MTL - Super Invincible Battleship-Chapter 734 Surrender ceremony

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After dealing with domestic affairs in China, Yan Fei took the landing Pingping back to Neverland. In the villa area of ​​Fantasy Island, Yanfei rebuilt a huge villa, which will become a new home where he and Lu Pingping live together. Although the villa he lived in has not been demolished, Yan Fei has moved out of it, and he has officially cut off everything involved with tenderness.

On Dream Island, Yan Fei built his new home with Lu Pingping. In the dream cave, he also built a new home with Lu Pingping. Yan Fei used his omnipotent divine power to create a huge mountain range in the hills near the new city of mankind. In this mountain range, he opened a huge valley.

In the very center of this valley, Yanfei built a huge castle with Chinese style. Around this castle, there is a winding river, beside which is a huge garden. Under the influence of Yan Fei, the flowers in this garden are undefeated all seasons. As long as you want to see them, you can see the flowers you want to see inside. In this garden, there are also a lot of cute creatures living in it, plus the surrounding heaven and earth aura, the whole valley is like a fairyland on earth ...

After various trials and tribulations, Yan Fei and Lu Pingping finally lived together. The two people who have wasted too much time, after confessing to each other, live together like glue, and do not want to separate for a moment. With the help of artificial intelligence "dream", they can manage the entire fantasy island in an orderly manner without going out.

In the outside world, various operations of Neverland are being carried out one after another.

After years of construction by Yan Fei, the original fantasy island guard team with only a few thousand people quickly expanded to 100,000 people. These 100,000 armed men all passed the loyalty test of Neverland, officially because of their full support, Lu Pingping dare to martial law on Neverland before, to ensure that when the super tsunami is about to hit Neverland, in Neverland There was no unrest on the ground.

These 100,000 Dream Island guards have undergone long-term training. After they are equipped with the high-tech equipment of Dream Island, their fighting power is already very strong. The purpose of Yanfei is to completely control the three countries of the United States, the Eagle State, and the Vale, and rob them, so as not to give the other party a chance to rise again, so on the second day when the other party announced the unconditional surrender, Yanfei took advantage of Dream Island ’s latest The transport and combat dual-purpose aircraft transported more than 80,000 Dream Island Guard members to the territories of these three countries.

After entering the three countries, these fantasy island guards who controlled huge mechanical weapons first occupied the other party's bank, high-tech laboratory, nuclear weapons and strategic weapon units, and they were also controlled by them. The government department of the country.

Although these three countries surrendered unconditionally to Neverland, many people in their countries did not realize the strength of Neverland, and they still considered themselves invincible. So after discovering the Armed Forces of Neverland entering their own country, they immediately slogan of expelling foreign enemies and united to attack the members of the Neverland Guard who entered their country. In addition to the ordinary people in the three countries, these rebel organizations that launched attacks are more of the remnants of the army and police after the three countries were broken up.

Fantasy Island Guards team members were authorized by Yan Fei's self-defense when they first set off. After discovering that they were under attack, they immediately launched a counterattack without hesitation. Compared with the three-country resistance organization that has lost all heavy equipment, the fantasy island guards are equipped with improved exoskeleton armor and spider combat platforms, plus the assistance of transportation and combat aircraft in the sky. The fighting power they showed was extremely powerful.

Then saw a large number of exchanges of fire in different areas within these three countries. With super weapons and information combat capabilities, the Fantasy Island Guards easily wiped out their small enemies. The remaining enemies fled to the nearby residential area, and began to resist the attacks of the Fantasy Island Guard with the layout of the residential area.

These residual resistance forces are ready to use the residential area for long-term combat. To achieve this goal, they began to learn the combat mode of small and small countries such as Syria. They began to arrange a large number of traps and trenches in the residential area. A large number of residents responded that as long as the combat personnel of Neverland entered the residential area, under various obstacles, the personnel of Neverland would suffer huge losses.

