MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 733 Mystery of existence

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After the three countries of the United States, the Eagle State, and the Vale State announced their unconditional surrender, their government was notified by Neverland, asking them to issue orders immediately, ordering all their troops to lay down their arms from now on. , Waiting for the next step of Fantasy Island.

The notice also stipulates that after ten days, the three countries must send personnel to Neverland to sign an agreement to surrender unconditionally to Neverland before the world. The people sent to sign the surrender agreement must be the head of state with the highest power, not other alternative negotiators.

According to the requirements of Neverland, the people who must sign the surrender agreement in the United States are their old presidents, while the eagle country is the prime minister of the Golden State, and the country is the young president.

Is completely different from the way when the declaration of war to Neverland was carried out. At this time, the old President of the United States was haggard. His beautiful blonde hair had become gray, and the wrinkles on his face were like dry bark. The most important thing is that the spirit of the old president has been completely lost. He is no longer like the leader of a big country. It is completely an old man who is hungry.

Although the old President of the United States had a mess in governing the country, there are still some people's eyes. A few years ago, he regarded Neverland and Yanfei as the strongest enemies of the United States. He has also been suppressing Neverland and Yanfei in accordance with the standards of the strongest enemy. He wants to eliminate this powerful future. Enemy, the whole process is just like the rice country has dealt with other countries and forces that can threaten the rice country.

But no one expected that Neverland and the former competitors of the United States were completely different. Because of its stronger strength and faster rise, it not only carried the crazy suppression of the United States, but also became more and more powerful in this crazy suppression. In the end, it completely defeated the United States and forced the United States to surrender unconditionally to Neverland. .

The military, technological, and financial strength that Rice was originally proud of was all destroyed by Yanfei's Neverland. Without these foundations that can make the rice country stronger again, the rice country is destined to be completely weakened. With the character of this old president, he didn't want to participate in this surrender ceremony. After all, he still had a little face. But in Yanfei ’s threat to the United States, if their old president did not participate in this surrender ceremony, after destroying a city in the United States every day, other forces in the country immediately panicked. They stood up together and persuaded the old president to participate in the surrender ceremony. . Under various persecutions, the old President of the United States had to lay down his dignity, and decided to go to Neverland in person and surrender to Yan Fei, who looked down on him.

The old President of the United States understood that this was a Liwei action of Yanfei and Neverland facing the world, which was to establish a throne ceremony for his new world hegemony through a fight against the former world hegemony. He and the rice country he represents are very unfortunate and became the chicken in the fantasy island killing chickens and monkeys. As for how to crack down on its own competitors, the United States has been doing it before, and has been familiar with it, but did not expect Feng Shui to take turns, and now it is their turn to be suppressed.

As for the heads of state of Eagle and Fuguo, they were ousted by angry people in the country when they announced their unconditional surrender to Neverland. But when he learned that the head of state with the highest power must go to Neverland to sign the surrender agreement, because no one dared to sign such a humiliating surrender. In desperation, the domestic forces in these two countries can only decide to keep the two culprits in the position of heads of state and wait until the signing of the surrender agreement before letting them formally resign, letting them bear this heavy burden before leaving Black pot.

Although the surrender agreement has not been formally signed yet, Neverland is already a bit impatient. After Yanfei released all the production capacity of the medium-sized production workshop, Dream Island built a hundred giant transport and combat aircraft in one night. This dual-purpose aircraft is somewhat similar to the stealth unmanned fighters that annihilated the US Navy. They all have powerful stealth capabilities, but their functions are very different.

This brand new dual-purpose aircraft was newly designed after the breakthrough of Dream Island Technology. Not only are they bigger in size, but also have more powerful capabilities. These transport and combat dual-purpose aircraft have a length of 500 meters, a width of 100 meters, and a height of 20 meters. Its energy core is a medium-sized nuclear fusion power station, which can provide a continuous flow of dual-use aircraft. It has sufficient energy to support the continuous operation of the laser system and energy weapon system installed on the aircraft, so that when it has a powerful carrying capacity of 5,000 tons, it has the powerful combat power of two months of independent combat.

Under the special design of Yanfei, this dual-purpose aircraft has the most powerful hover and vertical take-off and landing capabilities. So although their size looks very large, they do not need to take off the airport at all, and can take off and land at the desired place anytime, anywhere.

