MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 22 look up to the sky

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A special mark was made on the secret letter, and then it was rolled up and meticulously stamped with a lacquer seal. After all this, the Viscount Andrew sighed out and recalled whether he had a missing or wrong place.

It should be gone - the previously agreed content has been written in a secret letter, and the writing is also very reliable. The Viscount Andrew is quite confident in his ability to make a story. He thinks that anyone who sees the secret letter will I believe that he is really the witness of the "thing".

The rest is to see if the old king who is far away from the king is willing to believe in this matter.

No, it should be said that he wants to admit the truth of this matter.

It was a risky move, but Viscount Andrew was not a risk-averse person - if he didn't take risks, he would never be able to stand out from the seven brothers and sisters and become the successor to the Lesley family.

He just didn't expect his new adventure to be tied to the Cecil family.

The one who has been thinning out of the West has withdrawn from the political center of the kingdom a hundred years ago, and in modern times, it is a family that is thin and thin to the point where it is about to die.

Viscount Andrew has always been very concerned about his "neighbors". This is not only because the two sides are adjacent to each other, but also because there are many trades on weekdays. It is because the decline of the Cecil family has become more serious in the past two years. The original progress continues. Basically, in Andrew’s lifetime, he can expect to double the Leslie’s territory. The little girl who hastily inherited her family is not a qualified lord. Although she works hard, she is I am sure I can't keep my family business.

It’s just that fate makes a joke to everyone, and it’s still the way that no one can think of it: when I heard that Cecil’s collar was destroyed by the monster, Andrew’s whole person was embarrassed; in the hearing of those monsters and historical records When the magic tide creatures were very similar, he was still awkward; when the businessman who heard the city mentioned that there was a dragon appearing, he was also awkward; in Rebecca Cecil and Hetty Cecil carrying A man who claims to be their ancestors entered the castle... The Viscount Andrew showed great calm and acceptance.

That's because he finally got used to it.

But after ending the conversation with the "grandfather" and returning to his bedroom, the Viscount Andrew felt that he had made a correct decision.

A dying aristocratic lineage and a burned white land are worthless. If you want to recover the cost, you might want to change from a greedy crusher to a generous good neighbor. And the existence of the "grandfather" is even more crucial - the Viscount Andrew has now believed in the authenticity of this matter - whether the Cecil family has the ancestors, is completely two concepts.

He sealed the secret letter into the silver tube and wrapped a circle of magic silk on the silver tube, and then handed it to the old butler standing next to him: "Give it to the best messenger messenger - set off with the lion, let the messenger After the arrival of a messenger, the people of Cecil’s family sent it to the Silver Fort.

The butler took the silver tube and was about to turn and leave. The Viscount Andrew called him: "Wait a minute, and you go to the silver library - send the gold and silver belonging to the Cecil family back."

"Yes, Viscount lord. But as long as it is returned as it is?"

"It’s enough to return it as it is. When they leave, I will prepare a little more in the name of the toll."

The situation has changed. The "cost" that was charged for that ridiculous greed has now become a hot potato. It is only the first step, but it can't be done too much.

The Viscount Andrew carefully weighed in his heart and hoped that the ancients who were seven hundred years ago could understand their sincerity.

The night is deep.

Gao Wen, wearing a nightgown, pushed the balcony door of his room and went to the terrace on the second floor of the Viscount Castle.

There is no moon in the night of this world. In the deep sky, some are just more dense stars than on the earth. Those twinkling stars bring cold glory to this land. Every star is especially good for Gao Wen. strange.

Since coming to the world, he has liked to look up to the sky - whether it is staying up all night. During the day, I watched the huge and not too dazzling "sun", and at night, I watched the night without moon.

His gaze moved between the stars, trying to find a still, extraordinarily special object between those flashing stars.

But this is destined to be a futile attempt. There are so many stars, he doesn't have enough data and calculation data. He can't find his place to look down on the earth. Even if he finds it, he can't distinguish it from the stars.

But he just couldn't help but do this because he knows more than everyone knows the secrets of the sky in this world. There is something in it, perhaps a monitoring device, a satellite, a space station, or a ship. Although it is now very likely to have been shut down, it cannot be ruled out that there are other things that are not stopped and still hang in the sky.

He used to be part of that monitoring device - this is the closest guess that Gao Wen had after thinking about it for many days.

If he doesn't have the experience of looking down on the earth, if he crosses on Govin Cecil as soon as he arrives, then he will not have this knowledge at all, nor will he have the corresponding pressure, but he is just Knowing something, so as a soul of the earth with modern ideas, he can't control his curiosity about the sky... and worry.