But the misconduct organizations of these countries miscalculated that the members of the Neverland Guards did not fight according to their ideas, and they did not enter the residential area at all. They just carried out investigations outside. Once they found that there were hidden enemies in these residential areas, the accompanying spider combat platform would launch powerful weapons and destroy the entire residential area. Not only are all the resistance groups inside obliterated, but also the ordinary people who depend on them cannot escape death.

If you encounter a solid fortress, or a group of buildings located underground, relying on the existence of a spider combat platform that cannot be destroyed, the transportation and combat aircraft that have been cruising in the sky above will fly over and use the powerful aircraft. Weapons carried out attacks on these structures and removed the strongholds of the resistance organizations.

Under the violent blow of the Neverland Guards, the resistance tide that has just emerged in the three countries collapsed. Apart from causing a large number of casualties, it did not pose any threat to Neverland. The ordinary people of the three countries that suffered heavy losses realized the strength of Neverland, and after losing the support of national forces, they were not opponents of Neverland at all.

During the process of suppressing the rebellious organization, Neverland killed a large number of ordinary people without any help. But for the members of the Neverland Guards, they have no psychological burden at all. Compared with the tragic encounter of Neverland in the super tsunami, the casualties of these three countries are considered pediatrics. Although there are innocent people inside, the people of Neverland care more about their safety. In order to ensure safety, the enemy's people will not be soft-hearted no matter how much they die. Because the enemy's people are not their own, and they are not within their protection duties.

After seeing the iron-blooded suppression methods of Neverland, the other people who were originally about to move suddenly came down honestly, and no longer dared to take any action, fearing that they would be completely wiped out by Neverland ’s armed forces. It can be seen from the non-blinking action of Neverland ’s armed forces that Neverland does not agree with the theory that war does not affect civilians. As soon as war begins, once a threat is discovered, civilians are also within the scope of the attack.

Although the attacks against the personnel of Neverland Island have completely stopped, but because these three countries have lost all their control, these three countries have fallen into a power vacuum. In order to fight for power and profit, other outbreaks have occurred in these three countries. Dogfight. It's just that these dogfights didn't involve Neverland, and the armed forces of Neverland didn't participate, letting them kill each other.

The presidential palace of the United States avoided all the blows, so it is still intact, but it has been occupied by the guards of Neverland. Under the control of the fantasy island guards, all the staff were detained in the presidential palace. Including all the staff of the old President of the United States, even his beautiful daughter and son-in-law, all were held in the presidential palace. Under the staring death of the fantasy weapons of Neverland, everyone is trembling and afraid to have any other ideas, fearing that they will be killed by the weapons of Neverland.

Also occupied, there is the National Congress of the United States. Under the notice of Neverland, almost all the MPs in hiding returned to Capitol Hill and were monitored by the guards, waiting for the next instruction of Neverland. Those members who dared to disobey the order and did not return to Capitol Hill were all cleanly killed by the guards wearing exoskeleton armor, and they were not given a chance to come again.

Fantasy Island has controlled the leadership of the United States, but this is not really the power to control the country. In the secret area of ​​the United States, there is also a very large organization, the Dragon Slayer. In the early days, Tu Long would target Yan Fei and Dream Island many times, but after being attacked by Yan Fei many times, their power had greatly attenuated. But the Cockroach is dead but not stiff, and the Tulong will still have a strong influence on the rice government. The reason why the United States dared to launch a world war against Neverland this time is that it has a back that the Dragon Slaughter will silently promote.

After the armed forces of Neverland entered the homeland of the United States, with the help of the detailed information resources provided by "Fantasy", the members of the **** team quickly dispatched and arrested these noble members of the Dragon Slaughter Club hidden in various places in the United States, and Confine them in a tattered building that is casually enclosed.

When Neverland completely took control of the three countries, a list of personnel just drafted came out of Neverland, and this list was transferred to the hands of the guardians of Neverland who occupied these countries, and they began to follow this list. Come to arrest people and concentrate the arrested people in remote desert buildings in the United States ...

