MTL - Sword Among Us-Chapter 1181 Heaven and Earth Alliance (seeking a monthly pass)

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Chapter 1181 Tiandi League (seeking a monthly pass)

Chapter 1181

Hey! Hey!

The soft and cold palm wind, at the same time with the hot and hot palm wind, was compacted on the white-shirt boy. The thick and powerful force of the latter’s external body trembled fiercely, and instantly cut back by a third, and the voice fell back. A few dozen feet away, the ground that is doped with the Earth's core is even dragged out of a not too shallow gully, and it is conceivable how amazing this power is.

Although the thousand-faced fox and Osaya know that the true vitality is not broken, there is no danger in happiness, but there is still a feeling of horror when I notice the power that burst out in the palm of the hand.

Especially Osaya.

One shot was injured by the green armor, and naturally I knew that the latter had already moved to the full force, mobilizing the power before double.


With the exclamation of Mr. Qin’s mouth, Osaya’s face changed:

"The heavens and the earth are supreme?"

"You are the master of heaven and earth!"

Not only did Osaya quickly shift his attention from the lightness of his hands to the green armor, Bi Xuan and others moved, and the gaze of the green armor became extremely dignified:

"I can't go wrong, and at the same time, I control the pure and sinful spirits, the swells of the smoldering spirits, and the cultivation of the heavens and the earth allies."


In addition to Ye Gucheng and the East are unbeaten, the evil king, Yinhou, Qin Lao, and Osaya seem to have heard of the Heaven and Earth League.

"It turned out that it was the Lord of Heaven and Earth, and it is no wonder that there is such a thorough ability."

Wu Zun Bi Xuan police stared at the green armor, and his eyes gradually condensed:

"It is rumored that the most mysterious sect of the Western Region is not the sacred fire, but the heaven and earth alliance that the gods did not take charge of the underground world. The heavens and the earth are all up and down, except for the lord, the heaven and the earth, and the four guardians are all peerless in the world of heaven and man. Master, and the lord himself, is the rumored person who has the deepest insight into the power of heaven. Today, I see... the name is well-deserved."

These words are not for the green armor...

Ye Gucheng, the undefeated in the East, don’t know much about the Heaven and Earth Alliance. This explanation will at least allow the two to understand the influence of the Heaven and Earth Alliance and the strength of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, and to provoke the jealousy of the two, leaving a heart in the hearts of the two. seed.

After being broken, the Qingjia 獠 客 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 : : : :

"I didn't expect the deity to have been in the river for a long time, but others still remember the deity."

"The sages used to slaughter the Central Plains in the past, and the means were brutal and violent, causing the imperial court and the sects of the rivers and lakes to fully encircle. Even today, many sects have records of the heavens and the earth, and the monks are considered to be a river and a lake. Naturally, remember the past world. The heroic deeds of the League." Mr. Qin re-introduced his face into a large black cloak, and the sound became as ugly as metal:

"Only at the sight of today, the lord personally and embarrassed a young man who was ruined, and entangled, but let the old age be somewhat disappointed."

The Qingjia 獠 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 没有 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到 听到

"It seems that the Heaven and Earth Alliance has not been seen in the rivers and lakes for a long time. Some people have forgotten the style of my world."

"How dare."

Mr. Qin Lao faintly glanced at the white-shirt boy who climbed from a distance and looked undisturbed. He seemed to be relieved. He said: "In the past, the Heaven and Earth Alliance has shot all the way, and it has never stopped. Hey, ruining and killing the chickens and dogs will not stay, black and white are all sorrowful, and dare not be against the heavens and the earth, but now the Tiandi League is not the former Tiandi League, there is no gold, silver, bronze and jade four protection methods, no The two great sages of the heavens and the earth, now even the ordinary boy, need the ally to do it automatically..." Speaking of the back, the irony of the words is very clear.

There was a sigh of anger in the eyes of the green armor.

Not yet, the clear laughter came from afar:

"Ha ha ha ha ... Mr. Qin Gao sees high, the former heaven and earth alliance acted overbearing, but the work has always been bright and upright, before going to work, I will pay attention to the time and place. Nowadays, the lord of the world is not even dare to show people, it is really embarrassing. Feeling..."

In the eyes of the green armor, the thrilling cold mans once again flashed, and it was extremely angry, but when he came into contact with Hosa and stood side by side, Bi Xuan, Qin Lao and other heavenly masters surrounded the vagueness, pupil Slightly shrinking.

Even the old underground martial arts rulers, the heavens and the earth allies, did not dare to act rashly in the face of a group of heavenly masters.

Even the sarcasm of being a white-shirted boy...

The latter's ability to recover is surprisingly strong.

Just now, with his full strength, he was able to jump and jump, and the breath recovered a bit...

Even now, even if you shoot again, you lose your chance, but instead...

Thinking of the depths, the green armor squatted and glanced at the injured arm that stopped bleeding, and inhale deeply. Under the stunned eyes of a group of heavenly masters and white-shirted teenagers, they did not even start again. The sky above the mercury moat flies out.


Everyone was shocked!


