MTL - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil-Chapter 84 9.1

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Zhou Yunyi has not heard of the blink of an eye and has been shouting: "How is your doctor? Are you okay? Come on, the doctor is injured!" The words ran out.

Make sure no one is around, he slowly sits up and looks around the environment. This is obviously a laboratory with three huge storage shelves placed against the wall, each of which is filled with glassware for soaking human organs or grotesque plants and animals.

There was a smell of disinfectant, chemical medicine, and human body rot in the air, which was disgusting. There was a burst of explosions in the distance not far from each other. It seems that a battle is taking place.

Obviously, this is not a peaceful environment, so you should understand the situation of the original as soon as possible in order to deal with it. Zhou Yunxuan immediately opened 007 to read the information, and then laughed.

Very good, here is the end of the world, and the original is a young medical doctor named Bai Mohan, was raised by the largest B base in China to study the antidote to the zombie virus. He did the experiment with the human body without any scruples. Every day, the ordinary people or the abilities who died in his hands were countless. It was the existence of everyone in the laboratory who was afraid and hated.

His behavior seems to be mad and has anti-human tendencies, but the irony is that no one knows the real thoughts in his mind, he just wants to research the vaccine as soon as possible to save the world's human beings.

This is a person who looks evil and actually has a pure mind. He only knows medical research, and he does not know how to do it. So he inadvertently offended many people.

He was destined not to die, and he died two times.

This is a BL world. The protagonist is called Lei Chuan. Before the end of the world, he was the soldier of the special forces. After the end of the world, he triggered the lightning, fire, and healing abilities. It can be said that he was the top master at that time. He is honest, rigorous and selfless, leading his own brothers to go to the largest B city base in China, and many people have been saved along the way.

He didn't hide his abilities, thinking that this would give you more security, but didn't expect anyone to worry about it. In order to qualify for the resident population of Base B, he had a healing ability and was not afraid of zombie virus infection. The news was sold to the Institute of Bai Mohan.

Bai Mohan was ecstatic, and immediately informed the upper level of the matter, asking them to grab Leichuan as an experimental body. The high-level base of the B base was afraid of Leichuan. He heard that the matter was in the middle of his mind and sent a difficult task to Leichuan. He bought his friend and sneaked him in the mission.

Lei Chuan was seriously injured, he could have healed immediately, but he was injected by a friend with the giant poison that Bai Mohan developed. He fell into a coma and waited for him to wake up and become a trial of Bai Mohan. Goods, suffering daily inhumane torture.

After five years of this, when he gradually became desperate, Guo Zerui, who had been secretly in love with his subordinates, single-handedly entered the institute and tried to save him.

There is a master guard in the institute, and Guo Zerui is impossible to succeed. He was surrounded by dozens of abilities, and was smashed into **** in the face of Lei Chuan, which strongly stimulated the nerves of Lei Chuan. He tried his best to detonate the nucleus in his brain and died with everyone.

Then he was born again, Guo Zerui was born again, and the two men killed God and killed the Buddha, and accumulated deep friendship in the common troubles. A few years later, Guo Zerui bent on Leichuan, a straight man, by his own perseverance. The two established a larger force than the B base, which brought new hope to the end of the purgatory.

They will not let go of the enemy after they are born again, so Bai Mohan is once again used as cannon fodder. He has no resentment before he dies. He only regrets that his vaccine can be formed with only one molecular formula. If he gives him some time, he can let This world has restored its original appearance. The flowers are becoming more and more beautiful, the sky is blue and blue, the river is clear and pure, and human beings are becoming healthy and rational...

So my mission is to save the world?

Thinking of this, Zhou Yunyi immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the laboratory next door. The timing of his waking was unfortunate. Today is exactly the day when Guo Zerui single-handedly entered the laboratory. He disguised himself as an experimenter, but he was seen by Dr. White, who was unforgettable, and surrounded by guards.

Dr. Zhongbai hit the forehead and fainted. The original faint should be fainted after the protagonist attacked and reborn, but Zhou Yunyi’s soul is very powerful, and Dr. Bai woke up in advance.

Hurry up, hurry up, and the protagonist will blew himself later, and Dr. Bai’s serum vaccine protein can be formed with only one molecular formula. Zhou Yunyi will never let his efforts be wasted.

When I first ran to the door of the laboratory, I saw a figure being smashed into pieces by a few fires, ice blades, vines, and soil thorns. In the sturdy and transparent laboratory, Lei Chuan was lying on the test bench. I watched this scene with my eyes. His eyeball began to congest, and his muscles began to swell, apparently to blew himself.

