MTL - Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect-Chapter 19 Ancient tomb

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Ye Shaoyang lifted the mahogany sword, stabbed it with a sword, and blocked the coffin board. The black gas ran around the mahogany sword and spread. Ye Shaoyang did not mess, the left hand stuck with cinnabar, wrote a "敕" on the mahogany sword, and read in the mouth: "The world is infinite, the Qiankun borrows the law, breaks!"

Forced to twist, the coffin board is crushed, and the blood is splashed.

The woman's life weapon was destroyed, opened her mouth, and made a screaming expression, but she did not make a sound. She extended her fingers and pointed her neck at Ye Shaoyang, but he was in the middle of his arms, and his left hand pinched a law. The palm of the hand is on the female eyebrow, and the eyebrow is the ghost door, which is the most important thing in the ghost.

The female ghost picked up a blue light, and the original ethereal figure became more blurred. Both hands danced and tried to catch Ye Shaoyang. The result was only futile.

"Don't struggle, or you will immediately let your soul fly away." Ye Shaoyang said with a bit of force, the ghost is not as innocent as a zombie, generally hear this threat, it is also honest, big deal is to send a yin, it is better than being beaten Oh, good.

However, the strange thing is that this maid ghost has not become honest, but has become more fiercely rebellious. Ye Shaoyang is not paying attention and she is caught in her face.

"I rely!" Ye Shaoyang put down the mahogany sword, quickly wrote a fixed-character, posted on the female ghost, which only controlled her.

Ye Shaoyang found the bronze mirror from his backpack and illumined the light. He grabbed a few scratches on the gang and licked the green liquid. He hurriedly took a black bean powder from his backpack and applied it to the wound.

"What do I ask you now, what do you answer, hey, or you will kill you right away." The little horse saw the female ghost moving, and the courage was also big, and went to the female ghost, pretending to be pretending.

The sneaky look at him, not snoring.

"What are you calling, say it."

The female ghost does not say anything.

"Which dynasty are you?"

The female ghost still does not say anything.

"Don't bother," said Ye Shaoyang. "She was sealed with mercury and her mouth and ears before she died. Mercury is evil and can suppress the soul of the heavens. Now she can't hear the sound and can't speak."

The pony is stunned. "No, how did you know?"

Ye Shaoyang pointed to a strange pattern embroidered on the clothes of the female ghost's chest. He said: "This is a fixed soul lock. It can lock the ghost and can't enter the yin. It is usually used in the tombs of the tomb, plus her mouth can't say It is also evidence. In some ancient dynasties, it was customary to pour the ear of the funeral boy and the maid and the mouth into the mercury, lest their ghosts go to the land, and talk about the bad things of the master. Of course, this is a nonsense, in the face of the sinister Dadao Dafa. Any ban is invalid."

The pony complained: "You don't say it early, it hurts me to waste half-day expression, but I also thought about the addiction of interrogating female ghosts, hehe."

"I just saw the lock of the soul." Ye Shaoyang thought, you waste your expression, I still broke the face, I have to know that she can't hear her, she is sick when she is sick, as a Maoshan Tianshi, being a female ghost. The scratch is broken, this person lost.

The pony turned around the female ghost for two laps and praised: "I don't want to be a servant maid, it's really good, this figure..."

"If people are so hard, they don't want to make jokes." Ye Shaoyang wrote a love letter and looked at the female ghost. She seemed to understand it, and her eyes were grateful.

"Hey, I'm taking off your fix, don't make trouble with me!" Ye Shaoyang was a bit worried about being caught again.

The devil was removed, and the female ghost did not move, and looked at Ye Shaoyang poorly.

"I have offended." Ye Shaoyang reached for her to take off her shirt.

"Where, small leaves, what do you want to do, too heavy taste, even the female ghosts are not let go!" The pony screamed.

"What dirty thoughts you have, there is a certain soul lock on her clothes, and I can't get away." Ye Shaoyang took three out of five to help the female ghost take off her shirt, and she also wore a dudou, but she was paler than the living skin. The same is true, the body is very hot, and today is also a **** girl.

