MTL - Rebirth into an Interstellar Marriage-Chapter 51

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Say it is to check, but it is impossible to find out what reads;

This time, the filming was mainly carried out outdoors, and the things were kept by the members of the props group. There was no special room for monitoring and institutionalization. After all, there were not many things, and everyone kept them. That's it.

The props of Aurora Ball are quite beautiful. Just look at it and you can see the color of all kinds of glass, and it is gorgeous. In order to meet the requirements of visual appreciation, the selection of this prop is very hard, the hard shot is sure to crack, but it will inevitably cause hand injury. Therefore, when shooting the scene of "Feng Xiu anger and splitting the white light sacred object", the aurora ball was replaced by another one.

Another aurora ball is lacking in aesthetics than the previous one, but it can't be found without carefulness. The most important thing is that the texture of this aurora ball is very brittle. It can be broken with a little force and will not cause any damage to the actors. damage.

But now, Chu said that the original aurora ball.

It’s no wonder that Duan Siyuan, who has always been very reassured about Chu’s words, was a bit surprised when he saw this scene. He wondered why Chu Yan had such a momentary gap in the last scene. The reason was too simple. Anyone was After being beaten up for a while, can you continue to act without change?

It is very good that there is no immediate collapse. Even the interpretation of Chu Yan makes Duan Siyuan satisfied.

When this incident came out, Duan Siyuan was really a fire. This is not the so-called "bad luck" or "bad luck" can explain, this is definitely someone who is in default. Thinking in the direction of worse, this is someone who deliberately wants to make a whole story before they come out.

Zhou Hehui was also very angry. The accompanying doctors in the crew quickly helped the Chuyan to deal with the wounds. After the millennium, the drug effects were very strong. With the action of the drugs, the bruises in the palm of the hand slowly faded. Left a little cyan in the center.

But even then, Zhou Hehui could not forget the original appearance of the wound. There is no bleeding, but the blue-violet congestion is deeply deposited under the skin, how white the skin around you is, how terrible these purples are!

In order to show the anger of the character, Chu Yan must have taken it hard. He can split the hard aurora ball and you can see how much strength he has made.

Thinking of this, Zhou Hehui looked at Duan Siyuan and seriously said: "Duandao, we hope to get the result of this incident today."

This incident is Duan Siyuan's loss. In his crew, there is an incident of "because the props cause the actor to be injured", he needs to be responsible. So Duan Siyuan nodded to Zhou and Hui, and solemnly said: "I know, please rest assured."

Soon, everyone in the prop group was called. Responsible for the Aurora Ball are two different staff members, one is responsible for the true aurora ball, and the other is responsible for the chopped false aurora ball, but the two staff members are also innocently bitter face, and they show their innocence. .

"Director, although I am responsible for the fake aurora ball, but I took out the things from the props box I kept. You see, I really have no aurora ball here, but there is another one in Xiao Chen. Aurora ball!"

Xiao Chen, who is in charge of the true polar ball, nodded. "Yes, director, you see, there is an aurora ball in my prop box. Although I just measured it with something, this is indeed a fake aurora ball, but I haven’t got it today. I met Xiao Li and it is even more impossible to make a mistake in the Aurora ball."

After learning about the situation from the head of the assistant director and prop group responsible for logistics, everything will not end.

No one knows how this aurora ball swapped its position. Duan Siyuan was sullen, and finally both of the two staff members were turned off because they did not keep their props and caused the actor’s injury. .

At the end of the incident, the shooting of the day was all over. Even if it's hard to rest, everyone looks awkward and can't afford anything. Duan Siyuan made a guarantee to Chu Yan and Zhou Hehui: "With two days of shooting, I promise that there is absolutely no problem. Even if I shoot a movie, I will use a miniature camera as a surveillance camera to ensure the security of the crew. How did this happen, I can guarantee that it will not be next time."

At this moment, Chu Yan had already felt the pain of the squatting at that time. The bruises on his hands were also cured, leaving only a piece of cyanosis of the size of his fingers, almost healing.

Looking at Duan Siyuan's serious and solemn appearance, Chu Yan smiled and daggered, saying: "Okay, Duan Ge, thank you for your care."

Duan Siyuan shook his head: "This is my mistake. I didn't expect my people to be so careless."

Wen Yan, Chu Yan is a meaningful smile, seemingly unintentionally said: "It seems that my luck is really not good, I am afraid that after leaving the crew, I have to ask for a safe character, avoid one Avoid the devil and the treacherous villain."

After the voice fell, Chu Yan left with Zhou Hehui, leaving Duan Siyuan to stand in surprise and seem to be thinking about something. However, when he left, Zhou Hehui squinted and asked: "I am not convinced that this is a so-called luck problem. Duan Siyuan cannot find the truth, but Xiaoyan, if you have anything, you must tell me."

Facing his own agent, the smile on Chu’s face slowly converges. He hangs his voice: “It’s Liao Xing.”

"What happened to Liao Xing..." The voice stopped abruptly, and Zhou Hehui exclaimed: "What? Liao Xing? You mean these things are done by Liao Xing?!"

Chu said that the twilight was deep and said: "Yes, I thought it was from the beginning, but I didn't care about the so-called 'unlucky incidents', but this time it was different. He did it a bit. But Zhou Ge, after this time, he should hide the fox's tail. Maybe he will not move any more before the killing, so I have no evidence to blame him. After all, even the leader can't find his handle."

Listening to the words of the teenager, Zhou Hehui looked down complicatedly for a long time, and finally he looked up and asked, "How do you think it is Liao Xing?"

Chu Yan heard the words and smiled and asked: "Zhou Ge, do you really think he is such a good good person?"

