MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2590 2592【Praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind】

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  Chapter 2590 2592 [Praying mantis catching cicada and oriole behind]

   "Chen Haonan, today is your death day!" Hua Fu pointed at Xiang Nan and cursed.

   "Just because you rotten sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs want to kill me?" Xiang Nan said disdainfully.

"Hmph, others have rumored that you, Chen Haonan, have three heads and six arms, and you can single-handedly fight eighty people without getting hurt. I'm yuck!" Hua Fu spat, "I, Hua Fu, just don't agree with you. I'll give you the skin today! ! Give it to me!"

   As soon as Hua Fu finished speaking, there were suddenly earth-shattering shouts from all directions.

  Hua Fu and his younger brothers were stunned for a moment, and when they looked behind, they saw hundreds of people carrying long knives, steel pipes, bats, etc., coming towards them and killing them.

   "Hua Fu, let me teach you a word, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind." Xiang Nan laughed, "You want to find a chance to kill me, but you know I don't want to kill you."

   As soon as he finished speaking, the two gangs started fighting.

   In less than a moment, Hua Fu and his younger brothers were beaten to pieces, and the ground was full of teeth.

   "Brother Nan~" Pheasant, Chaopi, Datianer and others walked over together.

  Xiang Nan nodded, stood up and greeted him, "You guys did a good job, and I would like to thank Brother B and Sister Thirteen for their help~"

  It turned out that he had known that Hua Fu would make a comeback, so he deliberately brought Xiao Jieba to Temple Street for supper in order to catch Hua Fu out.

  At the same time, he secretly contacted Thirteenth Sister and Brother B.

  Thirteenth Sister and Hua Fu also had conflicts on Bolan Street. Hua Fu robbed Thirteenth Sister of many venues and women. So Xiang Nan invited her to join forces to deal with Hua Fu, and Thirteenth Sister immediately agreed.

  Brother B is just standing for the younger brother. Xiang Nan has been with him for ten years, working hard without complaint. Of course, he is willing to bring someone to help him.

   "You're welcome. Anan, call me in the future if you have anything to do. My big brother will always be your big brother." Big brother B waved his hand and smiled.

   "Thank you, Brother B, for this small amount of money, please treat the brothers to tea." Xiang Nan said, and handed over a check for 500,000 Hong Kong dollars.

  Boss B led a hundred people over this time, and the labor fee of 5,000 yuan per person is still very worthwhile. The so-called Hades is not bad for hungry ghosts. Even if Big Boss B is his boss and can help for free, but he always asks people to help for nothing, and it will be difficult to ask in the future.

   "Okay, I'll accept it for them." Boss B smiled and nodded.

  Xiang Nan is open-minded and generous, and he is honored. After all, he was the one who tuned him out after all.

"A'nan, thank you very much this time, for helping me bring out this disaster." Thirteenth sister said coolly, "Made, this **** stole a lot of girls from me, and now they are finally planted in my hands. "

   "Since you hate him so much, then let him handle it with you." Xiang Nan laughed when he heard it.

  Sister Thirteen nodded and ordered Hua Fu to be brought into the car.


  Xiang Nan didn't know how Thirteenth Sister would make flowers.

  But after that night, there was no such person as Hua Fu in the Jianghu.

  After Huafu disappeared, Xiang Nan's power in Temple Street rose sharply.

  Although Hong Xing is not uniform, the share is definitely more than 90%.

   This also caused his income to skyrocket by more than 40%, and he received nearly 20 million income every month.

   And Xiang Nan cleaned up Huafu cleanly, which also shocked other Yau Ma Tei clubs.

  Combined with the fact that Xiang Nan singled out more than 80 people in Macau, and bravely fought against Liang Kun at the Hongxing Conference, his status in Xiangjiang's arena increased sharply, and he even got the nickname of "God of Fighting".

   After killing United Huafu, Xiang Nan turned his finger on Dongxing Sandhopper again.

