MTL - Sword of Daybreaker-Chapter 23 Go to Wangdu

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The people who escaped from Cecil’s nightmare were lucky, but unfortunate.

Burning houses, the land corrupted by elemental power, the horrible giants striding out of the chaos of the chaos, and the relatives and friends who died under all these things - everything is like a nightmare, entangled in every escape Even if the people of the sky have escaped to the safe town of Tanzan, even with the protection of the knights and soldiers, the fear has never faded from the heart of the survivors for even a moment.

Because even those soldiers wearing armor, in fact, few can sleep well in these days.

Many people have to use alcohol to numb themselves. Those poor people who can't even get drunk can only suffer, and it is impossible to have a good place to land on other sites as refugees in this age. In the living environment, the situation is getting worse.

Not to mention maintaining the order of the refugees, the Philip Knights now maintain the soldiers and let the soldiers report their situation regularly and feel that they are not able to do so.

Fortunately, the lord returned safely and brought an unexpectedly strong pillar.

Outside the town of Tanzan, Rebecca looked at the people gathered in front of him. These people were ragged and described as embarrassing - although the Viscount Andrew did do basic placement and food distribution, the aristocrats of this age were against the civilians. The charity made is extremely limited. It is already a manifestation of the extra graciousness and far superiority of Mr. Viscount who is not hungry and hungry. Rebecca cannot ask for too much.

For those who escaped from Cecil, the emergence of the lord is a sufficiently effective cardiotonic agent.

The civilians of this era did not have too much consciousness and psychological quality, and they couldn’t talk much about the loyalty of the lord, although Rebecca was regarded as a benevolent and friendly lord (the main reason is that the little girl’s brain is not good, Learning will not be a sinful greed of aristocrats, but she will not be able to go to any one year after all. In view of the poor information transmission, in fact, many people do not even know what their lords look like.

But the emergence of the lord is still an inspiration. For those poor people who have been there for many days, as long as individuals stand up, it is enough to announce that they will continue to protect them. They don't care who their own owners are, and they don't care what she looks like. The centuries-old feudal system has made the civilians lose a lot of thinking ability, but it also makes them very easy to satisfy. In Gao Wen's view, this is A cohesive force based on ignorance and ignorance - can be effective.

The people who came to see him were only a small part. More people stayed in the town of Tanzan, looking after the property or working in exchange for everyone’s food. Rebecca looked at these people and wanted to say a few words, but I really don’t know. What to say, look at the Philip Knight: "These people still have to take care of you, the Cavaliers, try to ensure that one is not less before we come back."

"I promise you with my vows!" Philippe straightened his chest. "I will protect every citizen of Cecil's family and every property!"

"Don't forget to confess what you have to do," Gao Wen said. "The Viscount Andrew will provide the necessary help. You just have to send those who have good legs and legs to do it. Don't worry about the money, they have to do it. Things are much more valuable than money."

"Yes!" The young knight replied loudly, but it was still difficult to hide the confusion. As a person who lived in the occlusion era and specialized in martial arts, he could hardly keep up with Gao Wen’s thoughts. "But those things. Is it really so heavy?"

“Of course it’s important,” Gao Wen laughed. “It’s a gossip to say it’s small. It’s a big talk about the paradox effect. Don’t underestimate these invisible forces. Once everyone starts talking about the same thing, even the king will Restless."

After the arrangement, Gao Wen and Rebecca took the carriage provided by the Viscount Andrew, including Betty as a maid, a loyal Byron Knight, a super thief amber, and twelve family soldiers. - These soldiers can't be said to be carefully selected, because the soldiers who broke out with the Philip Knights have only a dozen people in total, plus the two who ran out with Gao Wen, and they were full of 20 people. In this case, the twelve fully equipped soldiers can be said to be the only remaining face of the Cecil family.

Mature and steady Heti was left to maintain the situation here, but the "Aunt Herti" apparently worried about her niece's upcoming trip to Wangdu, she stood under the carriage and clutched Rebecca’s hand is full of thousands of miles: “Make sure to remember your identity, don’t humiliate the face of Cecil’s family, but don’t clashed with the nobles of Wangdu; see the king respectfully, can’t break the rules. Don't use a big fireball to swear, no king is better than our country; don't be busy answering things that you don't understand, look for ancestors or Byron Knights, because every word you say will be guessed many times; The important thing is to listen to the words of the ancestors, especially when dealing with the nobles, you are not good at this, but the ancestor is the Grand Duke, he knows..."

