MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2591 2593【Yau Ma Tei all in one color】

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   Chapter 2591 2593 [Yau Ma Tei is all the same color]

  Under Xiang Nan's instigation, Baopi immediately threw out silver papers, and fought fiercely with Greyhound, the younger brother of Sand Grasshopper.

  Although Greyhound is Sandhopper's younger brother, he is very unhappy with this elder brother.

  Because the sandhopper lacks fairness in doing things, it does not reward for meritorious deeds and does not punish for faults.

   Greyhound has followed Sandhopper for five years, not to mention going through life and death, but he has worked hard. But Sand Grasshopper only promotes the younger brother Qi Ji, who has a good relationship with him, and entrusts him to take care of many businesses under his banner, but for Greyhound, he only lets the horse run and does not let the horse eat more grass.

  In fact, he knows that the reason why the aircraft is reused is not because of his superior ability, but because of the pillow wind. In order to get the upper hand, Qi Ji gave his sister to Sand Grasshopper. With this layer of nepotism, he is uniquely valued by Sand Grasshopper.

   This is something that almost everyone in Dongxing knows.

   Greyhound hates that although he has sisters, all of them are not amazing in appearance, and they will not accept them if they want to give them away, so they are naturally dissatisfied.

   In addition, sandhoppers also like to take advantage of younger brothers.

   Greyhound is in the pill business, and dozens of younger brothers make a living from it.

  Sandhopper often takes goods from him, but refuses to pay the bill. He also said that the reason why Greyhound can do the pill business is all because of his protection. So not only don't pay, but also want to get a commission from it.

   This also made Greyhound more and more dissatisfied with Sandhopper. It's just that Sandhopper is so powerful that Greyhound can't do anything even if he hates him.

  But now that he has the support of the ruffian, Greyhound suddenly has a bit of courage.


   Half a month later, Sand Grasshopper died. The cause of death was taking illegal drugs.

  It turned out that Sand Grasshopper likes to take medicine for fun. Over the years, it has become more and more dependent on medicine, and its tricks of taking medicine have become more and more sophisticated.

   Greyhound specially sent a batch of high-purity medicine, but did not inform Sand Grasshopper. As a result, the sandhopper was taken according to the original dose, and naturally couldn't bear it, and foamed at the mouth on the spot.

   Before reaching the hospital, the person is already dying.

  After the death of Sand Grasshopper, Greyhound, Airplane and Big Nose Lin, the three underlings under the banner, began to compete for the position of the fitter, and their own people fought hard first.

  Xiang Nan took the opportunity to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, watching the excitement while swallowing the land. By the second half of 1995, Dongxing's territory in Yau Ma Tei was almost swallowed up by him.

   In this way, the two powerful enemies have been basically wiped out by him.

  Yau Ma Tei dare not say that Hong Xing is uniform, but it is an indisputable fact that Hong Xing is king in Yau Ma Tei.

  Since Xiang Nan took over Yau Ma Tei for half a year, he has managed it like an iron bucket, which naturally won the praise of people in the world, and his status and reputation in the world are also rising steadily.


  At the end of the year, Hong Xing held a meeting.

  Xiang Nan led the team there.

   Pheasant, Nest Pi, Bao Pi, and Da Tian Er are all in charge now, and each takes care of a large business, so they are all shotguns now.

  Everyone drives a Mercedes and wears a Rolex. Baopi also made a big gold chain of one catty to hang around his neck, which was very luxurious.

   "You are not afraid of being taken advantage of by others, your neck will be chopped off." Xiang Nan laughed when he saw this.

   "Who in Yau Ma Tei doesn't know me, Baopi, who dares to touch me?" Baopi said proudly.

   "It's better to keep a low profile." Xiang Nan laughed.

   Be high-key when doing things, and low-key when being a person, so that you can get along for a long time.

  Anyone who acts arrogantly and blasphemes often cannot go far.

   Come to the meeting place.

