MTL - Rumor Has It That I’m Pregnant with His Highness’ Child-Chapter 595 King's fate is hard to break

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  Chapter 595 A King's Fate Is Hard to Break

  Yu Niaoyou was forcibly sent back to the house.

   As soon as Shen Zhuo let go, she ran towards the door.

  In the end, he was stopped by the guards at the door.

  Shen Zhuo calmly sat down at the table: "After tossing and tossing for so long, you must be hungry, right? It happens that I don't have lunch alone, so come and eat together."

  Yu Niaoyou took a deep breath, and told herself silently, the more you have to keep calm when it comes to this kind of time.

  She goes to the table and sits down.

  Huan'er wanted to go forward to serve them a meal, but was stopped by Shen Zhuo.

   "You don't need to serve here, you go down."

  Huan'er could only retreat silently.

  Shen Zhuo personally filled a bowl of chicken soup and put it in front of Yu Niaoyou.

  Ever since he became the prince, he has never flattered anyone so much.

   Facing such an honor, Yu Niaoyao was not happy at all.

   She didn't even look at the chicken soup in front of her, and asked stiffly.

   "What do you want?"

  Shen Zhuo: "Gu has said it just now, Gu just wants you to live well, that's all."

  Yu Youyou earnestly pleaded: "Thank you for your kindness, but I really can't stay here, I still have important things to do."

  Shen Zhuo asked back: "Is there anything more important than your life?"

  Yu Youyou opened her mouth, wanting to talk about revenge.

   But the words came to his lips, and he finally swallowed them.

   She said something in a low voice.

"You do not understand."

  Shen Zhuo smiled: "Why don't you understand Gu? Don't you just want to find out the truth about the closure of the family? For so many years, you have always kept this matter in mind."

  Yu Niaoyou didn't say a word, which was regarded as acquiescing to his statement.

  Shen Zhuo looked at her steadily, and promised earnestly.

"In the past, Gu was just a down-and-out prince with no power, but now it's different. Gu is a prince, and he will be an emperor in the future. The whole world will belong to Gu. No matter what you want to do, Gu can help you, including doing things for you. You find out the truth and get revenge."

  Yu Niao lowered her eyes and asked in an inaudible voice.

   "What if the person who killed my mother and stepfather is your father?"

  Shen Zhuo was stunned.

  He thought he heard it wrong, and couldn't help but ask, "What did you say?"

  Yu Niao raised her eyes to look at him, saying each word clearly.

   "The person who ordered the killing of Feng's family is the current emperor, that is, your father. Can you avenge me?"

  Shen Zhuo couldn't believe it: "Did you make a mistake? How could the father do such a thing? He has no grievances or enmities with the Feng family, so there is no reason to kill people."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Regardless of the reason, you just need to answer me, can you help me avenge?"

  Shen Zhuo pursed his thin lips tightly, and did not speak for a long time.

  Yu Niao suddenly laughed lightly.


  The laughter fell in Shen Zhuo's ears, full of mockery.

  He involuntarily closed his fingers and clenched his hands into fists.

   "Father is not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. If he really killed Feng's family, then he must have a reason to do so."

  Yu Niaoyou: "You mean, my mother and stepfather are both damned?"

  Shen Zhuo: "Gu doesn't mean that."

  Yu Niao: "Then what do you mean?"

  The atmosphere between the two has become tense, and there is no room for relaxation for a while.

Shen Zhuo simply stood up: "Calm down, the past is over, people should look forward, if Mr. Feng is still alive, he certainly doesn't want you to get into the wrong place for revenge, and leave alone, tonight See you again."

   After speaking, he turned and left.

   Yu Niao looked at his back and said.

   "If the stepfather is still alive, he knows how disappointed and sad he will be if he knows that the students he has carefully taught can't even distinguish between right and wrong."

  Shen Zhuo paused: "Mr. Feng has read a lot of poetry and books, so he must know the truth that the fate of a king is hard to break."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Even if the king's order is wrong?"

  Shen Zhuo tilted his head slightly, and looked back at her.

   "As long as it is the king's order, it cannot be wrong."

  Even though he had already seen the reality clearly, Yu Niaoyou still couldn't help being chilled by his cold words.

  She laughed at herself: "So, I am the one who is wrong?"

  Shen Zhuo didn't say anything more, just walked out.

  The door was quickly re-closed.

  There is only Yu Niaolang left in the room.

  She quietly looked at the food in front of her, and there was a gurgling sound in her stomach.

  In the end, she still couldn't hold back the solution, picked up the bowl and chopsticks and started eating.

  Since the person is still alive, it means that her life should not die.

  She had to fill her stomach first before she had the strength to escape here.

   After eating and drinking enough, Huaner came in to help clean up the dishes.

  Seeing Yu Niao stand up, she hurriedly asked, "Where are you going?"

  Yu Niaoyou left a sentence without looking back.

   "The hut."

  Huan'er followed her closely.

  When she entered the hut, she immediately closed the door.

  She looked around and saw a small window next to her. She immediately pushed the window open and climbed out of the window with hands and feet.

  Unexpectedly, she had just landed when she saw Huan Er standing beside her and looking at her.

  Huan'er asked, "What are you doing?"

  Yu Youyou laughed twice: "Hehe, exercise your muscles after eating."

  After speaking, she pretended to shake her arms.

  Huan'er didn't expose her clumsy lie, and continued to ask.

   "Can you go back now?"

  Yu Niaoyou: "I'll go around again."

  She started wandering around the mansion, wanting to see where there is still a chance to escape?

  Huan'er followed her every step of the way, seeing her behavior, and finally couldn't help it anymore, and took the initiative to remind her.

   "Give up, as long as His Royal Highness does not let go, it is impossible for you to get out."

  Yu Niaoyou casually said: "Oh."

  Huan'er continued: "You may think that there are no people in this mansion, but there are actually many guards hidden in the dark. Your every move is under their surveillance, and it is impossible for you to escape."

  Yu Niaoyou finally changed his expression.

  Huan'er thought he had finally bluffed her.

  In the end, she saw her face terrified and asked—

   "Then the way I went to the toilet just now, did they also see it?"

  Huan'er: "..."

  She asked with difficulty: "Is this the point?"

  Yu Youyou asked back: "Isn't that the point? Don't you mind that there are men watching you when you go to the bathroom?"

  Huan'er was choked to the point of being speechless.

   It took a while before she spoke again.

   "Don't worry, the guards under His Royal Highness know how to measure. They will avoid you when you go to the toilet or take a bath and change clothes."

  Yu Niaoyou: "Then you said just now that my every move is under their surveillance. There are loopholes in what you said, and it is not rigorous."

  Huan'er: "..."

  She shut her mouth and swore viciously in her heart—

   She said a word to this dead guy again, she is a puppy!

  Yu Niaoyou searched every place in this mansion, but couldn't find even a dog hole that could be drilled out.

   This made her very disappointed.

  She couldn't help expressing emotion.

   "I really want to go home!"

  Huan'er was a little soft-hearted, and couldn't help asking: "Do you miss your family?"

  Yu Niaoyou: "I miss the dog hole at home."

  Huan'er: "..."

   Well she's a puppy! Wang!

  (end of this chapter)