What is it hanging in the sky? Does it or their impact on the earth? Is it or they will always hang there so well? What is the purpose of it or their makers, if they have a manufacturer?

All this makes Gao Wen have a sense of urgency that can't be for outsiders, just like an earth man suddenly knows that an alien spacecraft is parked on the track above his head, even if the ship is even hundreds of thousands of years old. It has been motionless for hundreds of thousands of years, and it is difficult for people living on the ground to settle down.

You must understand it or their ins and outs to be able to sleep.

And even without this worry, just because of curiosity, Gao Wen could not turn a blind eye to the sky.

"You say that you look up at the sky every day - either watching the sun or watching the stars."

Suddenly there was a girl’s voice behind him. Gao Wen looked back and saw that the half-elf thief lady was sitting on the railing of the terrace, facing away from the outside, smiling at herself, her legs swaying under the railing. Wandering, don't worry about falling down at all.

Gao Wen glanced at her: "It’s not polite to sneak up on someone’s balcony to scare people in the middle of the night.”

"Night is my world, there are shadows everywhere, I want to go wherever I go," Amber swayed on the railing, and the body merged into the shadows, and the next moment appeared on the other side of the balcony. "And you are stupid. A hundred heroes a hundred years ago, is it still afraid that someone will suddenly talk to you at night?"

Gao Wen didn’t bother to admit that he had just had a layer of goose bumps...

"What do you mean by watching every day?" Amber saw Gao Wen not snoring, so he shifted the topic. "When the sun is seen during the day to identify the direction, is it the star in the night? Are you still astrology?"

"What do you think will be in heaven?" Gao Wen asked the other person.

"Heaven? Isn't it the star sun?" Amber replied casually. "Oh yes... you won't want to tell me that the palace of the gods is also in the sky, then preach with me? Then I don't have Interest - I believe in the shadow and the night goddess, that is, Ms. Night, the night country of Ms. Night is in the deepest part of the starless night, which is a very different place from the real world sky. I just close my eyes and pray every day. Just respect God!"

"Are you really a believer in the night goddess?" Gao Wen looked at the amber accidentally. Although he had no faith in himself, he still knows a lot about the world religion from the memory of Gao Wen Cecil. The various gods and large and small sects made him open his eyes while at the same time he was still far away, but he did not expect that the thief who seemed to be indifferent to piety in front of him was actually a believer.

"Let's believe in a letter, anyway, Ms. Night does not ask for offerings or to give up the gods. I don't need to schedule a visit to the sacrifices. Why don't a copper plate cost me?" Amber said in a true way The believers heard the words of the big rebellion, "And the shadows are somewhat intimate with the power of the night lady. Sometimes I feel that I can really make a difference when I pray. - Although it is proved to be high after each time. illusion."

Gao Wen grinned and decided not to take care of this half-elf without a door.

It is simply the shame of the elf - her other half of her bloodline is also a shame for her blood.

"Hey, why don't you talk anymore," Amber didn't intend to let him go. "You haven't said it yet, what are you looking at?"

Gao Wen squinted at her: "Have you ever heard that after the death, the soul will return to heaven and wander between the stars, and each star is actually the soul of a ancestor..."

"I have never heard of it. I heard that after a person who believes in death, the soul will be taken away by the corresponding gods he believes in, and then he will be shackled in the kingdom of God. After the death of a person without faith, the soul will be taken away by the **** of death, and then The wife of the **** of death used an iron comb to comb all the memories and throw them back into the world. So some people say that the world’s beings are the believers of death regardless of their faith,” said Amber Barabara. “But yours This statement is also very interesting. When people die, they will go to heaven. Is this a religious statement of 700 years ago?"

Gao Wen is a bit awkward: "No, this is..."

"Ah, yes! You are dead!" Amber looked like a New World and looked at Gao Wen with his eyes wide open. He came to him with a sway, and asked in a hurry, "Don't you die that year?" After that, it’s going to the sky. What is the death of a person? Tell me about it!”

"Go and go - go!" Gao Wen slammed the other's face and forced the other to push away. "If you die, you don't know anything. Do you understand? I just said that I was bored and boring!"

"Oh..." Amber looked at Gao Wen for a long time and confirmed that the other party really didn't want to tell her, then don't go too far. "The old man is really bored."

Gao Wen: "Do you say it again?!"

At once, the amber is gone.