Behind him came the sound of the pony's throat, and Ye Shaoyang looked back and gave him a look: "The rest." Then he secretly swallowed his mouth...

The female ghost performed a Wanfu ceremony on Ye Shaoyang, turning it into a light smoke, attached to the Chen Yuefu, and flew toward the hole.

Looking at the paper flies away, Lao Guo turned around and said: "Little brother, is there really an ancient tomb below? I have never heard of an ancient tomb in the air-raid shelter."

"80% is there, otherwise it will not give birth to the corpse." Ye Shaoyang said, "Don't guess, find the white-haired zombies, everything knows."

Ye Shaoyang took out a piece of paper and folded it into a paper crane. He took a breath and let go of his hand. The paper crane spread its wings and flew forward.

The pony looked at it. "What is this?"

"Yin and Yang birds, can trace all yin, follow it." Three people followed the paper crane, walked for half an hour, after several ramps, the result returned to the original point, the paper crane manpower was exhausted, dropped in On the ground.

"What's special, this corpse has been there, where yin is left, even the yin and yang birds are lost." Ye Shaoyang depressed and scratched his head, "I have to think of another way."

Old Guo mysteriously smiled, "Little teacher, I have a way, the white-haired zombie bloodthirsty mad, here is poor ventilation, as long as there is enough human blood, it can certainly bring it."

Ye Shaoyang slammed his head. "This is a good idea. We can arrange it in advance and wait for it to come down."

"It’s light, it’s where you go to find people.” The pony looked around and found that the two eyes stared at themselves. "You, you look like this? I rely, you don't want to take my blood!"

"I am the blood of Heavenly Master. The corpse will only hide farther and will not come." Ye Shaoyang first excluded himself.

"I... I am dizzy. Besides, I am going to do the old man's head. Putting some blood may be fatal. The young man is strong and strong, and it doesn't matter if he puts some blood." Lao Guo patted the pony's shoulder, a long and long-term heart. Looks like.

The pony snorted: "No, I remembered. You started to encourage me. You honestly said, did you hit me with a ghost idea?"

"No, how can it be. I said, young people must have dedication..."

The pony turned his eyes: "I am puffy, not much blood, or you give it."

Lao Guodao: "Two thousand."

Pony shines in front of him, "Five thousand!"

"Three thousand!"

"Complete, say, how much blood." The pony picked up the sleeves and looked at it.

"A small bowl will do." Lao Guo untied his backpack and took out a small porcelain bowl.

When the pony saw him take the bowl, he said: "Rely, it is premeditated!"

Regardless of the pony's mourning, Lao Guo used a small dagger to cut through the pony's **** and squeezed the bleeding. He still had a conscience and only put a small bowl of blood. Ye Shaoyang asked him to ignite dry wormwood leaves, to bake the bottom of the bowl, to accelerate the spread of blood gas, to start the layout of the scene, take out the ink fountain, smear the cinnabar water, and use the two sides of the cave as the boundary, popping up ten blood lines, laying glutinous rice and realgar.

After getting it, the blood in the bowl also evaporated, and Ye Shaoyang wiped the remaining blood on the pony clothes.

"Hey, what are you doing!" The pony yelled, "I am Valentino... imitation, it is worth two hundred!"

"The corpse has no IQ, but it is not purely silly. He sees no one here will not come. You stand in the middle of the blood line, and when the corpse comes to you, I have my own arrangements!"

The pony sweat dripped down. "Small leaves, will not be dangerous?"

"Of course not. Hurry! You still want the three thousand!"

The pony went to the middle of the blood line.

Ye Shaoyang turned his back and showed a depressed smile on his face. This child really wants money.

Not waiting for a long time, a low footstep came from the opposite side of the cave, mixed with one or two roars like the beast. White hair zombies are coming! The pony's legs can't help but shake, "small leaves..."

"Don't say anything, wait for him to come to you, I have arrangements!"

Ye Shaoyang waved at Lao Guo and they both hid in the shelter next to them.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the little pony stares at the distance. Finally, a tall figure appears in the illumination range of the three-color lotus, like a polar bear, staggering...