MTL - Save the Bachelor of Heaven-Chapter 2626 2628 [Virtual and Snake]

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  Chapter 2626 2628 [Virtual and Snake]

  After visiting the property and returning to the hotel, Xiang Nan immediately hung up the phone to Lin Shufen, "Shufen, release a message for me."

   "What news?" Lin Shufen asked curiously.

   "Let's say there is a rich man in Malaysia, Dato' Chen Jianan wants to cooperate with me to sell a property. It is a big deal, and he can earn hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars at once." Xiang Nan said to Lin Shufen.

   "Is this news true or false?" Lin Shufen asked suspiciously.

   "The first half of the news is true, but the second half is false." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "I can see that Datuk is a liar at all, and he asked me to cooperate to deceive me."

   "I see, so you spread the news in order to lure others into cheating?" Lin Shufen guessed immediately.

   "Smart, so help me spread the news as soon as possible." Xiang Nan nodded and smiled, "You have done this for me, and I will buy you a villa later."

   "That's not necessary, you just need to spend more time with me in the future." Lin Shufen laughed.

   "Okay, I promise you, I will accompany you more in the future, and I will accompany you to death." Xiang Nan laughed.


  In the evening, Shisanmei and Han Bin asked Xiang Nan to go out for supper.

   "Why didn't you ask Pheasant, Da Fei, Brother Ji, Big Brother B?" Xiang Nan asked curiously.

   "Don't mention it, they all went to Ruanrou Township to pick up girls." Thirteenth Sister laughed.

   "So it is." Xiang Nan nodded.

   "Actually, there are many Malay girls in Bolan Street. Would you like to introduce one to you?" Thirteenth sister looked at Han Bin and smiled.

   "Okay, if you are brave enough to introduce, I will be brave enough to ask for it." Han Bin agreed.

   "I can't stand you two." Xiang Nan laughed.

  Han Bin and Shisanmei have gotten very close in the past year or so. Han Bin fell in love at first sight with the thirteen younger sister who was full of personality and loyalty. Thirteen sisters are indifferent to Han Bin, and the two often bicker over this.

"Anan, you are really lucky. When you come to Malaysia, someone will take the initiative to send you money." Han Bin smiled, "Datu's house is really good, and you must earn some money if you sell it in Xiangjiang. You will earn again this time." Turned over. Unlike me, the economy has been in recession for the past two years, and they all lost."

   "Brother Bin, don't be discouraged. If you are not rich in money, I can help you a little." Xiang Nan laughed.

  He knew that after the outbreak of the financial crisis, the club business was affected. In addition, these bosses usually invest in stocks, funds, and the real estate market.

  When the economic crisis came, the stock market plummeted, property prices plummeted, and the market was in a recession. As a result, everyone's net worth shrank, and their lives were miserable haha. After all, not everyone is as forward-looking as Xiang Nan.

   "Not for now, I will talk to you when I really run out of money." Han Bin waved his hand.

   "Alright." Xiang Nan nodded.


  While chatting, three girls came to the supper stand, "Hey, there are seats over there."

  One of them was Mei Ling whom I met yesterday.

  When Thirteenth Sister saw her, she smiled and said, "Look, Anan, the **** who fired at you yesterday..."

  Meiling heard their conversation, turned her head, and saw them, she smiled and said to her companion, "You guys order first, and I'll come as soon as I go."

   After finishing speaking, she came to the three of Xiang Nan, "Hey, you guys also know how to come out to 'liu'?"

   "What do you mean?" Han Bin asked suspiciously.

   "Just to play." Mei Ling explained, then looked at Xiang Nan, and asked bluntly, "Why did you keep staring at me yesterday?"

   "If you don't look at me, how do you know I'm looking at you." Xiang Nan asked back.

   "Yes, do you know why?" Mei Ling admitted frankly, and then asked back.

   "Because I'm handsome." Xiang Nan laughed.

  His answer made Meiling laugh out loud, "You're not so pretty. Actually, it's because you look like my first boyfriend."

   "So I look like a Malay." Xiang Nan laughed.

   "Hmph, you **** girl, you treat us two as transparent people." Thirteenth sister couldn't help saying sourly when she saw the two flirting with each other.

   "Besides, the trick is too old-fashioned, Anan, don't dump her." Han Bin also laughed.

   "Give me your phone number." Mei Ling looked at Xiang Nandao.

  Xiang Nan was taken aback, took out the phone and handed it to her.

   "That's not it, I'm asking for your phone number." Meiling smiled.

   "Come, write to her." Han Bin handed over the signature pen as a joke.

  Xiang Nan took the pen and wrote down his phone number on Mei Ling's hand.

   "Thank you. But you don't have to expect too much, I may not call you." Meiling smiled, "You guys are having fun, I'm leaving~" After finishing speaking, she turned and left gracefully.

   "Anan, this Malay girl is not bad. She looks beautiful, has a good figure, and has a warm personality. Come on~" Thirteenth sister laughed.

   "As expected of Liang Zai Nan, she is so popular everywhere she goes." Han Bin also laughed.

  Xiang Nan smiled, but knew in his heart that the reason why Mei Ling took the initiative to approach him was actually mostly instigated by Dato Chen Jianan to seduce him.

  So since last night, she has been firing at herself, and now she has come to strike up a conversation, and even played the trick of playing hard to get.

   But Xiang Nan is not that stupid, he has hired a private detective to find out the details of Chen Jianan. At that time, who is calculating who is not sure.


  Two days later, Xiang Nan and others flew back to Xiangjiang together.

   "Anan, that **** hasn't called you yet?" At the airport, Thirteenth Sister asked curiously.

  She is quite looking forward to this exotic relationship, hoping that it will become a romantic love story.

   "Why, you thought there would be a show of seeing off each other at eighteen miles." Xiang Nan laughed, "It's just a joke."

   "Hey, it's really a pity." Thirteenth sister said regretfully when she heard this.

   "There's nothing to regret, we're going back to Xiangjiang right away. This encounter that ended without a cause should just stay in Malaysia." Xiang Nan said with a smile, "Let's go, let's get on the plane."

   "That's the only way to go." Thirteenth sister nodded, "Oh, I thought I could still watch a good show."


  After returning to Xiangjiang, Xiang Nan took Pheasant, Chaopi, Baopi, Datian Er and others together to find the big head Yang Tian who set up a stall in Causeway Bay.

   "Big head, do you still remember us?" Xiang Nan laughed.

   "I'm not called Datou, you have mistaken me." Yang Tian directly denied with a cold expression.

"It doesn't matter if you refuse to recognize us, but we have always regarded you as a brother." Xiang Nan said, and then put down a bag, "The things in this are what we brothers put together, and there is also a share of Brother B, please You must accept it.

  You don’t need to have psychological pressure, worrying that we will pull you into the club again. I think it's very good that you set up a stall to sell newspapers and switch to a regular business. Down-to-earth, self-reliant, innocent and worthy of respect.

   Unlike us, we are too deep in this line of work, and we can’t even pull our legs out, so we all envy you. Big head, take care of yourself, and come to us again when you encounter problems. We share the same burner of incense and are brothers for life. "

   After finishing speaking, he left with the pheasant, Baopi, Chaopi and others.

  When the big head saw this, he was taken aback for a moment, and when he opened the paper bag and saw that it was full of money, more than one million yuan, he couldn't help being stunned.

  (end of this chapter)