MTL - Tales of Herding Gods-Chapter 1727 Who is carrying the weight for you?

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Yankang's soldiers packed up the battlefield, and the soul-stricken people will defeat the heavens, and Xuandu will be easy to change. The news of Yankang's victory is spread all over the world, and it is only time to see Qin Mu.

Qin Mu was lying on the hospital bed, and once again, there was no breath. The false flower had already inserted a root scorpion into his wound and suppressed the trauma in his body.

In this battle, the role of everyone is crucial, and every army is also crucial. Qin Mu does not do the same as other soldiers.

He tried his best to drag the Emperor, and the others did everything they could to fight.

This victory is the victory of all. The only difference is that Qin Mu survived and some soldiers failed to survive this decisive battle.

"His problem is not big."

The imaginary flower got up and said to the singer: "No one in this world can kill the Qin lord. If there is, it is also in the past universe."

He wants to leave, Ling Yuxiu calls him and asks: "This war has killed a lot of people, and the outsider is sleeping, and can't wake up for a while. This world has the ability to use the resurrection technique, I am afraid that only you and Blue Yutian."

The imaginary flower shook his head: "If you know how to gather souls, you can pull the soul black sand to rebuild the soul. There are more than ten people in Yankang. Among them, there are Tianyin goddess, not just me and the blue yutian. For the battle, the battlefield is flying. The gods reinvented the soul, which is enough to make us more than a dozen mana. The reshaping of the soul is costly, and the cost of resurrecting the deceased is even greater. Even during the peak period of the Qin religion, it is impossible to The dead man is resurrected."

He looked at Ling Xiaoxiu: "Mr. Qin, Yankang has the art of creation, and there are artifacts. If the lady can exhaust the financial resources of Yankang, reshape the flesh for these dead, consume the national transport, and then extend the Yankang strong. The power is empty, including the power of the celestial celestial, the small Tubo and the heavenly lord, and there is no leftover, and there may be soldiers who will resurrect and die in the battlefield. After this war, Yankang has no such powerful national power!"

He turned his head: "Yankang relied on the sacrifice of these soldiers to find a glimmer of life and a glimmer of hope in this almost defeated war. Now the complete victory is still far away, if it is because of this, it will be a good situation. Destroy, then why should we resist the heavens? Mrs. Qin, don’t let their sacrifices have no meaning!”

He has always been angry and not sullen, and his speech is a bit heavy at the moment.

Ling Yu Xiu said: "As long as the flesh is still there, recovering the souls of the dead and letting them return to their flesh, can they not survive? So, you don't need to consume too much national power..."

Xuan Zun shook his head: "Mrs. Qin, there is no flesh."

The spirit show is awkward.

"The Emperor of Heaven has done things too hot, and now the Yuan Dynasty has become a huge altar of blood sacrifices. The souls who died in the altar of this blood sacrifice will be turned into energy sacrifices to the prehistoric universe."

The virtual flower is silent for a moment, saying: "I have seen the corpses of the soldiers, the speed of decay is very fast, the blood of the gods infiltrates into the ground, and the spirits are lost in one or two days. Because there are too many soldiers killed and injured, This blood sacrifice is not very conspicuous, but if the blood sacrifice is completed, I am afraid that there will be two or three enlightened people of the Miluo Palace coming! The Emperor of Heaven, who is already mad, must not die. I saw the clue and told the blue Yutian. He has taken his artifacts and searched around, trying to find out where the blood sacrifice altar was hidden. I hope he can destroy these blood sacrifice altars."

The coffin show nodded silently.

The illusion of flowers: "Mr. Qin does not need to be too worried. The Qin teacher is prepared to do things. He has already expected it, and he has made preparations. The present avenue has changed."

The Lingxiu show is somewhat puzzled.

The imaginary flower path: "I cultivated the avenue of Youdu and found that there are more than sixty-four kinds of secluded avenues, but six kinds have been added, reaching seventy. The six added ones are six reincarnations, six kinds of reincarnation avenues. I used to rectify the six-wheeled skywheel, in order to cope with today’s situation."

"what do you mean?"

"Tubo Qin Fengqing controls the six reincarnations. The power of this artifact has gradually spread to the heavens and the world, and it has become a treasure above the whip of the river and the eyes of the gods."

