MTL - Overturned Tower-Chapter 19 inferior

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Early the next morning, Russell boarded Amyrus' floating car and headed to the Tianen Group in the city center.

The good weather lasted only a short day.

It was only seven o'clock in the morning, and the sky had already turned dark black.

It is now mid-May, not long after Russell's birthday, but the weather is still not getting warmer.

The wet and cold wind blowing outside the window rolled up the young leaves and brought the warning of heavy rain.

[At 8:10 a.m. on May 18th, there will be a rain warning in Luopan District and Tianen District]

[It has been detected that you are in Tianen District. There will be moderate to heavy rain at the current location within one hour, please take shelter from the rain in advance and be careful of catching cold]

When the floating car gradually stopped and began to descend, two lines of prompts appeared before Russell's eyes.

This information comes from a special organization called "Annealing Nerve Center" affiliated to Hudson Ocean Mining Company.

It is built on every empty island, inside the head office and branch of Hudson Ocean Mining. The specific equipment is a commercial secret, and even if they are the same as the Big Seven, other companies have no right to intervene.

It continuously analyzes and calculates a lot of data every day, which is used to accurately predict natural phenomena such as rainfall, typhoons, and abnormal waves.

The analyzed data will be delivered to each terminal as soon as possible.

"Please also thank Your Excellency Amirus for me."

Russell stood outside the car and bowed politely to the driver who had only leopard ears all over his body and no signs of relatives.

— If it is on Sogo Island, the driver of the floating car can only be AI.

But in Happy Island, jobs are a very important data indicator—all people with chips must have the possibility of having at least three jobs. If you lose your job, you can immediately enter the next position selection; or if you are well prepared, jump to the top position selection.

Any work that can be done without the use of AI and without automation must be done by real people as much as possible... For example, drivers, waiters, couriers, etc., are "backward occupations" that have long been replaced by artificial intelligence in other sky islands.

Tianen Group uses this method to create as many meaningless jobs as possible. Even if the social efficiency will be reduced a lot, and the error rate and failure rate will be greatly increased, they seem to have no intention of changing this strategy.

"Please take care of yourself, sir."

The driver also made a hoarse and magnetic voice, and raised the door again.

Watching the floating car take off, Russell turned and looked at the park behind him.

This is the headquarters of Tianen Group.

The entire park alone occupies half of the "Tian'en District", and the rest is the surrounding residential and commercial districts. Russell didn't even dare to think about how high the housing prices in Tian'en District were...

"Tianen Group" is not just a tall building or a mansion, but an entire park. It’s not just the building area—it just covers an area of ​​16 million square meters, accommodating 100,000 direct employees working in different branches of Tianen Group, and there are even built-in overpasses, highways, and airports in the park.

There are artificial lakes, artificial rivers, and artificial waterfalls. In the park, there is a closed-loop air train that is constantly running, and the lift is to use the viewing cable car... There are also cruise ships that follow the river like a bus.

In the middle of the entire park is an extremely huge statue that Russell can see from the gate of the park.

Not stone statues, but statues with colors and almost realistic textures.

It was a female elf with a slender figure and a delicate and beautiful face. She was wearing a floor-length white dress, and her wavy platinum hair hung down to the hem of the skirt like a cape.

She smiled like a loving mother, holding a sun-like crystal ball with pink light on her chest.

The ball is suspended between the hands, and from any angle, a cartoon heart shape with a darker color can be seen from the center of the crystal ball, and this is also the logo of Tianen Group. The strange thing is that Russell could clearly see the pink radiance of the crystal ball from the gate of the park, but the radiance of the crystal ball did not dye the statue or the surrounding buildings pink.

This elf woman who looks like a **** is Sai Lun, the president of Tianen Group. He is also one of the "eighty-four people", and in terms of status, he is one level higher than Amirus.

Russell stood at the gate of the park, hesitating for a while.

He decided to look at the map at the door.

The effect of yesterday's interview seemed to be better than he had imagined. After Russell got off the car, he clearly felt that almost everyone's eyes would definitely pass by him.

They were very polite, they just stared at Russell, or secretly took two photos of themselves, instead of rushing up to ask to be friends or ask for a group photo... If you want to be like those people last night, almost everyone will treat themselves when they meet After chatting for a few words, Russell was about to faint.

—He really can’t be regarded as social terror, but the rate of return is too high.

After studying the map for a while, he took the No. 3 Skytrain and went to the first district where the executive department building was located according to his uncle's guidance.

Maybe it was because of his fame, maybe because he was cute and harmless, after he got in the car, people kept warmly greeting him, pulling him over and giving up his seat. Eventually he was pulled to the last row, stuck between two big sisters with horns and horse ears.

In order not to bump into the bodies of those around him, or make them think he needs more space and back away to the side, Russell can only be forced to sit up straight with his legs together, trying to occupy as little space as possible.

This made Russell even more tired. It even reminded him of the experience when he squeezed the subway in the morning rush hour.

But luckily it doesn't last long.

After Russell got off the Skytrain, the flow of people around him decreased significantly, and the atmosphere also changed and became completely different.

If we say that when we first entered the park, there was a sense of joy and relaxation mixed with gold and pink...

Then the environment in the first area is like a gray-black filter.

Reminiscent of attending someone's funeral in a fine drizzle... that feeling.

Russell looked around while walking towards the executive building.

Suddenly, he felt a shadow cast in front of him.

"—Mr. Russell?"

A voice sounded like this.

Russell looked up.

It was a man that Russell hadn't noticed before, but appeared in front of him like a shadow without warning.

The man looked about thirty years old, not counting the tall antlers on his head, but also close to 1.8 meters tall.

He was wearing a dark black slim-fit windbreaker, and his long light-blond hair hung loose behind him. He has a tall and straight figure, with a killer-like temperament, the antlers on his head are in the shape of a sika deer, and his ears are slightly pointed, which will remind people who meet him for the first time of an elf.

His expression was cold, and UU Reading could see his tiredness through the dark circles under his eyes and pale face that were visible to the naked eye.

"Make sure, Mr. Russell..."

There was no trace of flattery, flattery or admiration in the cold voice of the young man, but full of vigilance and scrutiny: "The new hero, the big celebrity who became famous yesterday... right?"

"…it's me."

Russell nodded slightly.

He makes no hypocritical pleas of "I don't feel like a hero" or anything like that.

On the contrary, it will make people feel hypocritical and annoying.

"Director Dodgson asked me to pick you up for your medical examination."

The young man with antlers saluted Russell in a respectful and distant manner, and said flatly, "Please follow me."

Although he was ordered by the director, although the "hero" who came to receive the reception was admired by the people, but the back of the young man was so straight. As if nothing could shake his will.

"Excuse me... how to call it?"

"The poor."

The young man with antlers replied briefly: "You should also adopt a code name that belongs to you, Mr. Russell. Life and work should be separated."

"Ah, I've thought about it too..."

In front of the aura of the inferior, Russell subconsciously showed a harmless and innocent smile: "It's just that I haven't figured out what kind of code name to take. After all, if there are no accidents, this code name will be with me for a lifetime."

"Then you can think slowly."

The bad ones walk ahead without looking back.

His cold and pale voice, reminiscent of snow, clearly reached Russell's ears:

"Working in the group will be very, very long, maybe for the second half of my life... maybe for the next life."