MTL - Raising a Fox Spirit in My Home-Chapter 900 After visiting the Taoist visit to the vulture

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A group of people in Shion was stunned by Zhang Tianshi, and when they came to the foot of the mountain, Zhou Qin was not willing to say to the asters: "Aster, what do we do now? This is out of the three realms, not in the five elements. What exactly does it mean? How do I listen, I feel like saying that Master is already..."

She said that the following words can't be said, but I am afraid that if I say it, I will become a slogan.

The reason why mortals fear death is that death makes life dead forever, separated by two realms, and can no longer meet.

For the practitioner, flying into a fairy means that a person has achieved a positive result, but for those who are still practicing hard in the world, this is not good news, because it also means that they are separated from this person. The two worlds are difficult to meet.

It is a good idea to say that a person has ascended into a fairy and has gone to the fairy world. But if you can’t see it again, what difference does this person have with death?

At that time, I was told by a teacher that Wang Yuanshan had already risen to become a fairy. After learning the news, the arrogance and temperament changed greatly, and it was only when a girl who was innocent became a woman who was cold and ignorant, and Yan Fang was Revisited, lurking into the fox door to attempt revenge.

The reason that can lead to such changes is very simple, because they know that the soaring is a good statement, the actual answer is: Wang Yuanshan is dead.

Zhou Qin’s heart was terrified, and he was afraid that Li Yundong would be like Wang Yuanshan. The name was Feisheng, and he was actually dead.

Asters also said that she was the most worried thing in her heart. She looked white and whispered: "No, where is the reason for soaring under the sun?"

Since ancient times, where the practitioners have soared, there will be visions in the heavens and the earth. Whether it is the sorghum sitting and the sorcerer’s sorrow, the priest’s corpse will fly, and there will be a cloud of clouds, and like Li Yundong and Su Shi disappeared for no reason, how could it be? Flying up?

It makes sense to understand that it is two different things to be able to accept and convince one's heart.

Zhou Qin and Aster know that this should not be a sign of soaring, but their hearts are always faintly hanging on this terrible conjecture, it is difficult to let go.

The two of them have deep roots in Li Yundong's love and roots. They have already been deeply involved in the game. They are both very excited and face like Pinghu. They can be used by the authorities. They can't figure out the news of the brain. This is really making them messy. The smart and intelligent people on weekdays fly into the clouds.

However, Qi Hongling was able to jump at this time. She tentatively said: "Sister, Zhou Qin, since Zhang Tianshi said that let us go and figure out what this sentence means, then we don't have to be here. I hanged on a tree that was taught. Or, let’s go to other sects to find out?”

Zhou Qin said bitterly: "Zhang Tianshi of Lian Zhengyi teaches no one knows who will know under the sun?"

Although Zhou Qin is quite prejudiced against Zhengyi, she also knows that “South Zhangbeikong”, whether she likes it or not, Zhengyijiao is the largest and oldest martial art inherited from the Chinese practice circle. Zhang Tianshi is even more The longest practiced family in the Chinese spiritual circle has been nearly two thousand years old. On the basis of the fundamental theory, no one is no longer deeper than them.

If Zhang Tianshi doesn't know, then she really can't think of it, and who else will know.

Qi Hongling looked at her strangely and said: "Is there not a Buddhist practitioner? Taoism may not have a deeper and more learned person than Zhang Tianshi, but there is always a Buddhist family? Maybe a Buddhist monk can know this sentence. What does the word mean?"

This sentence suddenly awakened the dreamer, Zhou Qin slaps, his eyes shine: "Yes, Hong Ling, you have a reason! Walk, the nose can not ask the name, let us ask bald ... monk ""

In the strict sense, Zhou Qin is neither a Taoist nor a nun. Although he is also a practitioner, he does not practice the practice like the Buddhists. He does not deliberately practice the practice like the Taoist priests. Well, the monk is not like Aster, which has a very strong awe. As a result of her remarks, Aster Rao is in a heavy mood, and at this time she can’t help but be a little ridiculous.