The old President of the United States was imprisoned in the presidential palace. Not only did he lose his freedom, he also lost all his rights. He could only watch the staff around him be taken away by the armed personnel of Neverland. Even when he saw that his daughter and son-in-law were also taken away by Neverland, he had no way to stop him. At this moment, he deeply felt the fear that his life could not be controlled by himself, and the sorrow of his country's death. If time can come back, he will either quickly eliminate Yanfei and Neverland from the beginning, or just admit that after the strong rise of Neverland, he will never declare war and provocation on Neverland. But now everything is late, everything is a foregone conclusion, and nothing can be changed.

The personnel dispatched to the three countries are not only armed personnel and personnel carrying equipment and materials, but also other staff. These workers have a unique mission. With the help of transportation and combat aircraft, they are running fast in these three countries and completing their tasks ...

The reason why Yan Fei wanted to hold a ceremony to sign a surrender agreement on Neverland this time was for the simple purpose of rebuilding the international social order. In order to achieve this goal, Neverland invited the heads of other countries in the world early, asking them to come to Neverland in person to participate in the signing ceremony of this surrender agreement.

Except that Huaxia communicated with Yanfei in advance and knew the inside story of the surrender ceremony, other countries did not know exactly what Yanfei and Dream Island wanted to do. However, after seeing the tyrannical strength displayed by Neverland and the tragic encounters in the three countries of Rice, Eagle, and Country, they did not dare to have any hesitation, but they took their own ride early. The national flight arrived at Neverland.

Especially those heads of state who had helped the three defeated countries in the war, they felt the most embarrassed. Although Neverland directly sent armed forces to their homes, they had suffered violent attacks from Neverland before, and their domestic armed forces have been lost. After losing their resistance, they can no longer control their own destiny, so when they just arrived in Neverland, they put down their posture and wanted to visit Yan Fei personally, and paid some benefits in exchange for Yan Fei ’s forgiveness, but their request was All dismissed, they could not see Yan Fei at all, not even Lu Pingping.

So they can only stay in their country's liaison office on Neverland, constantly wondering about the purpose of Neverland, all day long panic ...

At the moment when the ten-day period stipulated by Yan Fei is coming, the heads of state imprisoned in the three countries are finally taken out of their offices, and under the **** of the escorts of the Fantasy Island Guards, they enter the huge transportation with fear In the dual-use combat aircraft, the dual-purpose aircraft then floated into the air and flew to Dream Island at a very high speed.

When they took the dual-purpose aircraft to Dream Airport, they found that the airport was full of this huge dual-purpose aircraft. However, because these aircraft are all in the form of suspension take-off and landing, although they are all in the air, but there is no confusion. Under airport scheduling, these dual-purpose aircraft continue to suspend and take off at the airport, and the unloaded from these dual-purpose aircraft are the strategic materials looted from the three countries, and even some of them are in their domestic Well-known scientist.

Wait for the dual-purpose aircraft they took to land on the airport ~ ~ The three heads of state officially landed on Neverland. This is the first time they have landed on Neverland, but at the moment they are alone and miserable.

When they entered Dream Airport, they saw a large number of people rushing to the center of Dream Island through the airport. The heads of state of the three countries also know these people, because at least half of them are people in their own country. At the tragic moment of ruining the family's death in this country, not only are these people not half sad, they even show a smile that cannot be concealed on their faces, as if they encountered something good. After seeing the head of state of their own country, these people actually appeared in the eyes of gloating.

After seeing this group of people, the ominous hunch began to flow from the hearts of the three heads of state. Unlike all previous war ending procedures, after the unconditional surrender of the three countries of the United States, the Eagle State, and the Vale, the Neverland has never carried out any other activities with them except sending armed forces to control them. Negotiations, even how to sign an unconditional surrender agreement, did not discuss with them.

So even though they had surrendered unconditionally for ten days, they did not know what the conditions for Fantasy Island signed in this surrender agreement, and naturally did not know what price their country would have to pay in this failed war. Although they have arrived at Neverland now, they have blacked out their eyes and wondered what the specific content of the surrender agreement signing ceremony was.