MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 594 protect you

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  Chapter 594 protects you

  Yu Niao originally thought that she would die this time.

  She was already ready to go to Jiuquan to reunite with Xiang Xie and Feng Lianghan, but she didn't expect that she could wake up again.

  She sat up from the bed, first looked down at herself, there were no injuries on her body, then looked around, and found that she was in a bedroom.

   But the arrangement in the bedroom was so strange that she was sure that she had never been here before.

  Yu Niao is full of confusion.

  Where is this place? How did she get here?

   What happened during her comatose time?

  She rubbed the back of her neck which was a little sore, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

   At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a maid walked in with food.

  She was not surprised when she saw Yu Youyou woke up, and said with a smile.

   "The doctor said that you should be able to wake up now. You should be hungry. This is a meal specially prepared for you by the servant. Do you have a taste and see if it suits your appetite?"

  As she spoke, she put the food on the table.

  Yu Niaoyou didn't lean over, she asked with a look of guard.

   "Who are you? How am I here?"

  Little servant girl: "My maidservant's name is Huan'er. His Highness the Crown Prince sent you here. His Highness the Crown Prince has gone out to do some errands and should be back soon. You should have something to eat first."

  Yu Niao frowned, how could this matter have something to do with Shen Zhuo?

  She rubbed her stomach, and she was indeed a little hungry, but the situation was unknown at the moment, so she didn't dare to eat casually.

  Huan'er saw her thoughts, took the initiative to pick up a pair of chopsticks, and tasted every meal on the table.

   "Look, these dishes are not poisonous."

  Yu Niaoyou still didn't move.

  Huan'er was very helpless, and tried to persuade: "Your body is your own. If you starve to death, you will not suffer in the end."

  Yu Niaoyou glanced at the closed doors and windows, and asked a question abruptly.

   "What time is it?"

  Huan'er couldn't keep up with her train of thought, so she was taken aback for a while before answering: "There is still a quarter of an hour until noon."

  Yu Niaoyou was surprised that it was already noon the next day.

  She has been asleep for too long!

   I hope that Luo Pingsha has already taken the people from the county palace away.

  Yu Niaoyou immediately asked again: "Is this the Prince's Mansion?"

  Huan'er shook her head and said no.

  Yu Niaoyou wanted to know what exactly is this place?

  But Huan'er refused to tell her anything.

  Yu Niaoyou had to change the question.

   "Can I get out?"

  Huan'er answered very simply this time: "Of course! His Highness the Crown Prince gave an order before leaving. If you are bored, you can go out for a walk. As long as you don't leave this courtyard, you can go anywhere."

  Yu Niaoyou walked towards the door without hesitation.

  Huan'er hurriedly picked up the cloak, and hurried to catch up: "You go out after eating first!"

The snow outside has stopped, and the snow on the stone road has been swept away, but the flowers and trees in the courtyard are all covered by snow, and from time to time, one or two snowballs will fall from the eaves and hit the snow with a thud. in the field.

  Yu Niaoyou walked quickly along the wet stone road.

  Huan'er hugged the cloak and chased after him, shouting while chasing back.

   "Slow down, the ground is slippery, be careful not to fall."

   This house is very large.

  Yu Niaoyou ran for a long time but couldn't find the exit. In the end, she was so tired that she could only stop to take a breath.

  Huan'er took the opportunity to catch up with her and put the cloak on her.

   "It's cold outside, let's go back quickly."

  Yu Niao's breath eased a little, and his body regained some strength.

  She continued on without hesitation.

  Huan'er had no choice but to follow behind resignedly.

  Yu Niaoyou searched for a long time, and finally found the location of the gate.

  She ignored Huan'er's obstruction and ran towards the gate.

  She must get out of here as soon as possible!

  Huan'er was so anxious that she called out for help.

  The servants who were warming up in the gatehouse heard the movement, ran out in a hurry, stopped Yu Niaoyou with all their might, and prevented her from approaching the gate.

   At this moment, the sound of horseshoes suddenly sounded outside the gate.

   Immediately afterwards, there was a knock on the door.

  A servant hurried forward to open the door, and after seeing the people standing outside, hurriedly knelt down to salute.

   "The servants pay homage to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

  Everyone in the courtyard looked in the direction of the gate.

  The door was pushed open from the outside.

  Shen Zhuo led a group of followers across the threshold and walked in.

  The servants in the courtyard knelt down to salute.

  Only Yu Niaoyou stood still.

  A follower stepped forward and reprimanded: "Bold! You are not polite when you see His Highness the Crown Prince?"

  Shen Zhuo raised his hand: "It's okay, you all go down."


  When everyone retreated, only Yu Niao and Shen Zhuo were left near the screen wall.

  Shen Zhuo should have just come to court, and he was still wearing the crown prince's crown.

  He walked slowly in front of Yu Niaoyou, with a faint smile in his long and narrow phoenix eyes, and the words he spoke were as gentle as water, making it easy for people to have the illusion of being held in his hands and cared for.

   "It's cold outside, let's go in and sit down and talk slowly."

   After speaking, he stretched out his hand, wanting to hold Yu Niaoyou's hand.

  Yu Niaoyou took a step back to avoid his hand.

   "His Royal Highness, where is this place? Why did you bring me here?"

  Shen Zhuo's hand paused in mid-air, and his expression became even more helpless.

   "Gu is not malicious to you, you don't have to be so on guard."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Since there is no malice, why don't you let me go?"

Shen Zhuo explained in a warm voice: "Gu is to protect you. Last night, my father wanted to take your life. It was Gu who quietly rescued you from the palace. I replaced you with another corpse. My father thought you were dead. , you hide here for a while, and when the limelight passes, Gu will let you go out again."

  No matter what the other party's purpose was, it was a fact that he saved her.

  Yu Niao's expression softened a lot.


  Shen Zhuo smiled slightly: "There will never be any thanks between you and me."

  Yu Niaoyou: "You are very thoughtful, but I'm sorry, I still have important things to do, and I have to leave here immediately."

  The smile on Shen Zhuo's face froze, and he rejected her without hesitation.

   "No, as long as you leave here now, you will be discovered, and the emperor will not let you go. He can kill you the first time, and he can kill you the second time!"

  Yu Youyou is very stubborn: "I understand everything you said, but I have to go."

  Shen Zhuo sighed: "There is really nothing I can do about you."

  He stretched out his hand again, and grasped Yu Niaoling's wrist with a force that could not be resisted.

   "Let's go, the orphan will take you back to the house."

  Yu Niaoyou struggled hard.

   Despite Shen Zhuo's gentle appearance, like a weak scholar with no strength to restrain a chicken, in fact, he has practiced martial arts since he was a child, whether it is riding, archery or swordsmanship, he has practiced very well.

  Yu Niaoniu's little strength was not enough for him.

  (end of this chapter)