MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 50

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Although the progress of the crew in filming has been very smooth, the male and female protagonists are rarely ng, even the male actor 2, female nickname and other supporting ng times are not many, Duan Siyuan rarely temper, but it is always There are some minor problems.

What is more obvious is that Duan Siyuan has fired a small field.

In the process of filming, the scene was actually thrown an important prop in the last shooting venue, causing the crew to delay the shooting process for a small half-day. On the same day, Liao Xing and the female No. 2 were together three times. The section guide was a bit resentful, and he slammed the game.

But the young little field service also defended himself very incomprehensibly: "Impossible, I remember that I took things together and brought them in the box. I counted it five times, and every item from start to finish. After counting it five times, how could I forget this kind of thing?"

In this respect, in some respects, I really don’t know how to look at my face. I don’t know the current affairs. When Duan Siyuan saw it, he simply gave him away.

This incident is not a big deal. I can only say that this business happened to be on the gunpoint. At the same time, I didn’t know how to repent. If he directly admitted his mistake, Duan Siyuan would at most slap him a meal, but he just missed it. The ground argues for himself, which makes Duan Siyuan, who doesn't like "just know the reason, don't know to review himself", is very disgusted.

Small episodes such as this are still very common in a crew. The new staff can't keep up with the progress, or they are fired and are normally read. Even Zheng Xinning just said with emotion: "The newcomers are really getting worse and worse. Is it so difficult to admit mistakes?"

Hearing the words, Chu Yan just smiled and did not speak.

Soon, it was the opponents of Liao Xing and Zheng Xinning, and Chu Yan stood by the studio. He watched the high priest who killed Acacia again, his eyes slowly sinking, his face inexplicable, not knowing what he was thinking.

The small field that was opened before was indeed awkward. Although Chu Yan was not familiar with him, he also knew that he was a newcomer and had several exchanges with him. He was a little impression of him. Because, he was the one who had put the props on the feet of Liao Xing.

At that time, the props were not heavy, and it was impossible to say that it was impossible. Even the blue-violet would not come out. It was only a bit of a pain at the time, so the scene might not have noticed, but just apologized. After getting the forgiveness and comfort of Liao Xing, I never went to ask this question.

Is it really so smart?

Next is the play of Chu Yan and Liao Xing. After the first filming, Liao Xing has never seen such an event. He performed well in the middle of the game, in line with his normal acting skills. On several occasions, he was even more brought into the plot by Chu Yan, and he also praised Duan Siyuan.

There is no evidence about it, and there is no evidence. Chu Yan will not put the incident of the small field in his heart until the matter slowly spread to his own body.

It’s only a week left to shoot, but the luck of Chu’s words seems to have been used up all of a sudden, and there are unfortunate things happening at both ends of the day. Everything is not a big deal. For example, today I can't find the vest of a costume. It takes half an hour to find it in the corner of the props group. For example, Chu said that the filming was done well, and suddenly the screen was framed. Things that shouldn’t have happened, make this shot come back again.

As the accidents became more frequent, some of the crew members in the crew began to talk quietly behind the scenes.

"Chu Yan is not bad luck recently, how is it so bad?"

"Yeah, Chu Hao’s shot yesterday was clearly very good. It’s a pity that there is a cup in the show."

Listening to these words, Zhou Hehui also noticed some abnormalities, so that Assistant Yu Yu took care of the affairs of Chu Yan more carefully. However, they are careful to pay attention again. This "bad luck" seems to be not going away. After three or four days of appearance, Chu said that he could not laugh and laugh.

Upon seeing it, Zhou Hehui tightened his brow and said: "I never believe in evil, and there is always something wrong with the accident."

After listening to this, Chu Yan raised an eyebrow and asked: "So, Zhou Ge, do you find out what the problem is?"

Zhou Hehui smiled and said: "If I find out what I don't have to talk about here, it is strange. How many people in the crew, how can you be unlucky? Can you believe that I can believe it? Luck is good, for example, when we filmed "Blood War", your good fortune is simply unable to stop."

"Blood War" is the first scene taken after Chu Yan came to this world. It is also the only one that he did not shoot on the film and television. It is also strange to say that as long as the scenes of the Chuyan scene are photographed, the climate of the capital star will be particularly strong on the day. If there is a big sun on a sunny day, it will be thundered when it rains, and the crew will call the live "Chu's Koi".

