MTL - Release that Man-Chapter 400 in advance

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When people take the initiative to do something out of their own will, they definitely expect to be rewarded. o475; oo7o; o32; ഍ o; o4o; o7; o; o1;

Eating and drinking are for the sake of continuation of life. Interests and loves are for the joy of mood. Work and entrepreneurship are for good material. Marrying and having children are for the sake of life.

In other words, there can be no “motivation” in this world.

If you ca n’t understand everything when you see it, look back at the other party ’s motive and naturally understand the reason for those actions. Even if the brain circuit is particularly singular, at best, it can only be said that everyone's ideas and pursuits are different.

Because of this, Ye Shuang always felt that the reaction of the little girl was particularly abnormal after she was caught.

The other party took the fifth grandfather and granddaughter away in order to hold a hostage in his hand so that he would not cast a rat here. Then let a little girl come over, naturally to monitor the movement here, so that if someone wants to play a ghost, it is timely to ventilate the letter.

Since this is the case, why did the little girl appear anxious after being arrested, and even listened to the meaning of Wu Ye, even before she reported nothing about her work?

The answer can only be "no need". [Super much good-looking]

Why not? This answer can be broken down into two more options. One is that she did not expect her at all ... this is impossible, and she will not be sent without expecting it ... another is that the "no need" little girl to take the initiative to report, as long as she is here, the other party naturally wants the news Can be heard in your ears ...

"... It may be something you don't find, such as setting a secret code, slogan, Morse password, etc., and there is no news after a fixed time, which indicates a problem." Ye Shuang sat in front of Wu Ye: "It is also possible It ’s what she had on her body. Now it ’s very convenient to inject a little thing under the skin, and the tricks are not the same as those in the old age. ”

Wu Ye didn't drink tea, maybe it was a bit of a troubled relationship. Now he couldn't calm down to make tea, so he just held a pipe and smoked it in his mouth. The strong, savory smell filled the whole room after a while: " ... you just doubt it? "

Ye Shuang was a little eager, but still resisted patient explanation. I do n’t have any hands in my own hands, and I do n’t say what to do if I really run into someone. Even if I want to enter the storeroom, first of all, my grandfather ’s men will let her lose the rope. After I grabbed it, she was very well-behaved and quiet. I went on to try and found that it was quite simple to ask her to open her mouth without seduce. "

"Although I meant to test her, but after chatting a few words, she found that she was also testing me, presumably because I am an outsider who is more foolish than the boys who are under your control." Ye Shuang carefully considered the words: "The little girl wanted to bring the topic to our actions. What she said was to ask why the fifth master caught her abnormally ... Everyone has curiosity, I understand, but now they are all caught up. Ask for trouble. "Since it was sent out by the organization deliberately, and dared to laugh sweetly beside the Lord Wu with the hatred, the IQ of this girl must be above the horizontal line, at least not so unprofessional. Useless gossip.

"So this only shows that she is not aimless and asks for a hilarious, 80% of the answers I give are still useful to her. And she can pass the news, this news is considered useful." Ye Shuang looked at Wu Ye. : "I do n’t know how she transmitted it, but in the method I know, there are six or seven operation possibilities casually ... Han said that everything can be prepared from the worst situation. I think this is very helpful. The truth, what does Wu Ye think? "

Wu Ye still hesitated.

The old man and the young man have exactly the opposite idea. It can be seen from the fact that he would choose to retreat. Wu Ye considers things to be prudent, and does not take the risk easily. After all, it is the person who is a parent who drags a large number of students and grandchildren to discuss life outside, so it is natural to look ahead and look after.

Be prepared to save your granddaughter, or rush to save your granddaughter in advance. Even with Yaye's professional skills and Ye Shuang's "all ready" guarantee, Wuye still prefers the former.

In fact, if you want to say it seriously, Ye Shuang's judgment is based on many details. She is sensitive to the observation of people's subtle expressions. For others, things that need to be deduced and inductive are enough for Ye Shuang. Because the comprehensive information is too much and too fast, it reflects from receiving signals to forming judgments. The resulting process has been omitted as an instinct.

But now it is necessary to persuade Wu Ye first, so Ye Shuang reluctantly spends a lot of time summarizing, raising several doubts about the evidence. In fact, even if the other party was not able to make up her mind, she had already decided that it would be a big deal in advance to take a little effort when going up the mountain wall passageway, with the fact that she was slightly exposed to her abnormal constitution.


"We are in a hurry now. If nothing is better, but if the other party has really received the message, it is faster than anyone else."

After knowing that Ye Shuang had called Han Chu, and Han Chu called Yaye again to inform the operation, Wu Ye finally nodded and pointed to the hill to take someone to accompany Ye Shuang up the mountain. The elderly stayed, and the villagers gathered in Shilitun overnight to pack their luggage, ready to move as soon as they received the signal.

Ye Shuang carried a large travel bag, and a few heavy things in the team were basically on her back, with a load of tens of pounds. As a result, it was as smooth as a rugged mountain road, not only running than a few young and strong guys It ’s fast, and it ’s light and stable. It makes Xiaoshan wonder whether he has seen the legendary light work ~ ~ A sickle cuts off the branches in front of the hill, so as not to let the harsh environment slow down the hill. He smiled: "Sister Xiaoshuang's skill is of course reliable, but if you hurried over, it would cost a lot of time to move things. Originally, everyone was going to come up to a dozen or twenty people in the cart during the day, now Just a few of us ... "

Ye Shuangbian, with his eyes stricken, helped a young man who was slumped under his feet, and sighed: "No way, I can only rush to the place first. At least we can't let others come before us."

The hill frowned, and it was a little worrying to drop dozens of boxes of arms in the cave.

But then I heard Ye Shuang's daring opening: "But if I think, since the other party has to rush ahead of us, Bacheng should also carry things, just use them at that time."

"... Sure enough." Xiaoshan exhaled deeply and found that he really underestimated the shame of the other party ... No, wit. r1152

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