MTL - Quickly Wear the Face of the Devil-Chapter 85 9.2

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Lei Chuan has been with Bai Mohan for two months, and the mood has changed from the anger of the other to the current calm. He wants to see if Bai Mohan’s so-called great cause of saving all mankind can succeed. He firmly believes that Bai Mohan is a psychological metamorphosis. His so-called medical research is just to satisfy his own devastating illusions.

It is because of the existence of people like him that the end of the world will happen. They are more dirty than zombies and should be completely obliterated. If he can get back to the body and escape from the institute, he must let everyone here pay the price.

Because of hatred, he paid special attention to Bai Mohan, and he followed him every day to observe his every move. He found that he knew nothing about common sense in life, and even instant noodles would not bubble. He only sleeps for two or three hours a day. In order to save time, he is not willing to take off his clothes. Once the experiment progresses, he will not sleep for several days and nights.

He is like an iron man, and his work is so strong that it is hard to imagine.

Right now he is looking at a petri dish through a microscope. After a few minutes, put the dish into the incubator and walk towards the bathroom. He closed the door of the compartment, opened the lid of the toilet, bent over, bent his knees, and spewed a large mouth of blood. The splashed blood stained the water in the toilet bowl red.

He took a scoop of water from the bucket placed next to it, rushed the bright red liquid into the pipe, and then wiped the scattered blood drops with a rag hidden in the water tank until the cleaning of the compartment went out as usual. Hands.

His expression is so indifferent, as if he was not squirting a lot of blood, but a saliva. Lei Chuan stood beside him, staring at his pale face with complex eyes.

Lei Chuan knows that in order to prevent himself from blasting, this person must pay the price that ordinary people can hardly imagine. His body was almost shaken, and he certainly couldn't get anywhere, but he had a healing ability. He didn't even want to see a doctor, otherwise he wouldn't be so obsessed with it.

He remembered what he had said - I walked on the right path and paid any price for it.

Does this so-called any price include himself?

Thinking of this, Lei Chuan smiled ironically. He cautioned that he should not be confused by a demon, and don't forget the pain when the other person cut his body with a scalpel.

Zhou Yunzhen pressed down the pain of both the body and the soul, and moved back to the laboratory step by step. He can't let anyone discover the true physical condition of Bai Mohan. He doesn't have time to stay in the medical center for treatment. If he doesn't develop a vaccine as soon as possible, his remaining energy is not enough to get him back to Xinghai space.

In the case of a serious victim of the soul, but can not return to the Xinghai space, the consequences are very serious, he is likely to be thrown into the turbulence of the world by the consciousness of the world, without the main **** shot, he will be violent The data is smashed into slag.

So this task can only be successful without failure.

Just walking to the door of the laboratory, I heard a female researcher screaming in amazement. "Dr. Bai, the dormant drug effect injected into the No. 1 experimental body has long since passed, but he has not been awake. Is he a problem? Already?"

Because Leichuan's strength is strong, Bai Mohan will give him a dormant agent at regular intervals in order to ensure that he is honestly on the test bench. At least one injection can make him sleep for one and a half months. It has been more than two months since the last injection, but he has not blinked.

Zhou Yunxuan sneaked in his heart and walked quickly to Leichuan to check his pupil. No response, but his heartbeat and breathing were normal. Did he die? Or is it subconsciously falling asleep? What is the use of the vaccine itself? Lei Chuan will not know! When he can't afford to leave, when Lei Chuan is born again, he will still kill Bai Mohan in the most cruel way, and everything has not changed.

Zhou Yun’s face, a tear of sympathy for himself.

No, Lei Chuan’s healing power is as strong as he is. He will never die, he just doesn’t want to wake up. A strong person like him, even if he falls asleep, will always leave a sense of the outside world. This kind of vigilance is rooted in the bones and will never change easily. Just bet this, my gambling has always been good!

If he comforted himself, this was calmed down.

Lei Chuan looked at his red eyes and looked at the mourning that he had revealed. His apex trembled, so slight that he did not even find himself.


The No. 1 experimental body has not been able to wake up, but as long as he is still alive, the blood is always fresh, and the researchers are not too concerned. Every week, Zhou Yunyi carefully wiped the body for No. 1, and tried to brush up the negative infinity with a little bit of it. It was also a part of Bai Mohan's future efforts. He has a hunch that when Lei Chuan is born again, he will be rejected by the world consciousness, and the real Bai Mohan will come back.