Aster stunned a look at Zhou Qin, whispered: "Zhou Qin, if the heart is not sincere, then you can't ask any results, the Buddhist practitioners are very sincere."

Zhou Qin looked awkward and said seriously: "I know, I will definitely respect the masters in a moment." She finished, and soon frowned. "But...what are we going to ask?" What? The master is good at Zen machine and dismantling?"

Qi Hongling said in a quick remark: "The monks are good at playing the front, but in the six supernatural powers of the monk's practice, I want to see where we should find a proficient passer-by, who can see through the heavens!"

People who are simple and thoughtful are often very simple. In some special cases, they can be in a single language. People with deep and complex minds sometimes want to look forward to the future. They want to think about the West and always want to be perfect.

Before the Aster, I was thinking about the famous sorghum name in the Buddhist practice circle. I was going to visit it. If the other party did not help, I would ask them to whisper.

But she did not like Qi Hongling, the first thought came up with a big acquaintance.

Yan Hongling said: "Look for the master of flowers! Didn't he ever predict the birth of the mysterious fox?"

Zhou Qin and Aster at the same time: "Ah? No flower master?"

Zhou Qin was shocked: "What yin?"

Asters also blurted out: "The flower monk?"

When they finished speaking, they immediately looked at each other and couldn’t tell the strange and wonderful.

Zhou Qin's brow wrinkled: "Can this yin know the whereabouts of Master?"

Some of her eyes were straight, and she couldn’t help but think that she and Li Yundong and her party had gone to the red light district of Dongwu City to find the master of the flowerless master. The face of the dusty and elegant fairy on the week was strange, she said: "He? Can he really do it?"

Qi Hongling is simply very good at this time: "If you can't see it, if you can't, we will go to Master Puren and ask them."

Zhou Qin and Aster face each other, thinking for a while, nodding their heads and saying: "Okay."

Lin Biao did not know who the yin 僧 和 和 和 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y After she flew to Soochow City together, she whispered to Aster: "Aster, who is this flowerless? Is she a...Don't be a child?"

Ziyuan glanced at Lin Biao, and she secretly admire her. She also knows that this gentleman's words are used to describe the "yin 僧 in sorghum, the sorghum in yin 僧", she is a gentleman, does not like chewing on the tongue. I thought about it, but I didn’t know what to say, but Zhou Qin, who was not far away, heard it and turned around and said, “Don’t you? Are you really polite?”

Said, Zhou Qin will say the glorious deeds of the master of the flowerless, and when it comes to the words "I want Miss" by the master of the flowerless, Lin Biao almost laughed.

The blond beauty was stunned, and she was shocked: "Oh my God, there will be such a good-looking monk? I heard that the practitioners are not all pure-minded?"

Zhou Qinha smiled and said: "Just kidding, the most famous face of Wu Zetian in the Tang Dynasty is a handsome monk named Xue Huaiyi. Her daughter Taiping Princess also has a face and a monk. Many Buddhist practitioners are pilgrims. There are also many Taoist monks who repair the Yin and Yang Road. The most famous Taoist priest should know that it is called Lu Dongbin, a wine-colored gas. This Lu Xianren is full of enthusiasm, and there are countless prostitutes in his life. The story of the affair tells you that for a few days and nights, he said no. Finish."

Lin Biao was so stunned that she saw so many beautiful women around Li Yundong. Almost every woman was not under her own color. She was a famous school flower at the University of Pennsylvania, and she was a dream girl of the whole school. She was a boy. She will come forward to please compliment, but Li Yundong has always been against her from beginning to end, and she is a gentleman.

When she met Li Yundong, she thought that the practitioners in the world were like Li Yundong. They were in the squandering of flowers, but they always cleaned themselves. It was simply Liu Xiahui.