Zhou and Hui took a moment and finally shook his head and said, "Maybe his temper is really good, but it is like him. I have never seen it in the entertainment industry. Even if someone deliberately offends, he can be very generous. In the past, this is no longer a good person to describe. It is completely without any principle, just like disguising yourself. What kind of person is Liao Xing, I probably know what it is, but Xiaoyan, he is in the crew, even in the whole entertainment circle. The evaluation is very high."

Zhou Hehui said so much, in fact, is saying: Although there are many people like me in the entertainment circle, it is impossible to have a temper in the world like Liao Xing. It is not a good temper, it is simply acting. But we can't blame him because he has never been exposed, and he has always seen people in the image of a good husband.

The brows of the brows are slightly picked up. Although Chu Yan is very accurate, but after all, the understanding of the circle is not as good as Zhou Hehui. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally lifted his throat and said with earnest eyes: "Zhou Ge, since you also believe what I said, then we may be able to do something that will make him not do it."

Under the moonlight of the bright and clean, the juvenile looks calm and slowly said a plan. Zhou Huihui on the side was a glimpse, but when he listened, he began to stop nodding. Even at the end, he showed his appreciation: "Well! If it is him, I don't believe that someone can face it when faced with such filth. !"

But at the end of the day, Zhou Hehui still whispered: "Is it really not him?"

Chu Yan raised a smile and said helplessly: "That is why I am sorry for him, really smashed him. I will personally apologize to him and give him a reputation. But Zhou Ge, there is no 100% in the world. I don’t dare to say that it must be him, but what I really want to say is that it’s ninety-nine. It’s him.”

Here, Chu Yan is discussing some secret things with his own agent. On the other hand, the heroine Zheng Xinning has been frowning after the afternoon event. Even the water cup that the assistant handed over did not notice, but has been watching things. , silent.

When things got to such a point, Zheng Xinning also noticed that something was wrong. Just as the same paragraph Siyuan put the surveillance head on every corner of the crew, they all felt that it was impossible to just make some mistakes, but they could not find the truth and evidence.

After thinking for a long time, Zheng Xinning put his eyes on Liao Xing, not far away. She recalled the "pressing events" that had occurred in the past few days. Zhou Hehui does not believe that Liao Xing's character can be so good. That is the same reason, Zheng Xinning does not believe it, but she always thinks that Liao Xing should not be a bad person, but it is not so good.

But now, it is impossible for her not to think too much.

After a long time, Zheng Xinning sighed and made an audio-visual call. On the other hand, when Xu Yurong learned about the incident in the crew, she was able to sniff out unusual things and immediately called her boss.

When Xu Yurong’s phone call came, He Baishen was in a meeting.

The handsome man sat on the head of the long conference table, looking indifferently at the people who reported the income of the various companies in Hess. He did not react when he saw the profit, and he did not react when he saw the loss. .

But the phone rang like this suddenly. He Boshen opened the communicator and looked at Lin Tie, who was on the side. The latter immediately nodded and stood up and continued to organize this memory. He Baishen left from the side.

Xu Yurong succinctly explained the matter and waited for He Baishen’s answer. Fortunately, she did not hear He Boshen’s answer for a long time, so she couldn’t help but repeat it again: “Mr. He, as far as I know, this kind of thing Liao Xing actually does a lot, just his means. It has always been very bright, and he has never been able to find him."

The bright and bright sunshine of the capital star penetrated through the glass window of the Hess building, and the man’s body was mapped to the next layer of Phnom Penh. He Bai thought about his eyes for a moment, and finally he said: "You have no evidence?"

Xu Yurong nodded: "In fact, I can find evidence, but I haven't deliberately found it before. Now he hasn't done anything. The past has passed, so there is no evidence."

If you don't care about yourself, you don't have to worry too much. Xu Yurong only knows a little about Liao Xing. For example, the crew he joined will occasionally have such an event that "an actor is very unlucky", but Liao Xing does not provoke her. On the head, she also closed her eyes with one eye, as if it did not exist, after all, it has nothing to do with her.

Hearing words, He Baishen gently beheaded and said that he knew. Xu Yurong thought that He Baishen ended this topic so calmly, but the next second, he listened to his tone and said plainly: "If that's the case, then let him open."

Xu Yurong slammed into the ground: "Opened?" After a pause, she immediately said: "Mr. He, now that the film "Aurora" is about to be filmed, there are two days left, if we suddenly change actors, Even if Liao Xing doesn't have a lot of drama, I am afraid that it will take a week to film, and the cost will be compared..."

"It's ok."

The simple three words made Xu Yurong suddenly stunned.

He Baishen also asked: "Will there is time for Tiansheng to replace the role of Liao Xing?"

Xu Yurong finally digested the information just now. After listening to this, she subconsciously began to report her name: "The actor who is suitable for the image of the high priest, probably also Bai Qiran, Jing Xuan..."

"Just white."

Xu Yurong: "!!!"

In a word, a popular first-line artist who was nominated by the film singer was sent to a film crew, and a friendly guest starred a male second. Such a thing made Xu Yurong unable to return to God for a while. When the phone hangs up, she thoughtfully said to herself: "It seems that this time, I really have to take it very seriously..."

The things that happened in the capital star were not known. After the next day, everything seemed to be the same as usual. Everyone came to the studio to continue shooting the next story.

The bad luck of Chu Yan seems to be a little better, there is no more unfortunate incident, but until the noon that day, this bad luck seems to have changed someone, and suddenly began to blame.

Two familiar figures came to the crew's shooting scene with the raging hot sun. They didn't wait for the security guards to drive them out. They saw a glimpse of Liao Xing sitting in the middle of the crowd and suddenly rushed over, in the latter's surprise. ,they