MTL - Release that Man-Chapter 401 Dig again

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Although Xiaoshan is only the fifth grandfather's niece, the family is going to be with his elders early. He grew up with fifth grandfather from an early age. In truth, he is no different from his grandson.

Five grandfathers ’sons responded to family planning when they got married. A daughter immediately ligated when she landed. After five grandpas counted the deposit plan, they would be fined for superb births, absconded, where the child ’s residence would not affect school, etc. After planning, I turned around and found out that my son had made a big fool. At this time, the boat was over and I had to admit it.

Then, when the elders on the hill died, and the boy was brought to his side, the fifth Lord dragged him directly to his own name and cultivated as a successor. Not only the doorways in his hands taught them clearly. Even the apprentices and grandchildren under the supervision of the trainees take their children to train with them. Not only is it an attitude for the people below, but it is also making Xiaoshan ready to inherit his family business from an early age.

Changci Youxiao, Wuye carefully and carefully taught the hill, the latter naturally cannot understand it. Although Shili Tunming is still headed by Wu Ye, everyone knows that it is because of respect for old parents.

In fact, the person who manages the distribution of specific affairs has long become a small hill. Externally, he is only a second-hand leader and a big housekeeper. Internally, he is already the true heir of the pious door.

With regard to Ye Shuang's decision, Xiaoshan knew that he shouldn't give any opinions now. Although it is its own place, it is Han Chu and Ye Shuang who know the opponent better.

So he only did what he should do, naturally thinking along the other side's thinking, and implementing the vision into the details.

"You two." After half a minute of groaning, Koyama stretched his fingers to the two boys who often came out to hunt for mountains and go hunting: "Go to the mine and go to the road to see if there is a mark of a tool cart. If there is a phone, please call. Let us know where you are, just keep it. Whenever someone comes, report. "

The two boys pulled out their phones and looked at the power grid and signal. After making sure that they were OK, they spread their legs and ran away for a while.

"The three of you fell to the back and stayed a little more careful not to let us copy us." Koyama pointed to the three, and after these three also ran away in the same way, there were no more people left in the team.

The sickle changed from a reverse grip to a positive grip in the right hand. That is, the blade is close to the forearm. Cutting edge rushed out. In this way, the chopping and chopping action is not easy.

Then another thick branch was mentioned on the left hand, which was used to remove obstacles and to support the pestle in case of need, after all arrangements were ready. Xiao Shan turned his head and smiled at Ye Shuang: "It's just the two of us, why don't we speed up?"

Ye Shuang swept up and down the hill: "... trained?"

"Just a few wild roads, it is enough to be physically fit." Koyama humbled.

... when it really started, it wasn't humble at all.

The two climbed more than halfway up the mountainside, and saw the first shadow when they were about ten minutes away from the mine.

Originally, Xiaoshan had one or two points to suspect that Ye Shuang was unsettling. Even now I have no idea at all, sinking down and shrinking behind a tree. Afraid that Ye Shuang didn't see anyone, he made a special gesture to her.

Ye Shuang's eyes were better than that of the hill. When they came up, they were afraid that they would fight the grass and start the snake without turning on the flashlight, but they could see a lot of things by moonlight. Ye Shuang knew that someone was here when he was a hundred or two hundred meters from Heiying. It was just that the distance did not need to be alert at the time, and also afraid that the hill was strange to her line of sight.

Almost at the same time as the hills were moving, Ye Shuang had already followed the path behind the tree. When Koyama turned back and gesticulated, she was no more than two meters away from the other party.

"Should come up to explore the road first." Koyama glanced at the shadow of the figure, and guessed that it would be inseparable. Lowering his voice to Ye Shuang said, "They have to cut off the beard, and they must be sent up the mountain not only by human hands, but also by a tool cart or the like. In addition, these people do not know our specific deployment, it is also common sense to send a scout to observe the way ... Do we keep this man fishing for a big fish, or do we take him down first and take the lead? "

"Wait." Ye Shuang could hear the other party dialing and talking on the phone from this distance, so he stopped the hill slightly.

After listening for a while, it was determined that the hill was inferred from the voice of the other party, and by the way, after writing down the voice line, I was ready to start: "The first opportunity is to grab, and the big fish is to be caught ... First, let him Take it down! "

Koyama did not understand the chaotic logic, but this did not affect his speed of operation after hearing the conclusion.

Ye Shuang finished talking, thinking about how to do it ... for example, is it close to melee or picking up a small stone and setting a dark arrow? The former will cause unnecessary unnecessary movements, and the latter is the safest and fastest, but it is easy to make people feel more fantasy ... I haven't decided yet, and I will see Xiao Shan bowing in the next second.

Footsteps can't be said to be silent, but small and lightweight are not much heavier than a wild cat. The body also seemed to be unaffected by the shrub branches and rough terrain, almost like a wandering soul in the woods, and it had been pasted behind the figure three or two times, and the latter was still unaware.

Suddenly he jumped up and raised his arm in a crit. With only a blink of an eye, the next person was stunned into an arm extended by the hill.

Ye Shuang blinked, and then blinked, and suddenly found that the scene seemed extremely familiar.

Think of the little girl with a nail in the cellar, and look at the unlucky ghost in front of her. This man is definitely not a skilled worker!

Quickly ran over and took a rope from the backpack to the hill. The latter took it very well. ~ Three or two times, I tied the person in the hand into a mule. When I tied it, I searched smoothly. Got a body.

"How to fish?" Throw the searched mobile phone and other things into Ye Shuang's hands, and Xiaoshan asked with a natural expression in cooperation with the leadership.

"Do you really believe me?" Ye Shuang is also happy, this person is too real.

Then I touched my throat and coughed a few times, and adjusted the scale. Ye Shuang's voice had been changed to a male voice when he re-exported: "Hide the person and leave it alone. Let's talk when the call comes in."

Although Xiaoshan couldn't hear the other party's call just so far away, his voice was vaguely heard and he listened to it.

Koyama blinked, just like Ye Shuang's surprised expression when he saw his hands, just now he was also surprised: "Spoken skills?"

There are a lot of people who can speak on the road, but they don't imitate so much just one time. After a slight pause, the hill finally couldn't help digging a corner: "It's a shame that the pearl is dusty, should we come to our god?" (To be continued)