At this moment, he is wiping Rachel's arm with a white towel. The devout and focused expression is like treating a valuable treasure. Leichuan stood opposite him and his eyes became more and more complicated.

The physical condition of this person is worse every day. Today he vomits blood. Lei Chuan can even find a solid piece of meat in the bright red blood, which seems to be the internal organs he coughed out. His body has been exhausted, and the pain of the five-turning is not something that ordinary people can bear, but his calm expression has not changed, even his brows are not wrinkled, but he falls to the ground when he walks out of the bathroom.

In the process of supporting his body to climb up, Lei Chuan stretched out his arm and tried to help him, and then he was shocked by his subconscious move.

He was irritated, angered, and violently ups and downs. A man was hiding in the corner and pondered for a long time before returning to Bai Mohan.

He watched him clean his body, watched him carefully observe the petri dish, watched him discuss the experiment with the researcher, and watched him and his clothes sleep on the cold floor.

After a long time like this, Leichuan became more and more calm.

The three computers in the lab are calculated day and night, and the progress bar has reached 80% from the original 50%. Every researcher who passes the computer can't help but stop, with hopeful eyes. Staring at the progress bar, it seems that when it reaches full, it will display magical magic and restore the purgatory world to its original beauty.

Lei Chuan also formed such a habit. At this time, he was standing straight in front of the computer, staring at the data that kept beating for a moment. Hearing the footsteps of Bai Mohan, he immediately retreated to the side, for fear of blocking his sight, and reacted and laughed at himself.

Zhou Yunyi leaned over to see which step the computer was running. Just yesterday, 007 has stopped running because of energy consumption, and if it is to be restarted, unless the soul power is input. But the world consciousness has become more and more violent to him. He can only barely keep the body. There is really no extra energy to supplement 007.

So to calculate the correct result, you can only rely on these three computers.

Fortunately, before the 007 ultra-high-speed computing helped a lot, I thought it would take another two months to get the results.

Zhou Yunqi got up straight and spit out a sigh of gas. At this moment, the light on the top of the head suddenly flashed twice and then completely extinguished. The three computers made a loud noise and the screen turned blue from black.

"The power outage! Why is there a power outage? Isn't it true that the lab can't power off? The people above are eating?" A researcher was angry.

Although these computers are the most advanced computers that can be found in the last days, many of them have problems due to the long service life. One of the biggest problems is that data cannot be saved after power failure. Bai Mohan repeatedly asked the upper level of the base to ensure the power supply of the laboratory. They promised to promise, but obviously did not take this matter to heart.

I don’t stop late, but I’m going to stop when I’m about to calculate the results. This means that the calculations of the previous years are all in vain, and everything has to start again.

And the world has long been devastated, bruised and bruised, and no one can wait for it.

The sorrow of a condensed to the extreme desire to consolidate into the entity spread in the institute, a female researcher sobbed, and then one could not stop crying, and soon, the cry of despair became one. They struggled for more than a thousand days and nights. They sacrificed so many compatriots, but they only exchanged the darkness in front of them.

At this moment, Lei Chuan forgot those hatred, but he felt a pain because of their despair. It is no longer an experimental body lying in bed, but a bystander floating in the air. He seems to be able to look at everything around him more rationally.

The captain of the **** ran quickly and explained, "An eleventh-level zombie suddenly broke into the base and destroyed the motor room. When the zombie was strangled, the mechanic could repair it, so I don't know when I can call. ”

The level of power is 12, and then it is the king's realm, and then there may be the world of the saints, the realm of the gods, and the three realms of the legend, the zombies of the eleventh and the twelfth level. It is considered to be the most prestigious existence in the world. If you want to kill it, you don't know how much life and time it takes.

The waiting time seems to be far away, and the researchers’ crying is more and more desperate.

Zhou Yunyi is the only person who keeps calm. He quickly spoke. "Is there any Thunder in the base? Can you send one or two?"

The captain of the **** smiled and shook his head. "There are no ones in the Thunder abilities. We only have one in Leichuan. He is currently lying on the test bench."

Zhou Yunxiao was silent, and his pale face could not be hidden even in the dark. Lei Chuan thought that he would be gloating, and when his eyes touched his thin figure like paper, he inexplicably felt that his chest was depressed. He started at the beginning and didn't want to see him again.

"Look for me pen and candle for me, I count it myself." Zhou Yunxi groped and sat down.

What is your own concept? A serum protein formula can be calculated in a few minutes by computer, and it takes several days and nights to use the human brain. The check calculations of the three computers contain tens of millions of molecular formulas, and the human brain cannot have such powerful computing power.