The imaginary flower walked out and said: "The six reincarnation avenues will probably let the dead people enter the reincarnation and get a new life. Of course, the premise is that they have never turned into a soul black sand. In the future, Tubo and Tian Qiren Responsibilities may not be the same as the original Tubo and Tianqiren Shengwang. The Qin teacher has prepared for the rainy days and has made a preliminary plan when the war has not yet begun. It is admirable."

Ling Yu Xiu turned around and came to the sickbed, sitting on the edge of the bed and watching the breathless Qin Mu.

Qin Mu’s injury made her feel distressed, but she was helpless. The most intelligent and powerful existence in the world, such as Lan Yutian and Xushenghua, could not cure the wounds of Qin Mu, and the most powerful pharmacists could not do anything about it.

She can only wait quietly for Qin Mu to wake up and heal himself.

The man lying on the sickbed, for Yankang, has done too much for this universe. Every time he is in danger, he is always the first to go to the forefront, even if he is hit hard, he will not hesitate to carry it forward. .

His thoughts are too far-reaching, and he has already planned today's response plan decades ago.

She leaned down and leaned down to Qin Mu's side. For decades, the couple had gathered together and didn't want to get a moment of peace.

Suddenly, the Ling Yu show got up and left the sickbed to go outside.

"Yankang's first victory is the most crucial period, and it is not to be a child!"

She resumed the fierce determination of a generation of female emperors. While dealing with official duties, she continued to convey the orders and let the various forces screen the wounded and compile them into the army. They went to support Jiang Baigui, Long Qilin and others to expand the results.

"It is necessary to drive the heavens out of the Yuan!"

At the same time, Ling Xiao Xiu issued an order to mobilize all the supernatural powers of Yankang to ensure the logistics. All the way to meet the mountains and rivers and bridges, establish a transmission portal at the bases along the way, be sure to ensure that the endless stream, the minimum must be guaranteed from Yankang The panacea that is sent from the back must not be less, and the life of the soldiers is the first priority!

The remaining wounded are taken care of by Yankang pharmacists, stepping up time to heal and save their lives.

After the Lingxiu show finished all this, it was late at night, there were stars in the sky, the stars were still in chaos, and another big battle in Xuandu continued, never ending.

That is the war between Tiangong and the ancestral king, which is very important for their father and son, but for Yankang, it has nothing to do with the overall situation.

The Ling Yu Xiu put on his clothes and looked up to the sky in the night. I saw another battle outside the sky. It was also very fierce. From time to time, the Taiji stars, black and white, or the blue light of the blue mirror appeared. The sky is coming, like the blue aurora, it is very dazzling.

That is the battle between the Taishi ancient **** and the Taiji ancient god, which has been going on for a long time.

Their battles have brought out a variety of magnificent scenes outside the sky. It is a strange scene formed by their supernatural powers. It is not obvious during the day, but at night, it looks very gorgeous.

The gods are picturesque, laid in the night sky of the Yuan Dynasty, suddenly appearing, and gradually disappear.

In the West, the sun has disappeared and the sun on the other side of the mountain has turned into a scarlet.

The night is cool.

Lingbi Xiu heard a long whistling sound in the dark night, the whistling sound with a unique state of mind, sometimes melodious, sometimes as a long sword pierced the sky, sometimes if the bridge flows, sometimes as the iron horse Jin Ge, the battlefield Fighting and killing, it gives people a spectacular grand scene.

Lingxiu Xiuwang looked at the place where the whistling sound came. There was a huge Da Luotian tilt. From the 36th emptiness sky, Da Luotian split and swayed into the Yuan Dynasty.


The Da Luotian's Daoguang suddenly became extremely strong, dispelling the night of the Yuan Dynasty, and the light is bright, that is the innate glimpse of the road!

The whistling sound is still coming, becoming impassioned and powerful, just like a knife that smashes the heavens and the earth, galloping in the sand, venting dissatisfaction with oppression!

“Is it Shangjun and Taichu? Didn’t you leave with the Emperor Tiandi in the beginning, but was left behind by Shangjun?”

In the spirit of the show, she heard the war and the killing from the whistling of the Shangjun, and she was eager to guard the sentient beings, but it seems that he can never lift the war and the killing to the extreme.

Suddenly, the voice of Qin Mu was heard in the room behind her: "Madam, please come to the moon and the grandfather."

In the heart of Ling Xiu Xiu’s heart, he rushed back to the room and glanced at it. He saw that Qin Mu did not know when he woke up and was about to struggle to sit up.