Zhou Yunxuan ran to limit the body data of Bai Mohan to the limit. Bai Mohan is a mentally versatile person. He is usually busy with research and does not practice very much. There are many high-level abilities who are protected by him. Therefore, his strength is average, but after adjusting for 007, his strength is like riding a rocket, and he immediately broke through the highest. The order has reached the king's realm.

If you want to appease the nucleus of Leichuan's burst, the spiritual abilities of the non-king are not allowed.

Lei Chuan appeared in a purple lightning, wrapped in a small dragon like a dragon, the test bed was destroyed, but he was still suspended in the air, and the energy of the whole body became more and more violent, all the high-order abilities were Under the pressure, there are more ordinary technicians in the institute who have already stagnated and died in the ground.

The glass, which was made from extraterrestrial meteorites and harder than diamonds, began to crack. After a few seconds, the cracks turned into spider webs and eventually shattered. The abilities want to hide from nowhere to hide, want to run nowhere to run, can only lie on the ground and despair to die.

When they saw Dr. White wrapping himself with a white halo-like spirit and slowly approaching Leichuan, the horror was hard to describe in words. This is the extent to which the abilities of the legendary king's abilities can reach, and the abilities are placed outside to form a magnetic field that wraps around them. In this magnetic field, he is invincible.

No human beings can now cultivate to this extent, and they know that because the base once surrounded the zombies of a king, they used up five ammunition depots and twenty-eight tenth-order abilities. I can't hurt it seriously, and let it escape without knowing where to go.

A powerful person in the king's realm is powerful enough to reach the army of millions of people. They are saved!

Everyone’s eyes radiated the light of hope, and the reality did not disappoint them. The white light group wrapped the purple light group and forced its violent energy back into Leichuan’s body. The foot rang for dozens of minutes.

The glaring light group finally retreated, and Zhou Yun’s unstoppable spurt of blood. He has experienced several worlds, and the energy collected is very large. However, in order to reverse the fate of Leichuan's rebirth, he paid an unimaginable price. He said that the energy accumulated in the first few worlds was exhausted, and even the soul was hurt.

There is also a gap between the world and the world. The previous worlds were very peaceful, and there were no abilities, zombies, and end-times that were beyond the conventional setting. Therefore, the rating of the Lord God can only be regarded as F-class, and the world is extremely dangerous, and there are many more than conventional ones that are enough to destroy. The energy body of the world, so the rating is at least above B.

The energy of more than a dozen F-class worlds may not be comparable to a B-class, so Zhou Yunyi can protect himself in this world, but it is impossible to control the world. In order to curb the protagonist's attack, he has already spent all his power. Now the world consciousness is trying to attack the protagonist to regenerate. In order to resist this consciousness, he has to extract the power of the soul to balance the time and space that he wants to reverse.

If you don't do this, his soul is likely to be thrown away by the distorted time and space, suffering from incalculable damage, and even more will be discovered by the Lord God and then obliterated. Therefore, he is quite a bit difficult to ride the tiger now. If he gives up the task, he will not get anything except the soul is hit hard.

Be sure to stick to it, at least until the day when you successfully develop a vaccine! As for finding a lover, he is already powerless. The world consciousness consumes his soul every minute, and he does not stay in the world for too long. Lei Chuan is an upright soldier. Although he was blackened after rebirth, he is still committed to saving mankind. Seeing that Bai Mohan successfully developed a vaccine, he will not kill him again after he is born again, but will continue to let him study.

The protagonist attack failed to develop an anti-sick virus vaccine, which indirectly changed their fate trajectory, allowing Zhou Yunyi to gain the energy of the world. Such vast energy is not only enough to repair the soul, but also to make his strength to a new level. Therefore, this task must be done without any cost.

Thinking this way, he squirted another blood and slowly fell down.

A group of abilities have slowed down and even rushed to his side to see the situation.

"Don't ruin my experimental body. The hope of developing a vaccine is all on him. Did you hear it?" He held the hand of the captain of the **** and carefully explained that the blood spurted one by one, as if the next moment Will die and die.

"I heard Dr. Bai, we will not move him. I will send you to the infirmary, don't talk!" The captain of the **** carefully picked him up and ran out.

The rest of the people sat on the ground for ten minutes before they climbed hard to clean up the mess. They did not vent their anger on Lei Chuan, but carefully placed him in an incubator to save. Dr. Bai is a versatile person in the king's realm. Who dares to move his things?

Lei Chuan stood beside the incubator and stared at his body in amazement. An actor walked past the incubator and penetrated him. He tried to make a fist and felt very real. He tried to touch something, but he touched a group of air. He wanted to get out of the gate and suddenly he was bounced back by the invisible energy film.