Gao Wen listened to Heti’s confession, and his heart was heavy, because he really didn’t understand...

Not only did he not understand, but Gao Si Cecil did not understand the true card. When the founding hero died, Ansu was still a group of mud legs. The court rules of the year were basically around the wine and the court. With the king facing the street, today, seven hundred years later, it should be different from that of the year...

However, in order to prevent the already nerdy N-grand granddaughter from being completely mad, he still gave the other person a reassuring look according to Herti's shoulder: "Reassured, I understand."

So in the smile of Herti's heart, Rebecca, who was not familiar with the horse, and Gao Wen, who looked at the surface, went to the avenue of Wangdu.

At the same time, the Philip Knight also sent personnel in accordance with the arrangements before Gao Wen's departure.

Those who are astute from the people, and the flexible mouth and feet that are employed in the local town of Tanzan, there are even a few copper plates that can buy the gangsters and rogues, and deal with these people to let the young knights It’s awkward, and what makes these people do is to make the Cavaliers feel inexplicable – the only thing they have to do is to head in all directions, go to every place where people smoke, get into the bar, get into the black market, and get into In the slum shacks of the slums, and then bragging with the locals.

It's best to find the passing poets who are passing by.

So in the next period of time, such a scene appeared frequently in the south: the strangers of the servant singularly accented in the crowds, with mysterious but vowed expressions saying that the content is almost the same Things:

"Hey, have you heard that? The Cecil family had an accident in the south! The territory was destroyed by monsters and dragons! It is said that it also alarmed the dead souls of the underground. The legendary ancestors of Cecil's family rose up... You didn't get it wrong. It is the legendary Gao Wen Cecil who wakes up from a long sleep! He must be to destroy those monsters...

"Hey! I lied to you for what you do! The people in the South are all passing on. You can go to Tanzan Town or Linmu Town to find out. You see that I have this clothes? I just fled from the southernmost side." When I came out, I told you that I saw it when I was resurrected by Cecil’s ancestors!"

Almost everyone said the same thing, and in the end they will vow to ensure that these bizarre things are what they see with their own eyes - even if they were not originally sent by the Philip Knight, the followers who spread the rumors are also in the air. I will say the same thing.

If there is a person who can gather all the rumors in one place, he will be surprised to find that at the time of the resurrection of the ancestors of the Cecil family, at least one thousand people stood in the tomb - and the graves outside There are still 10,000 onlookers...

However, in this era, those who have the ability to do this will not pay attention to the rumors between the legs in the streets, and the people who listen to and spread the news... they don't think too much.

On the carriage that was heading for St. Sunil City, Gao Wen was bored looking at the scenery outside the car and wondering how he should face the majesty of the King sitting in the Silver Fort in St. Sunil.

He didn't know how much he could do with what Philip Knight did – in fact he didn't even have 30% confidence in it. This is a contradictory and obscured world. The existence of magic makes many things seem extraordinarily convenient, even convenient to the extent beyond the times, but the supernatural forces such as magic are only in the hands of a few people, and the people of this world have not yet — or Saying that they don't think it's necessary - turning magic into broader productivity, so in the underprivileged lower society, everything lags behind incredible.

Communication relies on traffic, traffic is on, rumors can spread quickly in a town, because pub gossip can be said to be the only entertainment project for civilians, but the news is difficult to pass from one city to another. Times, because the ridiculous wilderness has hindered most of the circulation, and there are also the circulation control of the aristocrats in their own territory. Without the permission of the lord, the civilians must go from the village where they live to the lord next door. Buying a chicken in the village even runs the risk of being hanged!

The passport signed by the Cecil family and the Leslie family (the family of the Viscount of Andrew) can solve the problem of personnel circulation control, but it can not solve the other difficulties.

But making some efforts is better than doing nothing.

The purpose of Gao Wen is very simple. That is to let the "Resurrection of Cecier's ancestor" spread as much as possible. The wider the spread, the better. It can't be only the secrets known in the aristocratic circles, but should become civilians and even the poor. The enthusiasm between the two, if it is possible, it even has to be rumored to be a whisper, to the extent of the horror story - in fact, those rumors are indeed moving in this direction.

These messages will be processed again and again during the process of communication. The superstitious and obscured medieval people will add a lot of details to them according to their own understanding. Gao Wen does not care about the specific content of these details - he only needs these messages. It is good to continue to ferment.

Then everyone will know that the ancestor of the Cecil family has been resurrected, and that the legendary founding father was awakened when the monster attacked the kingdom...