Ling Yuxiu immediately mobilized the Sanyuan Gods, informed Yuetian Zun and the butcher, and he stepped forward to help Qin Mu, let him sit.

"Slow down, hurt..."

Qin Mu smoked in the air and said: "These nails are definitely vain, and each one goes deep into the flesh and blood."

His forehead was full of cold sweat, and he finally sat down and gasped for a few mouthfuls.

Yuetian Zun’s injury has not healed, but the butcher is also a traumatic injury. He was left to heal. The two heard the news and rushed in, but they saw Qin Mu sitting there asleep, and a dream world spread.

When they entered the room, they just broke into his dreams. I saw that Qin Mu’s dream was not like a dream, as if it were a real world.

When they entered the dream of Qin Mu, they saw that it was a sign of the eve of the destruction of the universe. The universe in the dream, the ultimate void was constantly contracted by the enlightened, and a cold and silent wind blew from the ultimate void. At the land of enlightened people, in all the heavens, people are devastating and hot.

Even the gods and devils often fall into the five declines of the heavens and the humans. They are often suddenly caught in a cold wind when they are in the set, and the flesh and blood gods are completely melted, and the death is inexplicable.

This universe is full of dilapidated scenes, but it is extremely prosperous, unprecedentedly powerful, there are countless strong, and the number of enlightened people is extremely numerous, forming a strong contrast with the defeat!

In order to alleviate the pressure of the universe, the enlightened people maintain the life of this universe, deliberately create conflicts, let the creatures in the heavens kill each other and attack each other. The ancestral courts of the great worlds including the world tree are also smouldering.

At this time, the eyes of Yue Tianzun and Tiandao butcher fell on a young man with a long knife. He was inspecting the body, drinking blood and eating the carrion on the body.

However, the five failures of the heavens and the humans have invaded the great heavens. Any gods who die will soon rot and become stinky. However, this young man has tolerated disgusting to eat stinky carrion.

After the young man recovered his strength, he began killing again, killing the gods who ruled the heavens, sharpening their own swords, and honing their own hearts.

He is like a madman, from one heaven to another, and countless gods fall under his knife.

He is fierce and invincible, like the most cruel beast, the most awkward hunter, willing to slaughter and improve his own path.

"Is it Shangjun?" Yuetian doubts.

At this time, they rarely saw the gentle side of Shangjun. He sat by the stream in front of the run-down village, admiring a small flower, and children sang and danced around him. The children wore a wreath on him. On the head, Shang Jun’s simple face smile is very satisfying.

Then, Shang Jun went on the road to killing, challenged the higher gods, and sent out to the stronger.

On this day, he finally became one of the strongest beings in the universe, and launched an attack on the high-ranking enlightened!

The moment the enlightened person died in his hands, he finally became acquainted with killing the road.

But his purpose is not to enlighten, but to kill the enlightened people who have sneaked over and kill the high presence that manipulates the universe!

Killing is not his purpose. What he really wants to do is to guard the ordinary people of this universe!

Now, he finally has such power!

He put on the garland that the children gave him, looked at his big Luotian, and looked at the universe below with joy, and a simple smile solidified on his face.

The first indigenous enlightenment of the 16th century was also the last enlightened person of the 16th century. His enlightenment completely overwhelmed the universe and crushed the ultimate void.

The great destruction came at this moment, and the whole universe was in the midst of collapse and destruction. When countless ordinary creatures came to the first wave, they died.

He wants to save the universe most, save the ordinary beings, but become the last straw to crush the universe, and become the executioner who slaughtered the sentient beings he wants to protect!

At the moment when the universe broke out, the Shangjun was insane, and he did not care about how to spend the catastrophe. Instead, he madly went to those enlightened people in the robbery!

Moon Tianzun and Butcher looked at this scene. Finally, with the destruction of the universe in this dream, the dream disappeared.

Qin Mu panted and said: "Moon Tianzun, Grandpa Tu, can you awaken the ultimate killing in the heart of Shangjun?"

The butcher walked out and drove the soldier to move a hundred and ten hundred drums and set it up. He tore off his body and showed his majestic muscles and held two sledgehammers.

Moon Tianzun sat in the back of the drums and continued to play the strings. The sound of the music came slowly, echoing with the whistling sound in the night, not too slow or slow.


The drums sounded, and the butcher picked up the sledgehammer and drummed it at the moment when the sound of the piano and the whistle broke. The sound was strong and powerful.

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