He is sure that he has become a ghost, and he is a ghost trapped in the laboratory, but his body is still alive, and the heartbeat and ventilator show that everything is normal.


Like the zombies, the abilities have nucleus in the brain, which can provide the energy needed for cultivation. But for some reason, the energy of the human nucleus is not as good as the purity of the zombies, and it is dangerous to explode, so unless necessary, No one will rob the nucleus of other abilities.

But the crystal nucleus of the king's realm is different. Even if the energy is impure and impure, it will be enough for many abilities to absorb a high-order abilities. It may be possible to create a master of the king's realm. .

After receiving the news, the high-level B base flashed a greedy light.

But how can Zhou Yunqi not consider this? He used the 007 black into the medical equipment and tampered with his own brain CT light. When the top officials rushed in, they saw the medical staff who sighed and sighed.

"The head, Dr. Bai's nucleus has been shattered, you see." The doctor pointed to a misty shadow inside the skull.

“Is it shattered?” The top executives were disappointed.

After the crystal nucleus is broken, it will be naturally absorbed by the human body. This person is an ordinary person from now on, and there is no half-point ability. Even if they now dig up Dr. Bai’s brain, they get a pile of waste, and the huge energy has already dispersed in the air long before.

"You must try your best to treat Dr. Bai. He is the hope of our base and even the whole mankind." With some words of high-sounding words, the high-level people have left, and Zhou Yunyi, who pretends to be in a coma, wakes up.

The eyes are blurred, and everything looks like a layer of water mist, a feeling of distortion. Zhou Yunqi waved his palms in front of his eyes, which confirmed that the high myopia that had just been repaired by 007 was back. Ability can improve physical fitness, but to reach the level of reborn, you have to cultivate to level six or above. Dr. Bai is a five-level abilities, so myopia can't be improved. I always wear a pair of glasses that are thicker than beer bottles.

Zhou Yunzhen did not return to normal vision for a long time, and returned to liberation overnight. Although the nucleus in his brain is not broken, there are many cracks, and it takes a lot of time and energy to repair it. But the world consciousness is fighting against him every minute. He doesn't even have the ability to protect himself. What about other things?

Therefore, the vaccine must be developed as soon as possible, otherwise the soul will be drained. Thinking this way, he rushed back to the institute regardless of the doctor's dissuasion.

The damage caused by the energy collision has been repaired by the abilities, and the new technician is cleaning the body for Leichuan. Before, because of self-explosion, his body was almost cracked. Even if there is a healing ability that is constantly being repaired, it will remain in a state of flesh and blood in the short period of time.

"Dr., why are you coming? Is your body okay?" The captain of the **** was staring at Leichuan, and he heard the footsteps and looked back, showing a surprised expression.

"My body has no problem." Zhou Yunxuan said while wearing glasses, wearing a white coat, went to Leichuan, and took a few milliliters of blood from his carotid artery. In the memory of Bai Mohan, Lei Chuan's blood is the key to conquering the zombie virus. The white blood cells in his blood have extremely powerful phagocytic ability, and even the zombie virus can be swallowed up.

If you break the molecular formula of white blood cell mutation, humans will be saved.

Zhou Yunxuan didn't have much time, and the pressure on the whole world was even more on the shoulder. Even if he had never done medical research before, he had to harden his head. Fortunately, he has all the memories of Dr. Bai, and has super high IQ and 007 support. It takes a little time to sort out and continue to study.

Put the blood into the instrument for cell isolation. He sat down and opened Dr. White's computer to view the research data as quickly as possible. The situation is not as bad as he imagined. Dr. Bai has come up with the correct combination formula. The only thing to do now is to wait for the computer to calculate the result.

There are countless combinations of serum protein molecules. Finding the most correct combination rule is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack. Even if Dr. White has already come up with a formula, it takes a few years or even decades for the computer to calculate. Fortunately, Zhou Yunwei is a hacker. The computing power of the brain is not inferior to the most advanced computer of this era, and there are 007 to help out. The time of half a year should be enough.

After reading all the information, he was relieved and relieved.

In the four-dimensional space he did not know, Lei Chuan was punching his face with a fist. His masculine and handsome face is completely distorted by resentment. It doesn't look like an individual, but it is like a mad beast. When he saw Dr. Bai’s moment, he raised his hand reflexively and wanted to give him a quenching thunder and found himself a ghost without attack. He could only vent in this way.

"Animals!!" He spit on the face of Bai Mohan, and the eyes covered with red blood were filled with hatred that could destroy the world. If there is an afterlife, he will definitely let the people of the institute go to hell.

