MTL - Steady Development From Douluo-Chapter 146 If you are a master, you will know if there is any!

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   Chapter 146 If you are a master, you will know if there is any!

   "Uncle Wang, this guy beat me!"

  Meng Shenji hadn't opened his mouth yet, but Xue Beng, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, had already stood up, staring at Su Xun with fire-breathing eyes, his face full of bitterness and hatred.


   Hearing this, Xue Xing's eyes suddenly turned around, her face was gloomy and uncertain, and she said lukewarmly:

   "Beating the prince is equivalent to insulting the royal family. I wonder if you have something to say?"


   Swords were drawn, and Flender and the others immediately gathered around, looking at Xue Xing with gloomy eyes.

  Meng Shenji also frowned, feeling that things were a little tricky.

   Meng Shenji defended, "His Royal Highness, is there any misunderstanding in this matter?"

   Xue Xing sneered: "The scars on my nephew Xue Beng's face are not to say that the old man is joking!"

   Saying that, Xue Xing pointed to the purple-black part of Xue Beng's face, obviously getting a heavy punch.

   "This..." Meng Shenji suddenly choked.

  Su Xun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and stood up, "I really beat the man, I wonder what you think?"

  Xue Xing's eyes narrowed slightly, "It is an unforgivable crime to beat a member of the royal family!"

   "Take it for me!"

   As soon as he finished speaking, the surrounding sergeants immediately surrounded him, the long halberd was facing Su Xun and the others, and the long sharp and cold light lingered.

   "Leave it to me."

  Su Xun shook his head at Flender and the others. The worse this matter is today, the better, otherwise how can I go to Lanba Academy.

  The Royal Academy is really good, but that noble and old-fashioned feeling is very inconsistent with Su Xun's character.

   Instead of taking the Royal Academy corrupted by power, it is better to go to the free Blue Ba Academy.

   Holding on to the idea of ​​hitting people to protect people, Su Xun kicked Xue Beng once again.

  Since you want to pretend to be trash, you should pretend to be more like it, or Xue Qinghe won't be able to kill you.

   Brother beat you, in fact, for your sake!


  Everything happened so fast that even Dugu Bo didn't expect that Su Xun would still dare to take action, and Xue Beng's figure was kicked away and fell unconscious.


   Seeing that Su Xun knew that Titled Douluo was here, yet dared to take action, Tang San and the others immediately became spartan.

  What is ruthless?

   This is a ruthless man!

   But... Titled Douluo is not easy to deal with!

   "Boy, you are quite crazy!"

   As expected, Dugu Bo's figure stood in front of Xue Xing at some point, his face gloomy.

   Under his protection, people were beaten up, how could he get a foothold in the spirit master world when it spreads out!


   The shouting sounded, but unfortunately it was too late. The poisonous blue mist spread from Dugu Bo's body and surrounded Su Xun in an instant.

  The poisonous mist did not spread everywhere, its target was only Su Xun!

   Seeing this scene, Flender and others also looked very nervous, only Leng Mengyao's expression was still indifferent, and it seemed that he had already looked down on all this.

   Su Xun's ability, she still knows a little bit, and it is rude to say that poison is useless to him at all.

  Because he is poisonous!

After the fusion of the spirit bones, the poison of the Death Spider King and the Pluto Snake merged, creating a new mixed poison with extremely violent poison.

   can not only paralyze nerves, but also corrode organs directly through blood. Once poisoned, if Su Xun does not take the initiative to remove it within two minutes, he will surely die.

   Even Chrysanthemum Douluo was severely harmed by Su Xun's poisonous scourge. If it weren't for his own strength, coupled with the timely treatment of the treasures of heaven and earth, I am afraid that his soul would have returned to Huangquan at this moment.

   The poison of the Pluto Snake is stronger than that of the Jade Phosphorus snake, which is not much different from that of the Jade Phosphorus Snake King, and the poison of the Death Spider King has been added.

   It is rude to say that the mixed poison is stronger than Dugu Bo's Biphos Snake Emperor's poison!

   And this poison has been fused into each of Su Xun's spirit bones, forming an all-round defense in Su Xun's body.

   Fighting poison with poison, Su Xun is now invulnerable to all poisons in the true sense.

  Unless it is a stronger mixed poison, it is possible to break through the defense of the poison in his body.

   A black light flashed, and Su Xun's left arm was covered with scales, and the bulging green airflow on his body was all drawn to his left arm.

   A bulging green liquid leaked from the gaps in the black scales, which looked a little disgusting.

   "Your Excellency bullying the small like this, is it a laughing stock?"

   Suddenly, Su Xun's figure rushed out of the poisonous fog, and even Dugu Bo was startled, Su Xun grabbed Dugu Bo's right arm with his left hand.

   Doubled the speed of the left leg spirit bone, so close together with the poisonous mist, Dugu Bo naturally couldn't react.

   His left hand firmly grasped Dugu Bo's arm, the venom of the night flowed out of the scales, and Su Xun immediately released his arm.

  Everything happened too fast, almost in an instant, Su Xun had already distanced himself from Dugu Bo.


   Dugu Bo looked at his dark and corroded arm, his eyes condensed for an instant, and then he naturally put his hand behind him.

   "You're fine!"

   Dugu Bo gritted his teeth and looked at Su Xun, and then whispered to Xue Xing, whose expression also changed, making it difficult for him to step down.

   "This king has something to do. Your name is Su Xun, right? This king has written it down!"

   took a deep look at Su Xun, Xue Xing said that he left with the people, and everyone looked bewildered.

   How to say go and go, wasn't it quite arrogant just now? !

   "Young and formidable!"

   Meng Shenji looked at Su Xun in shock and sighed.

   Although his martial soul is a control-type martial soul black demon, it is extremely agile, so he vaguely senses something through the poisonous fog.

   The reason why Dugu Bo retreated was probably because of Su Xun's previous hand, being able to force a Title Douluo back, it's really not easy!

  Su Xun smiled and didn't explain too much. He looked like he was thinking of the Royal Academy, and said:

   "I offended the prince this time. I'm afraid the other party will not let it go. In order not to embarrass the three seniors, we should leave."

   "It doesn't have to be so, you..."

   Hearing that Su Xun was leaving, Mengshenji was in a hurry, such a genius, if the Royal Academy missed it, he would regret it too much!

  Unfortunately, before Mengshenji’s words were finished, Flender directly agreed, “It’s really hard for me to disturb the three seniors, or it’s better to leave earlier, what do you think?”

   said, Flender turned his head to look at Zao Wuji and the others, the latter was stunned, and then nodded.

  There are people like Xue Xing Avalan in the Royal Academy, they may be in constant trouble in the Royal Academy, it is better to leave early.


   Seeing that everyone had decided to leave, Meng Shenji was very helpless, but before everyone left, Meng Shenji still left a message for everyone, and the Royal Academy welcomed them at any time.

   "Senior Dream Chair, I'll take my leave soon."

  Flanders left the Royal Academy with someone, expressionless, looking either happy or angry.

   (end of this chapter)