Everyone thought that Dr. White was crazy. A female researcher forgot to cry and dissuaded him. "Dr., do you know which step to check before the computer is powered off? How do you count if you don't know? Your face is getting worse and worse, or you should take a break during this time. Let's go."

"I know that I just watched the computer before the power cut. You go back to rest, I will count. I have a measure of my own body." Zhou Yunyi waved his hand and took the candle and pen and paper handed by the guard captain.

The dim candlelight illuminates his persevering face, and everyone can’t help but have to leave.

Lei Chuan stood straight, staring at the man's black lacquered head and sneer, "Do you have a measure? You have a fart!"

"Dr. Bai, you haven't slept for two days, you still go back and lie down, maybe you will call when you wait for your eyes." The captain of the guard had already left, thought about coming back, whispering comfort Road.

"The world can't wait, the surviving humans can't afford it, I can't wait." Zhou Yunyi wrote a series of formulas on the paper, and replied without lifting his head.

The captain of the guards had no choice but to stand on his side and stare at him. After three hours, he could not support it and staggered away.

Lei Chuan embraced his arms and looked at the man writing on the paper. He is a ghost, don't know how tired, men don't even know how tired, this counts for three days and three nights. When the lights turned back on, he looked up and saw that it took a few minutes to stand up and slowly and slowly open the computer. He is now dull like a robot.

The researchers heard the news and held their breath to see the screen that gradually restored the boot screen.

Zhou Yunxuan called out the calculation program and found that the progress bar was really zero. The blank was so glaring that everyone was red-eyed, and some people were screaming like a beast.

Zhou Yunxuan did not wrinkle his brow and substituted his calculated results into the program. The computer immediately calculates the calculation based on the formula entered in advance. With the results to verify right or wrong, the speed is much faster.

Everyone was shocked to find that the blank progress bar was climbing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye. After ten minutes, it finally stayed at the position of 83%. Then the three computers started normal check, and the screen kept jumping. A variety of molecular formulas.

They clearly remember that before the power cut, the progress bar showed 80%. That is to say, Dr. Bai calculated only 3 percent of the formula by his own brain, and it is completely correct. How is this horrible computing power? Is he still a person?

Everyone remembers it. Dr. Bai is the spiritual abilities of the king. His computing power is not so unacceptable as the computer.

The researchers looked at Dr. Bai with the eyes of fanatic worship. Those who were depressed and desperate had left them at this moment. Their leaders are so powerful that they can turn all good visions into reality. All they have to do is follow his footsteps.

The **** captain returned from the horror and said softly, "You have worked hard for Dr. Bai, and hand it over to them. You should go back and rest."

Zhou Yunxiao nodded and walked to his lounge as usual. Anti-locking the door, taking off the white coat and glasses, he crouched on the washstand and gasped, panting and suddenly squirting a blood, dyed the washstand and the mirror all red.

Lei Chuan, who was standing next to him, was shocked and couldn't help but shouted loudly. "What happened to you? Do you have anything? You need to hurry to the medical office to see it! If you go on like this, you will die!" ”

This person is so embarrassed, jealous of others, and more embarrassed to himself. What does he call his own life at all costs?

Lei Chuan tried to hug him, to marry him, to lick his collar, but only one air was touched. In the end, he could only look at his own hair, watching the man clean up the splashed blood with a dull expression, and then fainted on the cold floor tiles.

"Come on, Man Mohan fainted!" He hurried to the hall outside, yelling at everyone passing by, but no one cares about him, but he took a lighter step, for fear of noisy Dr. Bai rest.

"Your head is going to die, you have to go to save him! Have you heard it? He is going to die!" He ran all over the corner of the institute, screaming and hoping that someone might see him. I heard him.

He is a ghost, not tired and hungry, but when he returns to Dr. Bai's rest room and sees people still falling on the floor tiles, he suddenly feels exhausted.

He reached out and tried to explore the person's breath, only to find that his skin did not touch at all. He stared at the man's chest with a red-blooded eye, hoping to see a undulation.

But he is too weak, the ups and downs seem to have, there seems to be no, so his heart is also tightening. He felt that he had no strength at all, and he sat down on the ground along the wall and buried his face deep between his knees.

One person and one soul quietly ushered in the dawn.

Zhou Yunqi coughed twice and awakened in a severe headache. This is a sequela of excessive brain use. If he was in his heyday, the formula given by Bai Mohan could not be calculated in one day.