  However, compared with United, Dongxing is much stronger.

  After all, what they do is [poison], this business is the most profitable, and it is also the most dangerous. As a result, everyone in Dongxing is very aggressive, and they don't respect morals at all. Not only is it a poisonous business, but even the heart is poisonous.

   To deal with such an opponent, it is natural to blindly fight and kill.

  Xiang Nan instructed Baoyu to use roundabout methods to win over and divide the younger brothers under Sandhopper's banner, making them fight each other and kill each other.


   Dongxing and Hongxing have different structures.

   Hongxing is a family system.

  Jiang Zhen was passed on to his son Jiang Tiansheng after his death, and Jiang Tiansheng was passed on to his younger brother Jiang Tianyang after his death.

   Hongxing's twelve fitters are mostly appointed by the leader. The selection is basically people who are loyal to the society, loyal to the liver, and capable of doing things.

  Of course, after a person takes power, it is inevitable that they will become corrupt and degenerate. Doing good business will go bad, not to mention the society, so there will be some scum.

  However, Dongxing has an electoral system, so there are many internal factions, each doing its own thing.

  Although the various factions are under the banner of Dongxing, they actually have no relationship with each other. Even the leader can only play a mediating role, but cannot order the bosses of the various factions to do things.

  This system has weakened the power of Dongxing to a certain extent. After all, silos are a mess, and factions will not only not help each other, but will annex each other when they are weak.

  Unlike Hong Xing, although the twelve fit people may not all get along happily, at least the superficial harmony can still be maintained, and they can let go of their knots at critical moments and unanimously communicate with each other.

  But Dongxing's system is also beneficial. It's like raising Gu, under the mutual competition, those who can emerge are all powerful characters.

For example, the golden-haired tiger sandhopper, the smiling tiger Wu Zhiwei, Ben Leihu Yaoyang, the crow Chen Zhixiong, Situ Haonan, etc., no matter in wisdom, force or fierceness, they are all higher than Hong Xing's people, so they can always produce trouble.


  Xiang Nan's plan to win over and divide is deliberately designed for Dongxing's structure.

  Because of its internal emphasis on strength first, the winner takes all, so no matter the eldest brother or the younger brother, they all desperately want to be in the top position. Therefore, even if it is colluding with outsiders and harming the public and selfishness, it is nothing to the people of Dongxing.

In "Juvenile Fighting", Sandhopper and Liang Kun partnered for decoration; in "One Hand Covering the Sky", Crow and Ji Ge jointly opened a bar; in "Invincible", Yaoyang teamed up with Li Fatzi and Sheng Fan; In "Xing Thirteen Sisters", Brother Leopard killed his brother Coke for 10 million... all of them were eaten inside and outside, with their elbows turned outward.

  Therefore, Xiang Nan's strategy of wooing and dividing is suitable for Dong Xing.

   In a mixed society, fighting and killing are inevitable, but the key is to know how to use your brain.

  The times are different now, and it is no longer the time to build a foundation with just fists.

  It’s like a camel teaching a crow, even if you can fight again, so what, Jiang Tiansheng throws out a few million at will, let all the gangsters in Hong Kong come to chase you, and if they don’t hack you to death, they will exhaust you to death.

   This is the power of capital.

  Just like Jiang Tianyang, he never killed a single person from the beginning to the end, but he firmly held Hong Xing's power. Just because he knows how to use both money and brain.

  Xiang Nan is better than Jiang Tianyang in terms of intelligence and intelligence, so he naturally understands this truth better.

  So when he cleaned up the sandhoppers, he didn't just rely on beating and killing, but used his brain to disintegrate from the inside.

   Although Baopi has a cowardly personality, he is eloquent, sweet-tongued, and has a talent for public relations. It would be perfect for him to go to the outreach and win over the subordinates of the Corroding Sand Grasshopper.

  (end of this chapter)