the dining room.

But there weren't many customers inside...or rather, they didn't all dine in the restaurant on the first floor.

After all, this deep-sea restaurant is too dark. It's okay to come once or twice because of curiosity. If you come too much, you will not feel happy, but will feel scared.

The only guest dining here is Amirus, an elf. The other human beings are the type whose soul relatives obviously like the dark.

For example, the lizard man who enthusiastically came to ask Russell if he could take a picture with him. His head is indistinguishable from that of a lizard. The skin on most of the body is covered with scales;

There is also a middle-aged man with a serious Chinese character face and some owl features, who came to flatter Amirus in a low voice, and his tone and attitude towards Russell were also very good.

Although the coat on Russell's body was still stained with blood, it had a slight smell, and it was not considered clean and hygienic.

However, these high-class people who can enter the "Peach Blossom Spring" for dinner, each of them responded with a sincere smile to Russell, who was dressed in rags and dirty clothes.

Their smiles are really, really real—as real as possible.

But with Russell's sensitivity, he can still tell... hidden under their smiles are tiredness, vigilance, disgust, fear and many other complex emotions.

That is the fear of "heroes".

It wasn't until this moment that Russell finally realized what the over-entertained title of "hero" really meant...

Why are so many people fascinated by it and worship it—

In this world without statutes, UU Reading, as long as it is reasonable... Even murder can be forgiven.

The consortium controls the media, and the media manipulates public opinion. And public opinion is constantly shaping heroes.

But "heroes" have the ability and possibility to overturn the table, so they are feared by people.

He might only be able to make a reasonable shot once. Once he abuses people's goodwill towards him, he will turn the boat over one day... As long as he makes a small mistake and under the right opportunity, he will become the target of public criticism.

Going over old accounts, taking meaning out of context... under the attack of many forms of public opinion, the name of a hero will soon collapse.

Because of this, some people try to sell the value of this name in exchange for benefits, just like a star who sells the naming rights to unpopular products while he is still popular... Some people never consume it, but in exchange for power and the right to speak.

Like a sword of Damolix hanging high.

When the hanging sword really fell, it would not be scary anymore. It is no different from falling rocks and falling ice picks, and it loses all the magic power that can shock people's hearts.

If you just hold up this sword, it is no different from a mob, it is really just an ordinary... a sword that can be blocked and shot down.

But if it hangs quietly and high all the time, it can make the tyrants aloft and terrified all day long.

—The hero must remain silent.

Russell raised his head and looked at Amyrus who was smiling at him.

There was some hesitation in his heart.

...Your Excellency Amirus brought himself here specifically to show himself the deterrent power of a "hero"...?

But what good will this do for Amirus?