I can hear Zhou Qin saying that Lin Biao knows that the original Chinese practice community is totally different!

Ziyuan saw Lin’s stunned eyes, like a renewed understanding of the Chinese practice community. She said quickly: “In fact, it is not entirely true. These practitioners can be said to be experience groups in strict sense, but the practice of the law is different. There are tens of thousands of methods of practice in the world. This is just one of them. The so-called roads lead to Rome. As long as you can finally cultivate to the peak, any method is understandable. The master of flowers is a little bit strange, but his cultivation is realm. There is no doubt."

Zhou Qin thinks that after all, he has to ask for people, so it seems that there is something wrong with the people behind the arrangement. She doesn't say anything more, and she turns her head away.

Lin Biao asked curiously: "Is that wonderful thing, should it be very skillful?"

Aster said seriously: "The master of flowers is a genius recognized by the Buddhists in the past 50 years. His fateful cultivation has reached its peak, so he can see through the sky. I think this is why he is a little strange in his words and deeds."

Lin Biao was faintly respectful to the monk, and he secretly curious.

When a group of people flew from Longhushan to Dongwu City, it was already in the afternoon. Ziyuan and Zhou Qin took Qihongling and Lin Biao, and the four beautiful and beautiful people went straight to Xiyuan Temple. Just arrived at the door, Ziyuan A glimpse of a small novice who is welcoming, and quickly walked over.

Due to the large number of tourists next to this time, this little Shami saw the beautiful beauty of the Aster, and suddenly the eyes were almost stunned. When they came to the front, they rushed back, and quickly folded their hands together and bowed their heads. Come, don't dare to look at the asters.

Ziyuan’s hands folded together and said to Xiao Saimi: “This brother, is there a master of flowers?”

When the little Shami heard it, his face was even more eccentric. His eyes were slanting, but he saw a monk passing by. He screamed loudly: "Fain brother, come on."

This method can not be someone else. It was the monk who had previously found a flowerless flower with Li Yundong and others. This method can come over with a puzzled face and meet with Aster and others, asking: "Several real people , is there anything?"

This little Shami quickly said: "These women are mainly looking for a flowerless brother, Master of law, you take them." He said, he ran away with his legs, as if he was afraid that he would be on the side with this matter.

The law was shocked, watching the little savior who fled quickly, and fell into full anger: "Hey, come back, you give me back!"

When he said, he had to take a step to chase, but Zhou Qin waited in the side to wait for him, and he ignored the tourists next to him. He grabbed his collar and Liu Mei stood up and his eyes whispered. Take us to find no flowers, if you want to quit, then I will yell at you indecently!" said, Zhou Qinyi pointed to the red dragon behind him.

Yan Hongling was shocked: "Why is it me?" Zhou Qin looked back at her and made a mouthful. She said silently: "Crap, is it me?"

The red scorpion was in a bad state, and it was about to arguing with Zhou Qin, but it was pulled by Aster, and she was told to let her not talk. This is the anger in the heart of the scorpion: good sister, for your lover, you really sold me. ! There is really no one in the opposite sex!

Fa can also be amazed: "Zhou Zhenren, you calm down, have something to say! You are so open-minded, the Buddha will not believe you!"

Zhou Qin smiled sadly: "The Buddha believes that not believing is not important, but I know that those who burn incense and worship Buddha, 80% will believe it..."

Saying, Fa can involuntarily look to the side, and I saw a group of onlookers who did not know the truth were widening their eyes, and some simply turned on the camera function of the mobile phone.

In the heart of the law, he secretly complained. He knows that Zhou Qin is a well-known temper in the Chinese practice community. He said that if he got into trouble, he was afraid that the reputation of Xiyuan Temple would be implicated.

Amitabha... This week, the real people are too embarrassed, right?

Law can barely squeeze out his bile on his face. He said with a sad face: "Don't leave, Zhou Zhenren's mouth is merciful, I am going, can I still take you there?"