Hearing that Zhou Hehui mentioned such a past, Chu Yan was really helpless. He advised: "There are only two days of drama. I am unlucky and have no problem. Anyway, I am going to kill, I just want to leave the crew, maybe my." The bad luck will leave."

Chu Yan’s words made the keen Zhou Hehui faintly aware of something. He carefully looked at his own little artist and watched the other god’s appearance. Zhou Hehui just wanted to ask, and only heard a hearty female voice coming from the side: "What's wrong, Xiaoyan, what is the mold again?"

Chu Yan turned to the first look, I saw Zheng Xinjing changed into a costume, and his face was full of gloating.

Chu Yan spread his hand and smiled: "Zheng Jie, or you are farther away from me, I can hear that bad luck is a complaint that will be contagious;"

Zheng Xinning swung his arm and said: "I have you, I am still worried that God can make me unlucky?"

Chu said innocently, no longer speak.

Soon, it was the last scene of today. In this scene, Feng Xiu finally found some wrong things when he reborn in the seventy-seventh time. For example, even if he protects his lover, even if he blocks all the whole people, so that they can’t move, the lover will inevitably This day is dead.

This is like being destined in the midst of everything. Everything is written down. It is recorded that on a certain day of the month of a certain year, the white-light tribe of Acacia died, her lover, the **** of the phoenix, was loved, and slaughtered. As a whole country compatriot, the souls of the compatriots are transformed into the sky by the aurora. Feng Xiu will not die, and there will always be "Acacia" to stop him from killing himself, and also help him to return to the immortal.

It seems that there is a person who has made the whole world a chess game, black and white chess pieces, and stars, even if Feng Xiu is the most powerful immortal in the whole continent, and cannot change the established facts.

Acacia must die, Feng Xiu into the devil; white light family destroyed, Aurora into a fairy.

In this scene, even if the mind is strong, such as Feng Xiu, desperately collapsed, he held his wife's body seventy-seven times, no tears, no words, just holding the body that lost temperature into his arms, At the same time, he looked numbly around the body of the same family.

When I entered the devil, there was only endless blood in Feng Xi’s eyes. Even this time of rebirth, he tried to restrain himself from wanting to re-enact, but still uncontrollably entered the devil, and slaughtered his own people again before the consciousness was clear.

At this time, what else do you understand?

He must enter the devil, this is the rule set by some will, he must kill his own people, this is the rule of the will. He is strong enough to resist the will, even if he does not want to go to the devil again, he only wants to be as timid as the shackles of the tragedy of the genocide, guarding the body of Aurora and Acacia.

This time, when the soul of Acacia became aurora and flew away, Feng Xiu stood up and looked at the boundless sky.

"You want me to be a devil! You want me to kill the people! You want me to guard the aurora!"

"I am Feng Xiu, I will never let anyone coerce, even if it is not heaven, I would like to drive me to be your running dog!"

Then there is no resistance, and the heavens will not appear. Just as Feng Xiu even turned the mountains into plains and intercepted the rivers and seas, Tiandao also acquiesced in such crazy behaviors, as if these were supposed to exist. .

In the end, Feng Xiu took a bath and went back to the White Light Temple. He slaps on the aurora ball in the center of the White Light Temple, and smashes the sacred object of the white light family into two halves. Then he looks at the gloomy sky outside the temple again with his cold eyes again. : Raise the sword and swear by yourself.

Then, reborn.

At this point, the scene ends.

After the filming of this scene, the rare section guide found the Chuyan and said: "This scene is also very good. In the end, when Feng Xiu splits the white light sacred object that he has guarded for many years, the emotion seems to be a bit Not in place. Your performance is very good, this scene does not need to be retaken, but the next two days of the show have to pay attention, brewing good mood."

After Duan Siyuan finished, Chu Yan did not answer immediately, but smiled softly. Duan Siyuan frowned slightly and didn't open his mouth. He saw Chu Yan gently lifted his right hand and said: "Duan Ge, I think, the prop group may have a problem."

Duan Siyuan's eyes suddenly widened, and he looked at the bruises in the palm of his hand in amazement, his face was black all the time.

"Who is responsible for the props of the Aurora Ball?! Deputy Director Wang, you are coming over to me! This time it was handcuffed, so the handle was made like this. If you hit the head, would you have to hit the blood? You give