After a group of people in the world know the identity and strength of the squadron, they made the idea of ​​annihilating the latter. In any case, even if the latter’s power is deepened, the injured situation is definitely not the opponent of everyone.

But what they didn't think was that the blue-skinned smugglers seemed to be aware of their own crisis, leaving the hall without saying anything.


Although the world’s resolute lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance has surprised everyone, but immediately a group of people calmed down and stared at the figure of the scorpion scorpion, and wanted to see how he would break through the smoldering cloud beast. ***.

The Spitfire Cloud Beast is a product of the siege artifact level. It is difficult to destroy. It is fixed above the mercury moat by the iron chain. It can radiate a radius of 50 meters. Under the phosphorus fire, everything does not exist. Hehe, but can survive the attack of the Spitfire Beast, it is hard to say.

A group of people were very tacit and did not harass, and watched the world's allies and the enemy are getting closer and closer to the Spitfire Beast.

Twenty meters!

Ten meters...

Seeing the distance between the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance and the Spitfire Cloud Beast quickly approached, and a group of people will soon be holding their breath!

When the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance entered the range of the Spitfire Cloud Beast attack, the Spitfire Cloud Beast suddenly lit up two groups of fires, just like the fierce beast that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly opened his eyes! Fierce light shot!

At one time, the Lord of Heaven and Earth Alliance discovered that a smoldering smoke and fire had emerged in the mouth of the fire-breathing cloud beast. The hot waves of the hot and sultry moments came from the mouth of the fire-breathing beast!

boom! ! ! !

A loud noise, a large area of ​​flames spewed out from the mouth of the fire-breathing cloud beast, and the fire of the slapshot covered every inch of the area within 50 meters.

The figure of the Lord of Heaven and Earth is also swallowed up in a while.

A group of mythical masters have shown horror.

However, Tiandao masters are all dignified and still stare at the area covered by the sea of ​​fire, and the look remains the same.

"Because of the mastery of the world, in a short period of time, Heaven Masters have the ability to control the world, or to mobilize the power of the heavens and the earth, temporarily not to be harmed by fire... If the heaven and earth lord can break through this with the help of the world Road fire network, successfully passed the mercury moat, we are going to pass, it will not be too difficult." Osaya seems to see the doubts in the eyes of happy, thousands of people and other people, and explain in a timely manner:

"But people who don't have the power of heaven are hard..."

Hearing here, happy brows:

Discrimination against martial arts people who are not in the realm of harmony between man and nature?

Although Osaya’s words strike morale, happiness naturally does not regard her words as the only criterion for crossing the mercury moat.

boom! !

at this time……

A vast expanse of air suddenly swept out of the sea of ​​fire!

Under the shocking eyes of everyone, a long and huge passage of agitating winds and flames emerged from the sea of ​​fire!

The air flow is crazy and fast, and a safe passage to isolate the flame is formed instantly, which is isolated from the spouting phosphorus fire of the fire-breathing cloud beast...

In the deep channel that isolates the flame, it shows the back of the main power of the heavens and the earth.

When I saw it, I frowned and took a deep breath.

Suddenly, some regrets did not take the opportunity to completely stay in the Mercury moat!

Although he also knows that remote attack can not pose a threat to the world's allies, at least it should not let the heaven and earth allies easily break through the mercury moat.

At this point it seems...

In addition to the cloak disappeared from the lord of the Heaven and Earth Alliance, everything else looks no different.

Without any pause, the heavens and the earth's allies did not touch the flames and the mercury, and they were very calm and calm, and they swept the range of the Spitfire beast from the air in the elongating passage.

In the blink of an eye, the Lord of Heaven and Earth all disappeared from the perspective of a group of people.

"Are you past?"

After a long while, there was no more new movement in the mercury moat. Some people in the hall broke the deadlock.

"It should be past."

Bi Xuan was heavy and his eyes fixed on the mercury moat and stared at the direction of the fire-breathing cloud beast.

"What are you planning?"

In the hall, everyone seems to have forgotten the battle with the Lord of Heaven and Earth before they were happy, and they have forgotten the others, and they can't wait to get up.

Originally, everyone was still at the same starting point, but now with the emptiness of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, the latter suddenly came to the front of everyone.

As soon as I thought of the strength of the Lord of Heaven and Earth, I thought that the latter might find the treasure of the Great Desert Palace first. A group of people suddenly became anxious, and wished to insert wings and fly away from the mercury moat.

"The situation is not good."

At this time, Osaya voiced a happy complaint: "The heavens and the earth allies leave first, and if they are waiting opposite, we are likely to be fierce."

For Osaya's worry, I don't care at all.

There is a 'dragon tail', happy not to worry that anyone will pose a threat to themselves, and their own cards have never been opened, even if it is the Lord of Heaven and Earth, it is difficult to get good in front of themselves.


"There is not much time in the desert palace. If I am the leader of the heavens and the earth, I will not waste time for a small and insignificant role. Besides, he may think that I can't possibly spend the mercury moat."

Happy to say here, the tone of the meal, smashing the railroad:

"Osaya, when they leave, you go first, don't care about me, everything is waiting for us to meet again."

"it is good."