Zhou Yunxi suddenly felt cold on his face and couldn't help but touch his hand.

At this moment, a female researcher came in with a freezer and asked, "Dr., the vaccine has been cultivated. Would you like to give it a try?"

This vaccine was developed by Bai Mohan based on his own calculations and may or may not succeed. Before it was cultivated, Lei Chuan ruined the institute and did not know how effective it was. If it is effective, Zhou Yunyi can immediately leave this world where the dead are not paying.

"Go to the security lab." He locked the computer and hurried out of the gate.

Lei Chuan tried to follow the past and was surprised to find that the energy film that prevented him from leaving disappeared, as long as he stayed within 10 meters of Bai Mohan. Bai Mohan seems to be the chain that bans him, making his hatred more and more serious. He was previously manipulated by this person, and he was not allowed to be free after the soul. Why should God sore a good person? Why not just let him die?

If this is the reward of his selfless help, he would rather be a cold-blooded person.

A group of people came to the security lab. The tempered glass made of vermiculite isolates a space of ten square meters. The space is home to a human being infected with a zombie virus and facing a change. His eyes were blue, his skin was pale, and his mouth was flowing out of thick yellow water. If it wasn't for the light, it would look like a zombie.

“How long has the infection been?” Zhou Yunfu helped the frame on the nose bridge.

"Infected for four hours, it is estimated that it can last for another two hours." A technician looked down at the record.

"Give him an injection." Zhou Yunyi waved his hand, and immediately the ice abilities took out the vaccine in the freezer. The whole body wrapped a thick layer of ice and went in for the person to inject. At the end, he immediately quit the door.

The man kept swallowing, as if he was hungry. After a few minutes, the skin began to crack, and the black and red blood spewed out and sprinkled the floor. He mourned, screamed, and kept tearing himself. Another few minutes passed, the screams finally stopped, leaving only a black and red scented meat on the ground.

The horrible death made everyone shudder. Some people even suspected: Is this really an anti-sick virus vaccine? Not a more terrible thing than a zombie virus? What is Dr. White studying?

They used the skeptical eyes to steal Dr. White's face.

Lei Chuan even punched a man's face and shouted, "The animals, you will be retribution!"

The former Bai Mohan did not care whether others thought of him or not, but now Zhou Yunzhen can't ignore it. His power is all used to fight against world consciousness. There is no self-protection ability. If people around him have doubts about him, try Guo Zairui to kill him in exchange for justice. Then his mission will be abandoned and his soul will be in vain. Injured.

He must ensure that the people around him are loyal to him, so brainwashing is necessary.

He looked at the captain of the stunned **** and asked, "Do you think I am cruel?"

The captain of the **** is silent. He has always felt that Dr. Bai is not a good person. If he is not the head of the appointment, he is absolutely unwilling to stay with him. He even regrets the failure of today's assassination.

Zhou Yunxuan did not need his answer, and helped the glasses frame to continue. "Do you remember what the earth was like before the end of the world? Remember the aroma of fresh food? Remember the clear blue sky and blue sky? Remember the child carefree. Smiley? Everything I do is to get back all the beauty we have lost. In front of this life, who is lighter than the millions of people on the planet?"

The captain of the **** opened his mouth and did not speak. But his answer is what everyone knows.

Zhou Yunxuan left hand and slowly said, "It is worthwhile in my opinion to exchange a few lives for hundreds of millions of new students. I am walking on the right path and paying any price for it. Many years later. When the flowers become fragrant, the sky becomes blue, the rivers become clear, humans become healthy, and their merits will always be remembered by future generations."

His footsteps are very regular, stepping on the smooth floor every second, making a creaking sound. The sound was so calm and so determined that it was as if he was walking on the road to truth and hope. His thin back is so tall and tall at this moment.

The captain of the **** asked for a long time and muttered, "Dr., can you really develop a vaccine?"

Zhou Yunyi waved his hand, and the tone was still so dull. "You should choose to believe in me, because I firmly believe in myself."

If it is not a person with special perseverance, it is impossible to cultivate to the extent of the king. Dr. Bai is a strong person in the true sense, both physically and mentally. He said that it can be done, then it must be true.

The captain of the **** spit out a sigh of relief and watched his back smile easily. The technicians burned two flames called Struggles.

Lei Chuan no longer hits the man's head, silently follows him, and after a few minutes, his handsome face is retorted by resentment, sneer, "I was almost fooled by your animal. Don't use it. Such a great excuse to cover up your perverted lust! Your research will only make humans destroy faster, you are a complete anti-human madman!"