The flight speed of the dual-purpose aircraft is very fast, which is up to 10 times the speed of sound. The dual-purpose aircraft uses the latest technology of Neverland to protect the safety of the people inside at such a high speed. With such a fast flight speed, coupled with the terrorist carrying capacity of dual-purpose aircraft, a large number of people and materials can be transported in a short time.

The hundred transport and combat aircrafts were just produced by the medium-sized production workshop, and were moved by Yanfei to the airport of Neverland through the common space. The fantasy island guards and technicians that have been prepared for a long time began to register. When the personnel arrived, these dual-purpose aircraft began to lift off vertically, and rushed to the three countries of the United States, the Eagle State, and the Vale State at the fastest speed. It is necessary to control the most critical departments and scientific research institutions of these three countries in the first place, and **** the huge wealth and science and technology they have accumulated for hundreds of years.

Foreign scientists interested in Yang Qi are also in the "invitation" of Yanfei's team, just as the United States robbed German scientists and technology after World War II. In short, Yanfei wants to take away all the most valuable things in their country before leaving these countries unresponsive, leaving nothing to them ...

These dual-purpose aircraft not only have powerful combat capabilities themselves, but the Fantasy Island Guards above them also carry the latest generation of exoskeleton armor and spider combat platforms. With the help of these heavy firepower, the three have announced unconditional surrender 'S country has no resistance at all and can only be looted by Neverland.

In fact, since Yanfei has the ability to mine ores in space, Yanfei has no shortage of wealth. But he did not want to keep these wealth in the hands of his enemies, so he had to scavenge the enemy's last wealth, and not give them a chance to rise again.

Five days later, Yan Fei, who had been isolated in the drone mother ship, had no problems, and the perfect virus detection equipment near the ape base did not find any leaking perfect virus. It was at this time that Yan Fei felt relieved that this perfect virus that threatened the survival of humanity on Earth was finally eliminated by himself.

On the sixth day, Yan Fei quietly returned to Neverland, and after keeping warm with Lu Pingping, he took the landing Pingping away from Neverland and returned to China.

The purpose of this trip is to communicate with China and discuss the future situation in the world. Although Yan Fei has the power of a world hegemon, he does not want to care about the cumbersome things in the world at all. His purpose is the vast universe and the sky to pursue the ultimate mysteries, but there is a premise that the earth must To maintain peace and stability, if a nuclear war can break out at any time, everyone is in a state of panic, and Neverland can not rest assured to explore the universe.

Yan Fei and Lu Pingping came to the Imperial Capital and met quietly with the senior officials of Huaxia. Everyone had an in-depth exchange and open communication. Yan Fei said that his purpose is to take the earth as the starting point and move towards the universe. What Yan Fei needs is the stability of the earth, which can provide him with a steady stream of interstellar pioneering talents, but Yan Fei does not want to manage the idle and miscellaneous affairs on the earth. So the two sides finally negotiated and determined that with the support of Neverland, the planet is managed by China in accordance with its own principles, and Neverland can recruit various personnel in China to carry out interplanetary development.

After reaching this cooperation agreement, both parties were very satisfied. Yan Fei is equivalent to getting rid of a burden and being able to focus on interstellar development, while China has got a real opportunity to rise. The top management of China has decided to attend Unreal Island to accept the unconditional surrender ceremony of three countries five days later, and determine the general pattern of the world at that surrender ceremony.

After the discussion, the two sides started to talk about their family affairs. Yan Fei repeatedly said that he is a Chinese person. No matter where he goes, he will be proud of his identity as a Chinese person, and his mission is to promote Chinese culture. Huaxia said that Huaxia is also proud of having talents like Yanfei.

Finally, Yan Fei invited the senior executives of Huaxia to participate in the wedding ceremony that they and Lu Pingping will be holding on March 24 next year, three months later. After a long love run, the two finally decided to be together after experiencing various misunderstandings and tribulations. After being invited by Yan Fei and Lu Pingping, the invited senior leaders of Huaxia were also very happy, saying that they would definitely attend the wedding in person.

After returning to Huaxia, Yanfei took the landing Pingping back to Modu's hometown. Here, Lu Pingping and Yan Fei began to separate. She took her father to invite her relatives and friends to participate in her wedding. Although Yan Fei is separated from Lu Pingping, the UAV mothership in space always locks Lu Pingping. As long as Lu Pingping is in danger, she will be transported to Yan Fei immediately to ensure her absolute safety.