Damn B-class world! He cursed in the heart and tried to exclude himself from the world consciousness, and then he climbed up and cleaned the bathroom with the remaining water in the bucket.

I found that the clothes were stained with blood. He put them in a group and stuffed them into the bottom of the bed. They changed a clean set of clothes and took a photo of the mirror. They determined that there was nothing wrong with opening the door and heading toward the laboratory.

“Is there any abnormality when I am away?” he asked the researcher sitting in front of the computer.

The researcher immediately got up at 90 degrees and said in a reverence tone. "There is nothing wrong with the doctoral report. The current progress bar has risen to 83.5 percent."

"Very good, you continue to stare." Zhou Yunqi patted him on the shoulder, went to the incubator to check the condition of the No. 1 experimental body, took 10 ml of blood from his carotid artery, mixed it with the zombie virus and placed it under the microscope. .

He was immersed in his work and forgot everything around him.

Lei Chuan shouted at his ear. "You **** is not a god, you need to eat and sleep! You **** three days and three nights did not eat, didn't sleep, do you remember? You thought it was dizzy on the floor tiles. Sleeping at night? You will get your little life sooner or later!"

But the man couldn't hear anything, still staring at the microscope motionlessly, his back slightly curved, and even through the cloth to see the abrupt butterfly valley and vertebrae, thin and thin as if a break.

If he takes off his clothes, Lei Chuan will bet that his body is less than the zombies outside. He remembered that his last bath was a month ago, which was common in the end of water scarcity, and he was shocked by his well-defined ribs. Now, after another month, he does not know how to consume his own life, and those ribs may be even more scary.

Lei Chuan like a trapped beast squatting around the man, from time to time to take a punch in the back of his head, but did not find that this hit does not contain resentment, but the full helplessness and worry.

In the days and nights of getting along, he gradually understood the future of men who are willing to give their lives. There is a photo in his drawer. In the blooming lavender field, the little girl wearing a lilac princess dress smiles at the golden sun, the blue sky is washed above her head, and the lush forest behind it.

He takes photos every day and has a bright smile on his face. In this quiet and gentle moment, Lei Chuan could not help but smile with him.

Lei Chuan was tired and slowly walked to the man, staring at his dark head.

Just then, a researcher came over to inform Dr. Bai to attend the seminar.

Zhou Yunxuan showed an impatient expression, but still led the **** captain to the conference room. Every month, the upper level will hold a seminar, or check the progress of the work, or increase or decrease the cost of the project. If you don't go, you may be blinded by other project teams. Moreover, Zhou Yunqi gradually felt that the upper level seemed to have doubts about his research.

Sure enough, this month’s budget has been reduced by 20% from the previous month, which is a fatal blow to Zhou Yunwei, who is at the crucial stage of the experiment.

"My research is the most important thing. You can't cut my expenses if you cut down on spending. In two months, I can develop a vaccine. This is the most crucial moment. You can't drag my hind legs." He closed the budget table and said coldly.

"After two months, two months later, Dr. Bai said this every time you meet, who saw the results?" Wu Hanyuan, another medical scientist with the same status as Bai Mohan, asked.

He threw a piece of information into the face of Zhou Yunzhen and smiled smugly. "Dr. Bai has a good look. This is the real savior of mankind, the zombie who specializes in swallowing zombies."

Wu Hanyuan was a true medical scientist with anti-human tendencies. Before the end of the world, he secretly conducted human cross-breeding experiments, created a lot of monsters, and made fun of it. After the end of the world, he simply came to heaven and became more and more unscrupulous.

Zhou Yunyi quickly read the information and had a thick layer of frost on his eyes.

"The earth is in desperate situation because of the zombie raging. You don't want to destroy the zombies to save the survivors. Instead, you can make monsters that are more terrible than the zombies. Your behavior is tantamount to drinking and quenching thirst. You will kill yourself sooner or later!" He slowly and steadily Opening.

"Dr. Bai, you are worried. The chips I have developed are implanted in the zombie brain, and they will completely obey my command, and let them go east to the east, and let them go west to the west, never to humans. It has caused harm. I have done several successful experiments under the supervision of the leader. If Dr. Bai has concerns, I can also take a look."

Zhou Yunqiang pressed his anger and nodded. Now that everything is empty, only if these idiots get a painful lesson, they will understand what it means to be self-defeating.

For Bai Mohan's wish, and to get the energy of this world to repair the soul, he must let the experiment fail.