   "Anan, you have done a good job in the past six months. Hong Xing in Yau Ma Tei is all the same, and Liang Kun can't do it!"

   "Anan, your Temple Street is doing well, chain operation, one-stop service, saving money and being happy."

   "Anan, what good business have you got recently, bring me one, I'm pointing at you all."

  All the fit people stepped forward and greeted Xiang Nan warmly.

  Xiang Nan exchanged pleasantries one by one, knowing that few of these fitters were reliable, and they were basically swaying from side to side according to the wind, so he didn't take it seriously.


  After exchanging pleasantries for a while, Jiang Tiansheng walked into the venue.

  Everyone got up and said hello, "Mr. Jiang~"

   "Everyone sit down, everyone sit down." Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile, "In the past year, our Hongxing has been very prosperous, and all the brothers have performed well. In particular, I want to praise one person, Haonan.

  Not only did he help get rid of Liangkun, a 25-year-old boy, but he also made a lot of money for the club in the past six months. In particular, getting rid of United's Hua Fu and Dongxing's Sand Grasshopper makes Yau Ma Tei Hong Xing completely uniform, which is really good. "

  Hearing what he said, everyone nodded in agreement.

   "Thank you, Mr. Jiang, in fact, it's not all due to me. Brother B and Sister Thirteen have helped me a lot, and my little brothers are also hardworking.

  The most important thing is, Mr. Jiang, you trust and promote me. Xiang Nan smiled modestly.

   Hearing what he said, Jiang Tiansheng was even more satisfied.

   "We called a meeting today, mainly to talk about two things. One is two personnel appointments. Uncle Chuanbao wants to retire, and I propose to let the prince take over. What do you all think?" He then said.

   Chuanbo is from Jiang Zhen's generation, who is now in his sixties, with children and grandchildren around his knees, and it is normal to want to retire and enjoy family happiness.

  The prince is a protégé who has always been a protégé, and he has always been able to fight. One person can single out a dozen people, so he is known as the God of War in Hongxing.

   It's just that although the prince can fight, he is not good at management, so his power is not strong. In terms of power, it is not as good as Tommy Tsai, another student who was popular. But since Jiang Tiansheng proposed, naturally no one would object and it was unanimously approved.

   "The prince is good, and he is loyal enough to fight. Mr. Jiang, your proposal is very good, and we all agree."

   "Prince, a few years ago, he was already acting as the eldest brother, and he did a good job. Mr. Jiang, you really have a good eye for talent."

  Everyone echoed.

   "Okay, since everyone agrees, it's settled." Jiang Tiansheng said with a smile, "Prince, Tsim Sha Tsui will be under your control from now on. You must work hard."

   "Yes, Mr. Jiang." The crown prince nodded, and then looked at Xiang Nan, "Brother Nan, I heard that you are very good at fighting. I have a chance to compete."

   "What did you say?!" Pheasant, Chao Pi, and Da Tian Er yelled dissatisfied when he saw that he said that, which seemed to be provocative.

  Xiang Nan waved his hands at them, then smiled at the prince, "Okay."

  He could tell that the crown prince was not provoking, but simply loved martial arts, so he wanted to challenge him.

   This is not a bad thing, the so-called do not know each other. He and the prince were not familiar with each other, so he just took this opportunity to get closer.

  Tsim Sha Tsui is right next to Yau Ma Tei. If we can become friends and help each other in the future, it will be a good thing;


   "In addition, there is one more thing. I negotiated with Mr. He in Macau a few days ago. There is a new hotel on Taipa Island, and I have won the right to operate the gambling in it." Jiang Tiansheng said immediately.

   Hearing what he said, everyone was excited.

   Among the sidelines, pornography, gambling and drugs are the most lucrative. In a casino, the daily turnover may exceed 10 million, and the commission alone can make a lot of money.

   Therefore, all the fit people are waiting to see, hoping to get the next business.

  (end of this chapter)