Yan Fei returned to his hometown alone. Yan Fei's parents died very early, and now the entire family is left alone, but his parents are still distant relatives. Yan Fei also wants to invite his own These distant relatives attended their wedding. After all, his parents are gone, and these relatives who are far away are equivalent to their elders. Being able to receive their blessings for their marriage is also a fulfillment of their parents' wishes.

When Yan Fei came to the homes of several distant relatives according to his own memory, he threw an empty space and did not find these distant relatives at all. Yan Fei was a little strange. When he conducted an investigation immediately, he discovered that his distant relatives did not know when they had moved away, and their hukou had also been moved from the location of the local household registration.

Then Yan Fei went to the local police station to find it, but he didn't find any paper documents of the migration of his relatives in distant houses. Because Huaxia did not popularize electronic office at that time, all the materials were paper materials, and Yan Fei went through the police station and found no files of relatives from distant houses. Without files, Yan Fei lost contact with his distant relatives.

Can't find any distant relatives, this situation is obviously abnormal. Yan Fei had doubts in his mind, so he immediately asked the artificial intelligence "dream" to search in the Huaxia household registration system, hoping to find his relatives from 1.4 billion people.

But what disappointed Yan Fei was that even if he screened all the Chinese registered population and confirmed the current photos of these registered population, he still did not find any information about his distant relatives, just like these distant relatives It's all dead. But Yan Fei did not think that all of his distant relatives would die, because he had a lot of distant relatives, and some of them were younger than him. They would never have disappeared silently.

Yan Fei was a little uneasy, so he personally conducted investigations in the places where his relatives had lived. In Yan Fei's personal investigation, the local residents still remembered the existence of these people, but their memories were a little vague, and they forgot when they moved from here. The police who handled the relocation of household registration also remembered these people, but they also couldn't remember where they moved to.

By this time, Yan Fei was a bit creepy. He had a close female secretary named Su Taner, the one who was possessed by Shao Zuo from the island country. Su Taner just made a name for herself on Neverland. When she returned to her hometown, the relatives and friends of her hometown immediately came to the door in an attempt to get enough benefit from Su Taner.

Even Su Tan'er's relatives will follow Su Tan'er's whereabouts and appear in due course. As the owner of Neverland, Yanfei not only possesses huge wealth, but also has monstrous power. As long as he asks for Yanfei, he does not say that he will immediately obtain billions of assets, but at least his whole life can be guaranteed. However, after so many years, Yan Fei has never met any relatives or friends. Although it can be said that Yan Fei's distant relatives are high-spirited and unwilling to dip into Yan Fei's light, but how many of these distant relatives do not want anyone to walk through Yanfei's back door?

Yanfei hadn't thought about this problem before, but now when he suddenly remembered it, he immediately felt very abnormal. So he began to investigate the situation of his parents. From the paper file of the police station, he can clearly see the life trajectory of Yan Fei's parents. These records are consistent with the memory in Yan Fei's mind. Then he started to ask some neighbors near his home. Those neighbors were also impressed with Yan Fei's parents, but to let them tell a specific thing, everyone did not know ...

Yan Fei suddenly remembered the note left by the gentleness he had seen. In that note, it implied that his origin was very peculiar. But at that time Yan Fei didn't believe it at all, because he clearly remembered how he grew up from home, he had a complete family, and had details of his growth that he can recall. But after discovering that his parents and distant relatives were not impressed by others' impressions ~ ~ he became somewhat skeptical, and he began to doubt his existence.

Just as Yan Fei was deeply questioned about his existence, Lu Pingping, who had invited his relatives, came back.

Yanfei looked at the landing Pingping, the first sentence asked: "Pingping, do you think I really exist?"

Lu Pingping was stunned for a while, and immediately laughed: "A Fei, why do you ask? I can feel you, and people on Neverland can also feel you. Are you not real? Is it false?"

Yanfei said: "I mean, when did you know me?"

Lu Pingping recalled: "Of course I met you after college, but at that time I was arrogant and you were a little reticent, so we didn't recognize each other in the first time. But the marriage is so amazing, so different In the end, the two people were able to fall in love and came together. "

Yanfei suddenly understood that no matter what his identity is, he exists in this world, at least in this world where he likes girls, he exists, so he has no regrets ...